Fukushima: The ELE No One Is Talking About !

Fukushima: The Extinction-Level Event That No One Is Talking About !

In 2011, A massive earthquake of 9.0 magnitude struck just off the coast of Japan, triggering a devastating tsunami, which left parts of the country in shambles. Official reports claim that 15,891 people lost their lives, 6,152 were injured and 2,584 were reported missing.

Japan is a nation full of nuclear reactors which produce almost 30% of the nation’s electricity. The majority of operable reactors are located across the coast, in one of the most seismically active areas of the planet!

ELE FUKUSHIMA - The Extinction Level Event - WORMWOOD Prophecy in Revelation - http://www.alamongordo.com

The devastating tsunami caused complete devastation of three of the six nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi facility, the cores of which melted withing the first three days.

The destroyed reactor sites have been dumping hundreds of tons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean, every single day for the past four years, the results of which are obvious. Radioactive cesium rapidly contaminates and ecosystem and poisons the entire food chain, and this waste offshoot has been detected in Japanese food supplies over a 200-mile radius of the Daiichi facility.

Cesium along with other radioactive waste products are bio-accumulative, meaning they accumulate in an organism at a rate faster than the organism can eliminate it. The Japanese government and TEPCO have of course, lied about the amount of radioactive waste that has been leaking into the Pacific.

TEPCO has admitted that between “20 trillion to 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium may have leaked into the sea since the disaster.” Since it’s been shown over and again, that TEPCO repeatedly lied and covered up the true extent of the disaster, that number is most likely far greater.

Naohiro Masuda, the decommissioning chief of the Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning Company, also stated that the technology does not exist to remove the highly radioactive debris from the damaged reactors:

It has been claimed that decommissioning the plant by 2051 may be impossible without huge leaps in technological advancement. It has also been estimated that the plutonium fallout has been 70,000 times greater than Hiroshima.

Have you ever heard any of this discussed by the mainstream media? I know I haven’t, it is all one huge cover-up! TEPCO has repeatedly lied and covered up the true extent of the disaster.

Childhood cancer rates, particularly, thyroid cancer.

Official sources have said repeatedly that there is no danger from the leaking radiation, but the environment would beg to differ. Sea life all along the west coast of the United States has been dying in alarming numbers, and many fish and sea creatures tested off the west coast have shown extremely high amounts of radioactivity, amounts that exceed the safety limits.

In 2013, the Huffington Post reported that massive amount of krill washed up along the west coast in a 250-mile stretch from Oregon to California. Krill is an essential part of the ocean’s food chain. When marine life on the low end of the food chain begins to die off, the larger animals that feed off the marine life starve to death.

Massive amounts of starfish (See also in Europe in 2017) have appeared along the west coast that have literally turned to mush. USA Today reported it, but of course they claim that no one knows why. It might have something to do with the fact that the Pacific has become a toxic, nuclear waste dump?

Starfish dying worldwide Belgium Europe USA Russia Japan Australia - www.alamongordo.com

98% of the sea floor of the Pacific is covered with dead sea life. But of course, global warming takes the blame by default.

“In the 24 years of this study, the past two years have been the biggest amounts of this detritus by far,” said marine biologist Christine Huffard, who works at the research station off of California. “Multiple other stations throughout the Pacific have seen similarly alarming increases.”

In Nov, 2014, Ken Buesseler, of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution claimed:

“My biggest concern is what’s going on in Japan today, and how that might make its way across to our coast. We know it’s still leaking because we’re measuring higher levels off Japan to this day.Even just the basic question, ‘How much radioactivity was released at Fukushima?’ I can’t answerthat today. We may never be able to because of the lack of sampling, particularly in the ocean.”

An experienced, veteran sailor by the name of Ivan Macfadyen, who has sailed the Pacific taking part in races, stated in an interview that: “It’s dead…for thousands of miles there was nothing [between US and Japan] like sailing in a dead sea…everything’s all gone. Just talking about it makes me feel like I want to cry. No birds, no fish, no sharks, no dolphins, no turtles, nothing.”

Truthfully, nobody knows how to contain the radioactive leaks, so the Japanese govt. and TEPCO do the next best thing, they lie and downplay the real dangers. The time for humanity to collectively wake up and come together is here and now. We cannot put off this mess, and leave it for future generations to clean up.

Source : Awarenessact & Wormwood Revelation

Visions of David Wilkerson

Visions of David Wilkerson (Published in 1974)

Earthquakes coming to United States ! The United States is going to experience in the future the most tragic earthquakes in its history. One day soon this nation will be reeling under the impact of the biggest news story of modern times. It will be coverage of the biggest most disastrous earthquake in history. It will cause widespread panic and fear, Without a doubt, it will become one of the most completely reported earthquake ever. Television networks will suspend all programming and carry all day coverage. Another earthquake , possibly in Japan may precede the one that I see coming here.

There is not the slightest doubt in my mind about this forthcoming massive earthquake in our continent. I am not at all convinced that this earthquake will take place in California. In fact, I believe it is going to take place where it is least expected. This terrible earthquake may happen in an area that is not known as an earthquake belt. It will be so high on the Richter scale that it will trigger two other major earthquakes.

Famine and Hunger coming !

Snowless winters will bring dismal crop production and famine conditions in central and western Russia, India, Pakistan , all of southeast Asia and Africa will especially hard hit. The forty-month drought in Africa and the prolonged dry spell in Brazil will both end temporarily. There will be some relief but conditions will worsen. In Africa, millions will face starvation. American food reserves will dwindle partially due to drought and flood in this country. Wheat, rice and soybean reserves will be completely exhausted. The demand for corn, rice and wheat will not be met.

The Beginning of Sorrows !

Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and hailstorms will occur more frequently. More than one-third of the United States will be designated a disaster area within the next few years.

Nature will go Wild !

Floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will destroy crops, animals and much wildlife driving prices even higher and causing some experts to suggest that nature is losing its balance. Weather will become increasing difficult to forecast. Sudden storms will appear without warning. Southernmost regions will be gripped by record cold waves and northern areas will experience record heat waves.

Short Periods of Relief !

Many men will appear to be repentant during the times of violent chastisement by natue but the short period of relief will make it appear that nature has settled down and men will be comforted by warmed, sunshine and normal seasonal weather. But more violence, far worse will soon follow. Airline pilots will be reporting the worst flying conditions in aviation history. The most intense hurricanes are coming. Many parts of the world face the most violent winters of all times. Europe faces the worst winter lashings ever.

Depletion of Relief funds !

Relief and disaster funds will become nearly depleted. Insurance companies will face huge losses. Unlimited funds are not available and the people of each nations will soon learn there will be no one left to turn to but God.

Outbreaks of Epidemics !

Mankind faces the threat of new epidemics. There will a major cholera epidemic sweeping through various underdeveloped countries. India and Pakistan face threat of untold thousands dying from epidemics and starvation.

Hailstorms !

Large chunks of ice will fall from the sky and cause much damage. These storms will not only destroy crops and smash automobiles but they will also cause the death of many people. Watch out for reports of intense ice storms and hailstorms in the future. Also prepare for the most severe winter of all time and record snowfalls in the United States and Canada.

Update 04/29/2011

David Wilkerson Dies in Car Crash on 04/27/2011, weeks after his prophesied Tsunami hit Japan !




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Visions of David Wilkerson

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Prophecies for 2011

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecy 2011 – 1

Very Large Earthquake in the beginning of 2011 will be the start of “tribulation”, in 2012 everything will get worse.

Prophecy 2011 – 2

At the end of the year solar activity will get worse, with in 2012-2013 peaks like never seen before.

Prophecy 2011 – 3

The end of the catholic church will happen in the period 2011-2012, will start in 2010 (St-Malachy prediction) Update prophecy # 19 !

Prophecy 2011 – 4

When solar activity increases, heavy storms will hit US coastal areas (2012-2013)

Prophecy 2011 – 5

The West will one day be at war with Iran, Russia or China. The start of the third big war is near : as early as the end of 2010 (Baba Vanga) and likely no later than 2012 (Nostradamus) this war will “start”. This will be the war of a more horrid version of the first and second AntiChrist, the Third Antichrist !

Prophecy 2011 – 6

War could break out between India and Pakistan / China, India will win the war if it will happen in 2013-2014-2015.

Prophecy 2011 – 7

Global economic collapse, Europe will be in big trouble, Euro and watch Spain, Portugal, Germany …

Prophecy 2011 – 8

Before the start of the third world war you will see clear signs in the sky.

Prophecy 2011 – 9

As predicted in the year 2010, the economic bubble will explode.

Prophecy 2011 – 10

If Israel attacks Iran, the so-called world war III will start – If Israel does not attack Iran, it will be destroyed. Whatever they do, it won’t be a good thing. It’s to late to “save” the world.

Prophecy 2011 – 11

Massive floods and rains will hit the earth worse than in 2010 !!!

Prophecy 2011 – 12

Massive earthquake in western hemisphere !

Prophecy 2011 – 13

Vladimir Putin is the AntiChrist after Lenin and Stalin, Putin will destroy most of the world if not stopped by the already returned Christ. The beast with the 10 crowns in revelation is the return of Russian Communism with the Antichrist as leader. Putin is using muslims to weaken the west, the attack will be sudden.

Prophecy 2011 – 14

Peaks in solar activity could trigger earthquakes and tsunamis in 2011 and 2012.

Prophecy 2011 – 15

The president of the Arab Republic of Egypt Muhammad Hosni Mubarak will die / resign / be gone at the end of the year 2010 or in 2011.

Prophecy 2011 – 16

Mabus will die at the end of 2011 till 2014, Mabus could be the US President Barack Hussein Obama OR the Egyptian President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak. Mabus is NOT “The Antichrist”, most people think he is but that is NOT true ! Nostradamus wanted to give a sign, when Mabus dies horrible things will happen to the world. He also didn’t say Mabus would be assassinated, he just “dies” – Who is Mabus ?

Prophecy 2011 – 17

More secrets will be revealed like predicted in 2010 … greater secrets !

Prophecy 2011 – 18

Suprise attack in Korea? Signs are not clear yet, more soon !

Prophecy 2011 – 19

Benedict will die / resign in 2011 / 2012, read St.Malachy Prophecy !

Prophecy 2011 – 20

Vladimir Putin will become the new russian president in 2012, he was – is not and will be again, the prophecy of the AntiChrist !

Prophecy 2011 – 21

US – Pakistan tensions

Prophecy 2011 – 22 (Update 04/27/2011 “Prophecy Signs”)

Possible large earthquake will strike in March or May 2011.


  • Important : Watch out for Moammar Gadhafi !

Update 04/23/2011 : I warned for Gadhaffi since 2 years, Colonel Gadhafi is dangerous, he didn’t use one “scud missile” yet, where are all of his missiles ? I am convinced that the moment his army will have “lost” the war he will use them ! Also be warned for Pakistan, this country is an even greater treath than Iran.

  • On May 11, 2011 a close approach seen in the sky between Venus and Jupiter. I would connect this with the rise of the new Messiah figure.
  • On Nov. 8, 2011 asteroid 2005 YU55 passes very close to earth, .4 – 1.4 Lunar Distance. Its 130 meters wide, about 400 feet, so 120 Megaton estimated energy if it hit earth, so a very large H-Bomb size explosion. Interesting that it is 3 days before 11-11-11. Follow its orbit: asteroid 2005 YU55.
  • Danger of nuclear radiation around islands of Korea, maybe nuclear attack from N-Korea or disaster in N-Korean nuke testing range ???
  • Nov. 11, 2011 or 11-11-11 is an interesting date because 11:11 was a New Age related number. A New Age or New World date? And in Revelation 11:11 the Two Witnesses are raised from the dead. Also note that 11-11-11 is exactly 93 years or 51 666 day intervals after World War I ended on 11-11-1918. So perhaps 11-11-11 will be a time of peace on Earth. Could it relate to Revelation 11:11 – the Two Witnesses?
  • When the conflict between Iran and Israel escalates in 2011, N-Korea could attack South Korea because the US needs its troops on other places, in the chaos a war could break out between India and Pakistan, India and China, if this happens Russia could take Europe, it’s possible, the current economy does’t help peace.
  • Prophecies of 2009 – 2010 – 2011 and 2012 could be delayed when the last 3 and 1/2 years start on Dec 21th 2012, if not delayed the third world war (WWIII) will start in 2010 or 2011.
  • Update : Apocalypse will not be delayed as signs of Hopi Indians and the Nostradamus Comet are fulfilled (Blue Star on Dec 11, 2009).
  • The sign predicted by the Hopi Indians, the arrival of Blue Star has happened on Dec 11th 2009, when “Blue star” arrives, soon the third big war will start acc. Hopi Ind11ian prophecy, read more about all the prophecies of these native americans.

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011