Extraterrestrial life, also called alien life or, if it is a sentient or relatively complex individual, an "extraterrestrial" or "alien"), is life that does not originate from Earth. These hypothetical life forms may range from simple single-celled organisms to beings with civilizations far more advanced than humanity. The Drake equation speculates about the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. The science of extraterrestrial life in all its forms is known as exobiology. Since the mid-20th century, there has been an ongoing search for signs of extraterrestrial life. The search encompasses a search for current and historic extraterrestrial life, and a narrower search for extraterrestrial intelligent life. Reflecting the category of search, methods range from the analysis of telescope and specimen data to radios used to detect and send signals of communication. The concept of extraterrestrial life, and particularly extraterrestrial intelligence, has enjoyed a major cultural impact, chiefly including works of science fiction. Over the years, science fiction both communicated scientific ideas and influenced public interest and perspectives of extraterrestrial life. One shared space is the debate over the wisdom of attempting communication with possible extraterrestrial intelligence: Some encourage aggressive methods to try for contact with intelligent extraterrestrial life, whereas others argue that it might be dangerous to actively call attention to Earth.

Area 51: DON’T try to storm secret base, author warns !!!

With 1.8 million people now pledging to storm Area 51, the secret United States Air Force base conspiracy theorists claim houses evidence of alien technology, an author and expert has warned them of the folly of the plan.

The Air Force has already issued a stern statement after the number of people pledging to attend a Facebook event entitled Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us, and fixed for 3am on September 20, headed towards two million. However, KM Lewis, author of a novel about Area 51 entitled The Thirteenth Guardian, said they might want to reconsider their plans. He said: “It is intended as a joke, but underneath that joke is a very deep curiosity that most people have.

“The story is bigger than the fact that a million people want to ‘storm Area 51’. Its a far more important story – and one that, if true, the government would certainly not want anyone to find out about. 

Mr Lewis, who says he has researched the subject for a decade, believes Area 51 IS the site of technology far beyond our understanding.

However, rather than what he refers to as “little green men”, he claims the “UFOs” are actually man-made flying machines built by an advanced ancient civilisation which left Earth 20,000 years ago for some unspecified reason.

He added: “That’s why the ‘approach at your own peril’ signs are posted all around Area 51. “So, no, I wouldn’t advise anyone to storm Area 51. 

“The government is serious about keeping everyone out.

“And, frankly, if I was a government guy tasked with maintaining an orderly progression of society, I would probably do whatever it takes to make sure no one finds the truth that they don’t even know they are searching for.

“That’s how important this knowledge is.” The Facebook event states: “We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry. 

“If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens.” Naruto is a reference to a popular Japanese anime character. UFO enthusiasts have also registered their interest via the #area51raid hashtag.

Signs surrounding the site of the base, located 80 miles north-north-west of Nevada, warn against trespassing, and stress the use of “deadly force” is authorised.

In response to the surging number of people signing up for the Facebook event, US Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews said last week: “Area 51 is an open training range for the US Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces.

“The US Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.”

Source: Express.co.uk

Ancient astronauts

Ancient astronauts” (or “ancient aliens”) refers to the pseudoscientific idea that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistoric times. Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of modern cultures, technologies, and religions. A common position is that deities from most, if not all, religions are extraterrestrial in origin, and that advanced technologies brought to Earth by ancient astronauts were interpreted as evidence of divine status by early humans.

Ancient Astronauts Theory - http://Alamongordo.Com

The idea that ancient astronauts existed is not taken seriously by academics, and has received no credible attention in peer reviewed studies. Well-known proponents in the latter half of the 20th century who have written numerous books or appear regularly in mass media include Erich von Däniken, Zecharia Sitchin, Robert K. G. Temple, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos and David Hatcher Childress.

Proponents of the ancient astronaut hypotheses often maintain that humans are either descendants or creations of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) who landed on Earth thousands of years ago. An associated idea is that humans evolved independently, but that much of human knowledge, religion, and culture came from extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times, in that ancient astronauts acted as a “mother culture”. Some ancient astronaut proponents also believe that travelers from outer space, referred to as “astronauts” (or “spacemen”) built many of the structures on Earth (such as Egyptian pyramids and the Moai stone heads of Easter Island) or aided humans in building them.
Various terms are used to reference claims about ancient astronauts, such as ancient aliens, ancient ufonauts, ancient space pilots, paleocontact, astronaut- or alien gods, or paleo- or Bible-SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence)

Ancient astronauts hypothesis of creation

Proponents argue that the evidence for ancient astronauts comes from documentary gaps in historical and archaeological records, and they also maintain that absent or incomplete explanations of historical or archaeological data point to the existence of ancient astronauts. The evidence is argued to include archaeological artifacts that they deem anachronistic, or beyond the accepted technical capabilities of the historical cultures with which they are associated. These are sometimes referred to as “out-of-place artifacts”; and include artwork and legends which are interpreted in a modern sense as depicting extraterrestrial contact or technologies.

Scholars have responded that gaps in contemporary knowledge are not evidence of the existence of ancient astronauts, and that advocates have not provided any convincing anecdotal or physical evidence of an artifact that might conceivably be the product of ETI contact. According to astrophysicist Carl Sagan, “In the long litany of ‘ancient astronaut’ pop archaeology, the cases of apparent interest have perfectly reasonable alternative explanations, or have been misreported, or are simple prevarications, hoaxes and distortions”

Hypothesis origins and proponents

Paleocontact or “ancient astronaut” narratives first appeared in the early science fiction of the late 19th to early 20th century. The idea was proposed in earnest by Harold T. Wilkins in 1954; it received some consideration as a serious hypothesis during the 1960s. Critics of the theory emerged throughout the 1970s, discrediting Von Daniken’s theory. Ufologists separated the idea from the UFO controversy. By the early 1980s little remaining support of the theory could be found.

Shklovski and Sagan

In their 1966 book Intelligent Life in the Universe, astrophysicists I. S. Shklovski and Carl Sagan devote a chapter to arguments that scientists and historians should seriously consider the possibility that extraterrestrial contact occurred during recorded history. However, Shklovski and Sagan stressed that these ideas were speculative and unproven.

Shklovski and Sagan argued that sub-lightspeed interstellar travel by extraterrestrial life was a certainty when considering technologies that were established or feasible in the late 1960s; that repeated instances of extraterrestrial visitation to Earth were plausible; and that pre-scientific narratives can offer a potentially reliable means of describing contact with aliens.

Sagan illustrates this hypothesis by citing the 1786 expedition of French explorer Jean-François de Galaup, comte de La Pérouse, which made the earliest first contact between European and Tlingit cultures. The contact story was preserved as an oral tradition by the preliterate Tlingit. Over a century after its occurrence it was then recorded by anthropologist George T. Emmons. Although it is framed in a Tlingit cultural and spiritual paradigm, the story remained an accurate telling of the 1786 encounter.

According to Sagan, this proved how “under certain circumstances, a brief contact with an alien civilization will be recorded in a re-constructible manner. He further states that the reconstruction will be greatly aided if 1) the account is committed to written record soon after the event; 2) a major change is effected in the contacted society; and 3) no attempt is made by the contacting civilization to disguise its exogenous nature.”

Additionally, Shklovski and Sagan cited tales of Oannes, a fishlike being attributed with teaching agriculture, mathematics, and the arts to early Sumerians, as deserving closer scrutiny as a possible instance of paleocontact due to its consistency and detail.

In his 1979 book Broca’s Brain, Sagan suggested that he and Shklovski might have inspired the wave of 1970s ancient astronaut books, expressing disapproval of “von Däniken and other uncritical writers” who seemingly built on these ideas not as guarded speculations but as “valid evidence of extraterrestrial contact.” Sagan argued that while many legends, artifacts, and purported out-of-place artifacts were cited in support of ancient astronaut hypotheses, “very few require more than passing mention” and could be easily explained with more conventional hypotheses. Sagan also reiterated his earlier conclusion that extraterrestrial visits to Earth were possible but unproven, and improbable.

Erich von Däniken

Erich von Däniken was a leading proponent of this hypothesis in the late 1960s and early 1970s, gaining a large audience through the 1968 publication of his best-selling book Chariots of the Gods? and its sequels.

According to von Däniken, certain artifacts require a more sophisticated technological ability in their construction than that which was available to the ancient cultures who constructed them. Von Däniken maintains that these artifacts were constructed either directly by extraterrestrial visitors or by humans who learned the necessary knowledge from said visitors. These include Stonehenge, Pumapunku, the Moai of Easter Island, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and the ancient Baghdad electric batteries.

Other Articles (Coming Soon)

  • Evidence cited by proponents

Source : Wikipedia


Is our world a simulation?

Is our world a simulation? Why some scientists say it’s more likely than not …

A swath of technologists and physicists believe that ‘simulation theory’ will be proved, just as it was proved that the Earth was not the center of the universe.

Is our world a simulation - http://www.alamongordo.com

When Elon Musk isn’t outlining plans to use his massive rocket to leave a decaying Planet Earth and colonize Mars, he sometimes talks about his belief that Earth isn’t even real and we probably live in a computer simulation. “There’s a billion to one chance we’re living in base reality,” he said at a conference in June.

Musk is just one of the people in Silicon Valley to take a keen interest in the “simulation hypothesis”, which argues that what we experience as reality is actually a giant computer simulation created by a more sophisticated intelligence. If it sounds a lot like The Matrix, that’s because it is.

 Quite frankly if we are not living in a simulation it is an extraordinarily unlikely circumstance 
Rich Terrile, scientist at Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory 

According to this week’s New Yorker profile of Y Combinator venture capitalist Sam Altman, there are two tech billionaires secretly engaging scientists to work on breaking us out of the simulation. But what does this mean? And what evidence is there that we are, in fact, living in The Matrix?

One popular argument for the simulation hypothesis, outside of acid trips, came from Oxford University’s Nick Bostrom in 2003 (although the idea dates back as far as the 17th-century philosopher René Descartes). In a paper titled “Are You Living In a Simulation?”, Bostrom suggested that members of an advanced “posthuman” civilization with vast computing power might choose to run simulations of their ancestors in the universe. This argument is extrapolated from observing current trends in technology, including the rise of virtual reality and efforts to map the human brain.

 Recognizing we live in a simulation is game-changing, like Copernicus realizing Earth was not the center of the universe 

If we believe that there is nothing supernatural about what causes consciousness and it’s merely the product of a very complex architecture in the human brain, we’ll be able to reproduce it. “Soon there will be nothing technical standing in the way to making machines that have their own consciousness,” said Rich Terrile, a scientist at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. At the same time, videogames are becoming more and more sophisticated and in the future we’ll be able to have simulations of conscious entities inside them.

Are we asleep and dreaming our lifes ??? Learning and than wake up when we die ???

“Forty years ago we had Pong – two rectangles and a dot. That’s where we were. Now 40 years later, we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously and it’s getting better every year. And soon we’ll have virtual reality, we’ll have augmented reality,” said Musk. “If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality.”
It’s a view shared by Terrile. “If one progresses at the current rate of technology a few decades into the future, very quickly we will be a society where there are artificial entities living in simulations that are much more abundant than human beings.”

If there are many more simulated minds than organic ones, then the chances of us being among the real minds starts to look more and more unlikely. As Terrile puts it: “If in the future there are more digital people living in simulated environments than there are today, then what is to say we are not part of that already?”

Is our world a simulation? Why some scientists say it's more likely than not ...

Reasons to believe that the universe is a simulation include the fact that it behaves mathematically and is broken up into pieces (subatomic particles) like a pixelated video game. “Even things that we think of as continuous – time, energy, space, volume – all have a finite limit to their size. If that’s the case, then our universe is both computable and finite. Those properties allow the universe to be simulated,” Terrile said.

“Quite frankly, if we are not living in a simulation, it is an extraordinarily unlikely circumstance,” he added. So who has created this simulation? “Our future selves,” said Terrile. Not everyone is so convinced by the hypothesis. “Is it logically possible that we are in a simulation? Yes. Are we probably in a simulation? I would say no,” said Max Tegmark, a professor of physics at MIT.

“In order to make the argument in the first place, we need to know what the fundamental laws of physics are where the simulations are being made. And if we are in a simulation then we have no clue what the laws of physics are. What I teach at MIT would be the simulated laws of physics,” he said.


Read The Full Article @ TheGuardian

President european union claims leaders of other planets are observing us

President of european union claims leaders of other planets are observing us

Is our planet being observed by highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations from elsewhere in the cosmos? In a recent statement, the President of the European Commission said that “leaders of other planets are observing us”. The European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker was heard saying he had heard from the leaders of other planets, and leaders of other PLANETS are very worried because they wonder about the course the EU will follow.

Jean Claude Juncker Aliens European Union Revelation - http://www.alamongordo.com

Not only are the leaders of other planets observing us, but they are also concerned about the current situation going on on the Old Continent, where the imminent departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union has raised a cloud of misunderstanding and problems among other countries members of the Union.

Translated from French, Mr. Jean Claude Juncker was heard saying: You need to know that those who observe us from afar are worried. I have have seen, listened and heard many leaders of other planets and they are very worried because they wonder about the course the EU will follow

So we have to reassure both the Europeans and those who observe us from afar. Original quote: «Il faut savoir que ceux qui nous observent de loin, sont inquiets. J’ai vue et entendue et écouté plusieurs des dirigeants d’autres planètes. Ils sont très inquiets parce qu’ils s’interrogent sur la voie que l’union européenne vas poursuivre. Donc il faut rassurer et les européens et ceux qui nous observent de plus loin».

However, there are those who say that Mr. Juncker statement is a mere slip of the tongue. Many people point out that he didn’t disclose aliens existed and that Mr. Juncker meant to say that: many leaders of our planet rather than leaders of other planets as he was heard saying.

The statement from Jean-Claude Juncker resulted in a number of different comment on social media around the world. One reader posted on sott.com: Conjuring up a fake Alien Invasion to hasten the new world order has been in the works for some time.

Sometimes state secrets slip out of many a leader, like Joe Biden announcing to a university audience that the U.S. funds terrorists as proxies in the middle east. However there are others who don’t agree, and one YouTube user wrote: So he mixed up the words. Big deal. Try speaking four languages without making a mistake, especially bearing so much responsibility.

Most people would freeze being exposed to speaking at a crowd. Interestingly, this isn’t the first time someone like Mr. Jean Claude Juncker openly admitted the existence of other alien civilizations from elsewhere in the cosmos.

In the past, a number of astronauts, highly ranking government officials, and military personnel have spoken about the UFO Phenomenon and alien civilizations and how visit our planet on a regular basis. On one occasion, Ben Rich, second director of Lockheed Skunkworks said that: “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God ever to get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.”

“…I’ve been asked (about UFOs), and I’ve said publicly I thought they (UFOs) were somebody else, some other civilization.” — Eugene Cernan, Commander of Apollo 17. The quote comes from a 1973 article in the Los Angeles Times. Declassified documents also seem to support all of the above.

One such document is a file declassified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation where it clearly states that:

  • Part of the disks carry crews; others are under remote control.
  • Their mission is peaceful; the visitors contemplate settling on this planet.
  • These visitors are human-like but much larger in size.
  • They are not excarnate Earth people but come from their own world .
  • The disks possess some type of radiant energy.
  • They do not come from any “planet” as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us.
  • The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter.
  • They re-enter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without a trace.
  • The region they come from is NOT the astral plane but corresponds to the Lakas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.


Buzz Aldrin : “We Are All In Danger” !

Buzz Aldrin WARNS: “We Are All In Danger. It Is Evil Itself”

Buzz Aldrin has tweeted an ominous warning on Twitter this week, claiming that “we are all in danger. It is evil itself,” accompanied by a picture of a pyramid at the South Pole.

Pyramid Discovered South Pole Danger Buzz Aldrin Prophecies - http://www.alamongordo.com/

The tweet comes days after the U.S. astronaut was mysteriously taken ill in Antarctica.

The emergency request for an “ailing visitor” was made by The Antarctic Company, a South African tourism company, according to the NSF. The International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators confirmed Aldrin’s evacuation, saying he was “stable” when he was taken from the South Pole to McMurdo base in Antarctica.

Since retiring from NASA and the U.S. Air Force, Col. Aldrin calls himself a Global Statesman for Space and has remained a tireless advocate for human space exploration.

Legendary astronaut Buzz Aldrin has left the New Zealand hospital he was evacuated to after falling ill during a trip to the South Pole.

Why did Buzz Aldrin warn that we are all in danger? Why did he call it “Evil itself?”


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The returned Christ and his aliens and UFOs

The returned Christ and aliens & UFO’s

At Armageddon of Revelation 16, there is a great (nuclear) war, this could be started by the number 1 person that could be The Antichrist Vladimir Putin around 2017-2020. The Antichrist is defeated by the returned Christ, as described in Revelation 19. The returned Christ (possibly returning in 2018-2022) with his armies (Aliens and UFO’s) may actually be an invasion of earth by aliens in UFOs, read Revelation 19 and it sounds like that.

Christ The AntiChrist and the Alien Invasion - http://www.alamongordo.com

A reason for invading earth may be that the aliens are concerned about global warming and earth’s environment, refer to Revelation 11:18shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth“. And the New Jerusalem of Revelation 21 could be a giant alien city that comes down to earth after the alien invasion. Revelation 21 and 22 seem to be describing the reorganizing of earth by aliens. So Christ would be “lead alien”. And Nostradamus prophecies also prophesied alien invasion of earth and human genetics DNA modified for immortality…

Sounds crazy? Yes but it could be true … When you read mythology and several “stories” on the Internet, it could be that Christ is the “good” alien and Satan is the “bad” alien ! The “fallen” angels from the “Bible” and other religious books where aliens that wanted to stay on earth (and they took the women of earth).

The sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:4)

What is going on ?

There is overwhelming evidence in the past several years from “Whistle Blowers” retired military officers who have finally said, enough is enough! It’s time the government told the people the truth!”

These officers, such as Navy Intelligence officer, William Cooper, Major John Lear (whose father founded the Lear Jet Corp.) and Air Force officer William English, to name but a few, have all discovered the truth, and at the risk of their very lives, are trying to alert YOU to the secrets behind the UFO’s and the Alien Presence on this earth.

These people worked on the secret projects, had access to ’classified’ Top Secret documents , had seen with there own eyes ’captured’ aliens, or extraterrestrial entities, UFO’s and the incredible technology they brought with them.

According the Bible, the Antichrist will come in peace… Maybe the fallen angels (bad aliens) come in peace. We all believe that they come in peace and take the “mark” … It could also be that they will get help from a leader on earth to install there government (Vladimir Putin???). According to the Bible (and other books) the “good alien” … Christ will save the good people of earth (without the mark of the beast) and the “good” government will be installed on earth.

Sightings of UFO’s have been reported throughout history, and biblical and historic references to “Flaming Chariots” huge flying ’birds’ and odd looking beings predate our history by thousands of years. In the 1940’s several alien spacecraft were recovered by the U.S. and other countries, along with a few dead aliens and one live one they named EBE (a name suggested by Dr. Vannever Bush and was short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity).

In 1953 astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving toward earth. At first they believed they were asteroids, but later evidence proved the objects could only be spaceships. Project Sigma and Project Plato intercepted alien radio communication and using the computer binary language, was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face-to-face contact with alien beings from another planet.

Meanwhile, a race of human-looking aliens (The Good ?) contacted the U.S. Government, warning us that the aliens orbiting the equator were hostile beings from Orion (The Bad ?).

These human-type aliens demanded we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons, that we were on a path of self-destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the earth, stop raping the earths natural resources and learn to live in harmony with one another. President Eisenhower rejected these demands.

Later in 1954 the race of aliens, known as Greys, from Zeta Reticuli area in space, who had been orbiting the equator, landed at Holloman Air Force base.

They stated their planet was dying and needed quarters on earth to conduct genetic experiments that might allow their race to survive; this in exchange for certain technology.

President Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty was signed. The treaty stated the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth secret; they would furnish us with advanced technology.

They could abduct humans on a limited basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring, with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, that the humans have no memory of the event. It was also agreed the alien bases would be constructed underground, beneath Indian reservations in the 4 corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado.

Another was to be constructed in Nevada in the area known as S-4, about 7 miles south of Area 51, known as ’Dreamland’. A multi-billion dollar secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House, supposedly to build secret underground sites for the President and the staff in case of military attacks.


By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC5410, Eisenhower established a permanent committee known as “Majority Twelve” (MJ12) to oversee and conduct all covert activities with the aliens. This included FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and six leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations, known as the ’Wise Men’ and later others from the Trilateral Commission. George Bush, Gordon Dean, and Brzezinski were among them.

A major finding of the commission was the aliens were using humans and animals for a source on glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood and in horrible genetic experiments. The aliens explained these actions as necessary for their survival, that if their genetic structure were not improved, their race would cease to exist.

The ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien project was to corner the illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relations was approached. His name is George Bush who at the time was president and CEO of Zapata Oil Co. based in Texas.

Zapata Oil was experimenting with offshore oil drilling and it was arranged that the drugs could be shipped from South America to the offshore platforms by fishing boats, then transferred to the U.S. shore by normal transportation, thus avoiding search by customs agents. The plan worked better than anyone expected, and today the CIA controls all the world’s illegal drug markets. One should remember, it was George Bush who first started selling drugs to our children. The drug money was used to finance the deep underground alien bases.

Conclusions: the Bilderburgers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are the SECRET GOVERNMENT and rule this nation through MJ-12 and the study group known as the Jason Society.

Throughout history the aliens have manipulated and/or ruled the human race through various secret societies, religion and the occult. The CFR and the Trilateral Commission are in complete control of the alien technology and the nation’s economy. Eisenhower was the last president to know the entire overview of the alien problem.

Succeeding presidents were told only what MJ-12 wanted them to know, and it was NOT the truth.

MJ-12 presented each new president with a picture of a lost alien culture seeking to renew itself, build a home on this planet and shower us with gifts of technology. Each president has bought the story hook, line, and sinker. Meanwhile, innocent people continue to suffer unspeakable horrors at the hands of alien and human scientists who are engaged in barbarous research that would make the Nazis pale in comparison.

As if that is not enough, many people end up as food for the insatiable alien appetite for biological enzymes, hormonal secretions and blood. At least 1 in every 40 Americans have been implanted with alien devices that are used to control them if necessity calls.

By 1989 over 3 million ’Greys’ are occupying these deep multi-level underground complexes.

Level 7 at Dulce is called “Nightmare Hall”. They have welched on their agreement on abducting humans; today over 25 million citizens have been abducted and implanted, a literal army awaiting orders to march! (Whitley Strieber has written best selling on his personal experience as have many others).

For this reason other nations were informed. Within 5 months the communist monolith Russia was dismantled to unite with the U.S. and it’s technology to fight the invasion. The Hubble Space Telescope was created to keep a watchful eye on the invasion fleet; Star Wars technology has been developed to hopefully stop them in outer space before they can get to the earth.

Today, the government is on the horns of a dilemma. Too may sources are releasing alien information. The public could get angry at continued secrecy. So MJ-12 plans soon to make an “Official” announcement, under controlled conditions, probably Area 51. Network TV will be called to meet the staged ’landing’ of the aliens, these being the Greys.

They will come bearing gifts, technology that supposedly will heal Cancer and AIDS, retard aging, etc. They will tell us they are ’saviors of humanity’ who have come to defend the earth against an invasion of man-eating aliens called Reptoids.

This story is a LIE, they already work for the Reptoids!

Their plan is to unify the world into a One-world Government, a ’New World Order’ with the argument that only this can defeat the invasion by Reptoids. This is a trap to enslave the world’s population. Control will be accomplished through the money system, a universal currency controlled by certain international bankers, who for years have been lackeys of the aliens, who seized upon their greed and lust for wealth and power as a means to bring about their evil plan to control the earth.

(This also being the scenario predicted in the Bible’s ’Book of Revelation’  wherein only those who accept the Mark of the Beast – the aliens being the ’Beast’ and the ’Mark’ being some sort of laser tattoo or Credit Card they will use -, which will allow people to buy and sell goods).

Those who do not accept this ’Mark’ must live outside the money system and survive somehow on their own, through barter etc.

Source : Bibliotecapleyades

NASA releases software catalog allowing space enthusiasts to be astronomers

NASA releases software catalog allowing space enthusiasts to be astronomers !

NASA has opened its software catalog to the masses, sharing its expertise on subjects ranging from launching spacecraft to creating advanced drones. It also includes a spacewalk game, allowing players to “repair” the International Space Station (ISS).

Those who aren’t literal rocket scientists would likely not find themselves using codes on the complexities of cryogenics or propulsion, but other applications could be useful and amusing to the Average Joe.

NASA SOFTWARE CATALOG - Become an Astronomer - http://ww.alamongordo.com

For instance, an iPad app takes users on a guided tour of the Glenn Research Center, offering a glimpse of the research and development facility. It also shares old-school interactive media from between 1941 and 1979. Android users can also have their fun by downloading the Space Weather App, which allows them to monitor meteorological changes beyond the confines of Earth. Those who are interested in seeing Earth from a whole new perspective can do so using the Worldview tool, which lets users browse and download imagery from NASA’s Earth observing satellites. The tool was originally created to provide information in crisis scenarios, such as floods and wildfires. And then there’s the spacewalk game, which allows players to be be part of a number of activities on the ISS, including fixing a tear in the solar array by riding a robotic arm to repair it. The catalog, released Thursday, is available in both hard copy and online.
Check it at NASA !

Large Hadron Collider restarts

Large Hadron Collider restarts after two-year rebuild

The Large Hadron Collider has restarted, with protons circling the machine’s 27km tunnel for the first time since 2013. Particle beams have now travelled in both directions, inside parallel pipes, at a whisker below the speed of light. Actual collisions will not begin for at least another month, but they will take place with nearly double the energy the LHC reached during its first run. Scientists hope to glimpse a “new physics” beyond the Standard Model.

Rolf Heuer, the director-general of Cern, which operates the LHC, told engineers and scientists at the lab: “Congratulations. Thank you very much everyone… now the hard work starts”. Cern’s director for accelerators and technology, Frédérick Bordry, said: “After two years of effort, the LHC is in great shape. “But the most important step is still to come when we increase the energy of the beams to new record levels.” The beams have arrived a week or so later than originally scheduled, due to a now-resolved electrical fault.

The protons are injected at a relatively low energy to begin with. But over the coming months, engineers hope to gradually increase the beams’ energy to 13 trillion electronvolts: double what it was during the LHC’s first operating run. After 08:30 GMT, engineers began threading the proton beam through each section of the enormous circle, one-by-one, before completing multiple full turns. It was later joined by the second beam, in parallel.

The experiment teams have already detected “splashes” of particles, which occur when stray protons hit one of the shutters used to keep the beam on-track. If this happens in part of the pipe near one of the experiments, the detectors can pick up some of the debris.

Read the Full Article @ BBC