Alexei Fud Prophecies

Alexei Fud Prophecies

Alexey Fud, a well-known Russian clairvoyant, has made a breakthrough forecast and Prediction for 2019.

According to him, in 2019 one of the American cities will be hit with a nuclear bomb. Alexey knew this long before and waited for the chance to tell about it. He decided to reveal the information he was given and share it with ApiNews in Russia. It’ no use to say anything about the year 2012, it will be 2019 when the international politics and the model of the world will be defined.

The year 2019 will bring much pain for the USA. In the second half of 2019, to my deep regret, terrorists will achieve nuclear explosives and blow it up. One of the largest cities in the US will be wiped of the map.

First of all as i can see, New-York is under threat. But terrorist can still change their plans, it may be Los Angeles, Detroit, or Chicago as well. Four cities are mentioned with New York as the most probable target. But i should emphasize that terrorist can choose any variant if New-York would fail.

After the explosion, the US will lead a full-scale war against the Arab World. It’s quite possible that the standoff would end up with the Third World War. But it would be rather local one Nuclear Weapons if the blast occurs in the US, could be used against the Arab countries, and in this case the situation would get closer to the World War. Hopefully Russia won’t get involved.

Alexei Fud Prophecies

Russia Plans Invasion United States

Russia Plans Invasion United States

Some of the Prophecies of Our Lady of the Roses are fast becoming a reality. On March 26, 1983 Our Lady warned, “Russia plans to invade the United States with missiles”. The term “missile” is commonly associated with the much larger ICBM’s and submarine ballistic nuclear missiles. Yet if the term also refers to portable nuclear devices and “briefcase nukes”, this prophecy of Our Lady now appears to be explained and approaching fulfillment.

Threats of nuclear terrorism

One of the latest articles : Apr 11, 2010 – Obama says Nuclear terrorism is the single biggest threat to U.S. In the past there where threats from terrorist bin Laden, and growing evidence that “suitcase nukes” are in the hands of terrorist organizations, may indicate the approaching fulfillment of two Our Lady of the Roses prophecies that Russia plans to invade the United States with “missiles” and a prophetic vision given to Veronica on March 26, 1983 of a nuclear warhead in an abandoned New York City subway tunnel.

KGB defector testifies before Congress In a Congressional hearing in 2000

KGB defector Colonel Stanislav Lunev testified to the presence of small briefcase-sized nuclear devices that have been smuggled into the United States, awaiting a future date when they will be used by KGB agents. Following are excepts as taken from Newsmax, January 25, 2000: Los Angeles – Stanislav Lunev, the highest-ranking Soviet spy ever to defect, warned members of Congress Monday a pre-emptive nuclear strike by Russia on American soil is a real possibility.

At a House Committee on Government Reform hearing here, the one-time colonel in Soviet and then Russian Federation military intelligence, gave a chilling presentation of his country’s Cold War plans to defeat the United States. Under federal witness protection, Lunev was escorted into the hearing room with a black bag covering his head. From behind a screen to shield him from the view of the audience, Lunev testified Soviet generals had designed a special plan for the future war against America and its allies in which special-operation forces commanders would come to the United States and other NATO countries a few days, maybe even a few hours before actual war. Lunev said one of his espionage assignments had been to scout “drop sites” for weapons caches.

He said he believes Russian military weapons are currently hidden in strategic points all across the United States and Europe for just such a purpose. Those hidden stockpiles of weapons would include portable nuclear devices, chemical and biological weapons, conventional weapons and incendiary devices, he said. Lunev told the panel the weapon caches could be used whenever the Russian commanders in charge are given the “go”.

“Ex-spy fears sneak Russian attack”

Stephan Archer (January 25, 2000) 60 Minutes – TV interview of Russian General Lebed General Alexander Lebed was for a short time the chairman of the Russian Security Council and Boris Yeltsin’s senior national security adviser. Lebed revealed on CBS’s 60 Minutes broadcast on September 7, 1997 that Russia had built small, portable nuclear bombs called “Special Atomic Demolition Munitions” that are designed for sabotage, and are truly nuclear “first strike” weapons that would be used at the outbreak of nuclear war by saboteurs.

During Lebed’s short time in power, he ordered the Russian military to make an accounting of these weapons. According to Lebed, “more than a hundred” of the briefcase-sized nuclear devices are missing. He also warned : Can you imagine what would happen psychologically, morally, if this weapon is detonated in a big city ? No government would want to see such a situation. About 50,000 to 70,000, up to 100,000 people would be killed.

Prophecy : My child, the last time We spoke to you, We told you that there was a far greater message to be given to mankind. This is the message: That Russia plans to invade the United States with missiles. There is much that you don’t know, my poor children, or perhaps some think it best that you don’t know what is happening within your governments. Many of the newspapers and other means of relaying this to you have been silenced.

But I, as your Mother, beg intercession through Jesus to the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost to spare you these terrible punishments. If there is a need for more victim souls, let them be satisfied to know that they have been warned. My child, I know this has been a complete shock to you, but this message must go throughout the world. Awaken those who sleep before it is too late.” (Our Lady, March 26, 1983).

Russia Plans Invasion United States

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Economic Prophecies and Visions

Economic Prophecies and Visions

Prophecies of The virgin Mary about the economy

A massive World Monetary Depression. (Prophecy of 9-7-1985) Our Lady

My child and My children, the days will grow darker, and there will be hunger in your land. Yes, My child, what I brought you here for this evening is to tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government – an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression.

I can illustrate to you, My children, what I mean by this monetary depression. Should you go and wish to buy a small instrument, even a guitar, that We hear plucking away at the dervishly, and devilry, of what is called the musical Mass, strung by guitars, and other creations of satan. My child, I go on to tell you, you will say that the guitar is not a costly item, but in order to buy this guitar you will carry an actual satchel, an overnight bag – size, My child – let Us put it that way clearly – of notes, your currency. It will take a whole suitcase of paper – paper money that no longer has a value. You will soon be reduced to bartering for your food. My child, I know you are affrighted at this word ‘war’; ‘death’, ‘turmoil’, ‘depression’, but what can I do but tell you the truth. I cannot smooth over it, for I would be accepted like those upon earth who like ostriches, they walk about, proud in their scientific knowledge.

A planned Great Depression. (Prophecy of 10-1-1988) Jesus

My child and My children, pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Keep this going throughout the United States and all of the nations of the world, for there is little time left. Soon, in the plans of the Eternal Father, He shall set forth and allow to come upon mankind, a great money disaster. In this way it will prove to you that the disaster back in the 1920’s, My children, was as nothing compared to what will happen now. I talk of a great depression coming upon mankind.

Destruction of the World Monetary Systems. (Prophecy of 11-1-1985) Our Lady

You will understand and broadcast the message to the world that there will be a great destruction in the monetary systems of the world. It will affect both the United States and Canada, and all the great powers of the world. And I repeat again: You will go to your stores to do your shopping carrying papers which may as well be newspapers, for the value they will have to purchase even food will be nil. How can a great country like the United States fall, you say, My child?

You ask Me in your heart. I read your heart. I will tell you why. Because they have given themselves over to satan. When a country has lost its morality and seeks the pleasures of the flesh, giving over, themselves over, to all manner of abominations, like homosexuality, and condoning this up the highest courts of the land, then that country shall fall.

Gathering of the world’s money to control the masses. (Prophecy of 2-10-1978) Jesus

Man shall not create a new world as he seeks. For there cannot be a lasting world without His God. And I speak not of the false idols and gods that man creates in his human nature! There is only one Creator. You who cast aside this knowledge and choose to set yourselves up by power and the gathering of the world’s money to control the masses, you will find that all of your power and all of your volumes of gold and silver cannot hold back the heavens as they descend upon you in a just chastisement. The world, the earth shall tremble, fear shall come upon mankind as he watches the approach of the destruction that he himself has chosen to set loose.

Evil Force like an Octopus. (Prophecy of 6-24-1976) Our Lady

There is a great evil force now enshrouding your world; it is like an octopus reaching out in every direction to ensnare the world. It is a force of evil set up by Satan. There are many arms of the octopus controlled by the monies of the world. For the love of money and riches, many will sell their souls to get to the head. O My children, what do you gain if you gather all of the riches of the world and destroy your soul.

When you come over the veil, and you will come over the veil, what will you bring with you – nothing of the material. You must gather your riches in Heaven now. They are supernatural: the graces, the merits that will allow you to enter into the Kingdom of your God.

Economic Prophecies and Visions



Wikileak reveals nuclear threat lurking in Europe !

Wikileak reveals nuclear threat lurking in Europe

Secret files have revealed that terrorists claim to be hiding a nuclear bomb in Europe, according to WikiLeaks.

An al-Qaeda commander claims that a such a dirty bomb will apparently be detonated if Osama bin Laden is captured or assassinated. The files also reveal only one in three detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp was classed as a dangerous terrorist. About half were foot soldiers and one in five was innocent. The documents, shown to a number of newspapers, detail the interrogations of the 780 people who have passed through the US detention camp in Cuba.

Information that they provided during interrogations is also listed. About 220 of those detained were assessed as dangerous international terrorists, while about 380 are judged to be lower-level troops. At least 150 people were held and assessed but released because of a lack of evidence, according to the files. More than 100 al-Qaeda terrorists are said to have been held at the centre, the most senior being Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

He is accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks and faces a military tribunal this year. Sheikh Mohammed’s file is said to state: ‘Detainee had numerous plots and plans for operations targeting the US, its allies, and interests worldwide. ‘Targeting priorities were determined by initially assessing those that would have the greatest economic impact, and secondly which would awaken people politically.’

Sheikh Mohammed is said to have told interrogators al-Qaeda would unleash a ‘nuclear hellstorm’ and planned to recruit staff at Heathrow airport. The Guantanamo Bay centre was opened by the US government four months after the 9/11 attacks and holds about 180 people at present. Torture-style techniques were used there during the Bush administration.

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Wikileak reveals nuclear threat lurking in Europe !

