US military convoys streaming through Europe ‘preparing for war’

Dozens of US military convoys will be hogging Europe’s roadways this week as part of an exercise designed to improve transportation logistics on the continent in case of war. But not all locals are happy about it.

US preparing for war with Russia in Europe and Baltic States -

Destined for the three Baltic states and Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, the convoys are part of a brigade of 3,300 US troops, who along with their 2,500 pieces of equipment recently docked in Antwerp, Belgium. Their arrival in Europe is part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, Washington’s ongoing response to the Ukraine crisis and Crimea’s reunification with Russia in 2014.
“Sometimes what is old is new again, and that is coming in here,” Maj. Gen. Steven Shapiro, commander of 21st Theater Sustainment Command, which supports US military operations in Europe, told reporters earlier this month. “Antwerp and Rotterdam were major ports when we were operating during the Cold War… We are coming back to Antwerp in a big way.”
The military hardware will move across Europe via river barge, rail, and road. Officials described the deployment as a large-scale exercise focusing on improving logistics skills that would be needed in case war breaks out in Europe.
The US troop movement across Europe has been described as one of the largest of its kind since the end of the Cold War – and, true to tradition, has already faced opposition from unwelcoming locals.

US convoys traveling through Germany on their way to Poland have faced the discontent of locals – and governments.
“I think that it doesn’t help us in the long run if tanks drive up and down both sides of the border,” Dietmar Woidke, Brandenburg’s state premier, said earlier this year. However, a government spokesman took a more neutral approach to the troop movements in a statement released on Monday.
Government concerns aside, a few dozen protesters were waiting for US military vehicles as they traveled east along Brandenburg’s country roads. Read The Full Article >>>

Source : RT News

Five Future Predictions That Will Leave You Reeling …

Whether or not humans have psychic powers or not has long been a hotly debated topic. Whatever your own beliefs are on this matter, it’s hard to deny that there haven’t been some pretty impressive predictions over the years. While skeptics may put it down to chance or informed guesswork, believers insist that these predictions are proof of the higher brain power that many humans apparently possess.

Most of us know about Nostradamus, but what other predictions have become eerily accurate as the years unfold? Whether they were intentional or accidental predictions, have a look at some of the most compelling prophecies of all time and see if it’s enough to make you a believer…

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The Predictions of the Sleeping Prophet

After Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce is arguably the next most celebrated psychic and for good reason. Nicknamed the ‘Sleeping Prophet’ due to the meditative state he would put himself into in order to make his predictions, Cayce is credited with foreseeing the start and end of both World Wars, the Great Depression, the deaths of Presidents Kennedy and Roosevelt, the shifting of the Earth’s poles and the rise of Hitler — to name just a few.

His most famous prediction is perhaps the Great Wall Street Crash:

“… adverse forces that will come in 1929… unless another of the more STABLE banking conditions come to the relief, a great disturbance in financial circles…we may expect a considerable break and bear market…” It wasn’t just world events that Cayce was able to predict. In a reading from 1927 Cayce forecast future medical advancements that would make an accurate diagnosis from a single drop of blood a reality — and this was a time when even the notion of blood as a diagnostic tool would have seemed like science fiction. Cayce’s predictions didn’t just involve other people — he also correctly predicted his own death, foreseeing on January 1, 1945 that he would be buried within four days. He died two days later of a stroke.

The Predictions of Mark Twain

The name Mark Twain is familiar to most but in the context of celebrated American author; lesser known are Twain’s apparent psychic abilities. Like Edward Cayce, Twain also predicted his own death. Born in 1835 when Halley’s Comet was visible, Twain foresaw that he would also die during a time when Halley’s Comet was visible. Accurately, Twain died on cue — in 1910, when the comet was once again visible in the night sky.

Unfortunately for Twain, his psychic abilities seemed to centre on death; he foresaw his brother’s death in a vivid dream where he envisioned him lying in a coffin between two chairs in his sister’s living room. The dream was so realistic Twain was unsettled for a long time after her awoke. A few weeks later Twain’s brother was suddenly killed, and when Twain entered his sister’s house he saw the exact same vision from his dream: his brother laid out to rest in his coffin between the two chairs, even with the exact same flower arrangement placed on his chest.

The Predictions of Nikola Tesla

The famed Serbian American inventor Nikola Tesla predicted personal wireless devices — in 1909. “It will soon be possible to transmit wireless messages all over the world so simply that any individual can own and operate his own apparatus.” Though far beyond imagination at that time, Tesla predicted that this wireless device would be hand-held, straightforward to use and that one day it would be possible to send wireless messages all over the world. In addition, “the household’s daily newspaper will be printed wirelessly in the home during the night.“ Sound familiar?

Tesla was also able to accurately predict the nature of humanity as well as technology. Believing that “the solution of our problems does not lie in destroying but in mastering the machine,” Tesla foresaw a world where science, not power and conflict, became the top priority for humankind:

“Today the most civilized countries of the world spend a maximum of their income on war and a minimum on education. The twenty-first century will reverse this order. It will be more glorious to fight against ignorance than to die on the field of battle. The discovery of a new scientific truth will be more important than the squabbles of diplomats.”

The Predictions of George Orwell’s 1984

Initially George Orwell’s dystopian science-fiction novel 1984 seemed exactly that – science fiction. But fast forward to the 21st Century and things begin to look a bit spookier. Orwell’s vision of a humanity kept under constant surveillance by Big Brother is something that is, unfortunately, familiar to most of us. In 1948, when Orwell wrote 1984, television technology was in its infancy and cameras were big and cumbersome; just the idea of closed circuit surveillance cameras was entirely removed from reality.

But it wasn’t just CCTV that Orwell predicted with eerie accuracy — like Tesla before him, Orwell was apparently a bit of a wizard at predicting the technology of the future. Orwell writes about “telescreens [that] received and transmitted simultaneously” — in 2014, how uncannily similar this is to the handheld “telescreens” we carry with us everywhere we go and almost never turn off.

Orwell’s genius is not reserved for technological predictions though, as he also correctly predicted future advancements in aesthetics. In 1984, surgeons were able to “alter people beyond recognition” and literally modify a person’s appearance entirely. This was just a dream in the 1940s – the first face transplant didn’t occur until 2005 – but in today’s world, drastic changes in one’s appearance are often seen as the norm.

The Prediction of the Periodic Table

In 1863, only 60 of the 118 elements were known — and yet Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, somehow designed a periodic table that foretold the weights and properties of the undiscovered elements perfectly. Is this an example of psychic powers being used to advance the knowledge of the world? Well, maybe… but in this case it’s more likely that Mendeleev was an exceptional scientist and used his knowledge and some guesswork to make these scarily accurate predictions.

By establishing the atomic weight and properties of elements, Mendeleev began to see patterns in the table. He then observed the spaces and predicted which elements could, and would fill, them. Among many of these projected elements is germanium, which wasn’t discovered until 23 years later; Mendeleev even named the element “ekasilicon.”

Source : Huftington Post

Mystic who predicted ISIS and 9/11 had two prophecies for 2018

Mystic who ‘predicted’ ISIS, 9/11 had two prophecies for 2018 !

A blind mystic who many claim predicted 9/11, the rise of ISIS, the Boxing Day tsumani and Brexit also foresaw two major events in 2018.
Bulgarian Baba Vanga — who died in 1996 at the age of 85 — is well known among conspiracy theorists who believe she foretold natural disasters and global events long before they occurred.

Baba Vanga Predictions -

Before she died, Baba Vanga — dubbed the “Nostradamus from the Balkans” — left predictions up to the 51st century, when she believed the world would end.

For 2018, she foresaw two world-changing events.

They were that China will become the world’s next “superpower,” taking over from the US, and “a new form of energy” will be discovered on Venus.
So could these predictions actually come true?

China’s economy has been steadily expanding over the last few years. In 1970, the country made up just 4.1 percent of the total world’s economy, but this rose to 15.6 percent in 2015 and it is continuing to rise. It has not yet overtaken the US, but could soon do so.
In 2015, the US contributed 16.7 percent of the world’s economy, but this is expected to fall to 14.9 percent in 2025, according to Forbes.
When it comes to Venus, there are no current plans to send a space mission there.

However, the Parker Solar Probe, named after solar astrophysicist Eugene Parker, is scheduled to launch in July 2018 and will investigate the outer corona of the sun. While it won’t land on Venus, it will use the planet’s gravitational force to pass around the sun.
The craft’s mission is to determine the structure of the magnetic fields at the sources of solar wind, trace the flow of energy that heats the plasma surrounding the sun and explore dusty plasma and its influence on solar wind and energetic particle formation.
Baba Vanga is said to have predicted 9/11 by claiming “two steel birds” would attack the “American brethren.”

She reportedly said: “Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush and innocent blood will be gushing.” She was also said to have foreseen Brexit when she said Europe as we know it will “cease to exist” by the end of 2016, and she warned of the rise of an extremist Muslim army that would invade Europe, thought to refer to the rise of ISIS.
However, last year it was claimed she said that Barack Obama would be the “last American president,” which falsely led some to believe Donald Trump would never be sworn in.

Other future events Baba warned the world about include :

  • the end of world hunger by 2028, Mars’ colonies gaining nuclear weapons by 2256 and Earth becoming unhabitable from 2341.
  • Global hunger will start to be eradicated between 2025 and 2028.
  • From 2033 to 2045, the polar ice caps will melt, causing ocean levels to rise.
  • Muslims will rule Europe and the world economy will grow.
  • The rise of cloning will mean doctors can cure any disease.
  • The US will launch an attack on Muslim Rome using a climate-based “instant freezing” weapon.
  • Between 2072 and 2086, a classless, Communist society will thrive hand in hand with newly restored nature.
  • Between 2170 and 2256, a Mars colony will become a nuclear power and demand independence from the Earth.
  • Back on Earth, an underwater city will be built and something “terrible” will be discovered during the search for alien life.
  • Sometime between 2262 and 2304, we’ll crack time travel.
  • From 2341, a series of natural and man-made disasters will make Earth uninhabitable. But humans will escape to another solar system and wars will be waged.
  • From 4302 to 4674, humans are immortal and have assimilated with aliens.
  • The 340 billion people scattered throughout the universe can talk to God.
  • In 5079, the universe will end.


Source : The NY Post

Russian state TV tells viewers to pack essentials for WW3 !!!

Russian state TV tells viewers to pack essentials for WW3 bomb shelters – Including iodine to protect against radiation.

In the same report, the Kremlin-owned channel also claimed there were too many Western scare stories about a catastrophic global conflict. A state-run Russian TV channel has advised people to pack essentials in preparation for World War Three. The Kremlin-owned channel suggested the ideal supplies for survival and told people to pack iodine to protect the body from radiation.

Never closer to World War 3 -

The Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0

The report on Rossiya-24 came amid deep tension over Syria and as a top military analyst warned that the world already has the Cuban Missile Crisis Mark Two. However, in the same report they also claimed there were too many Western scare stories about a catastrophic global conflict. Alexander Golts told Rain TV in Moscow: “A year ago when I said we had entered a new Cold War, nobody agreed with me.

“Now everyone agrees but it has become clear that events in this second Cold War develop a lot quicker. “It’s only just started and, here you go, we already have Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0.” The bomb shell advice included stated: “The food supply for doomsday includes many items but the main idea behind packing an emergency stock is less sweets, more water. “ Viewers were told to pack rice – “it can be stored for up to eight years, oatmeal for three to seven years”.

The Russian favourite of buckwheat only lasts one year, they were informed. “Obviously, you can survive on tinned meat for quite a while – up to five years, while canned fish keeps for not more than two years. “Of course it is hard to do without milk, at least powdered, sugar and salt. “Russian tradition suggests we should buy pasta in times of cataclysms. “But professional survivors do not recommend taking this product into bomb shelters.”

Why World War III could happen in 2018 !

TV presenter Alexey Kazakov said: “Life in the underground world will be particularly hard for the sweet toothed. “Chocolates, sweets, condensed milk, all this will have to be left behind. “Yes, glucose is a great source of energy but sweets cause thirst, and water will become the most precious source for residents of bomb shelters.” An “expert” called Eduard Khalilov – interviewed on Skype – said: “The more water, the better.

“Because you can survive for two to three weeks without food, but it gets really hard without water after three days only. ‘Water is needed to digest food too. And water is the first thing one should think of.’ Experts “say that it is also necessary to take supplies of medicines with iodine that help body deal with radiation”. The report said panic was worse in America, adding: “It is interesting whether Russians believe this nonsense. “After electing (Donald) Trump, the business of American producers of bomb shelters is booming.”


Any US missiles fired at Syria will be shot down

On The Brink of World War III !

Any US missiles fired at Syria will be shot down, launch sites targeted – Russian envoy to Lebanon !

On The Brink Of World War III -

The Russian military reserves the right to shoot down missiles and destroy launch sites in the event of US aggression against Syria, Moscow’s envoy to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin has warned.

Zasypkin stressed that “the Russian forces will confront any US aggression on Syria, by intercepting the missiles and striking their launch pads,” al-Manar TV website reported, citing the envoy.

The statement comes after Washington threatened a “forceful response” against Syria after an alleged chemical attack in the Damascus suburb of Douma on Saturday. The US was quick to pin the blame on the Syrian government, basing its accusations on unverified data and images, including reports from the infamous, rebel-linked White Helmets ‘civil defense’ group.

Source : RT News

US will go to war to stop emergence of petro-yuan !

US will go to war to stop emergence of petro-yuan !

The introduction of oil trading in yuan is a very bold move by the Chinese, because the US will not give up the basis of its hegemony – the dollar as the world’s reserve currency – without a fight. The Chinese plan to roll out a yuan-denominated oil contract is a very “brave” move, since countries who “tried to exit the oil-dollar matrix have met terrible ends,”.

Petro Yuan and World War III -

“Saddam Hussein wanted to trade oil in Euros and he was killed, Muammar Gaddafi wanted to trade his energy in something other than the US dollar – he was killed,” China, however, has the resolve and the resources to pull-off the de-dollarization, and besides, it’s backed by several major countries which are “resistant to America’s financial cartel,” namely Russia and Iran.

Kudos to China for taking this project on and of course they are rumored to be a big buyer in the Aramco offering of their state oil facilities coming down the pike,” i’m referring to the anticipated sales of shares in the Saudi Aramco state oil company. “This makes sense, geopolitical sense, in terms you’ve got China and Russia and the Saudis looking to escape the US dollar, US dollar hegemony.”

Saudi Arabia was pushed to the de-dollarization crowd only recently by the US itself, which, last year, allowed survivors and relatives of the victims of the 9/11 attack to sue the kingdom over its alleged role in the terrorist acts. “There’s decently motivation for the Saudis. They want to float Aramco, they are deeply in debt and they are running out of cash. And they wanted to do an APO [alternative public offering] of Aramco either on London or American exchange, but they prevented from doing so from the legal actions of the 9/11 survivors, who rightly pointed at Saudis as the cause of 9/11,”

Countries worldwide are tired of funding the America’s “military adventurism by being a party to the ‘Empire of Debt,’ as it’s known around the world – the US dollar,” and therefore, will likely join the de-dollarization movement. The US financial sector and its military-industrial complex are unlikely to give up the dollar hegemony without a fight, though, as the dollar is both the basis and the main product of America. And the US will use its other favorite tool for it – war…

“Maybe they will start a war between Japan and China, and maybe they will start a war with North Korea. America will do anything to keep the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency,” “They will invade the countries, like Afghanistan, they will stop at nothing. Because this is the basis of the US empire. It’s not land-based, it’s not based on material goods, it’s based on rent-seeking. It’s based on landing dollars, getting out income and when countries can’t pay they dismantle the assets and take them over. We saw it in Latin America, South America, this is how America built its empire.”

Moscow strikes back at US ‘anti-Russian’ threats about nuclear DOOMSDAY device

Moscow strikes back at US ‘anti-Russian’ threats about nuclear DOOMSDAY device

The Russian Foreign Ministry slammed US defence chiefs for increasing the chances of war after a report in the latest Nuclear Posture Review (NPR). In a statement today the ministry said the US accusations “have nothing to do with reality,” and expressed its “deep disappointment” with the report. Russian chiefs accused America of using anti-Russian rhetoric to justify “large-scale nuclear weapons buildup”.

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The NPR blamed Russia for developing a “nuclear drone torpedo”, sparking fears of war between the two military superpowers.
But Russian chiefs today said that the country would only use nuclear weapons in cases of aggression involving the use of weapons of mass destruction, or where the existence of the nation is at stake.

They attacked the trigger-happy US for treating “almost any use of military force as a reason for carrying out a nuclear strike against those deemed aggressors.” Russia warned that the US’s development of low-power nuclear munitions, together with its doctrine stating the right to a pre-emptive strike, would drastically increase the risk of nuclear annihilation even in “low-intensity conflicts.”
The country’s Foreign Ministry dismissed Washington’s accusations as “a dishonest attempt to shift its own culpability for the degradation of international and regional security onto others.”

And Moscow also expressed its anger over the fact that the US maintains and upgrades its tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, “in the immediate vicinity of the Russian borders.” Recently fears grew of a Russian-US military standoff after lethal surface-to-air missiles were placed on the disputed Ukrainian border. While top military brass warned that Russia is simulating all-out war with NATO in secret military drills.

Source : Daily Star

Prophecies for 2018

Prophecies For 2018

Prophecy 2018 – 1

If Humanity Wishes To Save Itself From Biospheric Destruction It Must Return To Living in Natural Time, yes this prophecy will return year after year.

Prophecy 2018 – 2

The 266th (last according St Malachy) Pope Francis is in great danger in 2017 – 2020.

Prophecy 2018 – 3

President Trump will stop Muslim terrorists from 7 (God the Holy Spirit … 7 is the number of “completeness”) nations of entering the United States.

Prophecy 2018 – 4

President Trump will make great changes in the world as he is not one of the Illuminati & the circle of Evil. He will talk like the simple man, not as a politician. Donald Trump is not one of them, he is one of men, but he will not be perfect, just as nobody is perfect. .

Prophecy 2018 – 5

Earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, tornadoes and mass animals dying. These things are just a fraction of the destroying forces raging throughout our world in 2017. (See Prophecy 10) !

Prophecy 2018 – 6

On the world stage, China could make bold moves to cure the “economic imbalance” in the world with far-reaching effects. China will grow military and become bigger and bigger. China is (in secret) working together and is helping North Korea.

Prophecy 2018 – 7

Italy could face more financial hardship with rising unemployment and loans making it the “epicentre” of a new eurozone crisis after the BreXit. The country looks set to experience economic turmoil and a deepening banking crisis. Another nation will take steps to leave the EU in 2020/2022.

Prophecy 2018 – 8

A popular prophecy is said to predict a new truce between Russia and Ukraine but i do not see it this way… It will be a false truce. Vladimir Putin will say he is searching for peace but is not. A new Cold War, a second cold war is started and cannot be stopped !!!

Prophecy 2018 – 9

Volcanic activity will proceed major earthquakes If there are greater activities in the volcanoes on Iceland, Vesuvius or Pelee volcano on the northern tip of the French overseas department of Martinique in the Lesser Antilles island arc of the Caribbean. then the southern coast of California and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada.

Prophecy 2018 – 10

The Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 will bring great changes to earth. This solar eclipse will be a warning of impending natural catastrophe / human disaster, and also will involve the warning of a war that the United States, Russia, China, Iran, N-Korea and Israel will be entangled in. This prophecy could flow into the year 2019-2020 !!!

Prophecy 2018 – 11

Be aware of Turkey, because Turkey is a false prophet !!! Turkey could even be leading a coalition of middle eastern countries to make (economic) war against The West and Israel. This will all come about during a time when “Peace and Security” is being proclaimed. Watch this prophecy in the coming years (2018 to 2022). IF Turkey becomes a member of the EU, this will be the END of the EU !!!

Prophecy 2018 – 12

Turkey will be on the side of Russia and China when a Third World War starts !

Prophecies for 2018

Prophecies for 2018 – Prophecies for 2018 – Prophecies for 2018 – Prophecies for 2018 – Prophecies for 2018 – Prophecies for 2018 – Prophecies for 2018 – Prophecies for 2018

CIA Director: World War 3 Begins in 12 Weeks !

The current tensions and saber rattling with North Korea could be coming to a head—which would inevitably kick off world war III—by as early as March 20, 2018, according to intelligence insider, James Rickards. Rickards, who has worked closely with U.S. intelligence agencies over the last two decades, was once asked to simulate asymmetric economic attacks on the U.S. financial system and is an expert at escalation scenarios and end games. Rickards notes that we should expect this war in the next 12 weeks, because “the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency told me,” writes Rickards.


The most important financial or geopolitical issue in the world today is a coming war between the U.S. and North Korea, probably in the next twelve weeks. How can I be so sure about the timing? The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency told me.

In a private conclave in Washington DC on October 20, 2017, CIA Director Mike Pompeo told a small think tank group (including me) that it would be imprudent to assume it would take North Korea more than ‘five months’ to have a reliable arsenal of nuclear-armed ICBM missiles. These could strike U.S. cities and kill millions of Americans. Five months from October 20, 2017 is March 20, 2018. That’s an outside date but the war will likely begin before then.

While Rickards claims could be dismissed as hearsay, they are backed up by recent public admissions from top generals.
Just last week, Marine Corps commandant Gen. Robert Neller warned US troops stationed in Norway that a war is coming.
“I hope I’m wrong, but there’s a war coming,” Neller told them. “You’re in a fight here, an informational fight, a political fight, by your presence.”

It’s not only US military officials echoing these ominous predictions of war either. Chinese General Wang Gongguang also said that war will be likely before March. “The war on the Korean Peninsula might break out anytime between now and March next year,” Wang told the Global Times, adding that “China should be psychologically prepared for a potential Korean war, and the Northeast China regions should be mobilized for that.” As TFTP reported earlier this month, revealing the extreme direness of the situation on the Korean Peninsula, a state-run Chinese media outlet based in a province bordering North Korea and Russia — the Jilin Daily — published a “common sense” guide for surviving a nuclear war.

China is not the only state in Southeast Asia to issue guidelines for surviving a nuclear attack, as both Japan and South Korea have carried out emergency exercises and issued similar guidelines. Make no mistake, a preemptive strike on North Korea will set off a global chain of events propelling the world’s superpowers into world war. The Chinese government has previously said that they reject military intervention, but in the event that the U.S. launches a preemptive strike on North Korea – the Chinese military WILL intervene in defense of the North.
Sadly, this entire scenario has been escalated to this point by those who claim to want peace.

For decades, the insane dictatorship that is North Korea has been making hollow threats — none of which they have ever carried out since the Korean war. Since the Korean War, North and South Korea have engaged in incursions and sabotage within each other’s respective countries, but North Korea has never attacked anyone else since.

As Ron Paul pointed out, the fact that North Korea is not an actual threat to the US is of no interest to those buying into the fear mongering war propaganda. Even the non-interventionists who supported Trump are buying into the sheer apocalyptic lunacy that would be a war with North Korea. “The propagandists are winning,” said Paul. Indeed they are and now, we have evidence that their warmongering insanity could have dire repercussions for the entire planet.

Until these hard truths are faced by the citizens of this country, we will continue to aggressively antagonize and provoke other countries like North Korea until one of these psychopaths — with their finger on the ‘red button’ — kicks off a global nuclear holocaust.
Being antiwar is not some cowardly stance by peaceniks and hippies, it is the only way to ensure humanity’s future on this planet.
Peace is not only the goal, but it is the only effective path by which that goal is reached.

Source : FTP

Inuit elders issue warning : The Earth has shifted


Inuit Elders have issued a warning saying that the earth has shifted or “wobbled” (Chandler Wobble) and that “their sky has changed,” and the sun, moon, and stars are out of place.

If we look back to everything that has happened int he last couple of years, there are some who would say that catastrophic natural events have increased lately. Some blame global warming, mankind, our way of life, while others are convinced it’s just a matter of natural cycles.

Inuit elders prophecies earth has shifted -

Recently—in July of 2017—a MASSIVE trillion ton iceberg, four times the size of London broke free of Antarctica. Dubbed A68, the monstrous iceberg measures 5,800 square kilometers and broke away from the Larsen C Ice Shelf. According to reports, it is one of the largest ever icebergs to break off of Antarctica with a volume twice the size of Lake Erie according to Project MIDAS. This, according to many is beyond worrying.

Reports indicate how global warming has never been as dangerous as it is today, and according to reports from USA today, the temperature in the regions are up to 5 degrees higher since the 1950’s and could even increase to up to 7 degrees by the end of the century. However, the massive iceberg that recently broke off is just the beginning warn experts who are afraid that satellite images from Antarctica show the continent is ‘breaking apart.’

After observing A68 getting separated from the Larsen C ice shelf, scientists say how they have observed remaining cracks to grow towards another feature called The Bawden Ice Rise—a region which provides critical structural support for the remaining ice shelf. But there are more problems which many of us aren’t aware of it seems.

According to scientists, our planet is experiencing the SIXTH mass extinction, as humans are causing a “biological annihilation” of wildlife. Experts argue how thousands of species on planet Earth are at risk from disappearing forever, if we don’t change collectively in the next two decades, and counter the ‘powerful assaults on biodiversity’. This dire warning was issued in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal where expert wrote how “In the last few decades alone, habitat loss, overexploitation, invasive organisms, pollution, toxification, and more recently climate disruption, as well as numerous interactions among these factors, have driven to the catastrophic declines in both the numbers and sizes of populations of both common and rare vertebrate species.”

The Earth has shifted – Not the best news right?

Well, according to Inuit Elders—natives to Arctic regions in Canada, the United States and Greenland, the Earth has shifted. Inuit Elders have issued a warning not only to NASA but to mankind, in General, saying that climate change cannot be blamed solely on global warming and that our planet is shifting. Inuit Elders say that our planet has ‘wobbled,’ saying how ‘their sky has changed.’ The Inuit are considered as excellent weather forecasters just as their ancestors before them. They say that the numerous weather changes and Earthquakes that our planet has experienced cannot be blamed on Global Warming as the majority thinks. Their entire message can be viewed in THIS VIDEO !

Source : Ancient Code