Prophecy involves a process in which one or more messages are allegedly communicated by a god. Such messages typically involve inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of divine will concerning the prophet's social world and events to come (compare divine knowledge). Prophecy is not limited to any one culture. It is a common property to all known ancient societies around the world, some more than others. Many systems and rules about prophecy have been proposed over several millennia.

EU on the Brink of Economic Collapse !

EU on the Brink of Economic Collapse !

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, reflecting concern that the crisis could spread to Italy, the region’s third largest economy. (Source Reuters).

Economy of the European Union & EU Zone

  1. Germany – 2.400.000
  2. France – 1.900.000
  3. United Kingdom – 1.570.000
  4. Italy – 1.520.000
  5. Spain – 1.050.000
  6. Netherlands – 570.000
  7. Turkey – 440.000
  8. Switzerland – 355.000
  9. Belgium – 337.000
  10. Poland – 310.000
  11. Sweden – 293.000
  12. Austria – 277.000
  13. Norway – 275.000
  14. Greece – 237.000
  15. Denmark – 223.000
  16. Finland – 171.000
  17. Portugal – 167.000
  18. Ireland – 163.000
  19. Czech Republic – 137.000
  20. Romania – 115.000
  21. Hungaria – 93.000
  22. Slovakia – 63.000
  23. Luxembourg – 38.000
  24. Slovenia – 35.000
  25. Bulgaria – 33.000
  26. Lithuania – 27.000
  27. Latvia – 19.000
  28. Cyprus – 17.000
  29. Estonia – 14.000
  30. Iceland – 9.000
  31. Macedonia – 7.000
  32. Montenegro – 6.500
  33. Malta – 6000

When you check out the economics in Europe, you can see that the problems in Iceland, Ireland, Portugal and Greece are peanuts ! When Italy or Spain will need financial help the real shit will start. The Italian economy is over 3 times larger than the economy of Iceland – Ireland – Portugal and Greece together !!!

European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet will attend the meeting along with Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of the region’s finance ministers, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and Olli Rehn, the economic and monetary affairs commissioner, three official sources told Reuters. Van Rompuy’s spokesman Dirk De Backer said: “It’s a coordination, not a crisis meeting.” He added that Italy would not be on the agenda and declined to say what would be discussed.

However, two official sources told Reuters that the situation in Italy would be discussed. The talks were organized after a sharp sell-off in Italian assets on Friday, which has increased fears that Italy, with the highest sovereign debt ratio relative to its economy in the euro zone after Greece, could be next to suffer in the crisis. A second international bailout of Greece will also be discussed, the sources said. The spread of the Italian 10-year government bond yield over benchmark German Bunds hit euro lifetime highs around 2.45 percentage points on Friday, raising the Italian yield to 5.28 percent, close to the 5.5-5.7 percent area which some bankers think could start putting heavy pressure on Italy’s finances.

Shares in Italy’s biggest bank, Unicredit Spa, fell 7.9 percent on Friday, partly because of worries about the results of stress tests of the health of European banks that will be released on July 15. The leading Italian stock index sank 3.5 percent. The market pressure is due partly to Italy’s high sovereign debt and sluggish economy, but also to concern that Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi may be trying to undermine and even push out Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti, who has promoted deep spending cuts to control the budget deficit.

We can’t go on for many more days like Friday, a senior ECB official said. “We’re very worried about Italy”.

Monday’s emergency meeting will precede a previously scheduled gathering of  the euro zone’s 17 finance ministers to discuss how to secure a contribution of private sector investors to the second bailout of Greece, as well as the results of the stress tests of 91 European banks. Greece is already receiving 110 billion euros ($157 billion) of international loans under a rescue scheme launched in May last year but this has failed to change market expectations that it will eventually default on its debt. Senior euro zone officials worry that progress toward a second Greek bailout, which would also total around 110 billion euros and aim to fund the country into late 2014, is not being made quickly enough and that the delay is poisoning investors’ confidence in weak economies around the region. (Read full article @ Reuters).

Italy needs $600 billion !

The farce is now complete, as the Chinese rating agency Dagong, which was the first one to downgrade the US, reminds the world it is there to lend its weight in destabilizing the ponzi house of cards. From Dow Jones: “Chinese ratings agency Dagong Global Credit Rating Co. said Monday it is putting Italy’s sovereign debt on negative watch for a possible downgrade. The Italian government’s debt accounts for 119% of gross domestic product, with most of the debt coming due in the next five years, Dagong said in a statement. Dagong has often issued controversial ratings. In November last year, it cut its rating on the U.S. to A+ from AA, with a negative outlook. It ranks the U.S. as a riskier borrower than China. Italian debt is in focus at the moment, as spreads between 10-year Italian and German bond yields reached a record 2.47 percentage points on Friday. (Read full article @ Zerohedge).

EU on the Brink of Economic Collapse

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10 Signs the US is on Brink of Collapse !

10 Signs the US is on Brink of Collapse !

The stakes are still rising in a game of political chicken that now threatens the immediate future of the global economy, as President Barack Obama continues attempts to negotiate a deal to raise the US government’s debt limit. With just 5 days until a 2 August deadline that will see public coffers slip more than $14.3 trillion into the red – the maximum allowed under current rules – the White House spent yesterday trying to hammer out an agreement that will prevent the US from running out of money.

Congress has agreed to raise the debt limit more than 60 times since the Second World War, usually without serious difficulty. But the current political landscape is more polarised than ever, and any sort of consensus is proving elusive. An attempt to forge an outline agreement before the Asian markets opened last night failed. Timothy Geithner, the Treasury Secretary, has described it as “unthinkable” that either party would let their Government run out of cash, since that would plunge the global economy, which relies on US Treasury bonds, into a state of immediate meltdown.

However, Mr Geithner was unable to report any specific progress towards an agreement. His colleague, White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley, warned that there would be “a few stressful days” ahead for markets. Both the Democrats and Republicans would like an extension of the debt ceiling tied to a plan to shore up public finances. But they are divided along partisan lines as to how to achieve that goal. Read full article at The Independent

Over the past several decades, the U.S. dollar and other major currencies around the globe have been continually devalued, but they have still remained stable enough for trade to flourish and for the world to enjoy an unprecedented era of prosperity.  However, that all may now be changing.  Many analysts now fear that the new $600 billion program of quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve may set off a round of “competitive devaluations” across the globe that could precipitate a global currency crisis.  If that happens, it might not just be the death of the dollar that we are talking about.  Instead, we could potentially see the death of fiat currencies worldwide in the coming years.  Under the current system, nations have a built-in incentive to devalue their national currencies because it gives them a competitive advantage in world trade.  In fact, quite a few countries have been doing this for years, but in 2010 currency devaluations have become a “hot button” issue and the extreme actions taken recently by the U.S. Federal Reserve and other global central banks have pushed us to the brink of a global currency war.

The U.S. dollar was the first fiat currency to ever be used as a true reserve currency literally all over the globe.  For decades, nearly the entire world has had a tremendous amount of faith in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. government debt.  If the world was to lose faith in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. government debt, the entire global financial system would crumble.  Unfortunately, thanks to the foolish actions of the Federal Reserve, it looks like that is exactly what is starting to happen.

The following are 10 signs that we could be on the verge of the death of the U.S. dollar and of a global currency crisis.

#1 China’s leading credit rating agency has downgraded U.S. debt a time ago to “A” in the aftermath of last week’s announcement of a second round of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve.

#2 Top finance officials from China, Russia, Germany, Brazil and many other countries all over the globe are expressing anger over the decision by the Federal Reserve to initiate another round of quantitative easing.  A number of key exporting nations are now evaluating whether or not they should devalue their own currencies in retaliation.

#3 Alarmingly high sovereign debt levels in Ireland, Portugal and Spain are raising fears that the euro is set for another significant tumble.

#4 Investors are flocking to precious metals as they become disillusioned with paper currencies.  Yesterday gold closed at $1,603.98 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange, and silver soared to a 30-year high of $39.37 an ounce.

#5 It isn’t just precious metals that are exploding in price. Virtually every major commodity has been skyrocketing in price in 2011, and things only accelerated once the Federal Reserve announced this new round of quantitative easing.  Some analysts fear that this commodity bubble could put significant inflationary pressure on economies across the globe.

#6 The head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas is admitting that for at least the next eight months, the Federal Reserve is going to be monetizing U.S. government debt.

#7 One top Citibank official in 2010 publicly declared that he believes that central banks around the globe where going to start dumping U.S. dollars. Keep an eye on Aug 1th 2011, when there is no agreement on monday, the dollar will start to crash. Central banks allover the world and several nations will start to dump the dollar.

#8 In 2010, Japan publicly intervened in the foreign exchange market for the first time since 2004.  Japan’s stunning 12 billion dollar move to push down the value of the yen made headlines all over the world.

#9 Even economies that are on a relatively solid footing are openly attempting to manipulate currency rates in 2010.  For example, the Swiss National Bank experienced losses equivalent to about 15 billion dollars trying to stop the rapid rise of the Swiss franc earlier this year.

#10 Things have gotten so desperate that World Bank President Robert Zoellick is actually proposing that the world’s biggest economies should consider using gold as an indicator to help set foreign exchange rates.

#11 Unfortunately, the financial problems of the U.S. government look like they are only going to get worse.  According to the Wall Street Journal, in order to repay maturing bonds and finance the budget deficit, the U.S. government will have to borrow 4.2 trillion dollars over the next year.  If other nations decide that they are tired of the games and that they are going to stop lending so much money to the U.S. government, where will all that money come from?  Would the Federal Reserve step in and monetize most of it?

The truth is that the United States financial system is starting to come apart at the seams.  America simply cannot run a half trillion dollar trade deficit and a trillion dollar federal government budget deficit each year indefinitely.  There is no way in the world that those twin deficits are sustainable. If the Federal Reserve thinks that it can solve these problems by printing up a bunch of money and throwing it on to the table they are sadly mistaken.  The main thing that is going to do is cause a dramatic drop in the faith that other nations have in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. government debt.

But without faith in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. government debt, the world financial system is headed for a world of hurt.  If the rest of the world starts rejecting U.S. dollars and U.S. Treasuries, the fallout will be horrifying. Not only that, but if we do start to see a full-out currency war with nation after nation “competitively devaluing” their currencies, we might see faith being lost in all paper currencies.  If that happens it will create a financial horror of unprecedented proportions.

So let us hope that cooler heads prevail and that we don’t see a full-fledged currency war break out.  Let us hope that faith in the U.S. dollar and other major currencies remains high for as long as possible. Because once the “tipping point” comes, there will simply be no putting the toothpaste back into the tube. Read full article at Endoftheamericandream

10 Signs the US is on Brink of Collapse

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The Independent

George Washington Visions

George Washington’s vision is recorded at the Library of Congress

Winter of 1777, American forces were fighting against the British, the most powerful nation in the world. Many believe that only 3% of the American people took part in the struggle for independence, while “Tories” gave aid and comfort to the British cause.

“This afternoon, as I was sitting at this table engaged in preparing a dispatch, something seemed to disturb me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful female. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed, that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second, a third and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of her eyes.

“By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to address her, but my tongue had become useless, as though it had become paralyzed. “A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresistible, took possession of me. All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor, Gradually the surrounding atmosphere seemed as if it had become filled with sensations, and luminous. Everything about me seemed to rarify, the mysterious visitor herself becoming more airy and yet more distinct to my sight than before. I now began to feel as one dying, or rather to experience the sensations which I have sometimes imagined accompany dissolution. I did not think, I did not reason, I did not move; all were alike impossible. I was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly at my companion.

“Presently I heard a voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn,’ while at the same time my visitor extended her arm eastwardly. I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked upon a strange scene. Before me lay spread out in one vast plain all the countries of the world; Europe, Asia, Africa and America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America the billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and America lay the Pacific.

” `Son of the Republic’ said the same mysterious voice as before, `look and learn,’ At that moment I beheld a dark, shadowy being, like an angel, standing, or rather floating in mid-air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right hand, while with his left hand he cast some on Europe. Immediately a cloud raised from these countries, and joined in mid-ocean. For a while it remained stationary, and then moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard the smothered groans and cries of the American people.

A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean, and sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows it sank from view. A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn,’ I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them.

“Again, I heard the mysterious voice say, `Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn.’ At this the dark shadowy angel turned his face southward, and from Africa I saw an ill-omened spectre approach our land. It flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other. As I continued looking I a saw bright angel, on whose brow rested a crown of light, on which was traced the word `Union,’ bearing the American flag which he placed between the divided nation, and said, `Remember ye are brethren.’ Instantly, the inhabitants, casting from them their weapons became friends once more, and united around the National Standard.

George Washington Visions

“And again I heard the mysterious voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: from each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one.

Throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America. Our country was enveloped in this volume of cloud, and I saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast.

“Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word Union, and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.

“Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious!

“Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with o loud voice” `While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last.’ And taking from his brow the crown on which blazoned the word `UNION,’ he placed it upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said, `Amen.’

“The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, `Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union. With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown to me the birth, progress and destiny of the United States.”

In his farewell address, Washington spoke of several avenues of tyranny, including selfish ambition (with pretended patriotism,) collusion of powers, usurpation and precedence of usurpation, debt, foreign influence, and rank party politics.

As for collusion of powers, he warned, “The habits of thinking in a free country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration to confine themselves within their respective constitutional spheres, avoiding in the exercise of the powers of one department to encroach upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism.”

On usurpation, he warned, “If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed. The precedent must always greatly overbalance in permanent evil any partial or transient benefit which the use can at any time yield.”

George Washington’s last words were “Tis well.”



Is Islam Misrepresented ?

Is Islam Misrepresented ?

Now that a caucasian, blond blue-eyed Norwegian has committed a terrible terror attack, many people and the mass media that are still critical on Islam will have to be silent in the future. Decades ago Marshall McLuhan observed, “The medium is the message.” As the print and electronic media penetrate more and more every aspect of life, their influence increases greatly in shaping views and behavior of the public. The power of the media is a mixed blessing. On one hand, it can serve to expose injustices, wrongdoings, and flaws. On the other, it is able to propagate misinformation and outright disinformation.

Manipulation and control of the media is of critical importance to the rule of totalitarian states. Free societies, although less subject to laundered information, are still at considerable risk of being selectively informed or misinformed outright. The public can be deceived more easily by the overlords of the media when political correctness is used as subterfuge for promotion of certain ideas.

A case in point is the media’s portrayal of Islam, articulated by politicians and pundits—the talking heads on television and radio, as well as the analysts who write for newspapers and magazines in the West. Time and again we hear and read that Islam is a religion of peace, in spite of the fact that Islam has been a religion of violence from its inception to the present. This mantra, “Islam is a religion of peace” is repeated so often that it has become an indisputable statement of fact in the minds of many.

While radical Muslims kill, behead and rape, the MSM remains silent and repeats the same mantra of Islam’s peacefulness in the name of multiculturalism.  They insist that the civilized world accept Islamic culture, under the rubric of multiculturalism. Muslims and their frequently well-paid apologists use the multiculturalism umbrella only in non-Islamic lands to shield themselves from the torrent of legitimate criticisms that those who know Islam better shower on this cult of violence peddled as the religion of peace.

Don’t listen to me and don’t listen to these conniving dissimulators. Find out for yourself. See if the euphemism of multiculturalism is ever printed in the Islamic press, or ever appears in any form anywhere in Muslim countries. This multiculturalism gambit is Islam manufactured to pull the wool over the eyes of non-Muslims while Muslims carry on with their unrelenting campaign of eradicating anything or anyone non-Islamic everywhere in the world.

Those of us, through reason and tremendous act of will, who have freed ourselves from the enslaving yoke of Islam placed around our necks from birth, know about all the heinous inside dirt of this plague of humanity. We have experienced Islam first-hand and up close from the inside. We have studied the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sunna. We have seen Islam in action where it holds sway. Some of us even tried desperately to cling to this security blanket that was wrapped around us from birth. Yet, the more we studied and the more we experienced Islam, the more our efforts to remain in the fold became untenable.

Is Islam Misrepresented

We broke away from Islamic slavery and found it to be our solemn duty to expose this fraud of a religion, help other Muslims to free themselves from it, and warn the good-hearted and gullible non-Muslims against falling prey to it.

Recall former President George W. Bush on several occasions repeated the mantra and attributed the horrific violence committed under the banner of Islam to a small band of extremists? The former President’s assertion was either based on ignorance of the facts about Islam or his attempt at political correctness. Perhaps the President’s reticence to speak on the true nature of Islam was due to his desire to avoid inflaming the already charged feelings of many about Islam. In any event, truth is sacrificed and the public continues to cling to the false notion that Islam is a peaceful religion. People who dare to disclose the true nature of Islam run the risk of being castigated as a bigot or a hatemonger.

Even a cursory examination of Islam’s history and Islamic texts conclusively proves the exact opposite of peacefulness. Islam was, and continues to be, a movement of unbridled violence.

The Arabs who sallied out of the Arabian deserts did not fan out to the outside world with the Quran in one hand and flowers in the other, preaching love and peace from street corner to street corner, thereby capturing the hearts and minds of the people. Islam was forced upon every people at the point of the sword and the imposition of backbreaking jazyyeh (special taxes) levied on those who were spared death and allowed to retain their religious beliefs. In spite of paying heavy Jazyyeh, the non-Muslims were treated, at best, as second-class citizens in their own homelands.

The abominable persecution of non-Muslims in Islamic countries is a standard operating procedure. In many Islamic countries non-Muslim marriages are not recognized as legal unions and the children of the couples are stigmatized as bastards. Never mind Saudi Arabia, the cradle of barbarism, and even Egypt, the more civilized Islamic country and recipient of billions of dollars in U.S. aid, treat non-Muslims as second-class citizens and deprive them of their legitimate human rights.

The pundits, the analysts and the politicians are doing a great disservice to the public, each segment for its own expedient reasons, by parroting the mantra regarding the peaceful nature of Islam. As a matter of fact, the so-called small band of Islamic extremists is the true face of Islam. Admittedly, from time to time and place to place, Muslims have shown a degree of tolerance for non-Muslims. This tolerance dates back to the very early years of Muhammad himself. Early on, Muhammad was meek and proclaimed, “For you, your religion, and for me, my religion.” This assertion lasted but a few years until Muhammad’s movement gathered strength and Islam became the only alternative to death or heavy taxation. The imposition of Jazyyeh was a clever ploy for filling the Islamic coffers to support its armies and to finance its further conquests.

A longstanding Islamic practice is to be meek while weak and assume despotic intolerant power as it gains strength. Recent migration of Muslims to non-Islamic lands began as a seemingly harmless, even a useful, trickle of cheap needed labor. Before long, greater and greater numbers of Muslims deluged the new territories and as they gained in numbers—by high birth rate as well as new arrivals—Muslims began reverting to their intolerant ways by, for instance, demanding legal status for Shariah (Islamic laws), the type of draconian laws that for the most part resemble those of humanity’s barbaric past.

Islam is indeed misrepresented. Islam is not misrepresented by its “detractors.” It is misrepresented by Islamic mercenaries: organizations and individuals generously funded by states as well as wealthy believers who are making billions of dollars pumping and selling oil at astronomical prices. Prestigious universities in the West, always looking for handouts, are tripping over one another to establish Islamic studies programs staffed by professors who sing the praise of Islam. Islamic associations routinely intimidate newspapers if they dare to print the truth about Islam. Legions of lawyers, both Muslims as well as hired guns, are on the lookout to intimidate and silence any voice speaking the truth about Islam. The media that fall in line may receive generous advertising and other incentives from Islamic lobbyists.

Hence, it is a fact that Islam is misrepresented. It is misrepresented very effectively by non-Muslim individuals and institutions who are generously rewarded by the modern day Islamic conquerors. This time around the Muslims are using the immense petrodollar they extract from the addicted non-Muslims. The sword is temporarily replaced by just as deadly a weapon—the petrodollar. Before long, the Muslims aim to add a more deadly modern version of the sword—the Islamic bomb. Read the Full Article at Familysecuritymatters !

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10 things about belief !

10 things about belief !

From : CNN’s Belief Blog

In case you were wondering about all the balloons and cake: CNN’s Belief Blog has just marked its first birthday.

1. Every big news story has a faith angle.

Even the ordeal of 33 Chilean miners trapped underground for more than two months. Even the attempted assassination of Arizona congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Even March Madness. Even – well, you get the point.

2. Atheists are the most fervent commenters on matters religious.

This became apparent immediately after the Belief Blog’s first official post last May, which quickly drew such comments as : See comments at the CNN Belief Blog !

Those early comments presaged an avalanche of alternately humorous and outraged atheist responses on virtually everything the Belief Blog publishes. They’re more evidence that atheists are coming out of the closet to trumpet their disbelief, argue with the faithful and evangelize their godlessness. (It’s worth noting that the Belief Blog does plenty of atheism stories.)

3. People are still intensely curious about the Bible, its meaning and its origins.

It’s an ancient tome, but more than any other book in the Western tradition (with the Quran being the lone exception), the Bible still fascinates us. And it still feeds our most heated debates. In February, a guest post here arguing that the Bible is more ambiguous on homosexuality than traditionally thought elicited more than 4,000 comments. A response post insisting that the Bible clearly condemns homosexuality brought in an equal number of comments – and was the most popular story on on the day it was published.

Other Belief Blog pieces about biblical scholarship – including a recent offering about biblical misquotations – have also caught fire. More of us may be reading it on iPhones these days, but the Good Book still matters a lot more than the popular culture lets on.

4.   Most Americans are religiously illiterate.

Despite the appetite for stories and commentary about the Bible, most Americans know little about it. A huge Pew survey released in September found that most Americans scored 50 percent or less on a quiz measuring knowledge of the Bible, world religions and what the Constitution says about religion in public life. Ironically, atheists and agnostics scored best. How did you do on the quiz?

5. It’s impossible to understand much of the news without knowing something about religion.

Why did the Egyptian revolution happen on a Friday? Why was Osama bin Laden’s body buried so quickly after he was killed? Why did Afghan rioters kill seven United Nations workers in April? You simply can’t answer those questions without bringing in religion.

6.  Regardless of where they fit on the spectrum, people want others to understand what they believe.

That goes for pagans, fundamentalist Mormons, Native Americans, atheists – everyone.

7. Americans still have an uneasy relationship with Islam.

Nearly 10 years after the September 11 attacks provoked many Americans to pay attention to Islam for the first time, much of the country is still somewhat uncomfortable about the religion, which counts 1.5 billion followers worldwide.

The biggest domestic religion story in the Belief Blog’s young life was probably last year’s opposition to a proposed Islamic Center and mosque near New York’s ground zero. And with the 10-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaching, domestic tensions around Islam may flare again. The Arab Spring, meanwhile is raising weighty questions about Islam’s role in post-autocratic regimes, guaranteeing the religion – and its relationship with the U.S. – will be one of the world’s big stories for years to come.

8. God may not prevent natural disasters, but religion is always a big part of the response.

We see it play out every time Mother Nature delivers a punishing blow, from March’s Japan earthquake and tsunami to the recent tornado that flattened much of Joplin, Missouri. Read the Full Article at CNN’s Belief Blog !

10 things about belief



10 Signs that a Massive Cataclysm is Coming !

10 Signs that a Massive Cataclysm is coming !

1 – The Mysterie of the 2 Suns

About two months ago it was on the News : It could be that by the year 2012 we could start to see 2 suns, something in space would / could happen and that’s why we would see “two suns”, bla bla bla … Nothing to worry about, no problem and no danger to earth or humankind … Whats up with that ? The news story came before on Chinese TV that showed a picture of 2 suns. The Headline :

‘Two suns’ spotted in China defy explanation

Weeks after a story shot across the Web claiming that the imminent explosion of a nearby star would result in the appearance of a second sun in the sky — a story that was later debunked, two suns were caught on camera yesterday in China. The suns, one fuzzy and orange, the other a crisp yellow orb appeared side-by-side, one slightly higher than the other.

What’s going on? Life’s Little Mysteries, a sister site to, asked Jim Kaler, the University of Illinois astronomer who squelched the excitement over the aforementioned exploding Betelgeuse and who has written books on the day and night sky. The double sun image is an effect of optical refraction, Kaler said, but it’s a “pretty darn rare” one, and one not fully explained by science. “I doubt it’s been computer modeled,” he said. “There must have been some blob of atmosphere somewhere that caused this truly spectacular phenomenon, which in a sense is a mirage.

Mirages appear when particles in the atmosphere refract, or bend, light. This typically happens near the horizon, where air is thicker, though, and mirages are usually aligned vertically above or below the original source of the light — not beside it, like in the video. It’s possible, Kaler said, that an unusually thick patch of atmosphere wandered in front of the sun to create the unusual effect. Atmospheric optical effects or something else …

Anyway it’s the ultimate experience for Star Wars fans staring forlornly off into the distance as twin suns sink into the horizon. Yet it’s not just a figment of George Lucas’s imagination twin suns are real. And here’s the big news – They could be coming to Earth ! Yes, any day now we see a second sun light up the sky, if only for a matter of weeks. The infamous red super-giant star in Orion’s nebula, Betelgeuse is predicted to go gangbusters and the impending super-nova may reach Earth before 2012, and when it does, all of our wildest Star Wars dreams will come true.

The second biggest star in the Orion constellation is losing mass, a typical indication that a gravitation collapse is occurring … or … is this disinformation because “they” know that soon we will start to see the massive size of ELENIN ???

2 – Norway DoomsDay Vault

The name alone makes it sound like a relict from the Cold War or something out of a Bond film: it is referred to as the “Doomsday Vault” and housed in an icy steel and concrete bunker, more than one hundred metres deep inside the mountain permafrost of an Arctic archipelago. Yet the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is man’s latest attempt to create a latter-day Noah’s Ark, or insurance policy, for the planet in the event of a catastrophe such as devastating climate change induced by global warming.

After decades of planning and construction work, the vault will officially start operating tomorrow. As the world’s first global seed bank, it has the capacity to hold up to 4.5 million batches of seeds from all the known varieties of the planet’s main food crops. The vault cost €6B to construct and has been built to withstand nuclear missile attacks, comet strikes and even dramatic rises in sea levels that would result from both the Greenland and Antarctic ice shelves melting simultaneously.

The vault aims to make it possible to re-establish crops and plants should they disappear from their natural environment or be wiped out by major disasters. Cary Fowler, of the Global Crop Diversity Trust which set up the project together with Norway’s Nordic Gene Bank yesterday described the vault as the “perfect place” for seed storage. The vault is made up of three large, airtight, refrigerated cold-storage chambers which are housed in a long trident-shaped tunnel bored through a layer of permafrost in to a mountain of sandstone and limestone on the archipelago.

Norway’s Svalbard’s islands lie some 620 miles south of the North Pole deep inside the Arctic circle. No trees grow on the archipelago, which is home to some 2,300 people. It was selected because of its inhospitable climate and remoteness. The average winter temperature on Svalbard is around minus 14C. The vault is protected by high walls of fortified concrete, doors armoured with steel plate and a home guard of free-roaming polar bears. “The facility is designed to hold twice as many varieties of agricultural crops as we think exist,” said Mr Fowler, “It will not be filled up in my lifetime nor in my grandchildren’s lifetime, but at these temperatures, seeds for important crops like wheat, barley and peas can last for 1,000 years,” he added.

The permafrost and rocks surrounding the tunnels are meant to ensure the seed samples remain frozen, even if the plant’s refrigeration system fails and global warming raises the outside temperature. “It is an insurance policy for the planet,” Mr Carey said.

The vault will contain some 250,000 seed samples, the Svalbard vault already appears to have survived its first environmental test. In 2008 after the opening of the vault it survived the biggest earthquake in Norway’s history, a tremor with a magnitude of 6.2 ! Read the Full Article at The Independent

3 – Readiness Exercise – REX84

Callname REX84 (Readiness Exercise 1984) Activated due to a catastrophic event that is yet to take place. Rex 84 was allegedly written by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, we all know what happened to him…

Rex 84 is the unknown Continuity of Operations Plan that was publicly mentioned during the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987. Transcripts from the hearing in the New York Times record the following dialogue between Congressman Jack Brooks, Oliver North’s attorney Brendan Sullivan and Senator Daniel Inouye, the Democratic Chair of the joint Senate-House Committee:

  • [Congressman Jack] Brooks: Colonel North, in your work at the N.S.C. were you not assigned, at one time, to work on plans for the continuity of government in the event of a major disaster?
  • Brendan Sullivan [North’s counsel, agitatedly]: Mr. Chairman?
  • [Senator Daniel] Inouye: I believe that question touches upon a highly sensitive and classified area so may I request that you not touch upon that?
  • Brooks: I was particularly concerned, Mr. Chairman, because I read in Miami papers, and several others, that there had been a plan developed, by that same agency, a contingency plan in the event of emergency, that would suspend the American constitution. And I was deeply concerned about it and wondered if that was an area in which he had worked. I believe that it was and I wanted to get his confirmation.
  • Inouye: May I most respectfully request that that matter not be touched upon at this stage. If we wish to get into this, I’m certain arrangements can be made for an executive session.

Exercises similar to Rex 84 happen regularly, the basic facts about Rex 84 and other contingency planning readiness exercises and the potential threat they pose to civil liberties if fully implemented in a real operation are taken seriously by scholars and civil libertarians. In part II i will write more about REX84.

4 – Rand Corporation Study

RAND Corporation (Research ANd Development) is a nonprofit global policy think tank first formed to offer research and analysis to the United States armed forces. The Pentagon announced plan that directly correlates with a 2009, Army funded, Rand Corporation study that  called for an internal United States police force to combat civil  unrest.  The  plan basically calls for the  deployment of a 20,000 strong  internal troop  force inside the continental  United States (CONUS) that  was set to be trained by 2011, thus  dovetailing into the current troop and equipment movements around the country  reported by truckers as well as many more troop sightings by everyday citizens.

In the Simpsons episode “Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy” (1994), the character Milhouse includes RAND in a series of overlapping conspiracies that the children believe are causing their parents to disappear for long stretches of time. Note : Over the last 60 years, more than 30 Nobel Prize winners have been involved or associated with the RAND Corporation at some point in their careers !

5 – Space Shuttle Flights

In July 2011 the Space Shuttle flights where stopped, could it be that the Space Shuttle flights where stopped because of the coming of Elenin – Planet X – Nibiru? Read the Alamongordo article : Did Nasa stop Spaceflights because of the coming of Elenin? That’s not all, more strange thing are happening,read our number 6 – Nasa closed the popular “Buzzroom” !

6 – Nasa knew about the March 11 – 2011 Japan EarthQuake !

Nasa closed it’s popular “Buzzroom website” so-called “after a debate started about the proximity of Elenin”! After a post that Elenin would pass Earth closer than Nasa first told us. Rumors go that NASA took down buzzroom after there was too much revealed about Comet Elenin trajectory. Quote from NASA buzzroom: “These are my calculations, but I’ve revised from the original 0.24AU’s down to 0.0004617 AU’s on 21.42pm – The REAL reason : Nasa closed it down 5 days BEFORE the March 11 – 2011 Japan Earthquake to stop people from starting a debate and make the Elenin connection, they knew something “big” was going to happen and they where correct : On March 8th (2 days after they closed the Buzzroom) millions of dead fish swamp the Harbor Area of Redondo Beach California, this happened one day before the ELENIN – EARTH – MERCURY Alignment of March 9/10th that also triggered the China Earthquake and on March 11th the Massive Earthquake in Japan happened on the day of the Alignment between ELENIN-EARTH and the SUN.

7 – News start to Leak about ELE

Yep, just like in the movie! At this time news is starting to leak about an Extinction Level Event, read the Alamongordo Article “Elenin or Unseen massive comet indicates possible crash with Earth” !

8 – Prophecies and Predictions

Almost all well known prophecies talk about a cataclysm in our lifetime, check out the 9 Signs of the Hopi Indians : The Last Sign talks about the coming of “Blue Star” (Check out the 2009 Norway Bluestar), the Bible talks about “Wormwood”, Mother Shipton also made predictions about a meteor, comet or astroid. One of the best Prophecies ever made is the one of the Mayan Calendar, if this will happen than we will indeed have a “new world” by 12-21-2012 ! Also the predictions that “Aliens” will come to “help” humankind could come true, if Elenin will cause this disaster than the whole planet will be destroyed, after the destruction World War III will start because other nations than the US will want to take over the Power, after this Nuclear Armageddon it could be that “Aliens” or “God” as you wish will come (back) to Earth to establish his kingdom and humankinds rule will end !

A Small List of Prophecies (For More Predictions check out my “List of Prophets and there Predictions” !

9 – The Name and dates of the Comet C 2010 X1

ELENIN – ELE and NIN (Like Nostradamus said ROTA DUA, turn twice NINE – ELEVEN, on Sep 11th 2011 Elenin will make it’s closest approach to our Sun, exactly 10 years after the 9/11 terror attacks, on 11-11-11 there is a perfect alignment between Earth and Elenin and between 11/9 (again ELEven and NINe) and 11-11-11 the earth will pass the route of Elenin, if it realy is a “big thing” than our planet will be hit by rocks and debris from Elenin and the 3 1/2 days of Darkness from the Bible will happen if not already happened during “The Transit of Elenin”. The Dude that “discovered” Elenin, his name is “Leonid Elenin” but for the government it’s a piece of cake to give a guy that name … a history … a social security nr … so maybe if this Elenin Cataclysm is “real” he is working for the US government, he’s Russian but the comet is “discovered” in New Mexico, US … not in Russia.

10 – World Wide Earthquakes and Elenin

When you check out my Elenin Timeline, you can see that every time Elenin made an Alignment there was a +6 or +7 Magnitude Earthquake on Earth, the last one happened on March 11th 2011 in Japan, we all know what it caused multiple meltdowns. You can imagine what a Super Earthquake of +10 Magnitude will do to the planet !

10 Signs that a Massive Cataclysm is Coming

Also Read



Cave Prophecies




Alamongordo.Com has announced it will be aquiring PlayBull.Com !

Alamongordo.Com has announced it will be aquiring European PlayBull.Com !

Alamongordo, already the largest Prophecy website in the US, is about to get even bigger. Alamongordo.Com will become the parent corporation of PlayBull.Com – Last week Alamongordo.Com has announced it will be aquiring European PlayBull.Com for a reported $0 Billion U.S. in cash and stock. All existing PlayBull accounts (commercial and residential) will be rebranded as Alamongordo.Com.  The transaction is already approved by PlayBull.Com shareholders and government regulators, and will be made official by Aug 10th 2011.  So the question is: how will this affect authorized readers and advertisers of the two websites ?

It is reported that stockholders are pleased with the buyout, and analysts agree it will benefit both websites.  However, those who may not be pleased are PlayBull’s authorized readers. It seems like only yesterday (June of 2007, in fact) that PlayBulls officially split from its parent and rebranded itself PlayBull.Com. Despite an extensive ad campaign, readers no longer had the instant name recognition they enjoyed with the name Condors Cave. Now another major change is imminent, although (this time) name recognition should not be an issue.

Another potential problem for Alamongordo and PlayBull readers alike will be geographic overlapping of reading territories. There may not be a large enough reader base in certain areas to accomodate more than one website.

It is not yet known how the merger will affect readers of PlayBull. Will there be any change in availability of services? Will the switchover require one or more service mails? Since Alamongordo.Com already has one monitoring center in North America will either of PlayBull’s monitoring centers in the U.S. be shut down? According to Joey Clinton of Alamongordo.Com Investor Relations, these and many other issues are to be covered in an “integration planning process” set to begin in late August or early September 2011.

Once the deal is official (August 10th 2011), issues covered during this process can be implemented. We will update this article as new information becomes available. At this time it is expected that PlayBull will become the site to bring all of the Alternative News and Alamongordo will go back to it’s roots : Prophecy and Predictions.

Also Read


Reuters 😉

Australian Aboriginal Prophecies

Australian Aboriginal Prophecies

Prophecies handed down from generation to generation of the Australian aboriginal Elders speak of the coming of the end times of one dimension as we enter another. One of the prophecies from the Australian Aboriginals has to do with ‘black rain’ falling at the end time.

Guboo Ted Thomas, Australian Aboriginal Tribal Elder

I was in dreamtime. I seen this great wave going. I tell people about this wave. It wasn’t a tidal wave. This was a spiritual wave. So, to me, I believe that the Dreamtime is going to be that.

I believe the revival is going to start in Australia when we’re Dreaming. It’s the hummingbee that I’m talking about. And love. We’ve got to learn to love one another.

You see, that’s really what’s going to happen to the earth. We’re going to have tidal waves. We’re going to have earthquakes.

That’s coming because we don’t consider this land as our Mother. We’ve taken away the balance, and we’re not putting it back.

Australian Aboriginal Prophecies

Prophecies of H.G.Wells

Prophecies of H.G.Wells

  • The time machine was one of many future technologies that H.G. Wells popularized in his 20 novels and dozens of short stories. Although such a device isn’t one of Wells’s fancies that has since come to fruition, a time machine is within the realm of possibility, said Richard Muller, a physicist at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • H.G. Wells’s deadly heat ray, used by invading Martians in 1898’s The War of the Worlds, has become reality–albeit in a nonlethal form: above, the U.S. military’s Active Denial System stands at the ready at Moody Air Force Base in Georgia in January 2007. The device uses microwave radiation to make crowds uncomfortable enough to disperse.
  • The idea of antigravity technology goes back at least as far as the late 17th century, when Swiss mathematician Nicolas Fatio de Duillier hypothesized that gravity was caused by bodies’ absorption of minute particles. That would mean gravity could be blocked by the right type of shielding.
  • H.G. Wells didn’t specifically envision the modern cell phone. But in the 1933 novel The Shape of Things to Come, he depicted a wireless wrist intercom that had many cell phone-like features.
  • Biological warfare : In H.G. Wells’s 1898 book The War of the Worlds, Martians are eventually defeated by bacteria–“slain after all man’s devices had failed, by the humblest things that God, in his wisdom, has put upon this Earth,” Wells wrote.
  • In the 1899 novel When the Sleeper Wakes, H.G. Wells described 300-foot-wide (90-meter-wide) highways that move like giant conveyor belts, complete with seats and refreshment kiosks. Such an invention is a far cry from today’s moving walkways, often found in airports.
  • In H.G. Wells’s 1896 book The Island of Dr. Moreau, a doctor creates man-beasts and other fantastical creatures in an early version of genetic engineering.
  • H.G. Wells envisioned the sliding automatic door in his 1899 book When the Sleeper Wakes–more than a half-century before the first such door came into being
  • Invisibility, described in H.G. Wells’s 1897 book The Invisible Man, may move from the domain of fantasy into reality as scientists make new discoveries on how to conceal the human form. Above, a Tokyo University graduate student demonstrates a “disappearing coat” using optical camouflage technology in 2003.

Prophecies of H.G.Wells

Source : NationalGeographics

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Blavatsky asserted that humanity was presently in the fifth root race, the Aryan race, shades of Atlantis.

When Blavatsky stated the Aryan root race was 1,000,000 years old, she meant that the souls of the people that later physically incarnated as the first Aryans about 100,000 years ago began to incarnate in the bodies of Atlanteans 1,000,000 years ago.

Theosophists believe the Aryan root race was physically progenerated by the Vaivasvatu Manu, one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. The Aryan root race is white because it was generated from a specific tribe of the fourth (original Semite) subrace of the Atlanteans that was white and lived in the mountains of northeastern Atlantis (the closest relatives today to this tribe are the Basques); the bards of the new white race poetically described Aryans as being moon-colored.

Thus the Aryan root race overlapped the fourth, or Atlantean, root race, and the first beginnings of the fifth root race were approximately toward the end of the time during which the fourth root race dwelt in Atlantis. The small band of only 9,000 people constituting the then small Aryan root race migrated out of Atlantis in 79,797 BC.

A small group of these Aryan migrants from Atlantis split from the main body of migrants and went south to the shore of an inland sea in what was then a verdant and lush Sahara where they founded the “City of the Sun”. This city came to be ruled about 70,000 BC by an incarnation of the being who later became known as the ascended master St. Germain.

The main body of migrants continued onwards to an island called the “white island” in the middle of what was then an inland sea in what is now the Gobi desert, where they established the “City of the Bridge” which was constructed directly below the etheric city called Shamballa where Theosophists believe the governing deity of Earth, Sanat Kumara, dwells; thus, the ongoing evolution of the Aryan root race has been divinely guided by the being Theosophists call “The Lord of the World”.

Blavatsky described the fifth root race with the following words: “The Aryan races, for instance, now varying from dark brown, almost black, red-brown-yellow, down to the whitest creamy colour, are yet all of one and the same stock – the Fifth Root-Race – and spring from one single progenitor, which Hindus call Manu. Theosophists believe that each root race has a separate and distinct progenitor.

The Sixth Root Race

According to Blavatsky the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will begin to evolve in the area of the United States in the early 21st century. This sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will be called the Australo-American subrace and is believed by Theosophists to be now arising from the Teutonic subrace of the Aryan root race in Australia and in the Western United States (Many individuals of the new subrace will be born in California.) and its surrounding nearby areas (i.e., the Australo-American subrace is presently in the process of arising from the Anglo-American, Anglo-Canadian, Anglo-Australian and presumably also the Anglo-New Zealander ethnic groups).

The sixth or Australo-American sub-race will “possess certain psychic powers, and for this the pituitary body will be developed, thus giving an additional sense, that of cognizing astral emotions in the ordinary waking consciousness. We may say that in general the sixth sub-race will bring in wisdom and intuition, blending all that is best in the intelligence of the fifth subrace and the emotion of the fourth.”

It is believed by Theosophists that the root races evolve from the subraces of the same number; thus the sixth root race will evolve from the sixth sub-race of the fifth or Aryan root race, just as the fifth or Aryan root race evolved from the fifth subrace (the Semitic) of the fourth or Atlantean root race 100,000 years ago.

The sixth root race according to C.W. Leadbeater, a colony will be established in Baja California by the Theosophical Society under the guidance of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom in the 28th century for the intensive selective eugenic breeding of the sixth root race. The Master Morya will physically incarnate in order to be the Manu (“progenitor”) of this new root race. By that time, the world will be powered by nuclear power and there will be a single world government led by a person who will be the reincarnation of Julius Caesar. Tens of thousands of years in the future, a new continent will arise in the Pacific Ocean that will be the future home of the sixth root race. California west of the San Andreas fault will break off from the mainland of North America and become the Island of California off the eastern coast of the new continent.

The Seventh Root Race

A few million years in the future, the seventh root race will arise from the seventh subrace of the sixth root race on the future continent that the sixth root race will be living on that will arise from the Pacific Ocean. The continent they will inhabit is esoterically called Pushkara.

The Final Phase

It is believed by some Theosophists that after the present round of human spiritual evolution by reincarnation of souls in root races is completed several dozen million years from now, the human race will migrate to the planet Mercury to continue its spiritual and physical evolution.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Source : Crystalinks