Barack Obama Prophecies

Barack Obama in Prophecy : in the years 1980-1990 there was a book about the prophecies of Nostradamus mentioning a black American President. There are at least eight biblical reasons why Barack Obama may lead the United States to fulfill the predictions in the Apocalypse (also known as the Book of Revelation) and Barack Obama’s name is found in the Torah Code !

And that there are many older writings that indicate that Barack Hussein Obama may set the United States up for utter destruction!

Kenyan Prophet Johanwa Owalo’s – 100-year old prophecy

So far have they [the United States] strayed into wickedness in those [future] times that their destruction has been sealed by my [father]. Their great cities will burn, their crops and cattle will suffer disease and death, their children will perish from diseases never seen upon this Earth, and I reveal to you the greatest [mystery] of all as I have been allowed to see that their [the United States] destruction will come about through the vengeful hands of one of our very own sons.

Obama could appear to be the fulfillment of this prophecy as he is, indeed, a ‘son’ of the Kenyan Luo tribal religion.

Blessed Rembordt

Blessed Rembordt

  • God will punish the world when men have devised marvelous inventions that will lead them to forget God.
  • They will have horseless carriages; they will fly like birds.

The “Blessed Rembordt” Prophecy

This prophecy does not, at least on a certain level, speak to us as much as some others might (like St. John Bosco’s). At any rate, we find this one particularly interesting because he speaks of “horseless carriages” and men “fly[ing] like birds,” both of which we have and do. (Predicts Cars and Planes). Of course, the real interest to be drawn from this prophecy stems from the first part, that “God will punish the world.” This prophecy does not, however, speak of any specifics, so we are left to draw our own conclusions.

Blessed Rembordt

Emanuel Swedenborg Predictions

Emanuel Swedenborg Predictions

The Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed. All the Predictions in the Apocalypse are at This Day Fulfilled The destruction of the world is not meant by the Day of the Last Judgment. The procreations of the human race on the earths will never cease.

Heaven and Hell are from the human race. All who have ever been born men from the beginning of creation, and are deceased, are either in Heaven or in Hell. The Last Judgment must be where all are together, thus in the spiritual world, and not on earth.

The Last Judgment exists when the end of the church is; and the end of the church is when there is no faith because there is no charity. All things which are predicted in the Apocalypse are at this day fulfilled. The Last Judgment has been accomplished. Babylon and its destruction. The former heaven and its abolishment. The state of the world and of the church hereafter.

Emanuel Swedenborg Predictions

India in Prophecy

India in Prophecy

Different Prophets had Visions and made Predictions for India !

Jonathan Hansen

India turn from your wicked ways ! India, India a land and people so diversified; you are divided by problems – sins as large as the ocean; you are divided by the sea. Turn back to me. All people come from me. I make them blameless, innocent from transgressions, from the coming Judgment. Then, they go their own way: they make their own gods of mortar, brick and clay; They choose their own prophets; from the dust of earth they came, and unto the dust they go.

None with eternal life, just prophets of doom and death; a spirit from a false god, only a ‘form’ of myself. I will surely visit your transgressions, and your iniquities, I already see. None will escape from the eyes or ears of the Lord; for I see and hear all things, all lies, all secrets and all filthy abominations that daily go out throughout the land. Turn, turn from your wicked ways, saith the Lord of Hosts, for I am the King of Glory.

You will not stand against me with all your wizards and sorcerers. I am a jealous God and my rage is about full. I will visit your sons and daughters with the wrath of my indignation, and will know I live. Your eyes will melt before thee and your ears burst; your skin will burn and you will remember this day of warning. Turn to me, turn to me, while there is still time, while my mercy and grace still flow. For I am coming with a sword, with pestilence and fire; and you will know that I live thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the living God of Israel and all nations, Jesus Christ the Lord. I am the Hope of Glory, King of all rulers; The Ruler that is yet to come and reign over land, ocean, sea, the world foundation and all that dwell therein.


India and The USA will be Allies “If” the great war comes (See: Nostradamus, Hopi Indians) the USA and India will become Allies to stop forces from the “East” and “West”. Pakistan will become the enemy of the USA, just like the US helped IRAQ in the 1980-1988 war and after – The US had to fight against its own weapons.


India will win the war against Pakistan The Religion of the name of the seas will win out Against the sect of the son of “Adaluncatif”: The stubborn, lamented sect will be afraid Of the two wounded by A and A. (Nostradamus X.96). The religion of the name of the seas may be “Hindu”. The word Indian came from the word Hindu and Indians call the Indian Ocean “Hind Mahasagar (Ocean)” and India as “Hindustan”, literally meaning the land of the Hindus.

No other major religion has any remote connection in its name with any ocean. Adaluncatif, whatever or whoever this is, this surely is a Muslim sounding name. The sect of the son of Adaluncatif is then Islam. “The stubborn, lamented sect” – Nostradamus’s way of describing Islam). A & A, the name of the person “Adaluncatif” contains these initial alphabets. May be some thing like Acdun-al-Atif (Abdul-al-Atif) or something close.

What is apparent is that “Adaluncatif” – a Muslim will carry out an attack against the people whose religion is of the name of the seas (probably Hindus) who, in turn, will then retaliate causing the Muslims to fear them. This might indicate a future attack on two senior Indian leaders by Islamic Terrorists, which will injure the two leaders, but will fail to kill them. These leaders will then order retaliatory attacks on Pakistan, which will cause fear among them. Ultimately, India will win the war against Pakistan.

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Sixains of Nostradamus

The Sixains of Nostradamus

Nostradamus Sixains I

Avtres Propheties de M.Nostradamus, Pour les Ans Courans en Ce Siecle. I. Siecle nouueau, alliance nouuelle,Vn Marquisat mis dans la nacelle,A qui plus fort des deux l’emportera,D’vn Duc d’vn Roy, gallere de Florance,Port à Marseil, Pucelle dans la France,De Catherine fort chef on rasera.

New century, new alliance, A Marquisate put in the bark, To him who the stronger of the two will carry it off, Of a Duke and of a King, falley of Florence, Port at Marseilles, the Damsel in France, The chief fort of Catherine will be razed.

Nostradamus Sixains II

Que d’or d’argent fera despendre,Quand Comte voudra Ville prendre,Tant de mille & mille soldats,Tuez, noyez, sans y rien faire,Dans plus forte mettra pied terre,Pigmée ayde des Censuarts.

How much gold and silver will have to be spent When the Count will desire to take the town, Many thousands and thousands of soldiers, Drowned, killed, without doing anything there, In stronger land will he set foot, Pygmy aid by the Copy-holders.

Nostradamus Sixains III

La Ville sans dessus dessous,Renuersée de mille coupsDe canons: & forts dessous terre:Cinq ans tiendra: le tout remis,Et lasche à ses ennemis,L’eau leur fera apres la guerre.

The Town without above below, Overturned by a thousand shots From cannons : and fortifications underground : Five years will it hold : everything delivered up, And left for its enemies, The water will make war upon them afterwards.

Nostradamus Sixains IV

D’vn rond, d’vn lis, naistra vn si grand Prince,Bien tost, & tard venu dans sa Prouince,Saturne en Libra en exaltation:Maison de Venus en descroissante force,Dame en apres masculin soubs l’escorse,Pour maintenir l’heureux sang de Bourbon.

Of a circle, of a lily, there will be born a very great Prince,Very soon, and late come into his Province, Saturn in Libra in exaltation : The House of Venus in decreasing force, The Lady thereafter masculine under the bark,In order to maintain the happy Bourbon blood.

Nostradamus Sixains V

Celuy qui la Principauté,Tiendra par grande cruauté,A la fin verra grand phalange:Par coup de feu tres dangereux,Par accord pourroit faire mieux,Autrement boira suc d’Orange.

He who the Principality Will hold through great cruelty, He will see his great phalanx at its end : By very dangerous gunshot, By agreement he could do better, Otherwise he will drink Orange juice.

Nostradamus Sixains VI

Quand de Robin la traistreuse entreprise,Mettra Seigneurs & en peine vn grand Prince,Sceu par la Fin, chef on luy tranchera:La plume au vent, amye dans Espagne,Poste attrappé estant dans la campagne,Et l’escriuain dans l’eauë se jettera.

When the treacherous enterprise of Robin Will cause Lords and a great Prince trouble, Known by Lafin, his head will be cut off : The feather in the wind, female friend to Spain, The messenger trapped while in the country, And the scribe will throw himself into the water.

Nostradamus Sixains VII

La sangsuë au loup se ioindra,Lorsqu’en mer le bled defaudra,Mais le grand Prince sans enuie,Par ambassade luy donraDe son bled pour luy donner vie,Pour vn besoin s’en pouruoira.

The leech will attach itself to the wolf, When the grain will sink into the sea, But the great Prince without envy, Through his embassy he will give him Of his own grain to give him life, He will provide himself with it for time of need.

Nostradamus Sixains VIII

Vn peu deuant l’ouuert commerce,Ambassadeur viendra de perse, Nouuelle au franc pays porter:Mais non receu, vaine esperanceA son grand Dieu sera l’offance,Feignant de le vouloir quitter.

Shortly before the opening of commerce, An ambassador will come from Persia, To bring news to the Frank land : But unreceived, vain hope, It will be an offense to his great God, Pretending to desire to abandom him.

Nostradamus Sixains IX

Deux estendars du costé de l’Auuergne,Senestre pris, pour un temps prison regne,Et vne Dame enfans voudra mener,Au Censuart mais descouuert l’affaire,Danger de mort murmure sur la terre,Germain, Bastille frere & soeur prisonnier.

Two standards from the direction of Auvergne,The left one taken, for a time prison rule, And a Lady will want to lead her child To the Copy-holder but the affair is discovered, Danger of death and murmur throughout the land, German, brother and sister prisoner in the Bastille.

Nostradamus Sixains X

Ambassadeur pour vne Dame, A son vaisseau mettra la rame, Pour prier le grand medecin : Que de l’oster de telle peine, Mais en ce s’opposera Royne, Grand peine auant qu’en veoir la fin.

The Ambassador for a Lady To his vessel will put the oar, To beseech the great physician That he relieve her of such pain, But to this a Queen will be opposed, Great pain before seeing the end of it.

Nostradamus Sixains XI

Durant le siecle on verra deux ruisseaux, Tout vn terroir inonder de leurs eaux, Et submerger par ruisseaux & fontaines: Coups & Monfrin Beccoyran, & ales,Par le gardon bien souuant trauaillez, Six cens & quatre alez, & trente moines.

During the century one will see two streams Flood an entire land with their waters, And to be submerged by streams and fountains : Shots at Montfrin Bou cced oiron and Alais, Very often troubled by the Gardon, Six hundred and four, and thirty monks.

Nostradamus Sixains XII

Six cens & cinq tres grand nouuelle,De deux Seigneurs la grand querelle,Proche de Genaudan sera,A vne Eglise apres l’offrandeMeurtre commis, prestre demandeTremblant de peur se sauuera.

Six hundred and five very great news, The great quarrel of the two Lords, It will take place near Gevaudan, At a church after the offering Murder committed, the priest begs Trembling with fear he will flee.

Nostradamus Sixains XIII

L’auanturier six cens & six ou neuf, Sera surpris par fiel mis dans vn oeuf, Et peu apres sera hors de puissance Par le puissant Empereur general Qu’au monde n’est vn pareil ny esgal, Dont vn chascun luy rend obeïssance.

Six hundred and six or nine, the adventurer will be surprised by gall put in an egg, And shortly afterwards he will be out of power Through the powerful Emperor-General To whom the world has not an equal, Of which each will render him obedience.

Nostradamus Sixains XIV

Au grand siege encor grands forfaits,Recomman&cced;ans plus que iamais Six cens & cinq sur la verdure,La prise & reprise sera,Soldats és champs iusqu’en froidurePuis apres recommencera.

At the great siege great crimes again, Starting again worse than ever Six hundred and five in the spring, There will take place the capture and recapture, Soldiers in the fields until winter Then afterwards it will begin again.

Nostradamus Sixains XV

Nouueau esleu patron du grand vaisseau,Verra long temps briller le cler flambeauQui sert de lampe à ce grand territoire,Et auquel temps armez sous son nom,Ioinctes à celles de l’heureux de BourbonLeuant, Ponant, & Couchant sa memoire.

The newly elected master of the great vessel, He will see shining for a long time the clear flame Which serves this great territory as a lamp, And at which time armed under his name, Joined with the happy ones of BourbonEast, West and West his memory.

Nostradamus Sixains XVI

En Octobre six cens & cinq.Pouruoyeur du monstre marin,Prendra du souuerain le cresme,Ou en six cens & six, en Iuin,Grand’ ioye aux grands & au commun,Grands faits apres ce grand baptesme.

In October six hundred and five, The purveyor of the marine monster Will take the unction from the sovereign, Or in six hundred and six, in June, Great joy for the common and the great ones alike, Great deeds after this great baptism.

Nostradamus Sixains XVII

Au mesme temps vn grand endurera,Ioyeux mal sain, l’an complet ne verra,Et quelques vns qui seront de la feste,Feste pour vn seulement, à ce iour,Mais peu apres sans faire long seiour,Deux se donront l’vn à l’autre de la teste.

At the same time a great one will suffer, Merry, poor health, he will not see the completion of the year, And several who will be at the feast, Feast for one only, on this day, But shortly afterwards without delaying long, Two will knock their heads together.

Nostradamus Sixains XVIII

Considerant la triste PhilomelleQu’en pleurs & cris sa peine renouuelle,Racoursissant par tel moyen ses iours,Six cens & cinq, elle en verra l’issuë,De son tourment, ia la toille tissuë,Par son moyen senestre aura secours.

Considering the sad Nightingale Who with tears and laments renews her anguish, By such means making her days shorter, Six hundred and five, she will see the end of it, Of her torment, the cloth already woven, By means of it sinister aid will she have.

Nostradamus Sixains XIX

Six cens & cinq, six cens & six & sept,Nous monstrera iusques à l’an dix sept,Du boutefeu l’ire, hayne & enuie,Soubz l’oliuier d’assez long temps caché,Le Crocodril sur la terre acaché,Ce qui estoit mort, sera pour lors en vie.

Six hundred and five, six hundred and six and seven, It will show us up to the year seventeen, The anger, hatred and jealousy of the incendiary, For a long enough time hidden under the olive tree, The Crocodile has hidden on the land, That which was dead will then be alive.

Nostradamus Sixains XX

Celuy qui a par plusieurs foisTenu la cage & puis les bois,R’entre à son premier estreVie sauue peu apres sortir,Ne se sc,achant encor congnoistre,Cherchera sujet pour mourir.

He who several times has Held the cage and then the woods, He will return to the first state, His life safe shortly afterwards to depart, Still not knowing how to know, He will look for a subject in order to die.

Nostradamus Sixains XXI

L’autheur des maux commencera regnerEn l’an six cens & sept sans espargnerTous les subiets qui sont à la sangsuë,Et puis apres s’en viendra peu à peu,Au franc pays r’allumer son feu,S’en retournant d’où elle est issuë.

The author of the evils will begin to reign In the year six hundred and seven without sparing All her subjects who belong to the leach, And then afterwards she will come little by little To the Frank country to relight her fire, Returning whence she has come.

Nostradamus Sixains XXII

Cil qui dira, descouurissant l’affaire,Comme du mort, la mort pourra bien faireCoups de poignards par vn qu’auront induit,Sa fin sera pis qu’il n’aura fait faireLa fin conduit les hommes sur la terre,Guete’ par tout, tant le iour que la nuit.

He who will tell, revealing the affair, As with death, death will be able to do well Blows of daggers which will have been incited by one, His end will be worse than he will have devised to make The end leads the men on land, Watched for everywhere, as much by day as by night.

Nostradamus Sixains XXIII

Quand la grand nef, la prouë & gouuernal,Du franc pays & son esprit vital,D’escueils & flots par la mer secoüée,Six cens & sept, & dix coeur assiegéEt des reflus de son corps affligé,Sa vie estant sur ce mal renoüée.

When the great ship, the prow and rudder Of the Frank land and its vital spirit, By the sea shaken over reef and billow, Six hundred and seven and ten, heart besieged And afflicted by the ebbings of its body, Upon this evil its life being renewed.

Nostradamus Sixains XXIV

Le Mercurial non de trop longue vie,Six cens & huict & vingt, grand maladie,Et encor pis danger de feu & d’eau,Son grand amy lors luy sera contraire,De tels hazards se pourroit bien distraire,Mais bref, le fer luy fera son tombeau.

The Mercurial not of too long a life, Six hundred and eight and twenty, great sickness, And yet worse danger from fire and water, His great friend will the be against him, With such hazards he could divert himself well enough, But in brief, the sword will cause his death.

Nostradamus Sixains XXV

Six cens & six, six cens & neuf,Vn Chancelier gros comme vn boeuf,Vieux comme le Phoenix du monde,En ce terroir plus ne luyra,De la nef d’oubly passera,Aux champs Elisiens faire ronde.

Six hundred and six, six hundred and nine, A Chancellor large as an ox, Old as the Phoenix of the world, In this world will shine no more, He will pass with the ship of oblivion, To the Elysian Fields to make his round.

Nostradamus Sixains XXVI

Deux freres sont de l’ordre Ecclesiastique,Dont l’vn prendra pour la France la picque,Encor vn coup si l’an six cens & sixN’est affligé d’vne grande maladie,Les armes en main iusques six cens & dix,Gueres plus loing ne s’estendant sa vie.

Two brothers are of the Ecclesiastical order, One of them will take up the pike for France, Another blow if in the year six hundred and six He is not afflicted with a great malady, Arms in his hand up to six hundred and ten, Scarcely much further does his life extend.

Nostradamus Sixains XXVII

Celeste feu du costé d’Occident,Et du Midy, courir iusques au Leuant, Vers demy morts sans point trouuer racine,Troisiesme aage, à Mars le Belliqueux,Des Escarboucles on verra briller feux,Aage Escarboucle, & à la fin famine.

Celestial fire from the Western side, And from the South, running up to the East, Worms half dead without finding even a root. Third age, for Mars the Warlike, One will see fires shining from the Carbuncles. Age a Carbuncle, and in the end famine.

Nostradamus Sixains XXVIII

L’an mil six cens & neuf ou quatorziesme,Le vieux Charon fera Pasques en Caresme,Six cens & six, par escript le mettraLe Medecin, de tout cecy s’estonne,A mesme temps assigné en personneMais pour certain l’vn d’eux comparoistra.

The year one thousand six hundred and nine or fourteen, The old Charon will celebrate Easter in Lent, Six hundred and six, in writing he will place it The Physician, by all this is astonished, At the same time summoned in person But for certain one of them will appear.

Nostradamus Sixains XXIX

Le Griffon se peut apresterPour à l’ennemy resister,Et renforcer bien son armée,Autrement l’Elephant viendraQui d’vn abord le surprendra,Six cens & huict, mer enflammée.

The Griffon is able to prepare himself For resisting the enemy, And to reinforce well his army, Otherwise the Elephant will come He who will suddenly surprise him, Six hundred and eight, the sea aflame.

Nostradamus Sixains XXX

Dans peu de temps Medecin du grand mal,Et la sangsuë d’ordre & rang inegal,Mettront le feu à la branche d’Oliue,Poste courir, d’vn & d’autre costé,Et par tel feu leur Empire accosté,Se r’alumant du franc finy saliue.

In a short while the Physician of the great disease, And the leech of the unequal rank and order, They will set fire to the Olive branch, Post running, from one side and another, And by means of such fire their Empire approached, Being rekindled by the Frank saliva finished.

Nostradamus Sixains XXXI

Celuy qui a, les hazards surmonté,Qui fer, feu, eauë, n’a iamais redouté, Et du pays bien proche du Basacle,D’vn coup de fer tout le monde estouné, Par Crocodil estrangement donne’,Peuple raui de veoir vn tel spectacle.

He who has overcome the hazards, Who has ne’er dreaded sword, fire, water, And of the country very close to Toulouse, By a blow of steel the entire world astonished, Strangely given by the Crocodile, People delighted to see such a spectacle.

Nostradamus Sixains XXXII

Vin a` foison, tres bon pour les gendarmes,Pleurs & souspirs, plainctes cris & alarmeLe Ciel fera ses tonnerres pleuuoirFeu, eau & sang, le tout mesle’ ensemble,Le Ciel de sol, en fremit & en tremble,Viuant n’a veu ce qu’il pourra bien veoir.

Wine in abundance, very good for the troops, Tears and sighs, complaints, groans and alarm The Sky will cause its thunderbolts to rainFire, water and blood, all mixed together, Sun’s heaven, shaking and trembling from it, That which can be seen clearly no living person has ever seen.

Nostradamus Sixains XXXIII

Bien peu apres sera tres grande misere,Du peu de bled, qui sera sur la terre,Du Dauphine’, Prouence & Viuarois,Au Viuarois est vn pauure presage,Pere du fils, sera entropophage,Et mangeront racine & gland du bois.

Very soon after there will be very great misery, From the scarcity of grain, which will be on the land Of Dauphiny, Provence and Vivarais, To Vivarais it is a poor prediction, Father will eat his own son, And from the woods they will eat root and acorn.

Nostradamus Sixains XXXIV

Princes & Seigneurs tous se feront la guerre,Cousin germain le frere auec le frere, Finy l’Arby de l’heureux de Bourbon,De Hierusalem les Princes tant aymables,Du fait commis enorme & execrable,Se ressentiront sur la bourse sans fond.

Princes and Lords will all make war against one another, First cousin brother against brother, Araby by the happy ones of Bourbon finished, The Princes of Jerusalem very agreeable, Of the heinous and execrable deed committed, They will feel the effects on the bottomless purse.

Nostradamus Sixains XXXV

Dame par mort grandement attristée,Mere & tutrice au sang qui la quittée,Dame & Seigneurs, faits enfans orphelins,Par les aspics & par les Crocodilles,Seront surpris forts Bourgs, Chasteaux VillesDieu tout puissant les garde des malins.

Ram by dead largely saddened, Mere and tutor with the blood which it left, Lady & Lords, made enfans orphan, By the aspics & by the Crocodiles, Will be surprised forts Bourgs, Chasteaux VillesDieu very powerful the guard of the malignant ones.

Nostradamus Sixains XXXVI

L grand rumeur qui sera par la France,Les impuissans voudront auoir puissance,Langue emmiellée & vrays Cameleons,De boutefeux, allumeurs de Chandelles,Pyes & geyes, rapporteurs de nouuellesDont la morsure semblera Scorpions.

Nostradamus Sixains XXXVII

Foible & puissant seront en grand discord,Plusieurs mourront auant faire l’accordFoible au puissant vainqueur se fera dire,Le plus puissant au ieune cedera,Et le plus vieux des deux decedera,Lors que l’vn d’eux enuahira l’Empire.

Foible and  powerful will be into large discord, Several will die auant to make agreement Foible the powerful winner will be made say, most powerful to the ieune will yield, And oldest of both will die, At the time l’ vn d’ they will enuahira l’ Worsen.
Nostradamus Sixains XXXVIII
Par eauë, & par fer, & par grande maladie,Le pouuoyeur à l’hazer de sa vieS&cced;aura combien vaut le quintal du bois,Six cens & quinze, ou le dixneufiesme,On grauera d’vn grand Prince cinquiesmeL’immortel nom, sur le pied de la Croix.
Nostradamus Sixains XXXIX
Le pouruoyeur du monstre sans pareil,Se fera veoir ainsi que le Soleil,Montant le long la ligne Meridienne,En poursuiuant l’Elephant & le loup,Nul Empereur ne fit iamais tel coup,Et rien plus pis à ce Prince n’aduienne.
Nostradamus Sixains XL
Ce qu’en viuant le pere n’auoit sceu,Il acquerra ou par guerre ou par feuEt combatre la sangsuë irritée,Ou iouyra de son bien paternelEt fauory du grand Dieu EternelAura bien tost sa Prouince heritée.
Nostradamus Sixains XLI
Vaisseaux, galleres auec leur estendar,S’entrebattront prés du mont GilbattarEt lors sera fors faits à Pampelonne,Qui pour son bien souffrira mille maux,Par plusieurs fois soustiendra les assaux,Mais à la fin vnie à la Couronne.
Nostradamus Sixains XLII
La grand’Cité où est le premier homme,Bien amplement la ville ie vous nomme,Tout en alarme, & le soldat és champsPar fer & eaue”, grandement affligée,Et a` la fin des Franc,ois soulagée,Mais ce sera de’s six cens & dix ans.
Nostradamus Sixains XLIII
Le petit coing, Prouinces mutinéesPar forts Chasteaux se verront dominées,Encor vn coup par la gent militaire,Dans bref seront fortement assiegez,Mais ils seront d’vn tres grand soulagez,Qui aura fait entre’e dans Beaucaire.
Nostradamus Sixains XLIV
La belle rose en la France admiree,D’vn tres grand Prince à la fin desirée,Six cens & dix, lors naistront ses amoursCinq ans apres, sera d’vn grand blessée,Du trait d’Amour, elle sera enlassée,Si a` quinze ans du Ciel rec,oit secours.
Nostradamus Sixains XLV
De coup de fer tout le monde estonné,Pa Crocodil estrangement donné,A vn bien grand, parent de la sangsuë,Et peu apres sera vn autre coupDe guet à pens, commis contre le loup,Et de tels faits on ne verra l’issuë.
Nostradamus Sixains XLVI
Le pouruoyeur mettra tout en desroute,Sansuë & loup, en mon dire n’escouteQuand Mars sera au signe du MoutonIoint à Saturne, & Saturne à la Lune,Alors sera ta plus grande infortune,Le Soleil lors en exaltation.
Nostradamus Sixains XLVII
Le grand d’Hongrie, ira dans la nacelle,Le nouueau né fera guerre nouuelleA son voisin qu’il tiendra assiegé,Et le noireau auec son altesse,Ne souffrira, que par trop on le presse,Durant trois ans ses gens tiendra rangé.
Nostradamus Sixains XLVIII
Du vieux Charron on verra le Phoenix,Estre premier & dernier des fils,Reluyre en France, & d’vn chascun aymable,Regner long temps auec tous les honneursQu’auront iamais eu ses precesseursDont il rendra sa gloire memorable.
Nostradamus Sixains XLIX
Venus & Sol, Iupiter & MercureAugmenteront le genre de natureGrande alliance en France se fera,Et du Midy la sangsuë de mesme,Le feu esteint par ce remede extreme,En terre ferme Oliuer plantera.
Nostradamus Sixains L
Vn peut deuant ou apres l’AngleterrePar mort de loup, mise aussi bas que terre,Verra le feu resister contre l’eau,Le r’alumant auecques telles forceDu sang humain, dessus l’humaine escorceFaite de pain, bondance de cousteau.
Nostradamus Sixains LI
La Ville qu’auoit en ses ansCombatu l’iniure du temps,Qui de son vainqueur tient la vie,Celuy qui premier l’a surprist,Que peu apre Franc,ois repristPar combats encor affoiblie.
Nostradamus Sixains LII
La grand Cité qui n’a pain à demy,Encor vn coup la sainct Barthelemy,Engrauera au profond de son ame,Nismes, Rochelle, Geneue & Montpellier,Castres, Lyon, Mars entrant au Belier,S’entrebattront le tout pour vne Dame.
Nostradamus Sixains LIII
Plusieurs mourront auant que Phoenix meure,Iusques six cens septante est sa demeure,Passé quinze ans, vingt & vn trente neuf.Le premier est subiet à maladie,Et le second au fer, danger de vie,Au feu à l’eau, est subiect à trente-neuf.
Nostradamus Sixains LIV
Six cens & quinze, vingt, grand Dame mourra,Et peu apres vn fort long temps plouura,Plusieurs pays, Flandres & l’Angleterre,Seront par feu & par fer affligez,De leurs voisins longuement assiegez,Contraints seront de leurs faire la guerre.
Nostradamus Sixains LV
Vn peu deuant ou apres tres grand’ Dame,Son ame au Ciel, & son corps soubs la lame,De plusieurs gens regrette’e sera,Tous ses parens seront en grand’ tristesse,Pleurs & souspirs d’vne Dame en ieunesse,Et à deux grands, le dueil delaissera.
Nostradamus Sixains LVI
Tost l’Elephant de toutes parts verraQuand pouruoyeur au Griffon se ioindra,Sa ruine proche, & Mars qui tousiours gronde:Fera grands faits aupres de terre saincte,Grands estendars sur la terre & sur l’onde,Si la nef a este’ de deux freres enceinte.
Nostradamus Sixains LVII
Peu apres l’aliance faicte,Auant solemniser la feste,L’Empereur le tout troublera,Et la nouuelle mariée,Au franc pays par sort liée,Dans peu de temps apres mourra.
Nostradamus Sixains LVIII
Sangsuë en peu de temps mourra,Sa mort bon signe nous donra,Pour l’accroissement de la France,Alliance se trouueront,Deux grands Royaumes se ioindront,Fran&cced;ois aura sur eux puissance.

Prophecies and Visions for the USA

Prophecies and Visions for the USA

Different Prophets had Visions and made Predictions for the USA.

Take a look at all the names of the USA-Prophets.


Nostradamus predicts us economy will colapse, no more money to pay troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hopi Indians

The USA will be Destroyed ! The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Only the Hopis and their homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee. Bomb shelters are a fallacy. “It is only materialistic people who seek to make shelters. Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the great shelter of life. There is no shelter for evil. Those who take no part in the making of world division by ideology are ready to resume life in another world, be they Black, White, Red, or Yellow race. They are all one, brothers.

Hopi prophecy states that World War III will be started by the people who first received the Light: China, Russia, Palestine, India and Africa. When the war comes, the United States will be destroyed by “gourds of ashes” which will fall to the ground, boiling the rivers and burning the earth, where no grass will grow for many years, and causing a disease that no medicine can cure. This can only mean nuclear or atomic bombs; no other weapon causes such effects.

Bomb shelters will be useless, for “Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the Great Shelter of Life. There is no shelter for evil. When the Saquahuh (blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask, the time of the great trial will be here.” The Hopi believe that only they will be saved.

Henry Gruver

USA Invasion Prophecy – On December 14, 1986 Henry Gruver had a Vision : I Saw Submarines Attack America! – I was in Wales in 1986, i went up on top of the Eagle Tower in the Caernarvon Castle. All of a sudden I was up above the earth looking down upon the earth like a globe. As I looked down on the earth, I saw massive amount of all kinds of ships and airplanes. They were coming from up above Norway,out of this inlet. They headed down between the United States and Europe.

They covered the Atlantic between the U.S. and Europe. Then I wanted to see what was happening to the United States. I looked over on the globe at the United States. I saw coming out of the United States these radio communication towers. I saw the jagged lines like they draw to show that communications are coming out. They were in our territorial waters! Then I saw missiles come out of them! They hit eastern and western costal cities of the United States.

Art Cormier

SS18 Satan Missles June 18, 1991 Art Cormier’s revelation of America was going to be destroyed by a Russian attack of SS18 nuclear missiles. Russia has named these missiles “SS18 Satan”

Gail Smith

Earthquakes and USA Invasion – Shortly after the second earthquake the United States will be attacked by invading forces. Russia will invade the East coast and China the West coast. The invasion will include missile attacks. She was shown that the invasion would occur when people were eating and drinking which Gail believes to be Thanksgiving, but possibly Christmas. There will be nuclear attacks on both coasts, Las Vegas, and perhaps in Utah.

Note: The Predicted Wall Street Crash Prophecy is Already fulfilled a long-lasting quake and a major quake will break many dams. She saw the invasion taking place near or shortly after the second quake. 3 1/2 years after the first two quakes, two more mega-quakes will hit that will shake the entire planet and will kill millions and literally cause whole mountain ranges to rise and fall.

Prophecies and Visions for the USA

Prophecies and predictions of Merlin Myrddin Prophecy

Prophecies and predictions of Merlin / Myrddin

Prophecy 1

Woe to the Red Dragon, for his banishment hastens on. His lurking holes shall be seized by the White Dragon, which signifies the Saxons whom you (Vortigern) invited over; but the Red denotes the British nation, which shall be oppressed by the White. Therefore shall its mountains be leveled as the valleys and the rivers of the valleys shall run with blood.

Prophecy 2

The exercise of religion shall be destroyed, and churches be laid open to ruin. At last the oppressed shall prevail, and oppose the cruelty of foreigners. For a Boar of Cornwall shall give his assistance, and trample their necks under his feet.

Prophecy 3

The islands of the ocean shall be subject to his power, and he shall possess the forests of Gaul (France). The house of Romulus shall dread his courage, and his end shall be uncertain. He shall be celebrated in the stories of the people, and his exploits shall be as meat and drink to those who relate them.

Prophecy 4

Six of his heirs shall sway the scepter, but after them shall arise a German Worm. This worm shall be exalted by a Sea wolf, whom the woods of Africa shall accompany.

Prophecy 5

Religion shall again be abolished, and there shall be a movement of the metropolitan Sees. The dignity of London shall adorn Dobernia, and the seventh Pastor of York shall be visited in the kingdom of Armorica.

Prophecy 6

A shower of blood shall rain, and a raging famine shall afflict mankind. When these things happen, the Red Dragon shall grieve, but when his fatigue is over he shall recover his strength. Then shall misfortunes hasten upon the White Dragon, and the buildings of his gardens be pulled down.

Prophecy 7

Seven who hold the Scepter shall be killed, one of them shall become a saint.

Prophecy 8

The bellies of mothers shall be ripped up, and infants be aborted. There shall be a most grievous punishment of men, that the natives may be restored. He that shall do these things shall be The Man of Bronze and upon a Brazen Horse shall guard the gates of London for a long time.

Prophecy 9

After this the Red Dragon shall return to his proper manners, and turn his rage upon himself. Therefore shall the revenge of The Thunderer show itself, for every field shall disappoint the husbandman. Death shall snatch away the people, and make a desolation over all the lands.

Prophecy 10

The remainder shall quit their native soil, and make foreign plantations.

Prophecy 11

A blessed King shall prepare a fleet, and be reckoned twelfth in the court among the Saints.

Prophecy 12

There shall be a miserable desolation of the kingdom, and the threshing floors shall become again forests. The White Dragon shall rise again, and invite over a daughter of Germany. Our gardens shall again be replenished with foreign seed and the Red Dragon shall pine away at the end of the pool.

Prophecy 13

After that shall the German Worm be crowned, and the Brazen prince will be buried. He has his bounds assigned to him which he shall not be able to pass. For a hundred and fifty years shall he continue in trouble and subjection, but shall bear sway three hundred.

Prophecy 14

Then shall the North Wind rise against him, and shall snatch away the flowers which the West wind has produced. There shall be gilding in the temples, but the cutting edge of the sword shall not cease to work.

Prophecy 15

The German Dragon will hardly get to his lair, because the revenge against his treason will overtake him. At last he shall flourish for a little time, but the decimation of Neustria (Normandy) will hurt him. For a people in wood and iron coats shall come and will take vengeance for his wickedness.

Prophecy 16

They shall restore the ancient inhabitants to their dwellings, and there shall be an open destruction of foreigners. The seed of the White Dragon shall be swept out of our gardens, and the remainder of its generation shall be decimated. They shall bear the yoke of slavery and shall wound their mother with spades and ploughs.

Prophecy 17

After this shall succeed two dragons, whereof one shall be killed with the sting of envy, but the other shall return under the cloak of authority. Then shall succeed a Lion of justice at whose roar the towers of Gaul and the island dragons shall tremble. In those days gold shall be squeezed from the lily and the nettle, and silver shall flow from the hooves of bellowing cattle.

Prophecy 18

Those who have frizzled hair shall put on various fleeces, and the outward habit shall denote the inward parts. The feet of barkers shall be cut off. Wild beasts shall enjoy peace, but mankind will bewail its punishment.

Prophecy 19

The form of commerce shall be divided, and the remaining half shall be round. The ravenousness of kits shall be destroyed, and the teeth of wolves blunted. The Lion’s whelps shall be transformed into sea fishes, and an eagle shall build her nest upon mount Aravius.

Prophecy 20

Venodotia shall grow red with the blood of mothers, and the house of Corineus kill six brethren. The island shall be wet with night tears so that all shall be provoked to all things. Woe to you Neustria (Normandy) because the lion’s brain shall be poured upon you, and he shall be banished with shattered limbs from his native soil.

Prophecy 21

Posterity shall endeavor to fly above the highest places; but the favor of newcomers shall be exalted. Piety shall hurt the possessor of things got by impiety, till he shall have put on the raiment of his Father. Therefore, being armed with the teeth of the boar, he shall ascend above the tops of mountains and higher than the shadow of the Helmeted Man.

Prophecy 22

Albania shall be enraged, and assembling her neighbors, shall be employed in shedding blood. There shall be put into her hands a bridle that shall be made on the coast of Armorica. The eagle of the broken covenant shall gild it over and rejoice in her third nest.

Prophecy 23

The roaring whelps shall watch, and leaving the woods, shall hunt within the walls of the cities. They shall make great slaughter of those that oppose them, and shall cut off the tongues of bulls. They shall load the necks of roaring lions with chains, and restore the times of their ancestors.

Prophecies and predictions of Merlin Myrddin Prophecy

10 Signs that a Massive Cataclysm is Coming !

10 Signs that a Massive Cataclysm is coming !

1 – The Mysterie of the 2 Suns

About two months ago it was on the News : It could be that by the year 2012 we could start to see 2 suns, something in space would / could happen and that’s why we would see “two suns”, bla bla bla … Nothing to worry about, no problem and no danger to earth or humankind … Whats up with that ? The news story came before on Chinese TV that showed a picture of 2 suns. The Headline :

‘Two suns’ spotted in China defy explanation

Weeks after a story shot across the Web claiming that the imminent explosion of a nearby star would result in the appearance of a second sun in the sky — a story that was later debunked, two suns were caught on camera yesterday in China. The suns, one fuzzy and orange, the other a crisp yellow orb appeared side-by-side, one slightly higher than the other.

What’s going on? Life’s Little Mysteries, a sister site to, asked Jim Kaler, the University of Illinois astronomer who squelched the excitement over the aforementioned exploding Betelgeuse and who has written books on the day and night sky. The double sun image is an effect of optical refraction, Kaler said, but it’s a “pretty darn rare” one, and one not fully explained by science. “I doubt it’s been computer modeled,” he said. “There must have been some blob of atmosphere somewhere that caused this truly spectacular phenomenon, which in a sense is a mirage.

Mirages appear when particles in the atmosphere refract, or bend, light. This typically happens near the horizon, where air is thicker, though, and mirages are usually aligned vertically above or below the original source of the light — not beside it, like in the video. It’s possible, Kaler said, that an unusually thick patch of atmosphere wandered in front of the sun to create the unusual effect. Atmospheric optical effects or something else …

Anyway it’s the ultimate experience for Star Wars fans staring forlornly off into the distance as twin suns sink into the horizon. Yet it’s not just a figment of George Lucas’s imagination twin suns are real. And here’s the big news – They could be coming to Earth ! Yes, any day now we see a second sun light up the sky, if only for a matter of weeks. The infamous red super-giant star in Orion’s nebula, Betelgeuse is predicted to go gangbusters and the impending super-nova may reach Earth before 2012, and when it does, all of our wildest Star Wars dreams will come true.

The second biggest star in the Orion constellation is losing mass, a typical indication that a gravitation collapse is occurring … or … is this disinformation because “they” know that soon we will start to see the massive size of ELENIN ???

2 – Norway DoomsDay Vault

The name alone makes it sound like a relict from the Cold War or something out of a Bond film: it is referred to as the “Doomsday Vault” and housed in an icy steel and concrete bunker, more than one hundred metres deep inside the mountain permafrost of an Arctic archipelago. Yet the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is man’s latest attempt to create a latter-day Noah’s Ark, or insurance policy, for the planet in the event of a catastrophe such as devastating climate change induced by global warming.

After decades of planning and construction work, the vault will officially start operating tomorrow. As the world’s first global seed bank, it has the capacity to hold up to 4.5 million batches of seeds from all the known varieties of the planet’s main food crops. The vault cost €6B to construct and has been built to withstand nuclear missile attacks, comet strikes and even dramatic rises in sea levels that would result from both the Greenland and Antarctic ice shelves melting simultaneously.

The vault aims to make it possible to re-establish crops and plants should they disappear from their natural environment or be wiped out by major disasters. Cary Fowler, of the Global Crop Diversity Trust which set up the project together with Norway’s Nordic Gene Bank yesterday described the vault as the “perfect place” for seed storage. The vault is made up of three large, airtight, refrigerated cold-storage chambers which are housed in a long trident-shaped tunnel bored through a layer of permafrost in to a mountain of sandstone and limestone on the archipelago.

Norway’s Svalbard’s islands lie some 620 miles south of the North Pole deep inside the Arctic circle. No trees grow on the archipelago, which is home to some 2,300 people. It was selected because of its inhospitable climate and remoteness. The average winter temperature on Svalbard is around minus 14C. The vault is protected by high walls of fortified concrete, doors armoured with steel plate and a home guard of free-roaming polar bears. “The facility is designed to hold twice as many varieties of agricultural crops as we think exist,” said Mr Fowler, “It will not be filled up in my lifetime nor in my grandchildren’s lifetime, but at these temperatures, seeds for important crops like wheat, barley and peas can last for 1,000 years,” he added.

The permafrost and rocks surrounding the tunnels are meant to ensure the seed samples remain frozen, even if the plant’s refrigeration system fails and global warming raises the outside temperature. “It is an insurance policy for the planet,” Mr Carey said.

The vault will contain some 250,000 seed samples, the Svalbard vault already appears to have survived its first environmental test. In 2008 after the opening of the vault it survived the biggest earthquake in Norway’s history, a tremor with a magnitude of 6.2 ! Read the Full Article at The Independent

3 – Readiness Exercise – REX84

Callname REX84 (Readiness Exercise 1984) Activated due to a catastrophic event that is yet to take place. Rex 84 was allegedly written by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, we all know what happened to him…

Rex 84 is the unknown Continuity of Operations Plan that was publicly mentioned during the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987. Transcripts from the hearing in the New York Times record the following dialogue between Congressman Jack Brooks, Oliver North’s attorney Brendan Sullivan and Senator Daniel Inouye, the Democratic Chair of the joint Senate-House Committee:

  • [Congressman Jack] Brooks: Colonel North, in your work at the N.S.C. were you not assigned, at one time, to work on plans for the continuity of government in the event of a major disaster?
  • Brendan Sullivan [North’s counsel, agitatedly]: Mr. Chairman?
  • [Senator Daniel] Inouye: I believe that question touches upon a highly sensitive and classified area so may I request that you not touch upon that?
  • Brooks: I was particularly concerned, Mr. Chairman, because I read in Miami papers, and several others, that there had been a plan developed, by that same agency, a contingency plan in the event of emergency, that would suspend the American constitution. And I was deeply concerned about it and wondered if that was an area in which he had worked. I believe that it was and I wanted to get his confirmation.
  • Inouye: May I most respectfully request that that matter not be touched upon at this stage. If we wish to get into this, I’m certain arrangements can be made for an executive session.

Exercises similar to Rex 84 happen regularly, the basic facts about Rex 84 and other contingency planning readiness exercises and the potential threat they pose to civil liberties if fully implemented in a real operation are taken seriously by scholars and civil libertarians. In part II i will write more about REX84.

4 – Rand Corporation Study

RAND Corporation (Research ANd Development) is a nonprofit global policy think tank first formed to offer research and analysis to the United States armed forces. The Pentagon announced plan that directly correlates with a 2009, Army funded, Rand Corporation study that  called for an internal United States police force to combat civil  unrest.  The  plan basically calls for the  deployment of a 20,000 strong  internal troop  force inside the continental  United States (CONUS) that  was set to be trained by 2011, thus  dovetailing into the current troop and equipment movements around the country  reported by truckers as well as many more troop sightings by everyday citizens.

In the Simpsons episode “Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy” (1994), the character Milhouse includes RAND in a series of overlapping conspiracies that the children believe are causing their parents to disappear for long stretches of time. Note : Over the last 60 years, more than 30 Nobel Prize winners have been involved or associated with the RAND Corporation at some point in their careers !

5 – Space Shuttle Flights

In July 2011 the Space Shuttle flights where stopped, could it be that the Space Shuttle flights where stopped because of the coming of Elenin – Planet X – Nibiru? Read the Alamongordo article : Did Nasa stop Spaceflights because of the coming of Elenin? That’s not all, more strange thing are happening,read our number 6 – Nasa closed the popular “Buzzroom” !

6 – Nasa knew about the March 11 – 2011 Japan EarthQuake !

Nasa closed it’s popular “Buzzroom website” so-called “after a debate started about the proximity of Elenin”! After a post that Elenin would pass Earth closer than Nasa first told us. Rumors go that NASA took down buzzroom after there was too much revealed about Comet Elenin trajectory. Quote from NASA buzzroom: “These are my calculations, but I’ve revised from the original 0.24AU’s down to 0.0004617 AU’s on 21.42pm – The REAL reason : Nasa closed it down 5 days BEFORE the March 11 – 2011 Japan Earthquake to stop people from starting a debate and make the Elenin connection, they knew something “big” was going to happen and they where correct : On March 8th (2 days after they closed the Buzzroom) millions of dead fish swamp the Harbor Area of Redondo Beach California, this happened one day before the ELENIN – EARTH – MERCURY Alignment of March 9/10th that also triggered the China Earthquake and on March 11th the Massive Earthquake in Japan happened on the day of the Alignment between ELENIN-EARTH and the SUN.

7 – News start to Leak about ELE

Yep, just like in the movie! At this time news is starting to leak about an Extinction Level Event, read the Alamongordo Article “Elenin or Unseen massive comet indicates possible crash with Earth” !

8 – Prophecies and Predictions

Almost all well known prophecies talk about a cataclysm in our lifetime, check out the 9 Signs of the Hopi Indians : The Last Sign talks about the coming of “Blue Star” (Check out the 2009 Norway Bluestar), the Bible talks about “Wormwood”, Mother Shipton also made predictions about a meteor, comet or astroid. One of the best Prophecies ever made is the one of the Mayan Calendar, if this will happen than we will indeed have a “new world” by 12-21-2012 ! Also the predictions that “Aliens” will come to “help” humankind could come true, if Elenin will cause this disaster than the whole planet will be destroyed, after the destruction World War III will start because other nations than the US will want to take over the Power, after this Nuclear Armageddon it could be that “Aliens” or “God” as you wish will come (back) to Earth to establish his kingdom and humankinds rule will end !

A Small List of Prophecies (For More Predictions check out my “List of Prophets and there Predictions” !

9 – The Name and dates of the Comet C 2010 X1

ELENIN – ELE and NIN (Like Nostradamus said ROTA DUA, turn twice NINE – ELEVEN, on Sep 11th 2011 Elenin will make it’s closest approach to our Sun, exactly 10 years after the 9/11 terror attacks, on 11-11-11 there is a perfect alignment between Earth and Elenin and between 11/9 (again ELEven and NINe) and 11-11-11 the earth will pass the route of Elenin, if it realy is a “big thing” than our planet will be hit by rocks and debris from Elenin and the 3 1/2 days of Darkness from the Bible will happen if not already happened during “The Transit of Elenin”. The Dude that “discovered” Elenin, his name is “Leonid Elenin” but for the government it’s a piece of cake to give a guy that name … a history … a social security nr … so maybe if this Elenin Cataclysm is “real” he is working for the US government, he’s Russian but the comet is “discovered” in New Mexico, US … not in Russia.

10 – World Wide Earthquakes and Elenin

When you check out my Elenin Timeline, you can see that every time Elenin made an Alignment there was a +6 or +7 Magnitude Earthquake on Earth, the last one happened on March 11th 2011 in Japan, we all know what it caused multiple meltdowns. You can imagine what a Super Earthquake of +10 Magnitude will do to the planet !

10 Signs that a Massive Cataclysm is Coming

Also Read



Cave Prophecies




Prophecies for 2012

Prophecies for 2012

Prophecy 2012 – 1

If Humanity Wishes To Save Itself From Biospheric Destruction It Must Return To Living in Natural Time.

Prophecy 2012 – 2

Massive destruction coming, could be in “the ring” San Francisco – Los Angeles and San Diego in danger. Area / Square Chile – Australia – Japan – Alaska – West Coast, also VisionBot forsees Europe could change in the “blink of an eye” watch area Iceland / Ice sea and area of the mediterranean sea.

Prophecy 2012 – 3

The world is in danger of a large conflict larger than world war II, all depends making the wright decision when the moment will come.

Prophecy 2012 – 4

Solar activity could peak “as never seen before” all depends on what world leaders will do (Prophecy # 3). When the wrong decision will be made you will see clear signs in the sky before the third great war will start – (This could be delayed to 2013).

Prophecy 2012 – 5

As predicted in 2010 / 2011 Vladimir Putin will come to power again in Russia, he was … is not … and will be again the President of Russia that becomes a new kind of former Soviet Union … again this depends on what will happen with Prophecy 3 and 4.

Prophecy 2012 – 6

Secrets revealed : It will become clear that China and Russia are heavily armed with high tech weapons and troops … stealth fighter … stealth subs … possibility of a nuclear aircraft carrier(s) revealed by China/Russia.

Prophecy 2012 – 7

Earthquakes will (again) get worse in 2012, possibility of a + 8,5 earthquake in the areas as described in Prophecy # 2.

Prophecy 2012 – 8

Following Nostradamus prediction will be very important after the 3 1/2 years are over ! So wathever will happen to this planet earth, keep the following nostradamus prophecy in mind !!! X.42 The humane kingdom of an Anglic offspring, Will make his reign peace and union to have: Captive war in the middle of its enclosure, (For a) Long time will make them keep the peace. X.42 -Le regne humain d’ Anglique geniture, Fera son regne paix union tenir: Captice guerre demy de sa closture, Long temps la paix leur fera maintenir. X.42 El reino humano de Anglica progenie Hara en su reino paz y union tener: Cautiva guerra en la mitad de su recinto, (Por) Largo tiempo la paz les hara mantener. X.42 Il regno umano d’ Anglica progenitura Fara il suo regno pace ed unione avere: Circoscritta guerra a meta del suo recinto, (Per) Lungo tempo la pace loro fara mantenere.

Prophecy 2012 – 9

On 21 Dec 2012 the last 3 1/2 years will start, so 21-12-2012 is not the end, it’s the beginning of the end, the beginning of a new world but first humanity will have to experience a third and last great war as predicted by Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, The Holy Qur’an, the Bible and others – All depends on (again) Prophecy # 2.

Prophecy 2012 – 10

The AntiChrist will start to “appear” on May 7th 2012, people will not know he is the Antichrist at that time, it could be 2013 or first half of 2014 when it will be clear “he” is the 3 rd Antichrist.

Prophecy 2012 – 11

Around the same time (before or after Prophecy #10) Pope Benedict XVI will die (or be removed) like the 2010-2011 prediction of Egyptian Ex-President Mubarak – The prophecy of St-Malachy will become true, the pope after Pope Benedict XVI will be (75% change) a black pope or an Asian/S-American pope, unclear, this will be the last (anti)pope.

Prophecy 2012 – 12

The time that is comming is been called “The Time of Trial on Earth,” “Judgement Day,” “The Time of Great Purification,” “The End of this Creation,” “The Quickening,” “The End of Time as We Know It,” “The Shift of the Ages”, “Judgement Day”.

Prophecy 2012 – 13

It is foretold that the completion of the Precession brings regeneration of Earth, offering “awakening” to all open, willing hearts. Many peoples spoke of these last days of the Great Cycle, including the: Maya, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois confederacy, Dogon Tribe, and Aborigines.

Prophecy 2012 – 14

December 21, 2012 AD is not the day where all of the sudden a light switch will flip on and everything will change, rather, we are since Dec 11th 2009 in the process of this transition from one World Age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date – The date 12-21-2012 will be the start of the final 3 1/2 years as predicted in several old document, between 12.21.2012 and 06.03.2016 all will happen what prophets wrote in the death sea scrolls (the warscroll) the Bible, the Holy Qur’an and The Lost Book of Nostradamus !

Prophecy 2012 – 15

They will keep secret : Radiation levels in Japan will sikken the island and other parts of the world (also South and North Korea as told in the 2011 predictions). Leaders of Japan will try to keep the large radiation levels secret so there will be no panic, people can’t flee from the Island. The Disaster will be worse than Tsjernobyl.

Nostradamus X.49 Garden of the world near the Great City In the way of the man made mountains, Shall be siezed on and plunged to the ferment, Being forced to drink sulphurous poisoned waters Current Evaluations : – Last (anti)pope will be Black, Pius ??? (Coming) – Large Vulcanic Eruption in Iceland ??? (Coming) – Vulcanic Eruption Vesuvius – Pelé (Coming) – World War III (WWIII) start area Libya Egypt Iran Davis Straits ? – Saudi Arabia Changes ? (Coming) – “New Island” will be born ? (Coming) – “Revelation” of Iran Nukes ? (Coming) – Large West Coast Disaster – Shaking of Planet ? (Coming) Our present great cycle (3113 B.C. – 2012 A.D.) is called the Age of the Fifth Sun. This time period is ruled by 4 Earth. This fifth age is the synthesis of the previous four. 4 Earth (called Caban in the Maya language and Ollin in Aztec) has several meanings, including: movement, shift, evolution, earthquake, navigation, synchronicity, clue tracking, turtle. In the Maya language, the word “ol” of ollin means consciousness. The coming end date of December 21, 2012 is also written as in Mayan long count notation; just like the beginning date. We are being invited to realize that we are Time. We are the Living Prophecy. The Synchronic Order of Natural Time governs the unfolding of our lives. Time’s cycles are found within our bodies and within Nature’s daily rhythms and cyclic seasons. We have forgotten this, thinking that time is money or that time is the clock, or the relentless progression of work weeks and weekends. Time is the ever-changing, unfolding Now as it synchronistically coordinates the Whole living Universe. The 2012 prophecy is unfolding !

Prophecies for 2012

Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012 – Prophecies for 2012

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecy 2011 – 1

Very Large Earthquake in the beginning of 2011 will be the start of “tribulation”, in 2012 everything will get worse.

Prophecy 2011 – 2

At the end of the year solar activity will get worse, with in 2012-2013 peaks like never seen before.

Prophecy 2011 – 3

The end of the catholic church will happen in the period 2011-2012, will start in 2010 (St-Malachy prediction) Update prophecy # 19 !

Prophecy 2011 – 4

When solar activity increases, heavy storms will hit US coastal areas (2012-2013)

Prophecy 2011 – 5

The West will one day be at war with Iran, Russia or China. The start of the third big war is near : as early as the end of 2010 (Baba Vanga) and likely no later than 2012 (Nostradamus) this war will “start”. This will be the war of a more horrid version of the first and second AntiChrist, the Third Antichrist !

Prophecy 2011 – 6

War could break out between India and Pakistan / China, India will win the war if it will happen in 2013-2014-2015.

Prophecy 2011 – 7

Global economic collapse, Europe will be in big trouble, Euro and watch Spain, Portugal, Germany …

Prophecy 2011 – 8

Before the start of the third world war you will see clear signs in the sky.

Prophecy 2011 – 9

As predicted in the year 2010, the economic bubble will explode.

Prophecy 2011 – 10

If Israel attacks Iran, the so-called world war III will start – If Israel does not attack Iran, it will be destroyed. Whatever they do, it won’t be a good thing. It’s to late to “save” the world.

Prophecy 2011 – 11

Massive floods and rains will hit the earth worse than in 2010 !!!

Prophecy 2011 – 12

Massive earthquake in western hemisphere !

Prophecy 2011 – 13

Vladimir Putin is the AntiChrist after Lenin and Stalin, Putin will destroy most of the world if not stopped by the already returned Christ. The beast with the 10 crowns in revelation is the return of Russian Communism with the Antichrist as leader. Putin is using muslims to weaken the west, the attack will be sudden.

Prophecy 2011 – 14

Peaks in solar activity could trigger earthquakes and tsunamis in 2011 and 2012.

Prophecy 2011 – 15

The president of the Arab Republic of Egypt Muhammad Hosni Mubarak will die / resign / be gone at the end of the year 2010 or in 2011.

Prophecy 2011 – 16

Mabus will die at the end of 2011 till 2014, Mabus could be the US President Barack Hussein Obama OR the Egyptian President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak. Mabus is NOT “The Antichrist”, most people think he is but that is NOT true ! Nostradamus wanted to give a sign, when Mabus dies horrible things will happen to the world. He also didn’t say Mabus would be assassinated, he just “dies” – Who is Mabus ?

Prophecy 2011 – 17

More secrets will be revealed like predicted in 2010 … greater secrets !

Prophecy 2011 – 18

Suprise attack in Korea? Signs are not clear yet, more soon !

Prophecy 2011 – 19

Benedict will die / resign in 2011 / 2012, read St.Malachy Prophecy !

Prophecy 2011 – 20

Vladimir Putin will become the new russian president in 2012, he was – is not and will be again, the prophecy of the AntiChrist !

Prophecy 2011 – 21

US – Pakistan tensions

Prophecy 2011 – 22 (Update 04/27/2011 “Prophecy Signs”)

Possible large earthquake will strike in March or May 2011.


  • Important : Watch out for Moammar Gadhafi !

Update 04/23/2011 : I warned for Gadhaffi since 2 years, Colonel Gadhafi is dangerous, he didn’t use one “scud missile” yet, where are all of his missiles ? I am convinced that the moment his army will have “lost” the war he will use them ! Also be warned for Pakistan, this country is an even greater treath than Iran.

  • On May 11, 2011 a close approach seen in the sky between Venus and Jupiter. I would connect this with the rise of the new Messiah figure.
  • On Nov. 8, 2011 asteroid 2005 YU55 passes very close to earth, .4 – 1.4 Lunar Distance. Its 130 meters wide, about 400 feet, so 120 Megaton estimated energy if it hit earth, so a very large H-Bomb size explosion. Interesting that it is 3 days before 11-11-11. Follow its orbit: asteroid 2005 YU55.
  • Danger of nuclear radiation around islands of Korea, maybe nuclear attack from N-Korea or disaster in N-Korean nuke testing range ???
  • Nov. 11, 2011 or 11-11-11 is an interesting date because 11:11 was a New Age related number. A New Age or New World date? And in Revelation 11:11 the Two Witnesses are raised from the dead. Also note that 11-11-11 is exactly 93 years or 51 666 day intervals after World War I ended on 11-11-1918. So perhaps 11-11-11 will be a time of peace on Earth. Could it relate to Revelation 11:11 – the Two Witnesses?
  • When the conflict between Iran and Israel escalates in 2011, N-Korea could attack South Korea because the US needs its troops on other places, in the chaos a war could break out between India and Pakistan, India and China, if this happens Russia could take Europe, it’s possible, the current economy does’t help peace.
  • Prophecies of 2009 – 2010 – 2011 and 2012 could be delayed when the last 3 and 1/2 years start on Dec 21th 2012, if not delayed the third world war (WWIII) will start in 2010 or 2011.
  • Update : Apocalypse will not be delayed as signs of Hopi Indians and the Nostradamus Comet are fulfilled (Blue Star on Dec 11, 2009).
  • The sign predicted by the Hopi Indians, the arrival of Blue Star has happened on Dec 11th 2009, when “Blue star” arrives, soon the third big war will start acc. Hopi Ind11ian prophecy, read more about all the prophecies of these native americans.

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011