November 2010 : The World War III Trigger !
Baba Vanga predicted that World War III would start in november 2010, like the prophesied warning from the secrets of Fatima that predicted a great sign in the sky when world war II would start, on Jan 25th 1938 there was a large solarstorm and 45 days after Hitler invaded Austria, this was the real start of World War II !
Read our article “The Fatima Storm” for more information !
It could be the same with the Baba Vanga prophecy, the trigger could happen in November 2010, so here are the most important news facts of the november month in 2010 :
- Republicans sweep US House !
- Fed to Buy Extra $600 Billion of Treasuries to Boost Growth !
- Obama visits India and doesn’t make a stopover in Pakistan !
- Israel PM called Iran the world’s biggest treath !
- Obama visits Indonesia !
- Denver initiative calls for Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission !
- Meeting G20 with currency conflicts !
- Dollar under pressure in november 2010 !
- Mysterious: Missile off the coast of Southern California !
- Japan and China conflict about island !
- Gunfire along border N-korea and S-korea !
- UFO spotted in Centreville ?
- Will G20 meeting be the start of WWIII ?
- Largest solarflare in current solarcycle hits earth !
- Respite for Ireland, euro after sharp selloff !
- Obama opposes permanent extension of tax cuts for rich !
- Summit of Asia-Pacific leaders !
- Haiti cholera outbreak !
- Finland’s nuclear waste bunker built to last 100,000 years !
- Iran arms-smuggling case roils Nigeria !
- Russian lawmaker calls for investigation into spy ring leak !
- Indonesia volcano death toll tops 200 !
- G-20: We’ll avoid currency war !
- US and Israel discuss security !
- Leaders of Russia and Japan to meet !
- Middle East : Iraq pact heralds new political era !
- Netanyahu tests Obama, again !
- Ariel Sharon: Former Israeli prime minister moved home !
- Pope writes Ahmadinejad of Catholics’ plight !
- Netanyahu Says Iran Needs to Know All Options are Open !
- Security Council to release long-delayed North Korea nuclear report !
- Netanyahu says Iran must fear military strike !
- N-Korea : Nuclear Revelations could be trigger to WWIII !
- Russia deploys missile system in Georgian territory !
- NATO agrees on missile defense system for most of Europe, the U.S. !
- Pope says condoms may be OK in some circumstances !
- NATO: Afghanistan handover in 2014 !
- Accused arms dealer claims U.S. tried to force a confession !
- The Irish Crisis: The beginning of the End for Europe ?
- U.S. and allies spar with Iran over nuclear talks venue !
- Terror battle likely to top Obama agenda in India !
- China’s former nuclear chief gets life sentence !
- Report: Chinese hijacked U.S. web traffic !
- CNN Poll: Americans see China as economic threat !
- U.N. report alleges North Korea exported nuclear technology !
- Iran offers new nuclear talks !
- Watch Out for : LYBIA !!!
- Saudi king heading to U.S. for blood clot treatment !
- Ireland requests billions in euro loans from EU !
- Obama: Russia, U.S. will collaborate on missile defense !
- NATO and Afghanistan sign pact !
- Euro and dollar like two drunken men !