Nostradamus Comet


After the sign of the Hopi Indians (Blue star), the sign that in my opinion happened on Dec 11th 2009, the blue lights above Norway where at the time the climate meeting happened with more than 100 heads of state, read the ninth and last prophecy of the Hopi’s or watch CNN, there is a new sign : The comet predicted by Nostradamus ?

NASA scientists have spotted a comet in space being ‘eaten’ as it flies too close to the sun, Dailymail UK reported.

Nostradamus Prophecy QII-62 ! Mabus will then soon die and there will come a dreadful destruction of people and animals. Suddenly vengeance revealed, a hundred hands, thirst and hunger, when the comet will pass. Mabus puis tost alors mourra, viendra, De gens & bestes une horrible defaite: Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra, Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comete

Footage captured by NASA’s solar-focused agency – Solar and Helioscopic Observatory (SOHO) – showed the Kreutz Sungrazer as it made its fateful approach. Experts say Kreutz Sungrazers are characterized by orbits that take them extremely close to the Sun. German astronomer Heinrich Kreutz theorized that they are fragments of one large comet that broke up several centuries ago. They are named after Kreutz, who first worked out that they were related.

Nostradamus Comet

The agency gathered the footage using a Coronagraph, which blocks the brightest object in an image, according to a SOHO spokeswoman. The Coronagraph allows activity around the sun – such as the comet’s approach – to be viewed. It is known as a ‘false eclipse’ and displays the actual footage of the comet’s final seconds, presented in a way that it can be seen by the naked eye. Since the launch of the SOHO satellite in 1995, hundreds of Kreutz comets, some only a few feet in diameter, have been discovered.

However, none have survived the section of their orbit closest to the sun, much like the comet captured in these images. But new clusters of Kreutz comets will approach the sun over the next few decades, treating stargazers to more spectacular shows, experts say. Comet Image Caption : The SOHO spacecraft captured the arcing orbit of a sungrazing comet as it approached the Sun (Jan. 3, 2010) and evaporated. The comet is believed to belong to the Kreutz family of comets that broke up from a much larger comet many hundreds of years ago. They are known to orbit close to the Sun.

This comet was one of the brightest sungrazing comets that SOHO has observed in its 14 years of operation. SOHO’s coronagraph instruments block out the Sun with an occulting disk; the white circle represents the size of the Sun. The comet was discovered on Jan. 2nd by Australian amateur astronomer Alan Watson, who was inspecting images obtained by STEREO-A’s Heliospheric Imager on Dec. 30, 2009. The bright object slowly moving right to left below the Sun in the wider field of view movie clip (blue) is Venus. In that clip a smaller Mercury can also be seen moving from the left edge to just about above the Sun.

Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet

Visions of David Wilkerson

Visions of David Wilkerson (Published in 1974)

Earthquakes coming to United States ! The United States is going to experience in the future the most tragic earthquakes in its history. One day soon this nation will be reeling under the impact of the biggest news story of modern times. It will be coverage of the biggest most disastrous earthquake in history. It will cause widespread panic and fear, Without a doubt, it will become one of the most completely reported earthquake ever. Television networks will suspend all programming and carry all day coverage. Another earthquake , possibly in Japan may precede the one that I see coming here.

There is not the slightest doubt in my mind about this forthcoming massive earthquake in our continent. I am not at all convinced that this earthquake will take place in California. In fact, I believe it is going to take place where it is least expected. This terrible earthquake may happen in an area that is not known as an earthquake belt. It will be so high on the Richter scale that it will trigger two other major earthquakes.

Famine and Hunger coming !

Snowless winters will bring dismal crop production and famine conditions in central and western Russia, India, Pakistan , all of southeast Asia and Africa will especially hard hit. The forty-month drought in Africa and the prolonged dry spell in Brazil will both end temporarily. There will be some relief but conditions will worsen. In Africa, millions will face starvation. American food reserves will dwindle partially due to drought and flood in this country. Wheat, rice and soybean reserves will be completely exhausted. The demand for corn, rice and wheat will not be met.

The Beginning of Sorrows !

Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and hailstorms will occur more frequently. More than one-third of the United States will be designated a disaster area within the next few years.

Nature will go Wild !

Floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will destroy crops, animals and much wildlife driving prices even higher and causing some experts to suggest that nature is losing its balance. Weather will become increasing difficult to forecast. Sudden storms will appear without warning. Southernmost regions will be gripped by record cold waves and northern areas will experience record heat waves.

Short Periods of Relief !

Many men will appear to be repentant during the times of violent chastisement by natue but the short period of relief will make it appear that nature has settled down and men will be comforted by warmed, sunshine and normal seasonal weather. But more violence, far worse will soon follow. Airline pilots will be reporting the worst flying conditions in aviation history. The most intense hurricanes are coming. Many parts of the world face the most violent winters of all times. Europe faces the worst winter lashings ever.

Depletion of Relief funds !

Relief and disaster funds will become nearly depleted. Insurance companies will face huge losses. Unlimited funds are not available and the people of each nations will soon learn there will be no one left to turn to but God.

Outbreaks of Epidemics !

Mankind faces the threat of new epidemics. There will a major cholera epidemic sweeping through various underdeveloped countries. India and Pakistan face threat of untold thousands dying from epidemics and starvation.

Hailstorms !

Large chunks of ice will fall from the sky and cause much damage. These storms will not only destroy crops and smash automobiles but they will also cause the death of many people. Watch out for reports of intense ice storms and hailstorms in the future. Also prepare for the most severe winter of all time and record snowfalls in the United States and Canada.

Update 04/29/2011

David Wilkerson Dies in Car Crash on 04/27/2011, weeks after his prophesied Tsunami hit Japan !



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Visions of David Wilkerson

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The King of Agharti Predictions

King of Agharti Predictions

  • Men will increasingly neglect their souls.
  • The greatest corruption will reign on earth.
  • Men will become like bloodthirsty animals, thirsting for the blood of their brothers.
  • The crescent will become obscured, and its followers will descend into lies and perpetual warfare.
  • The crowns of kings will fall.
  • There will be terrible war between all the earth’s peoples; entire nations will die of hunger, crimes unknown to law, formerly unthinkable to the world.
  • The persecuted will demand the attention of the whole world.
  • The ancient roads will be filled with multitudes going from one place to another.
  • The greatest and most beautiful cities will perish by fire.
  • Families will be dispersed; faith and love will disappear.
  • The world will be emptied.
  • Within fifty years there will be only three great nations.
  • Then, within fifty years, there will be 18 years of war and cataclysms.
  • Then the peoples of Agharti will leave their subterranean caverns and will appear on the surface of the earth.
  • The cresent will become obscured, and it’s followers will descend into lies and perpetual war, this can point to Islam because Islam is not evil at all, it’s how you look at it, just like the bible.

So some followers will descend into lies of a few bad People. The persecuted will demand the attention of the whole world. This already happened. On 9/11 they had our attention, the attention of the whole world !

According the prophecies within 50 years of World War II there will be 18 years of war and cataclysms, the first attack on WTC happened in 1993 (start of the 18 year wartime). The end of the prophecy is +18 years = 2011 !

And then, in 2011-2012 the peoples of Agharti will leave their subterranean caverns and will appear on the surface of the earth ! This is one of the many prophecies with 2012 as its end-date.

King of Agharti Predictions – King of Agharti Predictions – King of Agharti Predictions

The following are 20 signs that a horrific global food crisis is coming.

The following are 20 signs that a horrific global food crisis is coming.

  • According to the World Bank, 44 million people around the globe have been pushed into extreme poverty since last June because of rising food prices.
  • The world is losing topsoil at an astounding rate.  In fact, according to Lester Brown, “one third of the world’s cropland is losing topsoil faster than new soil is forming through natural processes”.
  • Due to U.S. ethanol subsidies, almost a third of all corn grown in the United States is now used for fuel.  This is putting a lot of stress on the price of corn.
  • Due to a lack of water, some countries in the Middle East find themselves forced to almost totally rely on other nations for basic food staples.  For example, it is being projected that there will be no more wheat production in Saudi Arabia by the year 2012.
  • Water tables all over the globe are being depleted at an alarming rate due to “overpumping”.  According to the World Bank, there are 130 million people in China and 175 million people in India that are being fed with grain with water that is being pumped out of aquifers faster than it can be replaced.  So what happens once all of that water is gone?
  • In the United States, the systematic depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer could eventually turn “America’s Breadbasket” back into the “Dust Bowl”.
  • Diseases such as UG99 wheat rust are wiping out increasingly large segments of the world food supply.
  • The tsunami and subsequent nuclear crisis in Japan have rendered vast agricultural areas in that nation unusable.  In fact, there are many that believe that eventually a significant portion of northern Japan will be considered to be uninhabitable.  Not only that, many are now convinced that the Japanese economy, the third largest economy in the world, is likely to totally collapse as a result of all this.
  • The price of oil may be the biggest factor on this list.  The way that we produce our food is very heavily dependent on oil.  The way that we transport our food is very heavily dependent on oil.  When you have skyrocketing oil prices, our entire food production system becomes much more expensive.  If the price of oil continues to stay high, we are going to see much higher food prices and some forms of food production will no longer make economic sense at all.
  • At some point the world could experience a very serious fertilizer shortage.  According to scientists with the Global Phosphorus Research Initiative, the world is not going to have enough phosphorous to meet agricultural demand in just 30 to 40 years.
  • Food inflation is already devastating many economies around the globe.  For example, India is dealing with an annual food inflation rate of 18 percent.
  • According to the United Nations, the global price of food reached a new all-time high in February.
  • According to the World Bank, the global price of food has risen 36% over the past 12 months.
  • The commodity price of wheat has approximately doubled since last summer.
  • The commodity price of corn has also about doubled since last summer.
  • The commodity price of soybeans is up about 50% since last June.
  • The commodity price of orange juice has doubled since 2009.
  • There are about 3 billion people around the globe that live on the equivalent of 2 dollars a day or less and the world was already on the verge of economic disaster before this year even began.
  • 2011 has already been one of the craziest years since World War 2.  Revolutions have swept across the Middle East, the United States has gotten involved in the civil war in Libya, Europe is on the verge of a financial meltdown and the U.S. dollar is dying.  None of this is good news for global food production.
  • There have been persistent rumors of shortages at some of the biggest suppliers of emergency food in the United States.  The following is an excerpt from a recent “special alert” posted on Raiders News Network.

Look around you. Read the headlines. See the largest factories of food, potassium iodide, and other emergency product manufacturers literally closing their online stores and putting up signs like those on Mountain House’s Official Website and Thyrosafe’s Factory Webpage that explain, due to overwhelming demand, they are shutting down sales for the time being and hope to reopen someday.

Source : EconomicCollapse

Economic Prophecies and Visions

Economic Prophecies and Visions

Prophecies of The virgin Mary about the economy

A massive World Monetary Depression. (Prophecy of 9-7-1985) Our Lady

My child and My children, the days will grow darker, and there will be hunger in your land. Yes, My child, what I brought you here for this evening is to tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government – an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression.

I can illustrate to you, My children, what I mean by this monetary depression. Should you go and wish to buy a small instrument, even a guitar, that We hear plucking away at the dervishly, and devilry, of what is called the musical Mass, strung by guitars, and other creations of satan. My child, I go on to tell you, you will say that the guitar is not a costly item, but in order to buy this guitar you will carry an actual satchel, an overnight bag – size, My child – let Us put it that way clearly – of notes, your currency. It will take a whole suitcase of paper – paper money that no longer has a value. You will soon be reduced to bartering for your food. My child, I know you are affrighted at this word ‘war’; ‘death’, ‘turmoil’, ‘depression’, but what can I do but tell you the truth. I cannot smooth over it, for I would be accepted like those upon earth who like ostriches, they walk about, proud in their scientific knowledge.

A planned Great Depression. (Prophecy of 10-1-1988) Jesus

My child and My children, pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Keep this going throughout the United States and all of the nations of the world, for there is little time left. Soon, in the plans of the Eternal Father, He shall set forth and allow to come upon mankind, a great money disaster. In this way it will prove to you that the disaster back in the 1920’s, My children, was as nothing compared to what will happen now. I talk of a great depression coming upon mankind.

Destruction of the World Monetary Systems. (Prophecy of 11-1-1985) Our Lady

You will understand and broadcast the message to the world that there will be a great destruction in the monetary systems of the world. It will affect both the United States and Canada, and all the great powers of the world. And I repeat again: You will go to your stores to do your shopping carrying papers which may as well be newspapers, for the value they will have to purchase even food will be nil. How can a great country like the United States fall, you say, My child?

You ask Me in your heart. I read your heart. I will tell you why. Because they have given themselves over to satan. When a country has lost its morality and seeks the pleasures of the flesh, giving over, themselves over, to all manner of abominations, like homosexuality, and condoning this up the highest courts of the land, then that country shall fall.

Gathering of the world’s money to control the masses. (Prophecy of 2-10-1978) Jesus

Man shall not create a new world as he seeks. For there cannot be a lasting world without His God. And I speak not of the false idols and gods that man creates in his human nature! There is only one Creator. You who cast aside this knowledge and choose to set yourselves up by power and the gathering of the world’s money to control the masses, you will find that all of your power and all of your volumes of gold and silver cannot hold back the heavens as they descend upon you in a just chastisement. The world, the earth shall tremble, fear shall come upon mankind as he watches the approach of the destruction that he himself has chosen to set loose.

Evil Force like an Octopus. (Prophecy of 6-24-1976) Our Lady

There is a great evil force now enshrouding your world; it is like an octopus reaching out in every direction to ensnare the world. It is a force of evil set up by Satan. There are many arms of the octopus controlled by the monies of the world. For the love of money and riches, many will sell their souls to get to the head. O My children, what do you gain if you gather all of the riches of the world and destroy your soul.

When you come over the veil, and you will come over the veil, what will you bring with you – nothing of the material. You must gather your riches in Heaven now. They are supernatural: the graces, the merits that will allow you to enter into the Kingdom of your God.

Economic Prophecies and Visions



Prophecies for 2008

Prophecies 2008Prophecies for 2008

Prophecies 2008-1

Large Terror attack is possible and if not carefull can trigger a large war in Asia.

Prophecies 2008-2

Mayor economic event, global/worldwide economic disaster.

Prophecies 2008-3

A surprising military event, possible standoff between Chinese/N-korean or Russian troops and Western troops/army.

Prophecies 2008-4

Barack Hussein Obama will be the democrat going to the US elections and will defeat Hillary Clinton.

Prophecies 2008-5

An Ending of the comfortable high tech or/and high consumption lifestyle because of the economy in the West in 2008 or 2009.

Prophecies 2008-6

Barack Obama will be the 1th American/African to become President of the United States of America.

Prophecies 2008-7

Possible earthquake in the United States Of America/Mexico.

Prophecy 2008-8

Increasing tensions between Israel and Iran because of Nuclear Energy.

Prophecy 2008-9

“Whistle-blowers” are expected to revail “Government Secrets” about George W Bush in 2008/2009/2010.

Prophecy 2008-10

The US dollar will get weak, unemployment is coming worldwide.

Prophecy 2008-11

Death of Notable people in the year 2008 or 2009.

Prophecy 2008-12

Possible “Attack” on George.W.Bush before he leaves office.

Prophecy 2008-13

Oil will become very expensive, going to 150 dollars/B.

Prophecy 2008-14

Possible assassination of a head of state in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Prophecy 2008-15

There could be another conflict/war with/in Israel.

Prophecy 2008-16

Hurricanes, floods and hunger to become worse.



Prophecy is a process in which one or more messages that have been communicated to a prophet are then communicated to others. Such messages typically involve divine inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of conditioned events to come as well as testimonies or repeated revelations that the world is divine. The process of prophecy especially involves reciprocal communication of the prophet with the (divine) source of the messages. Throughout history, clairvoyance has commonly been used and associated with prophecy.

Various concepts of prophecy are found throughout all of the world’s religions and cults. To a certain degree prophecy can be an integral concept within any religion or cult. The term has found deep usage in the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i and Mormonism along with many others.