Signs in the Sun before Start of Apocalypse !

Signs in the Sun before Start of Apocalypse !

Luke 21:25-26: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity and anguish at the roaring and tossing of the sea and the waves; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.”

The sun’s heightened sunspot activity will lead to coronal mass ejections (CME) filled with solar particles or plasma that will dramatically spread out through the solar wind. Increased quantities of plasma will be carried to the Earth in giant solar waves passing through the breach in the magnetosphere. This is how one NASA scientist explained the situation: “We’re entering Solar Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numbered solar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME should open a breach and load the magnetosphere with plasma just before the storm gets underway. It’s the perfect sequence for a really big event.” (1) For some reason we should keep an eye on the Sun in 2011 : The so-called “Comet Elenin” could when it passes our Sun spark solarflares as never seen before !

Could, because it is not proven that Elenin causes the great Earthquakes on earth, but when you look at the Signs … mmm … we’ll See ! There have been numerous deadly Earthquakes over the last 10 years such as the Earthquake in Iran which killed 30.000 people, the Earthquake, which caused the devastating 2004 Tsunami that killed appr 235.000 people and had a very heavy death toll on coastlines in the Indian ocean, in 2005 there was the Pakistan Earthquake that killed 82.000 people, the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake destroyed that region and killed over 80.000 people, the Earthquake in Haiti, 230.000 people killed, the massive Chili Quake Shook the South American continent like Edgar Cayce predicted and it shortened the day, the Baja California Earthquake on April 4 and and the China Quake on April 13, which claimed over 2.200 lives. Several strong quakes these past months have struck the Indonesian region, one quake measuring 7.8 (April 6) and another 7.2 (May 9) in magnitude. Over 35 earthquakes have been measuring 6.5 or greater in magnitude since July 2010. USGS’ lists a total of 50 significant earthquakes worldwide for 2010, even worse in 2011. There’s no doubt at all that there will be many more Deadly Earthquakes to come in the very near future !

The big event alluded to by NASA Themis scientists is major disruption to satellites, telecommunications systems and the electrical power grid. What the scientists didn’t discuss is the impact on the human bioelectrical system. By 2012, individuals will need to learn to be “solar surf riders” to survive the dramatic waves of plasma pouring in through the Earth’s magnetosphere at astounding rates. According to David Sibeck, a Themis project scientist, the breach will last for the entire span of the next solar cycle. He warned: “It should be that we’re in for a tough time in the next 11 years.”

For the next 11 years, as the magnetosphere breach continues to allow up to 20 times the normal amount of plasma to bombard the Earth and the human bioelectrical system and this activity peaks around 2012, what can the Obama administration take to help prepare American citizens and humanity more generally for what’s about to occur as we approach and pass beyond 2012 over the next 11 years? What can private individuals do to prepare for the massive social and psychological effects of the human bioelectrical system as it responds to a surge in solar plasma energy entering the earth’s environment in unprecedented rates?

Will ELENIN or another dwarf planet trigger the Apocalypse ?

Several “weird” signs the last few years : In July 2011 the last Space Shuttle will be launched, i think it is really strange that the US, the “greatest nation on Earth” is stopping the Space Shuttle Program without another vehicle to go to space … The “Arab Spring” … What is happening all over the world ? The war against Libya, It seems like a distraction for greater things to come … In 2010 PLUTO turned RED … Also in 2010 Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System lost a Stripe … NASA scientists on December 16, 2008 announced that they have discovered a breach in Earth’s magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist … According to official data — with the sun 10 to 15 degrees off the horizon it should have been positioned at around 70 degrees toward the east when spotted at 5:45 am PST, when in fact it was positioned at 29-30 degrees north by northwest according to the compass … Also in 2011 scientist “discovered” that Magnetic Bubbles are seperating us from the rest of the Universe … Venus for example, is showing us marked elevations in its overall brightness … Jupiter has such a high energetic charge now that there is actually a visible tube of ionizing radiation that has formed between it and its moon. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken recently.

The gravitational pull of a planet entering the inner solar system would indeed have profound effects on all the orbiting bodies, including Earth. Evidence suggests that most of the known planets in our solar system are undergoing global warming, in fact “the polar icecaps of Mars are melting and receding at several miles a year, much faster than ours and that the moons of Saturn and Jupiter are melting, and that Jupiter is developing a second giant red spot, an enormous hurricane-like storm which is thought to be the result of a sudden warming on our solar system’s largest planet.” — “Dr. Imke de Pater of Berkeley University says some parts of Jupiter are now as much as six degrees Celsius warmer than just a few years ago” — Neptune’s moon also seems to have heated up significantly recently. Parts of its frozen nitrogen surface have begun melting and turning to gas, making Triton’s atmosphere denser. “And I promise, I haven’t left my SUV idling on any of those planets or moons. Honest, I haven’t.” one commentator said. — And not long ago it was announced that the giant-planet Jupiter had lost one of its belts! — “It was there last year, but when Jupiter came out from behind the sun on its yearly orbit, it was gone. Jupiter with only one belt is almost like seeing Saturn when its rings are edge-on and invisible for a time — it just doesn’t look right,” a skywatcher wrote. — And recently, newly released Hubble Space Telescope photos reveals that Pluto is Turning Red! Astronomers say “that it has about 20 percent more red than it used to have.” — These changes are not only to be blamed on the Sun, since such drastic changes on planets so far away, as with Pluto — if only caused by the sun — would literally fry the Earth. No, these changes could also be caused by an approaching interstellar body!

Maybe this 2012 doomsday apocalypse conspiracy isn’t so crazy after all.

Even NASA Scientists admit remarkable events are about to take place in the very near future! These giant leaks that have been found in Earth’s magnetosphere, (the region around our planet that shields us from severe solar storms) are obviously causing concern. Maybe it’s much worse then it’s played out to be. Do you really expect NASA to tell us how it really is? If these concerns are what they make known publicly, what facts are then being kept out from public view?

If you want to know what may take place, which you won’t hear from NASA, then please read on. Now in 2012 the sun’s poles are expected to reverse when the sun reach its solar maximum (the period when the sun is as most active), during this time a massive solar storm could wreak havoc on earth – usually this is no problem – but now due to the ‘cracks’ in it, Earth’s protective Magnetosphere may fail us, so the violent solar and electromagnetic radiation will make it through and cause many problems to life as we know it (eg: disabling communication satellites, mobile phones, effective sleep patterns, & radiation poisoning of humans).

Also as earth has to absorb extra radiation & energy this will cause possible changes within the earth’s core – with energy being re-dissipated from within the earth with new volcanoes formed and crust movement. With a weakening magnetosphere, more radiation and magnetically-charged plasma from our Sun (or from an approaching planet or star) will greatly influence the core of our Earth (which is magnetic), and that in turn will cause an up-tick of major earthquakes. Is this not exactly what we’ve seen so far? If you don’t know what I am talking about, take a look at the graphs below, and see the correlation of great Earthquakes and Magnetic Field anomalies!

Signs in the Sun before Start of Apocalypse



95% Of Americans Will Be Dead in the Next 5-15 Years !

95% Of Americans Will Be Dead in the Next 5-15 Years !

In this day and age….A “Conspiracy Nut” should be considered a complimentary phrase! Society isnt just asleep they’re in a COMA! With the information we have here at our fingertips…The majority of the people that are still “asleep” dont want to know the truth.. ..I couldnt beleive when my boss told me she didnt want to know the truth…the scary part–she was TOTALLY SERIOUS!

Survival expert and health guru, Blake Sawyer, argued that the United States will no longer be a viable place to live, and people should consider immigrating to locations in the less populated Southern Hemisphere. Whether through war, disease, famine, natural disasters, or ruthless government, he predicted that 95% of those who remain in the US will be dead in the next 5-15 years. America has been targeted by the “globalists” to be taken out, he added. Sawyer noted that the United States ranks highest in violent crime, and that countries in the Southern Hemisphere are much more tranquil. In particular, he highlighted nations in the southern region of South America as being good choices for survivability, specifically Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, and Ecuador. “I…believe that the average American does not know that they’re the frog in cold water, and they think they’re OK, and they’re now boiling,” he declared.

Survivalism is a movement of individuals or groups (called  survivalists or preppers) who are actively preparing for emergencies as  well as possible disruptions in social or political order, on scales  ranging from local to international. Survivalists often have emergency  medical and self-defence training, stockpile food and water, prepare for self-sufficiency, and build structures that will help them survive or  “disappear” (e.g. a survival retreat or underground shelter).

Anticipated disruptions include the following:

  • Clusters of natural disasters, patterns of apocalyptic planetary crises, or  Earth Changes (tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, solar  storms, severe thunderstorms).
  • A disaster caused by the activities of humankind (chemical spills, release of radioactive materials, nuclear  or conventional war, oppressive governments).
  • The general collapse of society caused by the shortage or unavailability of resources such as electricity, fuel, food, or water.
  • Financial disruption or economic collapse (caused by monetary manipulation, hyperinflation, deflation, or depression).
  • A global pandemic.
  • Widespread chaos or some other unexplained apocalyptic event.

The third wave of Survivalism began after the September 11, 2001 attacks  and subsequent bombings in Bali, Madrid, and London. This resurgence of  interest in survivalism appears to be as strong as the first wave in the 1970s. The fear of war, avian influenza, energy shortages,  environmental disasters and global climate change, coupled with economic uncertainty, and the apparent vulnerability of humanity after the 2004  Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, has once  again made survivalism popular. Preparedness is once more a paramount  concern to many people who seek to stockpile supplies, gain useful  skills, and develop contacts with like-minded people to learn as much as possible.

Many books have been published in the past few years  [2008-2012] offering survival advice for various potential disasters,  ranging from an energy shortage and crash to nuclear or biological  terrorism. In addition to the 1970s-era books, blogs and Internet forums are popular ways of disseminating survivalism information. Online  survival websites and blogs discuss survival vehicles, survival  retreats, emerging threats, and list survivalist groups.

Economic troubles emerging from the credit collapse triggered by the 2007 US  subprime mortgage lending crisis and global grain shortages have  prompted a wider cross-section of the populace to prepare. James Wesley  Rawles, the editor of SurvivalBlog and author of the survivalist novel  Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse was quoted by the  New York Times in April 2008, stating: “interest in the survivalist  movement ‘is experiencing its largest growth since the late 1970s'”. In  2009, he was quoted by the Associated Press as stating: “There’s so many people who are concerned about the economy that there’s a huge interest in preparedness, and it pretty much crosses all lines, social,  economic, political and religious. There’s a steep learning curve going  on right now.”

The advent of H1N1 Swine Flu in 2009 piqued  interest in survivalism, significantly boosting sales of preparedness  books and making survivalism more mainstream. Events such as the 2010  Haiti earthquake, the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and the 2011  Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami have revitalized the survivalist  community. These developments led Gerald Celente, founder of the  Trends Research Institute, to identify a trend that he calls  “Neo-Survivalism”. He explained this phenomenon in a radio interview  with Jim Puplava on December 18, 2009:

The common theme in  conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power  elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which replaces sovereign  nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda that ideologizes its  establishment as the culmination of history’s progress.

  1. Money addiction (single most effective dopamine trigger!!) [Olds J, Milner P. (1954). “Positive reinforcement produced by electrical stimulation of septal area and other regions of rat brain”. J Comp Physiol Psychol 47 (6): 41927.]
  2. Under-diagnosed, tolerated and in Western Nihilizations hugely honored antisocial personality disorder (ICD-10 / 3-6% male pop.), which destroys reciprocal altruism. This is what the 401K’s are based on… nothing! Manipulation! Get out of the ‘market’. Leave them to their own devices.

95% Of Americans Will Be Dead in the Next 5-15 Years

Source : GeraldCelente

Signs in the Sun, Moon, Stars and upon Earth : Massive Explosions seen on the Sun !

Signs in the Sun, Moon, Stars and upon Earth : Massive Explosions seen on the Sun !

Since the last of the 3 eclipses in 2012 (See : The Lost Book of Nostradamus) several signs can be seen upon Earth and starts ! Israel killed the Hammas leader just after the last of 3 solar eclipses and the new Gaza war started, at this time President Obama is still not doing anything to stop the conflicts in the Middle East, as written he is helping the AntiChrist come to power, Obama himself does not know this (“The AntiChrist will rise on a platform of Peace”), by wanting peace and doing nothing at the moment Obama is helping the AntiChrist … I still think Vladimir Putin is the AntiChrist (Did you know that Russia has over 10 times more secret agents now than during the Cold War ?!?) Also as written before Putin upgraded Russia’s nuclear arsenal (2008-2012) … Red Rain falling in Sri Lanka just Days Ago, Red Rain ?!? If correct the following plates in the Lost Book of Nostradamus, plate 71 and plate 72 predicts a War … In plate 72, the Book of Life is Empty ! In plate 73 you can see the World is destroyed …

Luke 21:25-26: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity and anguish at the roaring and tossing of the sea and the waves; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken !

A truly gigantic explosion happened on the sun yesterday. On Nov. 16th, magnetic fields snaking halfway across the sun’s southern hemisphere erupted in tandem, producing a prominence so big, it doesn’t fit inside this image from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO): “The red-glowing looped material is plasma, a hot gas made of electrically charged hydrogen and helium,” officials with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, which oversees the SDO mission, explained in a description. “The prominence plasma flows along a tangled and twisted structure of magnetic fields generated by the sun’s internal dynamo. An erupting prominence occurs when such a structure becomes unstable and bursts outward, releasing the plasma.” The blast hurled a CME into space, but the cloud does not appear to be heading for Earth … It’s not if a massive CME will come to Earth, it’s WHEN …

Massive Explosions seen on the Sun


Prophecies for 2011

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecy 2011 – 1

Very Large Earthquake in the beginning of 2011 will be the start of “tribulation”, in 2012 everything will get worse.

Prophecy 2011 – 2

At the end of the year solar activity will get worse, with in 2012-2013 peaks like never seen before.

Prophecy 2011 – 3

The end of the catholic church will happen in the period 2011-2012, will start in 2010 (St-Malachy prediction) Update prophecy # 19 !

Prophecy 2011 – 4

When solar activity increases, heavy storms will hit US coastal areas (2012-2013)

Prophecy 2011 – 5

The West will one day be at war with Iran, Russia or China. The start of the third big war is near : as early as the end of 2010 (Baba Vanga) and likely no later than 2012 (Nostradamus) this war will “start”. This will be the war of a more horrid version of the first and second AntiChrist, the Third Antichrist !

Prophecy 2011 – 6

War could break out between India and Pakistan / China, India will win the war if it will happen in 2013-2014-2015.

Prophecy 2011 – 7

Global economic collapse, Europe will be in big trouble, Euro and watch Spain, Portugal, Germany …

Prophecy 2011 – 8

Before the start of the third world war you will see clear signs in the sky.

Prophecy 2011 – 9

As predicted in the year 2010, the economic bubble will explode.

Prophecy 2011 – 10

If Israel attacks Iran, the so-called world war III will start – If Israel does not attack Iran, it will be destroyed. Whatever they do, it won’t be a good thing. It’s to late to “save” the world.

Prophecy 2011 – 11

Massive floods and rains will hit the earth worse than in 2010 !!!

Prophecy 2011 – 12

Massive earthquake in western hemisphere !

Prophecy 2011 – 13

Vladimir Putin is the AntiChrist after Lenin and Stalin, Putin will destroy most of the world if not stopped by the already returned Christ. The beast with the 10 crowns in revelation is the return of Russian Communism with the Antichrist as leader. Putin is using muslims to weaken the west, the attack will be sudden.

Prophecy 2011 – 14

Peaks in solar activity could trigger earthquakes and tsunamis in 2011 and 2012.

Prophecy 2011 – 15

The president of the Arab Republic of Egypt Muhammad Hosni Mubarak will die / resign / be gone at the end of the year 2010 or in 2011.

Prophecy 2011 – 16

Mabus will die at the end of 2011 till 2014, Mabus could be the US President Barack Hussein Obama OR the Egyptian President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak. Mabus is NOT “The Antichrist”, most people think he is but that is NOT true ! Nostradamus wanted to give a sign, when Mabus dies horrible things will happen to the world. He also didn’t say Mabus would be assassinated, he just “dies” – Who is Mabus ?

Prophecy 2011 – 17

More secrets will be revealed like predicted in 2010 … greater secrets !

Prophecy 2011 – 18

Suprise attack in Korea? Signs are not clear yet, more soon !

Prophecy 2011 – 19

Benedict will die / resign in 2011 / 2012, read St.Malachy Prophecy !

Prophecy 2011 – 20

Vladimir Putin will become the new russian president in 2012, he was – is not and will be again, the prophecy of the AntiChrist !

Prophecy 2011 – 21

US – Pakistan tensions

Prophecy 2011 – 22 (Update 04/27/2011 “Prophecy Signs”)

Possible large earthquake will strike in March or May 2011.


  • Important : Watch out for Moammar Gadhafi !

Update 04/23/2011 : I warned for Gadhaffi since 2 years, Colonel Gadhafi is dangerous, he didn’t use one “scud missile” yet, where are all of his missiles ? I am convinced that the moment his army will have “lost” the war he will use them ! Also be warned for Pakistan, this country is an even greater treath than Iran.

  • On May 11, 2011 a close approach seen in the sky between Venus and Jupiter. I would connect this with the rise of the new Messiah figure.
  • On Nov. 8, 2011 asteroid 2005 YU55 passes very close to earth, .4 – 1.4 Lunar Distance. Its 130 meters wide, about 400 feet, so 120 Megaton estimated energy if it hit earth, so a very large H-Bomb size explosion. Interesting that it is 3 days before 11-11-11. Follow its orbit: asteroid 2005 YU55.
  • Danger of nuclear radiation around islands of Korea, maybe nuclear attack from N-Korea or disaster in N-Korean nuke testing range ???
  • Nov. 11, 2011 or 11-11-11 is an interesting date because 11:11 was a New Age related number. A New Age or New World date? And in Revelation 11:11 the Two Witnesses are raised from the dead. Also note that 11-11-11 is exactly 93 years or 51 666 day intervals after World War I ended on 11-11-1918. So perhaps 11-11-11 will be a time of peace on Earth. Could it relate to Revelation 11:11 – the Two Witnesses?
  • When the conflict between Iran and Israel escalates in 2011, N-Korea could attack South Korea because the US needs its troops on other places, in the chaos a war could break out between India and Pakistan, India and China, if this happens Russia could take Europe, it’s possible, the current economy does’t help peace.
  • Prophecies of 2009 – 2010 – 2011 and 2012 could be delayed when the last 3 and 1/2 years start on Dec 21th 2012, if not delayed the third world war (WWIII) will start in 2010 or 2011.
  • Update : Apocalypse will not be delayed as signs of Hopi Indians and the Nostradamus Comet are fulfilled (Blue Star on Dec 11, 2009).
  • The sign predicted by the Hopi Indians, the arrival of Blue Star has happened on Dec 11th 2009, when “Blue star” arrives, soon the third big war will start acc. Hopi Ind11ian prophecy, read more about all the prophecies of these native americans.

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011