5777: The Beginning of The End ?

5777: The Beginning of The End ?

At sundown on October 2nd, the Jewish New Year 5777 will begin, and The LORD’s Biblical “High Holy Days” with it. We will close out the Biblical Jubilee Year (only coming around once every 50 years), which followed the Shemitah Year (coming once every 7 years). The fact that such a Biblically significant Year (5777) is following not just a Shemitah, but a Jubilee as well, has me very excited about what God has planned prophetically.

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5777 will be the 50th Anniversary of Israel’s reunification with the Jewish State’s God-given Holy Capital of Jerusalem, but that’s not all! The number 777 represents our GOD, as well as His number of perfection and completion. There is also an accurate 800 year old Rabbinical Prophecy that predicts the Year 5777 will begin the Season of the Messiah’s Coming (in our case, His RETURN)!

5777 Alamongordo Prophecies 2017 Israel EndTime Predictions and Visions - http://www.alamongordo.com/


The number 777 is attributed to our God and Father, YaHWeH, for many reasons. It is also attributed to His Father/Son Relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, Israel’s Messiah and our Saviour. Written in Hebrew, “YHWH in the YESHUA Messiah”, gives the number 777: “Yod, He, Vaw, He, beth, yod, shin, vaw, ayin, he, mem, shin, yod and heth” (10+5+6+5+2+10+300+6+70+5+40+300+10+8 = 777).

If that in itself weren’t awesome enough, also in Hebrew, “YESHUA saves”, gives 777 as well: “Yod, shin, vaw, ayin, he, vaw, shin, yod and ayin” (10+300+6+70+5+6+300+10+70 = 777). The Name “YaHWeH” written in Hebrew appears as 777. Did You Know that Donald Trump was 70 Years 7 Months and 7 Days on his first full day in office

Throughout the Holy Bible, we see the significance of the number 7 to God. It is, by far, used by The LORD more than any other number. For instance, God rested on the 7th Day and blessed it. The Shemitah Year comes every 7 years. The Jubilee Year comes after 7 Shemitahs’.

In the Book of Revelation, the Judgments all come in 3 sets of 7: Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, Seven Vials or 7-7-7 judgments. These are just a few of the many examples. This generation, which has already witnessed an abundance of “Last Days” Biblical signs, will only live through ONE Biblical Year which bears God’s Holy number, and that will be 5777. It begins in just a few weeks! What a season to be alive.

ALL of the signs which we’ve witnessed in the past few years, especially the signs in the heavens of the 4 Blood Moons falling directly ON Biblical Feast Days and IN the Super Shemitah and Jubilee Years, I believe signal Christ’s RETURN to rapture us before the 7-Year Tribulation. That is why seeing the Holy “7 7 7” in this coming Year, and a nearly 1,000 year old Prophecy of the Messiah’s Coming connected to it, I’m more watchful than ever before.

Prophecies – The Beginning of The End

Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel was a top Talmudic scholar in Germany. Just before he died, in the year 1217, he prophesied that the Ottoman Turks would rule over the Holy City of Jerusalem for 8 Jubilees. 8 x 50 = 400 years. The Turks indeed took control of Jerusalem 300 years after his death, in 1517, and his prophecy came to pass, as the Ottoman Turks then lost Jerusalem in 1917. Exactly 400 years later! During WWI, British General Edmund Allenby walked into Jerusalem, on Hanukkah 1917, without firing a shot.

The Rabbi went on to prophesy that after the 8 Jubilees, the 9th Jubilee would have Jerusalem being “a no-man’s-land”. The 9th Jubilee was from 1917 to 1967, and he was “right on” again with his prophecy. The Holy Land was placed under British Mandate in 1917 by the League of Nations and literally “belonged” to no nation. Even after Israel’s war of Independence in 1948-49, Jerusalem was divided by a strip of land running right through the heart of the city, with Jordan controlling the Eastern part of the City and Israel controlling the Western part of the City. That strip of land was considered and called “no-man’s land” by both the Israelis and the Jordanians.

The Rabbi then stated that in the 10th Jubilee “Jerusalem would be controlled by Israel”, which it has been ever since the Six Day War of 1967! His Prophecy continued, that “THEN” the Messianic end times will begin.

The “THEN” refers to the end of the 10th Jubilee, and the beginning of the new, which would be 2017, or, the Year 5777! If this Rabbi was 100% accurate on everything else, we should take his Messiah Prophecy very seriously. His timing would definitely fit perfectly with the current climate of the world Biblically. THE Messiah, Lord Jesus, gave His disciples a number of specific signs to look for, which would help believers to recognize when His Return is NEAR.

Our generation is the FIRST in world history to see ALL of the signs which He gave, as well as all of the signs which the Old Testament Prophets gave of the “Last Days”, being FULFILLED. We are not currently looking for Christ’s Second Coming to earth, as that occurs only after the 7 Year Tribulation. Christians are looking for the RAPTURE of the faithful, and all of the signs pointing to this momentous Event are already HERE.

Source : Biblicalsignsintheheadlines

Revelation 5

The Book of Revelation


5:1I saw, in the right hand of him who sat on the throne, a book written inside and outside, sealed shut with seven seals.

5:2I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the book, and to break its seals?”

5:3No one in heaven above, or on the earth, or under the earth, was able to open the book, or to look in it.

5:4And I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open the book, or to look in it.

5:5One of the elders said to me, “Don’t weep. Behold, the Lion who is of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome; he who opens the book and its seven seals.”

5:6I saw in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, having seven horns, and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God, sent out into all the earth.

5:7Then he came, and he took it out of the right hand of him who sat on the throne.

5:8Now when he had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.

5:9They sang a new song, saying, “You are worthy to take the book, And to open its seals: For you were killed, And bought us for God with your blood, Out of every tribe, language, people, and nation,

5:10And made them kings and priests to our God, And they reign on earth.”

5:11I saw, and I heard something like a voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousands of ten thousands, and thousands of thousands;

5:12saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb who has been killed to receive the power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing!”

5:13I heard every created thing which is in heaven, on the earth, under the earth, on the sea, and everything in them, saying, “To him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb be the blessing, the honor, the glory, and the dominion, forever and ever! Amen!

5:14The four living creatures said, “Amen!” The *elders fell down and worshiped.*

The Book of Revelation


Seven Seals of The Apocalypse

The Seven Seals of The Apocalypse

The seven seals is a concept of Christian eschatology, which comes from the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible, where a book with seven seals is described in Revelation 5:1. The seven seals was opened by the Lion of Judah. New Testament Book of Revelation 5:5 Each opening of a seal is followed by some event or series of events. When each of the first four seals is opened, a horse and its rider appear and are described. These are commonly referred to as the four horsemen / four horses of the Apocalypse.

  • First Seal : Conquest, White horse
  • Second Seal : War, Red horse
  • Third Seal : Famine, Black Horse
  • Fourth Seal : Death, green or pale horse
  • Fifth Seal : Vision of martyrs, The opening of the fifth seal is followed by a vision of those that were “slain for the word of God”. (Revelation 6:9)
  • Sixth Seal : Earthquake and the marking of the 144000, When the sixth seal is opened, there is a “great earthquake,” and signs appear in heaven. (Revelation 6:12-6:14) Also : 144,000 servants of God are “sealed … in their foreheads” in Revelation 7. According our Research if this happens it will be on December 21-23 of the year 2012.
  • Seventh Seal : Trumpets of Angels and the end of the world, When the seventh seal is opened, seven angels with trumpets begin to sound, one by one. The events of the seventh seal are further subdivided by the events following each angel sounding their trumpet. This seal is opened in Revelation 8, and the seventh angel does not sound until Revelation 11.

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