WebBot Prophecy : Total Collapse December 2012- June 2013

Total Collapse December 2012- June 2013

As i predicted last year, December 21 2012 will not be the End – On 12-21-2012 it will be the BEGINNING of the END.

Webbot Project – Clif’s Wujo From Clif High

Complexity : Multiple time lines,if the variables where infinite ,how would we ever be able to for-see the “right”one ,. Indra`s web hey ! The fractal multiverse We can not risk tampering with the time line before doing some physical fractal experiments with them – Toss the nobles is a sacred task of experimenting with them in a mimicking of what they did to us – and will yield a measurable probability of outcome Now get to work on a areo dynamic pie with massive slpat capacity and start building a catapult If anyone asks tell them the King of Canada said it was OK.

If the solar systemis helicalcentric, why do the planets move behind the Sun ?

If we are chasing the Sun, we meaning all the planets, then none of us should go behind the Sun, relative to the others. I don’t care what happens to all of us, just as long as the tenure of TPTB comes to an end and the Earth gets off on the right foot. I believe we need to be shaken, not stirred, if we are going to come to our true senses.

Shit happening is just what we need, to catch our attention and smarten us up. We should expect 90%+ of humans to be killed by the three phases. With the increased frequency of Earth, most of us won’t be suited to reincarnate here and we won’t.

Earth will be advancing and getting rid of those that don’t qualify, like TPTB but overall most humans just are not developed enough. Those that are left, will be the breeding stock but only adequate consciousness beings will be born. Eventually all of the lower consciousness beings die out, leaving only the higher consciousness.

Take a look at the Video : http://www.facebook.com/alamongordo.prophecies

WebBot Prophecy

Source : Gerald Celente

Prophecies for 2012

Prophecies for 2012

Prophecy 2012 – 1

If Humanity Wishes To Save Itself From Biospheric Destruction It Must Return To Living in Natural Time.

Prophecy 2012 – 2

Massive destruction coming, could be in “the ring” San Francisco – Los Angeles and San Diego in danger. Area / Square Chile – Australia – Japan – Alaska – West Coast, also VisionBot forsees Europe could change in the “blink of an eye” watch area Iceland / Ice sea and area of the mediterranean sea.

Prophecy 2012 – 3

The world is in danger of a large conflict larger than world war II, all depends making the wright decision when the moment will come.

Prophecy 2012 – 4

Solar activity could peak “as never seen before” all depends on what world leaders will do (Prophecy # 3). When the wrong decision will be made you will see clear signs in the sky before the third great war will start – (This could be delayed to 2013).

Prophecy 2012 – 5

As predicted in 2010 / 2011 Vladimir Putin will come to power again in Russia, he was … is not … and will be again the President of Russia that becomes a new kind of former Soviet Union … again this depends on what will happen with Prophecy 3 and 4.

Prophecy 2012 – 6

Secrets revealed : It will become clear that China and Russia are heavily armed with high tech weapons and troops … stealth fighter … stealth subs … possibility of a nuclear aircraft carrier(s) revealed by China/Russia.

Prophecy 2012 – 7

Earthquakes will (again) get worse in 2012, possibility of a + 8,5 earthquake in the areas as described in Prophecy # 2.

Prophecy 2012 – 8

Following Nostradamus prediction will be very important after the 3 1/2 years are over ! So wathever will happen to this planet earth, keep the following nostradamus prophecy in mind !!! X.42 The humane kingdom of an Anglic offspring, Will make his reign peace and union to have: Captive war in the middle of its enclosure, (For a) Long time will make them keep the peace. X.42 -Le regne humain d’ Anglique geniture, Fera son regne paix union tenir: Captice guerre demy de sa closture, Long temps la paix leur fera maintenir. X.42 El reino humano de Anglica progenie Hara en su reino paz y union tener: Cautiva guerra en la mitad de su recinto, (Por) Largo tiempo la paz les hara mantener. X.42 Il regno umano d’ Anglica progenitura Fara il suo regno pace ed unione avere: Circoscritta guerra a meta del suo recinto, (Per) Lungo tempo la pace loro fara mantenere.

Prophecy 2012 – 9

On 21 Dec 2012 the last 3 1/2 years will start, so 21-12-2012 is not the end, it’s the beginning of the end, the beginning of a new world but first humanity will have to experience a third and last great war as predicted by Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, The Holy Qur’an, the Bible and others – All depends on (again) Prophecy # 2.

Prophecy 2012 – 10

The AntiChrist will start to “appear” on May 7th 2012, people will not know he is the Antichrist at that time, it could be 2013 or first half of 2014 when it will be clear “he” is the 3 rd Antichrist.

Prophecy 2012 – 11

Around the same time (before or after Prophecy #10) Pope Benedict XVI will die (or be removed) like the 2010-2011 prediction of Egyptian Ex-President Mubarak – The prophecy of St-Malachy will become true, the pope after Pope Benedict XVI will be (75% change) a black pope or an Asian/S-American pope, unclear, this will be the last (anti)pope.

Prophecy 2012 – 12

The time that is comming is been called “The Time of Trial on Earth,” “Judgement Day,” “The Time of Great Purification,” “The End of this Creation,” “The Quickening,” “The End of Time as We Know It,” “The Shift of the Ages”, “Judgement Day”.

Prophecy 2012 – 13

It is foretold that the completion of the Precession brings regeneration of Earth, offering “awakening” to all open, willing hearts. Many peoples spoke of these last days of the Great Cycle, including the: Maya, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois confederacy, Dogon Tribe, and Aborigines.

Prophecy 2012 – 14

December 21, 2012 AD is not the day where all of the sudden a light switch will flip on and everything will change, rather, we are since Dec 11th 2009 in the process of this transition from one World Age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date – The date 12-21-2012 will be the start of the final 3 1/2 years as predicted in several old document, between 12.21.2012 and 06.03.2016 all will happen what prophets wrote in the death sea scrolls (the warscroll) the Bible, the Holy Qur’an and The Lost Book of Nostradamus !

Prophecy 2012 – 15

They will keep secret : Radiation levels in Japan will sikken the island and other parts of the world (also South and North Korea as told in the 2011 predictions). Leaders of Japan will try to keep the large radiation levels secret so there will be no panic, people can’t flee from the Island. The Disaster will be worse than Tsjernobyl.

Nostradamus X.49 Garden of the world near the Great City In the way of the man made mountains, Shall be siezed on and plunged to the ferment, Being forced to drink sulphurous poisoned waters Current Evaluations : – Last (anti)pope will be Black, Pius ??? (Coming) – Large Vulcanic Eruption in Iceland ??? (Coming) – Vulcanic Eruption Vesuvius – Pelé (Coming) – World War III (WWIII) start area Libya Egypt Iran Davis Straits ? – Saudi Arabia Changes ? (Coming) – “New Island” will be born ? (Coming) – “Revelation” of Iran Nukes ? (Coming) – Large West Coast Disaster – Shaking of Planet ? (Coming) Our present great cycle (3113 B.C. – 2012 A.D.) is called the Age of the Fifth Sun. This time period is ruled by 4 Earth. This fifth age is the synthesis of the previous four. 4 Earth (called Caban in the Maya language and Ollin in Aztec) has several meanings, including: movement, shift, evolution, earthquake, navigation, synchronicity, clue tracking, turtle. In the Maya language, the word “ol” of ollin means consciousness. The coming end date of December 21, 2012 is also written as in Mayan long count notation; just like the beginning date. We are being invited to realize that we are Time. We are the Living Prophecy. The Synchronic Order of Natural Time governs the unfolding of our lives. Time’s cycles are found within our bodies and within Nature’s daily rhythms and cyclic seasons. We have forgotten this, thinking that time is money or that time is the clock, or the relentless progression of work weeks and weekends. Time is the ever-changing, unfolding Now as it synchronistically coordinates the Whole living Universe. The 2012 prophecy is unfolding !

Prophecies for 2012

Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012