The Lost Book of Nostradamus
The Vaticinia Michaelis Nostradami de Futuri Christi Vicarii ad Cesarem Filium D. I. A. Interprete (The Prophecies of Michel Nostradamus on The Future Vicars of Christ to Cesar His Son, As Expounded by Lord Abbot Joachim), or Vaticinia Nostradami (The Prophecies of Nostradamus) for short, is a collection of eighty watercolor images compiled as an illustrated codex.
- PLATE 01 – 3 Predictions before the plates start.
- PLATE 02 – 5 Predictions before the plates start.
- PLATE 03 – Wise man and the people of earth.
- PLATE 04 – 8 stars are 8 kingdoms to come.
- PLATE 05
- PLATE 06
- PLATE 07
- PLATE 08
- PLATE 09
- PLATE 10
- PLATE 11
- PLATE 12
- PLATE 13
- PLATE 14
- PLATE 15
- PLATE 16
- PLATE 17
- PLATE 18
- PLATE 19
- PLATE 20
- PLATE 21
- PLATE 22
- PLATE 23
- PLATE 24
- PLATE 25
- PLATE 26
- PLATE 27
- PLATE 28
- PLATE 29
- PLATE 30
- PLATE 31
- PLATE 32
- PLATE 33
- PLATE 34
- PLATE 35
- PLATE 36
- PLATE 37
- PLATE 38
- PLATE 39
- PLATE 40
- PLATE 41
- PLATE 42
- PLATE 43
- PLATE 44
- PLATE 45
- PLATE 46 – 911 Prediction the burning tower
- PLATE 47
- PLATE 48
- PLATE 49
- PLATE 50
- PLATE 51
- PLATE 52
- PLATE 53
- PLATE 54
- PLATE 55
- PLATE 56
- PLATE 57
- PLATE 58
- PLATE 59
- PLATE 60
- PLATE 61
- PLATE 62
- PLATE 63
- PLATE 64
- PLATE 65
- PLATE 66
- PLATE 67
- PLATE 68
- PLATE 69
- PLATE 70
- PLATE 71
- PLATE 72
- PLATE 73
- PLATE 74
- PLATE 75
- PLATE 76
- PLATE 77
- PLATE 78
- PLATE 79
- PLATE 80
- PLATE 81
- PLATE 82
A version of the well-known Vaticinia de Summis Pontificibus of the 13th-14th century, it was discovered in 1994 by the Italian journalists Enza Massa and Roberto Pinotti in the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma (Central National Library) in Rome, Italy.The document can be found in the library under the title Fondo Vittorio Emanuele 307.