Pope Benedict dies: Are We Reaching the End of Time?

In 1595, a Benedictine monk named Arnold de Wyon published  Lignum Vitae – in which he claimed to have “discovered The Prophecy of the Popes,” which were originally written by St. Malachy, the Archbishop of Armagh in 1143. In 1871, Abbé Cucherat, in his book The Prophecies of the Succession of the Popes , tells us that in 1139 Malachy was “summoned to Rome Pope Innocent II to receive two wool palliums for the metropolitan sees of Armagh and Cashel.”

While in Rome, Malachy is said to have experienced a “vision of future popes,” which he recorded as a sequence of cryptic phrases describing their personality traits. St. Malachy allegedly gave his manuscript to Innocent II and the document remained unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590.

Examining the Papal Prophecy

The first pope listed after St. Peter was Ex caſtro Tiberis, who is noted as having lived in a “castle on the Tiber.” Regarding the final Pope, de Wyon claimed that Malachy wrote an apocalyptic statement which translates from Latin as:

“In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit. [sic] Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The end.”

When the text was discovered in 1595 it caused great intrigue and carried an air of legitimacy because so many of Malachy’s descriptions matched those of previous Popes. To many, the resignation of Benedict XVI in 2013 or the day he died 31/12/2022 indicated the beginning of the End of Days – also as prophesied.

However, not a shred of tangible evidence exists to associate Malachy with the prophecy, and the “original document” that de Wyon claimed to have “found” in the Vatican Secret Archives has never been seen by anyone else, ever. Soon after its discovery, many Catholic scholars deemed it as a contemporary forgery, however many others have continued to believe in the document’s authenticity.

Skeptics argue that historically when people had prophetic visions they told a lot of people, but Malachy apparently didn’t mention his vision to a soul, nor did his biographer, St. Bernard of Clairvaux; who documented several of Malachy’s other alleged miracles. And, depending on how you interpret the prophecy, Benedict XVI is not the 111th pope! Ten antipopes are listed among the “112 Popes” – so it is argued that Benedict XVI was the 101st pope.

The Papal Prophecy – Real or Forgery?

Among the historians who maintained that the prophecies were a late 16th‑century forgery, Spanish monk and scholar Benito Jerónimo Feijóo y Montenegro wrote Teatro Crítico Universal  between 1724–1739. In an entry entitled ‘Purported prophecies’ he observed a “high level of accuracy in the descriptions of the popes until the date they were published” … then, a “high level of inaccuracy after the publication date.” Friar Benito Jerónimo Feijóo y Montenegro was a Spanish monk and scholar who led the Age of Enlightenment in Spain and debunked myths and superstitions. This observation convinced him the prophecy was “created just before its publication.”

Having established that the prophecy was most probably a hoax, why were the prophecies created in the first place? A theory was forward by a 17th-century French priest Louis Moréri in his encyclopedia Le Grand Dictionnaire historique which suggested “supporters of Cardinal Girolamo Simoncelli created them in a bid to support his bid to become pope in the 1590s.” His evidence was in that the prophecies predicted the pope that would follow Urban VII was “Ex antiquitate Urbis” (“from the old city”), and Simoncelli was from Orvieto, which in Latin is Urbevetanum “old city” (Miller, 1981).

Writing extensively about the prophecy being a forgery, M. J. O’Brien, a Catholic priest who authored an 1880 monograph on the prophecies said: “These prophecies have served no purpose. They are absolutely meaningless. The Latin is bad. It is impossible to attribute such absurd triflings … to any holy source. Those who have written in defence of the prophecy have brought forward scarcely an argument in their favour. Their attempts at explaining the prophecies after 1590 are, I say with all respect, the sorriest trifling” (O’Brien, 1880).

What Does the Popes Prophecy Say of Today and Tomorrow?

If the list of descriptions is matched directly to a list of historic popes since its publication, Benedict XVI (2005–13) corresponds to the second last noted pope, described as “Gloria olivae” (the glory of the olive). 

And the final prophecy predicts the Apocalypse: “In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman [as bishop], who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations (COVID-19, War in Ukraine, coming war between Israel and Iran) and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.”

Check out —> Prophecy of the Popes- The Last Popes.

Source: Ancient Origins

Three Fatima Secrets

Three Fatima Secrets 

The Three Secrets of Fátima consist of a series of visions and prophecies given by an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three young Portuguese shepherds, Lúcia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto, starting on 13 May 1917. The three children were visited by a Marian apparition six times between May and October 1917. The apparition is now popularly known as Our Lady of Fátima.

  • May 13 2017 – Exactly 100 years ago the First Apparition of Fatima happened !
  • July 13 2017 – Exactly 100 years ago the Three Secret of Fatima were given !

The Three Secrets of Fatima Revealed Revelation of the 3 secrets of Fatima - http://www.alamongordo.com/three-fatima-secrets/

According to the official Catholic interpretation, the three secrets involve Hell, World War I and World War II, and the shooting of Pope John Paul II.

On 13 July 1917, around noon, the Virgin Mary is said to have entrusted the children with three secrets. Two of the secrets were revealed in 1941 in a document written by Lúcia, at the request of José da Silva, Bishop of Leiria, to assist with the publication of a new edition of a book on Jacinta. When asked by the Bishop of Leiria in 1943 to reveal the third secret, Lúcia struggled for a short period, being “not yet convinced that God had clearly authorized her to act.” However, in October 1943 the bishop of Leiria ordered her to put it in writing. Lúcia then wrote the secret down and sealed it in an envelope not to be opened until 1960, when “it will appear clearer”. The text of the third secret was officially released by Pope John Paul II in 2000, although some claim that it was not the entire secret revealed by Lúcia, despite repeated assertions from the Vatican to the contrary.

The Three Secrets Revealed

As the second millennium gives way to the third, Pope John Paul II has decided to publish the text of the third part of the “secret of Fatima”.

Fatima Prophecies - The 3 Fatima Secrets - Alamongordo Prophecies - http://www.alamongordo.com/

The twentieth century was one of the most crucial in human history, with its tragic and cruel events culminating in the assassination attempt on the “sweet Christ on earth”. Now a veil is drawn back on a series of events which make history and interpret it in depth, in a spiritual perspective alien to present-day attitudes, often tainted with rationalism.

Throughout history there have been supernatural apparitions and signs which go to the heart of human events and which, to the surprise of believers and non-believers alike, play their part in the unfolding of history. These manifestations can never contradict the content of faith, and must therefore have their focus in the core of Christ’s proclamation: the Father’s love which leads men and women to conversion and bestows the grace required to abandon oneself to him with filial devotion. This too is the message of Fatima which, with its urgent call to conversion and penance, draws us to the heart of the Gospel.

Fatima is undoubtedly the most prophetic of modern apparitions. The first and second parts of the “secret”—which are here published in sequence so as to complete the documentation—refer especially to the frightening vision of hell, devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Second World War, and finally the prediction of the immense damage that Russia would do to humanity by abandoning the Christian faith and embracing Communist totalitarianism

Three Fatima Secrets




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Chief John Ross Prophecies

Chief John Ross Prophecies

The messenger revealed to them that a “white ball” would arrive from the east which would be an enemy to the people.

The grandchildren of the Keetoowahs would point their feet to the west and great hardship would be placed upon them at the edge of the prairie. Their blood and families would be divided, and the enemy would not respect the Keetoowah people.

  • White Ball will arrive from the East
  • The White Ball is the Enemy of the People
  • Young leader will lead Keetoowah people to the East
  • Keetoowah Will not Follow there Creator
  • Keetoowah People will go further West
  • Keetoowah People will be destroyed and become extinct

 Chief John Ross Prophecies

The messenger revealed that a young leader would lead the Keetoowah people back to the east. However, if the Keetoowah people chose not to follow the Creator’s direction, they would continue further west to a sea of water and disappear forever. The Creator said, If the Keetoowah people are destroyed or become extinct, then the end of the world will follow. The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees are the only landless tribe in this country.

This recognition is based on Congressional legislation, Bureau of Indian Affairs policies and the Federal Courts rulings made over the past several years. They have all ruled the Keetoowahs do not have a land base or a jurisdiction area. The only alternative the Keetoowahs had was to move away from Oklahoma. This is what prompted the Keetoowahs to request the BIA to approve the UKB to establish a land base outside of Oklahoma and back to the east in Arkansas.

The BIA central office in Washington DC gave approval on June 23, 1994 to establish a land base outside of Oklahoma into Arkansas. The Keetoowahs now have established a land base and also an office in Waldron, Arkansas. Now, based on what you have heard, is the move back to the east purely by accident, or is this according to the prophecy?

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November 2010 : The World War III Trigger !

November 2010 : The World War III Trigger !

Baba Vanga predicted that World War III would start in november 2010, like the prophesied warning from the secrets of Fatima that predicted a great sign in the sky when world war II would start, on Jan 25th 1938 there was a large solarstorm and 45 days after Hitler invaded Austria, this was the real start of World War II !

Read our article “The Fatima Storm” for more information !

It could be the same with the Baba Vanga prophecy, the trigger could happen in November 2010, so here are the most important news facts of the november month in 2010 :

  • Republicans sweep US House !
  • Fed to Buy Extra $600 Billion of Treasuries to Boost Growth !
  • Obama visits India and doesn’t make a stopover in Pakistan !
  • Israel PM called Iran the world’s biggest treath !
  • Obama visits Indonesia !
  • Denver initiative calls for Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission !
  • Meeting G20 with currency conflicts !
  • Dollar under pressure in november 2010 !
  • Mysterious: Missile off the coast of Southern California !
  • Japan and China conflict about island !
  • Gunfire along border N-korea and S-korea !
  • UFO spotted in Centreville ?
  • Will G20 meeting be the start of WWIII ?
  • Largest solarflare in current solarcycle hits earth !
  • Respite for Ireland, euro after sharp selloff !
  • Obama opposes permanent extension of tax cuts for rich !
  • Summit of Asia-Pacific leaders !
  • Haiti cholera outbreak !
  • Finland’s nuclear waste bunker built to last 100,000 years !
  • Iran arms-smuggling case roils Nigeria !
  • Russian lawmaker calls for investigation into spy ring leak !
  • Indonesia volcano death toll tops 200 !
  • G-20: We’ll avoid currency war !
  • US and Israel discuss security !
  • Leaders of Russia and Japan to meet !
  • Middle East : Iraq pact heralds new political era !
  • Netanyahu tests Obama, again !
  • Ariel Sharon: Former Israeli prime minister moved home !
  • Pope writes Ahmadinejad of Catholics’ plight !
  • Netanyahu Says Iran Needs to Know All Options are Open !
  • Security Council to release long-delayed North Korea nuclear report !
  • Netanyahu says Iran must fear military strike !
  • N-Korea : Nuclear Revelations could be trigger to WWIII !
  • Russia deploys missile system in Georgian territory !
  • NATO agrees on missile defense system for most of Europe, the U.S. !
  • Pope says condoms may be OK in some circumstances !
  • NATO: Afghanistan handover in 2014 !
  • Accused arms dealer claims U.S. tried to force a confession !
  • The Irish Crisis: The beginning of the End for Europe ?
  • U.S. and allies spar with Iran over nuclear talks venue !
  • Terror battle likely to top Obama agenda in India !
  • China’s former nuclear chief gets life sentence !
  • Report: Chinese hijacked U.S. web traffic !
  • CNN Poll: Americans see China as economic threat !
  • U.N. report alleges North Korea exported nuclear technology !
  • Iran offers new nuclear talks !
  • Watch Out for : LYBIA !!!
  • Saudi king heading to U.S. for blood clot treatment !
  • Ireland requests billions in euro loans from EU !
  • Obama: Russia, U.S. will collaborate on missile defense !
  • NATO and Afghanistan sign pact !
  • Euro and dollar like two drunken men !

Cherokee Prediction and Rattlesnake Prophecies

>>>   Read Part   I   –   II   –   III

The First Shaking of the Earth would be so violent that this bug would be shaken off the earth into the air and it would begin to move and fly in the air. And by the end of this shaking this bug will be in the air around the world. Behind it would be a trail of dirt and eventually the whole sky of the entire earth would become dirty from these trails of dirt, and this would cause many diseases that would get more and more complicated. So the bug moving on the land, of course it¹s easy to see now.

In 1908 the Model-T Ford was mass-produced for the first time. So the elders knew the First Shaking of the Earth was about to come about — that was the First World War. In the First World War the airplane came into wide usage for the first time. That was that bug moving into the sky. And so they knew something very important would happen. There would be an attempt to make peace on earth on the west coast of this land, and so the elders began to watch for this. They began to hear that there was going to be a League of Nations in San Francisco, so the elders gathered in Arizona around 1920 or so, and they wrote a letter to Woodrow Wilson. They asked if the Indian people could be included in the League of Nations. The United States Supreme Court had held that a reservation is a separate and semi-sovereign nation, not a part of the United States but protected by it. This became a concern because people didn¹t want the reservations to become more and more separate.

They didn¹t want them to be considered nations. So they did not write back, and the Native people were left out of the League of Nations so that circle was incomplete. In the League of Nations circle there was a southern door, the yellow people; there was a western door, the black people; there was a northern door, the white people; but the eastern door was not attended. The elders knew that peace would not come on the Earth until the circle of humanity is complete, until all the four colors sat in the circle and shared their teachings, then peace would come on earth. So they knew things would happen. Things would speed up a little it. There would be a cobweb built around the earth, and people would talk across this cobweb.

When this talking cobweb, the telephone, was built around the earth, a sign of life would appear in the east, but it would tilt and bring death (the swastika of the Nazis). It would come with the sun. But the sun itself would rise one day, not in the east but in the west (the rising sun of the Japanese Empire). So the elders said, When you see the sun rising in the east, and you see the sign of life reversed and tilted in the east, you will know that the Great Death is to come upon the earth. Now is when the Great Spirit will grab the earth again in His hand and shake it, and this shaking will be worse than the first. So the sign of life reversed and tilted, we call that the Swastika, and the rising sun in the east was the Rising Sun of Japan. These two symbols are carved in stone in Arizona. When the elders saw these two flags, they knew that these were the signs that the earth was to be shaken again. The worse misuse of the Guardianship of the fire is called the gourd of ashes.

They said the gourd of ashes will fall from the air. It will make the people like blades of grass in the prairie fire, and things will not grow for many seasons. The atomic bomb, the gourd of ashes, it was the best-kept secret in the history of the US. The elders wanted to speak about it in 1920. They would have spoken of it and foretold its coming if they could have entered into the League of Nations. The elders tried to contact President Roosevelt to ask him not to use the gourd of ashes because it would have a great effect on the earth and eventually cause even greater destruction and a the Third Shaking of the Earth, the Third World War. So they knew after the Second Shaking of the Earth when they saw the gourd of ashes fall from the sky, there would be an attempt to make peace on the other side of this land. And because the peace attempt on the west coast had failed, they would build a special house on the east coast of this Turtle Island, and all the nations and peoples of the Earth would come to this house, and it would be called the House of Mica, and it would shine like the mica on the desert shines. So the elders began to see they were building the United Nations made out of glass that reflects like the mica on the desert so they knew this was the House of Mica, and all the peoples of the earth should go to it.

So they met and talked about this. They said that in the 1920’s they had written and they had not been responded to, so they said this time we¹d better go to the front door of the House of Mica because things might get a lot worse. So elders representing a number of tribes drove to New York City. When the United Nations opened, they went to the front door of the house of Mica and they said these words, We represent the indigenous people of North America, and we wish to address the nations of the Earth. We’re going to give you four days to consider whether or not we will be allowed to speak. They retreated to one of the Six Nations Reserves in New York State. Four days later they came back, and I believe the nations of the earth heard that the Indians had come to the door.

And they voted to let the Indians in. They wanted to hear what they had to say. But the United States is one of five nations of the United Nations with a veto power, and still they were concerned because this time the Native sovereignty was even stronger. And I believe they vetoed the entrance of the Native people. So then they knew other things would happen on the Earth. So they retreated to the Six Nations Reserve, and they talked about this, and they said the time is really getting close now — 1949. They said, “We’re going to divide the United States into four sections, and each year were going to have a gathering. Were going to call these the White Roots of Peace Gatherings. They began to have these around 1950. And they authorized certain people to speak in English for the first time about these prophecies.

>>>   Read Part   I   –   II   –   III

Alexei Fud Prophecies

Alexei Fud Prophecies

Alexey Fud, a well-known Russian clairvoyant, has made a breakthrough forecast and Prediction for 2019.

According to him, in 2019 one of the American cities will be hit with a nuclear bomb. Alexey knew this long before and waited for the chance to tell about it. He decided to reveal the information he was given and share it with ApiNews in Russia. It’ no use to say anything about the year 2012, it will be 2019 when the international politics and the model of the world will be defined.

The year 2019 will bring much pain for the USA. In the second half of 2019, to my deep regret, terrorists will achieve nuclear explosives and blow it up. One of the largest cities in the US will be wiped of the map.

First of all as i can see, New-York is under threat. But terrorist can still change their plans, it may be Los Angeles, Detroit, or Chicago as well. Four cities are mentioned with New York as the most probable target. But i should emphasize that terrorist can choose any variant if New-York would fail.

After the explosion, the US will lead a full-scale war against the Arab World. It’s quite possible that the standoff would end up with the Third World War. But it would be rather local one Nuclear Weapons if the blast occurs in the US, could be used against the Arab countries, and in this case the situation would get closer to the World War. Hopefully Russia won’t get involved.

Alexei Fud Prophecies

List of False Prophets

The List of False Prophets

2012 – The Mayan Prophecy

No end of the world on Dec 21 2012 or Dec 23 2012.

2010 – Baba Vanga? Or not … (Arab Spring started in 2010)!

According to the Prophecies of Baba Vanga, World War III would start in November 2010. Nothing happened in the month of November 2010 but just one month after in December 2010 the Middle East and North Africa “unrest” started in Tunisia creating a domino effect allover North Africa and the Middle East. In Egypt Mubarak was removed and the war against Libya started. I warned people to watch out for Ghaddafi since 2 years, you don’t have to be a prophet to see the dude is crazy. The strange thing is that Edgar Cayce, the “sleeping prophet” predicted that the Third World War would start in the area of Libya, Egypt and the Davis Strait so i would put the label of “false prophet” on Baba Vanga yet, lets see where this goes.

2009 – Alexei Fud

Alexey Fud predicted that the USA would be attacked with nuclear weapons in the second half of the year 2009, it was a “breaktrough prophecy” early 2009, it did not happen, you may want to read more about the russian (false) prophet Alexei Fud on this website.

2009 – Ronald Weinland

According to Ronald Weinland, the 7th seal opened around mid-2008 and by the End of the year 2008 the United States of America, Canada and a few Western European Allies would be destroyed. There would be a nuclear explosion, nothing happened yet ! He was wright about the economic colapse, this happened in September 2008. So it could be that the prophecies are delayed.

2008 – Blossom Goodchild

According to Blossom Goodchild (The Federation of Light), aliens would land on earth in the Month of October 2008, they have not arrived yet … Or did they ?

2004 – Arnie Stanton

Arnie Stanton noted on 1997-SEP-16 that that evening was the fourth Jewish festival since 1996-APR-3 on which a lunar eclipse occurred. He quotes Luke 21:25-26 which mentions “signs in the sun, in the moon and in the stars and on the earth distress of nations, he believes that these recent lunar eclipses are the last known stronomical signs that will preceed a 7 year (360 day/year) countdown to armageddon/Christ’s return to the Earth. He expects that Christ’s return will occur within a few months of 2004-SEP-29 when Asteroid Toutatis will make a very close approach to the Earth.

2001 – Charles Spiegel

Charles Spiegel, a retired psychology professor, preaches from a small town near San Diego CA that the ancient land of Atlantis will emerge from the Caribbean circa 2001 CE. Shortly thereafter, 1000 extra-terrestrials from “Myton” in 33 spaceships will land there and bring new knowledge to humanity.

2001 – Jack Van Impe

Jack Van Impe Ministries sponsors the largest Evangelical Christian program devoted to end-time prophecy. In his home page, he discusses his book “On the Edge of Eternity” in which he predicts that the year 2001 will usher in international chaos such as we’ve never seen in our history. He predicts that in 2001, and the years following, the world will experience drought, war, malaria, and hunger afflicting entire populations throughout the African continent. By the year 2001, there will be global chaos. Islam will become much larger than Christianity. This would take a sudden growth spurt; Islam is currently (in 2000) followed by 19% of the world’s population vs 33% for Christianity). A one-world church will emerge; it will be controlled by demonic hosts. Temple rituals (presumably including animal sacrifice) will resume in Israel.

2001 – Sun Magazine

Sun Magazine reported in its 1997-OCT-14 issue that Noah’s Ark has been discovered intact in undamaged form on a slope near Mount Ararat in Turkey. Inside were a group of 6 copper-gold-silver scrolls, each 12″ square. Scroll 2 reveals that the sun will superheat the earth, melting both polar ice caps, and creating a world-wide flood. Scroll 3 reveals that Doomsday is set for 2001. Good people who repent of their sins will be saved; cruel tyrants will be cast into the burning fires of Hell.

2000 – Pope John XXIII

 Pope John XXIII predicted in 1962 that Christ would appear in the sky over New York City. He will announce the creation of a 1000-year paradise, to be proceeded by six months of great sorrow.

2000 – Group of People

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in front of Taurus and the coming back of the Star of Bethlehem like 7.B.C. Some people expect a supernatural event comparable to the birth of Jesus.

2000 – Dan Millar

Dan Millar estimates this date as that of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Four events happen on that day, a Thursday. The sidereal day is reset. It is also the Jewish New Year, using the Canaanite calendar that was in use within ancient Israel prior to the Babylonian Captivity. It is the time of the Jewish “Feast of Jubilees” according to a message given by the Virgin Mary to Father Stefan Gobbi. This feast occurs only once every fifty years. This date is also the Autumn Equinox.

2000 – Captured Alien

According to Weekly World News of 1997-NOV-18, the CIA has caught a space alien who had crash-landed on JUN-20 in a New Mexico desert. He is from a species that is considerably more developed, both mentally and spiritually, than mankind. He is only survivor of the destruction of his world – a planet some 200 light years from Earth. He reports that God is “furious with his creations everywhere”. Apparently none of the species that he created turned out at all well. So, god is systematically working his way across the galaxies, setting fires to the planets and exploding them one by one. Earth will be next!

2000 – William Cooper

William Cooper, head of a militia group in St. John’s AZ, predicted that on this date the secret chambers of the Pyramid at Giza will be opened. Its secrets will be revealed and Satan will become a public figure. The American militia will engage in a massive war at this time. This, and the previous prediction, are the only two that we have been able to find which agree on the same day. Of course, it is an obvious date to select, because most people believe that the next millennium begins then. It doesn’t; it starts one year later on 2001-JAN-1.

2000 – Pope John XXIII

Pope John XXIII predicted in 1961 that Doomsday will begin with the detonation of an atomic bomb in a major European city by a Libyan terrorist group. This will trigger a massive six-month war that will cause the deaths of millions of people.

1999 – Dotson Meade

Bible expert Dotson Meade predicts that something will happen that brings about the war which will end the world as we know it. There will be a vicious cycle of storms and earthquakes that lead to the final battle the world has awaited.” This date was derived from information in the Dead Sea Scrolls. 2000 : Michael Drosnin, author of “The Bible Code,” found a hidden message in the Pentateuch (the first five books in the Bible) that predicts that World War III, involving a worldwide atomic [sic] holocaust, will start in 2000 (or perhaps 2006).

1999 – Sun Magazine

According to Sun Magazine, the Anti-Christ is alive oday and living in the Middle East. On AUG-11, the time of an eclipse of the sun, he will ake himself known to the world. “It will be the ultimate war.” Many will perish, and their ouls will travel to Heaven or Hell, depending upon which side that they supported during the conflict.

1999 – Branch Davidian Sect

According to the latest interpretation of Biblical prophecy by the Branch Davidian sect, 5 months of major torment will begin as the sixth seal is fulfilled.

1999 – Pope John XXIII

Pope John XXIII predicted in 1962 that visitors from outer space will arrive in chariots of flaming steel and will share heir advanced knowledge with humanity. Our life span will be increased to 150 years or longer. Most diseases will be wiped out.

1999 – Hon Ming Chen

Hon-Ming Chen has founded God’s Salvation Church in Texas. The group believes that a nuclear war will destroy parts of Earth in 1999. They have identified a nine-year old boy as the “Jesus of the East”, a reincarnation of Jesus Christ. They believe that if they can link him up with the “Jesus of the West” then 100 million lives will be spared. The second Jesus is supposed to live in Vancouver BC, look like Abraham Lincoln, and have been born in late 1969. Their search was unsuccessful.

1999 – Calendersign website

The website Calendersign lists a number of astronomical events that will happen as the millennium closes. There has always been an association between such alignments and momentous events in the mind of the public. Starting in late 1999, the following will be observed: – Total solar eclipse; visible from Europe on 11th August 1999. – Total lunar eclipse; visible in Europe and US on 21th January 200 – Triple planetary conjunction Mars, Jupiter & Saturn in April 2000 – Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in May 2000. This also occurred in 7 BCE and is thought by some to be the star that some of the Gospels mentioned as leading the three wise men to Jesus.

1998 – Church of the Subgenius

The Church of the Subgenius predicts that on “X Day”, the end of the world will occur. At that time, “the Men from Planet X, or XISTS, will arrive on Earth, close a deal with “Bob”, rupture the card-carrying Ordained SubGenii up to the Escape Vessels of the Sex Goddesses, and destroy the remaining population of Earth, very very slowly. Bob is J.R. Dobbs, leader and High Epopt of the Church of the SubGenius, Living Avatar of Slack, the Saint of Sales. He was responsible for founding the Church on a shifting, sandy beach of hypocrisy.

1998 – House of Yahweh

The House of Yahweh, Abilene predicts that an end-of-world scenario will start during October 1998. By mid-2001, they predict that 80% of the world’s population will have been killed as a result of nuclear warfare.

1998 – Taiwanese Christian-Buddhist Spiritual Sect

About 150 followers of a Taiwanese Christian-Buddhist spiritual sect have moved into Garland TX (a suburb in northern Dallas) to await God’s arrival. On 25 th March, God is expected to broadcast a commercial on Channel 18 in Garland. He will then be reincarnated into a man on MAR-31 at 10:00 AM, local time. They expect to draw a crowd of about one million who want to be touched by God. Their leader, Hoh-Ming Chen, selected Garland because it sounds like “God land”. News reports from Taiwan indicated that the group plans to commit mass suicide if God does not appear. These appear to be unfounded.

1998 – Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce predicted that the earth would have a new pole during the winter of The year 1998. Since the earth spins like a gyroscope, this would take an enormous amount of energy to achieve. That amount of energy would cause a massive disruption to the oceans and the earth’s crust. That could, in turn, cause very serious, worldwide tidal waves, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

1998 – Edgar Cayce

The famous psychic Edgar Cayce predicted that a secret, underground chamber would be discovered between the paws of the Great Sphinx. Inside, there will be documents revealing the history of Atlantis. This revelation will trigger the Second Coming of Christ. This prediction is rather interesting, because two independent studies have revealed that there is in fact an underground structure just where Cayce said it would be!

1998 – Centro

Centro is a very active religious organization, largely centered in the Philippines. They predict that the world will come to an end in 1998. They recommend that their followers retreat to safe places.

1997 – International Association of Psychics

The 29th July issue of the Weekly World News carried a statement by a spokesperson of the International Association of Psychics. 92% of their 120,000 members have had the same “end time” vision. Spokesperson Madame Vredeau predicts: – A rise in religious belief. Prophets and saints will appear and lead the faithful to safety – The oceans will shrink. Deserts expand. Crops will fail; there will be massive starvation – Widespread emotional and mental collapse; increase in crime and violence – Changing weather patterns; basic laws of nature will be disrupted – Satanic demons will appear in broad daylight. War, pestilence, a worldwide plague – Mankind will disappear around the year 2001 CE.

1997 –  Vladimir Sobolyov

Russian scientist Vladimir Sobolyovhas of the Rerikh Academy has analyzed Prophesies made by Russian saints, by Nostradamus etc. He announced his conclusions in 1997 September that the earth’s axis will suddenly tilt about 30 degrees sometime during the next two years. This will submerge the Scandinavian countries and Britain under water, in what is termed the Armageddon Flood. Siberia will be spared. He expects that aliens will intervene and lead the world into the fourth dimension. Right now, these aliens are on earth, but in hiding. Sobolyovhas said: If we completely believed in them, we would get lazy. So they are clever. They stay hidden in the fourth dimension and only show themselves from time to time.

1997 – Weekly World News

The 29th July issue of the Weekly World News reported that the biggest end of the World scare since the Cuban missile crisis was circulating through Washington. President Clinton called a secret meeting with leading Bible scholars for the week of 27 th July. A confidential Pentagon memo sparked the scare; it predicts a worldwide cataclysm of unprecedented proportions. Earthquake activity is on a rise and will peak at year-end; the earth’s crust is shifting ominously.

1997 : Superdave

Superdave the Wonderchemist takes the magic number 1331 and adds it to 666 (The Number of the Beast) from the Book of Revelation to get the year of the arrival of the Antichrist and the end of the world.

1997 – Sacerdotal Knights of National Security

The Sacerdotal Knights of National Security report that a space alien captured at a UFO landing site in eastern Missouri cracked under interrogation by the CIA and admitted that an extraterrestrial army will attack Earth on November 27 with the express purpose of stripping our planet of every natural resource they can find a use for and making slaves of every man, woman and child in the world!

1997 – The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement

A Jewish group, called theTemple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement were expected to attempt to place the cornerstone of a new temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This is a small piece of real estate that is the most sacred spot in the world to Jews, and one of the most sacred to Muslims. The Rapture Ready home page has predicted that the “Tribulation” would be triggered by that event. Previous attempts had failed either because of riots, or police action. There was one report that they were going to try to airlift the stone by helicopter this time. On October 20th, several thousand police officers were deployed throughout Jerusalem; they successfully prevented access to the Temple Mount.

1997 – Dan Millar

Dan Millar, of Surrey, BC, Canada and Bob Wadsworth of the Biblical Astronomy newsletter are two religious researchers. They are following the age-old tradition of looking for signs in the heavens for the arrival of the Antichrist, return of Christ, etc. Ancient prophecies told of heavenly events and even a cross in the sky in advance of momentous developments. Millar and Wadsworth have predicted the arrival of the Antichrist on April 10th. Dan suggested that we watch news from the Vatican and from Jerusalem on that day, because he expects some sort of coup by the Antichrist. He is expected to come to power in the Vatican as Pope Peter II. One heavenly indicator is the intersection by two comets of the star Algol in the constellation Perseus. Comets Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp intersected the star on the same date (April 11) on two adjacent years (Hyakutake in 1996 and Hale-Bopp in 1997). Plotting the two comets’ trajectories over the period April 1th to April 30th on the two years forms an almost perfect cross. They intersect between the eyes of the Medusa head that Perseus is holding in his left hand. “Algol” means “Demon Star” in Arabic. The head is known as Rosh Satan (the head of Satan) in Hebrew. There will be one further heavenly sign: on the evening of April 10th, there will be a lunar occultation of the star Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus.

1997 – Vortex of the Star of David Religious Sect

The Vortex of the Star of David religious sect of Luskville, Quebec was quoted as predicting the end of the world on Saturday, March 8th. A father, Jean Leon Marcoux, was interviewed; he was worried because his children will be visiting their mother at the sect’s commune on that weekend. He approached the Quebec police but was unable to get them to take any action. A spokesperson for the sect stated that they do not have a doomsday scenario.

1996 – James Ussher

Since 1658, many Christians have accepted the calculations of James Ussher, an Irish archbishop, who estimated that the first day of creation occurred on 4004-OCT-23 BCE. This would make the time interval between the creation of the world and a common estimate of the birth of Christ to be precisely 4000 years. Some people believe that Ussher fudged the data to make it come out neatly. He also estimated that the end of the world would occur exactly 6000 years later, in the fall of 1996.

1996 – Dorrance Publishing

The book “The Return of Jupiter: End of the world in the light of the Bible” Dorrance Publishing, Pittsburgh PA predicted a disaster starting in the Pacific Ocean : “A terrible earthquake is going to break the oceanic earth crust under the Pacific Ocean by the year 1996 AD

1992 – David Koresh of the Branch Davidian Group

David Koresh of the Branch Davidian group in Waco Texas changed the name of their commune from Mt. Carmel to Ranch Apocalypse, because of his belief that the Final all-encompassing battle of Armageddon mentioned in the Bible would start at the Branch Davidian compound. They had calculated that the end would occur in 1995. After a 51-day standoff, on April 10th 1993 76 members died as a result of a deliberately set fire.

1986 – David Berg AKA Moses David

David Berg, AKA Moses David comes back with a new prophecy : In 1986 the USSR would attack Israel and the US and they will win, the world would become a Communist dictatorship and … Christ would return to earth in 1993 ! Russia, the former USSR is still a big treath to the Western world, in August 2008 the Bear became alive again by attacking Georgia, in 1993 the first attack on WTC happened.

1983 – Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and Guru of the Rajneesh

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Guru of the Rajneesh movement predicted a massive destruction on earth, including natural disasters and man-made catastrophes.Floods larger than any since Noah, extreme earthquakes, very destructive volcano eruptions, nuclear wars etc. will be experienced. Tokyo, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Bombay will all disappear. Again this cannot be called a false prophet because all the things that Bhagwan predicted Can still come true …

1970 – David Berg AKA Moses David

David Berg, the founder of “the children of God” predicted that a comet would hit the earth, probably in the mid-70’s and that it would destroy the United States of America. Weird thing is that in the prophecies of Nostradamus and in the Revelations there are signs of a comet hitting the earth … Also Ronald Weinland writes about the destruction of the United States, soon after the opening of the 7th seal (that would be opened last year in 2008, but okay … So maybe David Bergs prophecy will still come true.

List of False Prophets

Also Read



The Fatima Storm

The Fatima Storm

January 25, 1938

The Great Aurora was seen over the whole of Europe and as far south as Southern Australia, Sicily, Portugal and across the Atlantic to Bermuda and Southern California. People could read the newspaper at midnight, the Japanese invasion of China was the main news on the international front All transatlantic radio communication was interrupted. Crowds in Vienna awaiting the eminent birth of Princess Juliana’s baby cheered the aurora as a lucky omen.


Fire department of Salzburg was called out to quench what residents thought was their town in flames. So many alarms were rang that the fire department dashed about in all directions, which only served to increase the level of panic among the citizens. This same impression of the aurora also struck Londoners during the January 1938 aurora who also thought their entire city was aflame. In England, a hook-and-ladder brigade was summoned to Windsor Castle to put out a nonexistent fire.

The Fatima Storm Three Secrets of Fatima Prophesied Fatima Secrets Preditions Visions Prophecies of World War II http://www.alamongordo.com

In San Diego, forest officials in the town of Descanso about 40 miles east, were routed out of bed on January 22 to respond to reports of ‘great fire in the back country’. After making the trip to check things out, all they discovered upon arrival was the crimson aurora borealis in the northern sky, last seen in these areas on February 1888. In Bermuda, many people thought that a ship was on fire at sea. Steamship agents took the precaution of checking with wireless stations to learn if there had been any S.O.S calls. Meanwhile, in Scotland, many of the more superstitious people living in the lowlands ‘shook their heads and declared the northern lights always spelled ill-omen for Scotland. The phenomenon also had some side effects.

It was responsible for delaying express trains on the Manchester to Sheffield line after electrical disturbance hit the signaling apparatus. Numerous false impressions were aroused among Cannock Chase people. One person thought there was a big fire at a local colliery and phoned the fire brigade. In some quarters it was said the world was coming to an end. Short wave radio sets were interfered with and the teletype system at the local office of the Western Union was started up by the phenomenon.

Astronomers in New England said the lights differed from previous auroral displays with such intensity and color and direction of the beams. The immense arches of crimson light with shifting areas of green and blue, radiated from a brilliant Auroral Crown near the zenith instead of appearing as usual in parallel lines. It was also considered to be one of the Fatima Prophesies by Roman Catholics worldwide.

Also Read



The Fatima Storm – The Fatima Storm – The Fatima Storm – The Fatima Storm – The Fatima Storm

Second Coming Prophecies

Predictions About The Second Coming


Emanuel Swedenborg, Emanuel Swedenborg witnessed the Last Judgment in 1757 as one of many events recounted in his works resulting from visions of Jesus Christ returned. He tells of almost daily interaction with Christ over the course of almost 30 years. His return is not in the flesh, but in His Holy Spirit. “Neither shall they say see here or see there, for behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20).

September 15, 1829

George Rapp George Rapp, founder and leader of the Harmony Society, predicted that on September 15, 1829 the three and one half years of the Sun Woman would end and Christ would begin his reign on earth. Dissension grew when Rapp’s predictions went unfulfilled. In March 1832, a third of the group left and some began following a man named Bernhard Müller who claimed to be the Lion of Judah. Nevertheless, most of the group stayed and Rapp continued to lead them until he died on August 7, 1847. His last words to his followers were, “If I did not so fully believe, that the Lord has designated me to place our society before His presence in the land of Canaan, I would consider this my last”.

October 22, 1844

William Miller and the Millerite Movement The fact that this failed to happen the way people were expecting was later referred to as the Great Disappointment. Some Millerites continued to set dates; others founded the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Advent Christian Church, which continued to expect the Second Coming but no longer set dates for it (Members of the Bahá’í Faith believe that Christ did return on May 23, 1844 as the Báb (the Gate), the forerunner of Bahá’u’lláh (Glory of God).


Charles Taze Russell Charles Taze Russell, the first president of what is now the Watchtower Society of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, calculated 1874 to be the year of Christ’s Second Coming, and until his death taught that Christ was invisibly present, and ruling from the heavens from that date prophesied. Russell proclaimed Christ’s invisible return in 1874, the resurrection of the saints in 1875, and predicted the end of the “harvest” and a rapture of the saints to heaven for 1878, and the final end of “the day of wrath” in 1914. 1874 was considered the end of 6,000 years of human history and the beginning of judgment by Christ.


Jehovah’s Witnesses The “Second Coming” is important in the doctrine of Jehovah’s Witnesses, although they do not use this term. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Christ’s visible (to humans) return will be at Armageddon. They believe that 1914 A.D. marked the beginning of Christ’s invisible presence (Matt. 24:3 gr. “parousia”) as the King of God’s Kingdom (Psalm 110; Revelation 12:10), and the beginning of the last days of the human ruled system of society. They believe the signs Christ revealed about his return in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 began to occur starting in 1914. In a parallel Biblical account at Revelation 6, they believe the ride of the symbolic four horsemen began in the same year, and that the first rider on the white horse depicts the Christ. He goes forth to complete his conquest of the earth, while the rule by human leaders continues for a short while until they meet their end at Armageddon by the power of the Christ (Revelation 19:11-21).


Sun Myung Moon The followers of Reverend Sun Myung Moon consider Rev. Moon to be the Lord of the Second Advent called by Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday at the age of 15 on a Korean Mountainside.


Rudolf Steiner Steiner described the physical incarnation of Christ as a unique event, but predicted that Christ would reappear in the etheric, or lowest spiritual, plane beginning in the 1930s. This would manifest in various ways: as a new spiritual approach to community life and between individuals; in more and more individuals discovering fully conscious access to the etheric plane (clairvoyance); and in Christ’s appearance to groups of seekers gathered together.


Herbert W. Armstrong Armstrong, Pastor-General of the Radio Church of God, and then the Worldwide Church of God, felt the return of Jesus Christ might be in 1975. Of particular note was the book 1975 in Prophecy! Written by Armstrong and published by the Radio Church of God in 1956. Though, never explicitly stating a date in the booklet, the title led people to believe the date was the second coming.

June 28, 1981

Bill Maupin Maupin, a pastor of the Lighthouse Gospel Tract Foundation in Tucson, Arizona , wrote a book predicting the date of the Second Coming. His congregation sold all their belongings and went to a hilltop on that day to await the event.

June 21, 1982

Benjamin Creme The followers of the New Age Theosophical guru Benjamin Creme, like Alice A. Bailey, believe the Second Coming will occur when Maitreya (the being Theosophists identify as being Christ) makes his presence on Earth publically known-Crème believes Maitreya has been on Earth since 1977, living in secret. Creme put advertisements in many of the world’s major newspapers in early 1982 stating that the Second Coming would occur on Monday, 21 June 1982 (summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, at which time Christ (Maitreya) would announce his Second Coming on worldwide television (this is called the Emergence or Day of Declaration ; this is when, Creme’s followers believe, the Maitreya will telepathically overshadow all of humanity when he appears on worldwide television. When this event did not occur, Crème claimed that the “world is not yet ready to receive Maitreya”; his followers continue to believe it will happen “soon”.

1994 – 2011

Harold Camping Harold Camping, WFME radio Bible founder and teacher, published a book, 1994?, a prediction of Christ’s return was likely pointing to 1994 but that the end will be 2011. 2011 was also in the book 1994. Camping wrote “Adam when?” and claimed the Biblical calendar meshes with the secular and is accurate from 11,013 BC-2011 AD.

1999 – 2009

Jerry Falwell Fundamentalist preacher Jerry Falwell predicted in 1999 that the Second Coming would probably be within 10 years.


Nostradamus Nostradamus predicted that “from the sky will come a great King of Terror” in 1999. (The 7th Month was The 9th Month in Calendar and 1999 became 9/11 in 2001, Read our “Prophecies of Nostradamus”) This was interpreted by some as a prophecy about the second coming of Jesus. When this did not occur, some of his followers and those of Edgar Cayce claimed that Jesus was conceived in 1998, born in 1999, and is currently living on Earth as a reincarnated person.

1999 – 2030

Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet – Edgar Cayce predicted the second coming would happen in this new millenium, See our “Edgar Cayce Prophecies”.

September 13, 2007

Paul Sides Paul Sides predicted that September 13, 2007 marks the end of seven years of “wars and rumors of war” that erupted when The Oslo Accords were annulled. Then he predicts a final seven year “tribulation period” that culminates in a war over the Holy Land that brings back the Messiah.

September 30, 2008

Mark Biltz Mark Biltz, Pastor of El Shaddai Ministries, predicted September 30, 2008 (Rosh Hashanah) as the potential day of the second coming of Jesus based on four total Lunar Eclipses that occur seven years (Great Tribulation period) after September 30, 2008 in 2014 and 2015 that happen to fall on the two Jewish holidays Pesach and Succot in both 2014 and 2015. Mark believes this to be significant as the four Lunar EclipseJews,Spain falling on the aforementioned Jewish holidays has happened in the past in 1492, 1948 and 1949 highlighting those years to be significant in Jewish history. In 1492 the Jews were expelled from Spain, in 1948 Israel became a nation, and in 1949 Jerusalem became the capital of Israel. In addition, he attributed these Lunar events to the “signs in the heavens” that the Bible speaks of.


Jack Van Impe Televangelist Jack Van Impe has, over the years, predicted many specific years and dates for the second coming of Jesus, but has continued to move his prediction later. Many of these dates have already passed, and he recently pointed to 2012 as a possible date for the second coming. Van Impe no longer claims to know the exact date of the Second Coming, but quotes verses which imply that mankind should know when the second coming is near.


The Maya’s The Second Coming, according to the Maya’s will happen in December 2012


Alice A. Bailey In January 1946, New Age Theosophical guru Alice A. Bailey prophesied that Christ would return “sometime after AD 2025” (Theosophists identify “Christ” as being identical to a being they call Maitreya to inaugurate the Age of Aquarius thus, this event will be, according to Bailey, the New Age equivalent of the Christian concept of the Second Coming. Alice A. Bailey stated that St. Germain is the manager of the executive council of the Christ (Like C.W. Leadbeater , Alice A. Bailey refers to St. Germain as the Master Rakoczi or the Master R. in her books.). Thus, according to Alice A. Bailey, St. Germain’s primary task is to prepare the way for the Second Coming.


Joseph Nathan Smith The group at www.2034 AD.com has documented the discovery of the year for the second coming of Jesus in the Bible.


Isaac Newton Isaac Newton, in Nova Science’s “Newton’s Dark Secrets”; in the public television science show, in its treatment on the spiritual life of Isaac Newton, the narrator approximately said Newton calculated biblical clues of the return of Christ to be in the year 2060 AD.

Second Coming Prophecies

Prophecies for 2010

Prophecies for 2010

Prophecy 2010-1

Swine Flu / Mexican Flu is in danger of mutation (mutating) and could become a deadly virus in 2010/2011.

Prophecy 2010-2

“Secrets revealed” start to pour out of political offices in USA.

Prophecy 2010-3

Global Military Tensions in 2010 – 2011. Baba Vanga predicted the start of world war III in November 2010, this war would end in October 2014. Read the prophecies of Baba Vanga online !

Prophecy 2010-4

The End of the comfortable high tech and high consumption lifestyle and an involuntary return to lifestyle of previous generations.

Prophecy 2010-5

Israel will attack Iran in the year 2010 if “the forces” allow this, if this happens it could be a possible trigger for World War III as China and Russia (communism) could take the side of or use Iran/Muslim World. This event may be the start of Armageddon / “End-Time”. This event may be stopped just in time but ifso will come in the years ahead !

Prophecy 2010-6

Unemployment rate continues to accelerate upward worldwide !

Prophecy 2010-7

Possible economic collapse of USA due to additive impacts of the socioeconomic contract breakdown and Foreign Military Operations.

Prophecy 2010-8

“Whistle-blowers” are expected to revail “Big Secrets”.

Prophecy 2010-9

Leaders will be assasinated, Barack Obama could be one of them.

Prophecy 2010-10

The King James Bible Code may predict the Big One magnitude 8 earthquake could occur in California on the San Andreas Fault in 2010 or 2011.

Prophecy 2010-11

International heavy pressure on the US dollar.

Prophecy 2010-12

Government budgets collapse.

Prophecy 2010-13

Astrology chart shows a planetary cluster at Pisces the Fish, the Fish being a Christian symbol. Does this relate to the Return of Christ at the Battle of Armageddon in 2010/2011 perhaps because of the war in Israel and Iran other nations could be involved. (See Prophecy 2010-5).

Prophecy 2010-14

After a brief period of stability, the markets will resume their declines.

Prophecy 2010-15

Global tensions due to falling markets, foodprices and Hunger.

Prophecy 2010-16

Large Coastal Event / Disaster / Eartquake in 2010.

Prophecy 2010-17

In the evening sky of Aug. 6, 2010 a close grouping of Saturn, Venus, and Mars. The 1987 Southern Hemisphere supernova will then be getting brighter and more visible to the unaided eye, from a collision of gases in space; it is a sign that hope for the world will come from the Southern Hemisphere. A world leader will come from the Southern Hemisphere to rebuild the world, during 2011-14. Some will believe he is a Messiah or returned Christ. He will work all kinds of miracles, and he will be a force for good in the world. Maybe the New Jerusalem will be located in New York City. The seven World Trade Center buildings could be the seven golden candlesticks in Revelation 1. This may mean that the seven World Trade Center buildings in New York City will be rebuilt there, and serve as a Cathedral for this new Messiah. This chart shows a Grand Cross and a diamond shape in the Astrology chart for August 6 2010, possibly indicating a coming nuclear war.

Prophecy 2010-18

Possible Large Terrorist attack in 2010/2011 could hits several cities including New York City, LA and Washington DC.

Prophecy 2010-19

Worldwide heavy floodings will occur as never seen before.

Prophecy 2010-20

Food scarcity and because of this riots will occur.

Prophecy 2010-21

Mayor volcanic eruption will occur 2010/2011.

Prophecy 2010-22

Global Coastal Phenomena will be gradual, yet by March/April 2011 the situation could be disturbing for many people. Unusual movements of the Moon brought on by anomalies in the magnetosphere could cause coastal disruptions.

Prophecy 2010-23

The next and last pope may be Cardinal Francis Arinze, he will take the name of Pius XIII after the death of Pope Benedict XVI in 20102011 or 2012. Before Peter The Roman comes, Pope Benedict XVI is the last pope, the pope that will have to “flee” in the Nostradamus prophecies.

Prophecy 2010-24

Mabus to die soon, President of Egypt Muhammad Hosni Mubarak will die in 2010 or first half of 2011.

Other Readings of our VisionBot & Important Dates

  • Sept. 9, 2010/2011 : The Jewish New Year’s Day Rosh Ha Shanh, when according to Bible Prophecy the Battle of Armageddon may occur.
  • Sept. 16, 2010 : A 6-6-6 degree Astrology pattern, with 3 planets at 6 degrees: Saturn/Satan at 6 degrees Libra, Venus at 6 degrees Scorpio, and Mercury at 6 degrees Virgo. Could this indicate Armageddon then?
  • Nov. 4, 2010 : The last 3 1/2 year period of great disasters ends, as described in the Book of Revelation. Could this be Armageddon in August-November 2010? Will Christ return to defeat the Antichrist armies and terrorists? Edgar Cayce predicts tribulations will start after vulcanic eruption in Iceland and heavy earthquakes in South America. After vulcanic eruptions in Iceland watch more and more earthquakes and vulcanic eruptions, one of the places the next vulcanic activity will happen : Italy and Greece. New : The year 2010 is 62 years after the “birth of Israel”, according the bible the city of Jeruzalem would be destroyed after 62 yearweeks and it would be rebuild 70 yearweeks after the return of the people to the holy land ! The year 2010 is 62 years after the return in 1948, the temple should be destroyed this year, could be with the situation Israel – Iran, it should be rebuild by the year 2018. Read my document “The Vladimir Putin connection“, i think Putin is the so-called Antichrist.


Prophecies for 2010

Prophecies for 2010 – Prophecies for 2010 – Prophecies for 2010 – Prophecies for 2010 – Prophecies for 2010 – Prophecies for 2010 – Prophecies for 2010 – Prophecies for 2010 – Prophecies for 2010 – Prophecies for 2010