Nostradamus and RAY MABUS


The Nostradamus Quatrain about Mabus :  NOSTRADAMUS QUATRAIN #2-62

  • Mabus dies/then quickly at this time will commit (mass) murder,
  • there will come Upon men & beasts, one horrible fate;
  • Then one shall see a coup of vengeance upon all,
  • There is a great taking (of lives), thirst, anger, when the comet shall pass.

United States Secretary of the Navy : RAY MABUS

The Secretary of the Navy (or SECNAV) is a statutory office and the head of the Department of the Navy, a military department within the Department of Defense of the United States of America. The Secretary of the Navy must by law be a civilian, at least 5 years removed from active military service, and is appointed by the President and requires confirmation by a majority vote of the Senate. The Secretary of the Navy was, from its creation in 1798, a member of the President’s Cabinet until 1949, when the Secretary of the Navy was by amendments to the National Security Act of 1947 made subordinate to the Secretary of Defense. Ray MABUS started on May 19th 2009 and was appointed by President Obama.

RAY MABUS - US secretary of the Navy -

Other Facts about The MABUS Prophecy

ALUS is also written by Nostradamus but we did not care about that, ALUS and MABUS are the historical names of two tribes were living behind the iron wall, their old name is GOG and MAGOG and Arabic language explain as AJOJ and MAJOJ. So MABUS could be a nation and not a personality according history references, so MABUS could be double … it could be a state and a personality (RAY MABUS as the “helper” of the Anti Christ, in this case Barack Obama). Most people think the Third Antichrist is a personality, will appear in Damascus, Syria AND everybody thinks that he will be a muslim BUT what about the prophecy that “all people will follow him” and “he comes in peace” ???

The Anti Christ could be Vladimir Putin (My personal number 1) Nostradamus wrote “In the year 1999 and SEVEN MONTHS, from the sky….”  That would be July of 1999, Vladimir Putin became “Acting President” in August of 1999. At this time all “hope of the world” is in Russian hands (will Russia do something against the US when they attack) ?? Well Barack Obama calling Putin a lame schoolboy in the back of the classroom didn’t really help did it … ?

The 1999 prophecy of Nostradamus or was this one also double 9111 ?? Is it all connected … ? Fact is that in several old documents the “End of Times” has something to do with Damascus and Syria… The comet prophecy, funny that only months ago a large comet hit Russia, could this be a sign ? And the line horrible fate – vengeance upon all – great taking (of lives), thirst, anger … This will come after the attack, already over 100.000 killed in Syria, when the US and NATO attack, Syria will use chemical weapons and destroy the Rebels, they will attack their own people, they can’t hit the US or NATO and an chemical attack on Israel could happen but not at this time, it would be suicide …

Syria will use chemicals and tell the media that the US hit depots with cruise missiles … simple as that, Syrian leaders know when they surrender, they will be killed like Saddam Hussein, Kadhaffy … so they have nothing to lose. The 2008 economic crisis does noet help in this story, check history … a large crisis means a large war a few years after … It doesn’t matter who will win Assad or the Rebels (Remember the Rebbels in Syria are AL QAIDA and IS people !!!), these people killed thousands of Americans and we are gonna help them ?? WTF is this shit ?? They should get all children and peacefull people out of Syria and than NUKE the fucking place !!!

Is OBAMA the Anti-Christ or is he “helping” Putin to “Power” ?

MAB – BAM – O BAM A – US – H US SEIN – US – UNITED STATES, The comet could be an anagram that means war, and war will be coming soon as we know … Mabus dies could be the US Navy with OR without Ray Mabus as their leader beiing destroyed. I can’t image that it will be destroyed but … when Russia comes into the picture … everything is possible. I think the most important prophecies are made by Edgar Cayce and Baba Vanga, when you read Nostradamus, everything is possible but Edgar Cayce said : “If” there comes a third world war, it wil start in the area of Tunis, Libya and Damascus. When you think about the “Arab Spring” this prophecy is going to be fulfilled soon …

Cayce pointed to Tunis : The start of the Arab spring AND named FIRST by the sleeping prophet, Damascus (Syria) is named LAST by the prophet and he is correct. When you connect this with the prophecy of Baba Vanga, “world war III will start in November 2010” is al makes sense.. The ARAB SPRING started on December 18th 2010, so was planned before, maybe in November 2010, the real start. The other Cayce prophecy was about Japan sinking into the Sea, when you look at the pictures of the Tsunami of 2010 it’s like Japan is swallowed by the Sea. Baba Vanga predicted that Europe would be poisened by chemicals by 2014, the Fukushima reactor is poisening the whole world at the moment

The most important prophecy is from the Native American Indians, the prophecy states that clouds are above the ground in the area where they live(d). This could point to the fires at Yosemite Park that are happening at this moment ! All the prophecies are almost fulfilled … we also have our “last pope” according St Malachy … The End of Times, the Apocalypse was never this close 🙂

Also Read : Ray Mabus and The Nostradamus Prophecy !