Nostradamus letter to his son

Nostradamus letter to his son

All should read this BEFORE reading his Centuries and Quatrains !

Preface by: M. Nostradamus to his Prophecies

Greetings and happiness to César Nostradamus my son

Your late arrival, César Nostredame, my son, has made me spend much time in constant nightly reflection so that I could communicate with you by letter and leave you this reminder, after my death, for the benefit of all men, of which the divine spirit has vouchsafed me to know by means of astronomy.

And since it was the Almighty’s will that you were not born here in this region and I do not want to talk of years to come but of the months during which you will struggle to grasp and understand the work I shall be compelled to leave you after my death: assuming that it will not be possible for me to leave you such writing as may be destroyed through the injustice of the age (1555). The key to the hidden prediction which you will inherit will be locked inside my heart.

Also bear in mind that the events here described have not yet come to pass, and that all is ruled and governed by the power of Almighty God, inspiring us not by bacchic frenzy nor by enchantments but by astronomical assurances: predictions have been made through the inspiration of divine will alone and the spirit of prophecy in particular.

Nostradamus Letter to his Son Prophecies of Revolution 2017 2018 2019 2020 -

On numerous occasions and over a long period of time I have predicted specific events far in advance, attributing all to the workings of divine power and inspiration, together with other fortunate or unfortunate happenings, foreseen in their full unexpectedness, which have already come to pass in various regions of the earth. Yet I have wished to remain silent and abandon my work because of the injustice not only of the present time (The Inquisition) but also for most of the future. I will not commit to writing.

Since governments, sects and countries will undergo such sweeping changes, diametrically opposed to what now obtains, that were I to relate events to come, those in power now – monarchs, leaders of sects and religions – would find these so different from their own imaginings that they would be led to condemn what later centuries will learn how to see and understand. Bear in mind also Our Saviour’s words: Do not give anything holy to the dogs, nor throw pearls in front of the pigs lest they trample them with their feet and turn on you and tear you apart.

For this reason I withdrew my pen from the paper, because I wished to amplify my statement touching the Vulgar Advent (Le commun advènement, the Vulgar Advent, or the accession of the people to power, is generally taken by commentators to refer first to republicanism (via the French Revolution), then to its development towards and change into communism), by means of ambiguous and enigmatic comments about future causes, even those closest to us and those I have perceived, so that some human change which may come to pass shall not unduly scandalize delicate sensibilities. The whole work is thus written in a nebulous rather than plainly prophetic form. So much so that.

You have hidden these things from the wise and the circumspect, that is from the mighty and the rulers, and you have purified those things for the small and the poor, and through Almighty God’s will, revealed unto those prophets with the power to perceive what is distant and thereby to foretell things to come. For nothing can be accomplished without this faculty, whose power and goodness work so strongly in those to whom it is given that, while they contemplate within themselves, these powers are subject to other influences arising from the force of good. This warmth and strength of prophecy invests us with its influence as the sun’s rays affect both animate and inanimate entities.

We human beings cannot through our natural consciousness and intelligence know anything of God the Creator’s hidden secrets, For it is not for us to know the times or the instants, etc. So much so that persons of future times may be seen in present ones, because God Almighty has wished to reveal them by means of images, together with various secrets of the future vouchsafed to orthodox astrology, as was the case in the past, so that a measure of power and divination passed through them, the flame of the spirit inspiring them to pronounce upon inspiration both human and divine. God may bring into being divine works, which are absolute; there is another level, that of angelic works; and a third way, that of the evildoers.

But my son, I address you here a little too obscurely. As regards the occult prophecies one is vouchsafed through the subtle spirit of fire, which the understanding sometimes stirs through contemplation of the distant stars as if in vigil, likewise by means of pronouncements, one finds oneself surprised at producing writings without fear of being stricken for such impudent loquacity. The reason is that all this proceeds from the divine power of Almighty God from whom all bounty proceeds.

And so once again, my son, if I have eschewed the word prophet, I do not wish to attribute to myself such lofty title at the present time, for whoever is called a prophet now was once called a seer; since a prophet, my son, is properly speaking one who sees distant things through a natural knowledge of all creatures. And it can happen that the prophet bringing about the perfect light of prophecy may make manifest things both human and divine, because this cannot be done otherwise, given that the effects of predicting the future extend far off into time.

God’s mysteries are incomprehensible and the power to influence events is bound up with the great expanse of natural knowledge, having its nearest most immediate origin in free will and describing future events which cannot be understood simply through being revealed. Neither can they be grasped through men’s interpretations nor through another mode of cognizance or occult power under the firmament, neither in the present nor in the total eternity to come. But bringing about such an indivisible eternity through Herculean efforts (Nostradamus here compares his work, the twelve Centuries, to the Twelve Labours of Hercules, in order to stress their difficulty and importance), things are revealed by the planetary movements.

I am not saying, my son – mark me well, here – that knowledge of such things cannot be implanted in your deficient mind, or that events in the distant future may not be within the understanding of any reasoning being. Nevertheless, if these things current or distant are brought to the awareness of this reasoning and intelligent being they will be neither too obscure nor too clearly revealed.

Perfect knowledge of such things cannot be acquired without divine inspiration, given that all prophetic inspiration derives its initial origin from God Almighty, then from chance and nature. Since all these portents are produced impartially, prophecy comes to pass partly as predicted. For understanding created by the intellect cannot be acquired by means of the occult, only by the aid of the zodiac, bringing forth that small flame by whose light part of the future may be discerned.

Also, my son, I beseech you not to exercise your mind upon such reveries and vanities as drain the body and incur the soul’s perdition, and which trouble our feeble frames. Above all avoid the vanity of that most execrable magic formerly reproved by the Holy Scriptures – only excepting the use of official astrology.

For by the latter, with the help of inspiration and divine revelation, and continual calculations, I have set down my prophecies in writing. Fearing lest this occult philosophy be condemned, I did not therefore wish to make known its dire import; also fearful that several books which had lain hidden for long centuries might be discovered, and of what might become of them, after reading them I presented them to Vulcan. [He burned these books, these very important books]. And while he devoured them, the flame licking the air gave out such an unexpected light, clearer than that of an ordinary flame and resembling fire from some flashing cataclysm, and suddenly illumined the house as if it were caught in a furnace. Which is why I reduced them to ashes then, so that none might be tempted to use occult labours in searching for the perfect transmutation, whether lunar or solar, of incorruptible metals (Moon and Sun are constant symbols in Nostradamus of the republic and the monarchy respectively, hence the alchemic imagery also has a political aspect here).

But as to that discernment which can be achieved by the aid of planetary scrutiny, I should like to tell you this. Eschewing any fantastic imaginings, you may through good judgement have insight into the future if you keep to the specific names of places that accord with planetary configurations, and with inspiration places and aspects yield up hidden properties, namely that power in whose presence the three times (past, present, and future ?) are understood as Eternity whose unfolding contains them all: for all things are naked and open.

That is why, my son, you can easily, despite your young brain, understand that events can be foretold naturally by the heavenly bodies and by the spirit of prophecy: I do not wish to ascribe to myself the title and role of prophet, but emphasize inspiration revealed to a mortal man whose perception is no further from heaven than the feet are from the earth. I cannot fail, err or be deceived, although I may be as great a sinner as anyone else upon this earth and subject to all human afflictions.

But after being surprised sometimes by day while in a trance, and having long fallen into the habit of agreeable nocturnal studies, I have composed books of prophecies, each containing one hundred astronomical quatrains, which I want to condense somewhat obscurely. The work comprises prophecies from today to the year 3797.

This may perturb some, when they see such a long time-span, and this will occur and be understood in all the fullness of the Republic (Reference to toute la concavité de la lune); these things will be universally understood upon earth, my son. If you live the normal lifetime of man you will know upon your own soil, under your native sky, how future events are to turn out.

For only Eternal God knows the eternity of His light which proceeds from Him, and I speak frankly to those to whom His immeasurable, immense and incomprehensible greatness has been disposed to grant revelations through long, melancholy inspiration, that with the aid of this hidden element manifested by God, there are two principal factors which make up the prophet’s intelligence.

The first is when the supernatural light fills and illuminates the person who predicts by astral science, while the second allows him to prophesy through inspired revelation, which is only a part of the divine eternity, whereby the prophet comes to assess what his divinatory power has given him through the grace of God and by a natural gift, namely, that what is foretold is true and ethereal in origin (Ether: originally personified as a deity of the upper atmosphere, and later confused with Zeus).

And such a light and small flame is of great efficacy and scope, and nothing less than the clarity of nature itself. The light of human nature makes the philosophers so sure of themselves that with the principles of the first cause they reach the loftiest doctrines and the deepest abysses. But my son, lest I venture too far for your future perception, be aware that men of letters shall make grand and usually boastful claims about the way I interpreted the world, before the worldwide conflagration which is to bring so many catastrophes and such revolutions that scarcely any lands will not be covered by water (Water and flooding are often as a symbol of revolution in Nostradamus), and this will last until all has perished save history and geography themselves.

This is why, before and after these revolutions in various countries, the rains will be so diminished and such abundance of fire and fiery missiles shall fall from the heavens that nothing shall escape the holocaust. And this will occur before the last conflagration (The last World War, World War III ?).

For before war ends the (twentieth?) century and in its final stages (1975-2017) it will hold the century under its sway. Some countries will be in the grip of revolution (The French text refers to Aquarius, i.e. the water-bearer. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun is in Aquarius typically between January 20 (The date Donald Trump and all other US Presidents became POTUS) and February 18, while under the Sidereal Zodiac, the sun is in Aquarius from approximately February 15 to March 14, depending on leap year) for several years, and others ruined for a still longer period. And now that we are in a republican era, with Almighty God’s aid, and before completing its full cycle, the monarchy will return, then the Golden Age (Golden Age: The rule of Saturn, the happy, peaceful time, to commemorate which the Romans celebrated with Saturnalia). For according to the celestial signs, the Golden Age shall return, and after all calculations, with the world near to an all-encompassing revolution.

*** Note that the Revelutions in our time (2010-2017) in Egypt, Tunis, Libya and Syria (still happening) are also prophecied by Edgar Cayce and Baba Vanga !!!

From the time of writing 177 years 3 months 11 days (1555 + 177 = 1732, the exact date when Rousseau arrived in Paris, Nostradamus considered Rousseau the father of revolutionary and atheistic ideas) – plague, long famine and wars, and still more floods from now until the stated time. Before and after these, humanity shall several times be so severely diminished that scarcely anyone shall be found who wishes to take over the fields, which shall become free where they had previously been tied.

This will be after the visible judgement of heaven, before we reach the millennium which shall complete all (After the Millennium the Third World War will start and complete all). In the firmament of the eighth sphere, a dimension whereon Almighty God will complete the revolution, and where the constellations will resume their motion which will render the earth stable and firm, but only if He will remain unchanged for ever until His will be done.

This is in spite of all the ambiguous opinions surpassing all natural reason, expressed by Mahomet (Yes, even Nostradamus saw the dangers of Islam!!!); which is why God the Creator, through the ministry of his fiery agents with their flames, will come to propose to our perceptions as well as our eyes the reasons for future predictions.

Signs of events to come must be manifested to whomever prophesies. For prophecy which stems from exterior illumination is part of that light and seeks to ally with it and bring it into being so that the part which seems to possess the faculty of understanding is not subject to a sickness of the mind.

Reason is only too evident. Everything is predicted by divine afflatus (Breath or inspiration, oracular possession) and thanks to an angelic spirit inspiring the one prophesying, consecrating his predictions through divine unction. It also divests him of all fantasies by means of various nocturnal apparitions, while with daily certainty he prophesies through the science of astronomy, with the aid of sacred prophecy, his only consideration being his courage in freedom.

So come, my son, strive to understand what I have found out through my calculations which accord with revealed inspiration, because now the sword of death approaches us, with pestilence and war more horrible than there has ever been – because of three men’s work – and famine. And this sword shall smite the earth and return to it often, for the stars confirm this upheaval and it is also written: I shall punish their injustices with iron rods, and shall strike them with blows.

For God’s mercy will be poured forth only for a certain time, my son, until the majority of my prophecies are fulfilled and this fulfillment (sic) is complete. Then several times in the course of the doleful tempests the Lord shall say: Therefore I shall crush and destroy and show no mercy;  and many other circumstances shall result from floods and continual rain (Upheavals and revolution) of which I have written more fully in my other prophecies, composed at some length, not in a chronological sequence, in prose, limiting the places and times and exact dates so that future generations will see, while experiencing these inevitable events, how I have listed others in clearer language, so that despite their obscurities these things shall be understood: When the time comes for the removal of ignorance, the matter will be clearer still.

So in conclusion, my son, take this gift from your father M. Nostradamus, who hopes you will understand each prophecy in every quatrain herein. May Immortal God grant you a long life of good and prosperous happiness.

Salon, 1 March 1555

Also Read

Nostradamus and Donald Trump

Nostradamus and Donald Trump

Before we start, some people claim that Donald Trump is the Third AntichristI do not believe that, when you read the prophecies the Antichrist will fulfill, almost none of them connect to Donald Trump. For me, if he is a human … Vladimir Putin is still the Number 1 Antichrist !

These passages from Nostradamus are proof that he ‘predicted’ a Trump victory in 2016, apparently.

Michel de Nostradame, (latinised to: Nostradamus) was a French ‘seer’ who died in 1566 and wrote over a thousand predictions about the coming centuries, contained in Les Propheties. He wrote these as four line poems, organised into ‘quatrains’. Les Propheties was published as 10 volumes, each referred to as a ‘century‘.

The seer has been credited with predicting World War Two and the 11 September Attacks on New York City. Some believe that Century III, quatrain 81 refers to the 2016 presidential election.

The great shameless, audacious bawler,
He will be elected governor of the army:
The boldness of his contention,
The bridge broken, the city faint from fear.

That sounds about right. Especially given that on 20 January 2017, Trump became President and the Commander-in-Chief. Other predictions from Nostradamus have also been related to the 2016 US presidential election.

Nostradamus Prophecies About President Donald Trump -

The masculine woman will exert herself to the north
She will annoy nearly all of Europe and the rest of the world.
Two failures will put her in such an imbalance
That both life and death will strengthen Eastern Europe

The ‘masculine woman’ could be Hillary Clinton, and the stronger Eastern Europe is Russia. So this Quatrain is talking about the things happened in 2016, the months before the election of Donald Trump.

The false message about the rigged election
to run through the city stopping the broken pact;
voices bought, chapel stained with blood,
the empire contracted to another one.

The false message about the rigged election could point to two things: Before the election Donald Trump talked about the rigged election of Hillary Clinton and the rigged polls from the media (he was correct about that). Or it could point to the so-called “hacking” from Russia to help Trump win the elections. The empire contracted to another one can also point to two things : It could mean that the “Elite” has no more control because Trump is elected and the empire (United States) is in the hands of the simple people with Trump as president. It could also be that because of the help from Russia (hacking, etc) Trump got elected and the empire is now in the hands of Russia.

The trumpet shakes with great discord.
An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven:
the bloody mouth will swim with blood;
the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground.

From day 1 of his presidency Donald Trump started to make changes. He broke the TTP agreement and others will follow : NAFTA, The Iran Deal, ObamaCare, etc … Great discord could point to a divided nation.

Trump Nostradamus The Trumpet Revelation Alamongordo Prophecies 2017 2018 -

The republic of the great city
Will not want to consent to the great severity:
King summoned by trumpet to go out,
The ladder at the wall, the city will repent.

The Republic of the great city, pointing to the United States and the great city of New York. Summoned by Trumpet, ordered by Trump, The ladder at the wall … pointing to the “Mexican Wall” ?

The great Senate will ordain the triumph
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out:
At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be
Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled.

This could point to the future, the impeachment of Donald Trump, vanquished and driven out. But it could also point to illegal immigrants vanquished and driven out at the sound of the Trumpet, when President Trump gives the order. The second line could also point to a “one term president”.

The false trumpet concealing madness
will cause Byzantium to change its laws.
From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants
the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards.

The False Trumpet could point to Donald Trump but could also point to a worldleader that want to look like Trump or someone within the Trump government will cause Byzantium (Could point to a part of Europe, Ukraine but most likely to Turkey or another middle east nation) to change it’s laws. Changing Laws could also point to laws within the United States. Changing laws could also point to Turkey changing sides, from NATO to Russia. Changing Money & Standards could point to Trump’s slogan “America First”.

The Donald Trump Prophecies of Nostradamus -

At the end, Donald Trump will be a “normal” president. He will not start World War III or something like that … Putin will start world war III 🙂