COVID-19 deaths and recovered stats without China !

COVID-19 deaths and recovered without China. China lies about their coronavirus deaths.

China is not a country that is known for honesty, is the WHO ?

  • Deaths in China: 4,2% of the closed cases
  • Deaths in the rest of the world: 31% (!!!) of the closed cases

I’m sure they tried to tweak the testing system every way possible to downplay the actual numbers. They’re run by a Communist regime that must appear to be on top of stuff.

Health officials were instructed not to test dead people who died without being tested. They changed the testing system a few times since then, each time reporting a bigger decrease in total cases.

The reason why Italy is showing such a high number of Coronavirus deaths (43% of all closed cases), because they’re apparently testing everyone. My question is: Why is the WHO (World Health Organisation) lying to us ?!?

China has buried the truth about the coronavirus !

COVID-19 lies to keep Chinese economy going

Over the past 70 years, the Chinese Communist party has subjected its country to a succession of manmade catastrophes, from the Great Famine, the Cultural Revolution and the Tiananmen Square massacre, to the forceful suppression of rights in Hong Kong and Tibet, and the mass internment of Uighurs in Xinjiang. Official coverups and corruption have multiplied the death toll of natural calamities, from the Sars virus to the Sichuan earthquake.

Data on March 10th 2020 – Johns Hopkins University

Xi Jinping’s mishandling of the CoronaVirus Pandemic must now be added to the party’s shameful list of crimes. With serious outbreaks occurring in Japan, South Korea, Iran and Italy, it is clear that the virus of Xi’s totalitarian rule threatens the health and freedoms not only of the Chinese people, but of all of us everywhere.


Xi’s vacuous, self-aggrandising ideological vision lies at the heart of this global crisis. When he was appointed party leader in 2012, he announced his “China dream” of national rejuvenation, promising that the country would be moderately prosperous by the party’s 2021 centenary, and fully advanced into global economic hegemony by the republic’s centenary in 2049. Xi vowed that, by then, the world would concede that his one-party dictatorship is superior to the mess of liberal democracy.

Appointing himself “president for life”, Xi now has more power than any party leader since Mao Zedong, and has crushed all dissent by attempting to build a hi-tech totalitarian state. The Communist party is an insidious pathogen that has infected the Chinese people since 1949. But under Xi’s rule, it has mutated into its most sinister form, allowing capitalism to grow rapaciously while reaffirming Leninist control. The promise of wealth and national glory has blinded many Chinese people to the chains around their feet, and to the barbed wire around the faraway internment camps.


In a speech on 31 December 2019, Xi heralded triumphantly a new year of “milestone significance in realising the first centenary goal!” Naturally, he didn’t mention the mysterious pneumonia reported that day by health authorities in Wuhan, Hubei province. Although the World Health Organization had been notified, the Chinese people were largely kept in the dark. How could an invisible bug be allowed to dampen the glory of Xi’s China dream?

In times of crisis, the party always places its own survival above the welfare of the people. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at Wuhan central hospital, has become the tragic symbol of this disaster. On 30 December, he notified his former medical classmates on WeChat that seven people with an unspecified coronavirus, which reminded him of Sars (the virus that killed almost 800 people in 2003), were in quarantine at his hospital, and advised them to protect themselves. In any normal society, this wouldn’t be considered subversive – but in China, even a small act of kindness, a cautious and private alert to colleagues, can land a person in political danger. On 3 January, Li was reprimanded by police – he then went back to work, and within days contracted the virus.

Over the next two weeks – the critical window of containment – authorities claimed the problem was under control. But coronavirus is indifferent to the vain desires of despots. Left unchecked, it spread. By the time Xi deigned to publicly acknowledge the outbreak, on 20 January, ordering it to be “resolutely contained”, it was too late.

On 23 January, Wuhan was placed in lockdown. Yet on that same day, at a reception in Beijing, Xi merely stressed the need to “race against time and keep abreast with history to realise the first centenary goal of the China dream of national rejuvenation”. Videos on WeChat and Weibo revealed the hollowness of Xi’s ambitions. There was footage of deserted boulevards in affected cities. Corpses lying unattended on pavements. A woman on the balcony of a luxury tower block striking a gong and wailing into the sky: “My mother is dying, rescue me!”

As Li lay on his deathbed on 30 January, he revealed the truth about his experience of the epidemic. Despite being a party member, he spoke to the New York Times about official failures to disclose essential information about the virus to the public, and told the Beijing-based journal Caixin: “A healthy society cannot have just one voice.” In that one sentence, he identified the root cause of China’s sickness. Xi suppresses truth and information to create his utopian “harmonious” society. But harmony can only emerge from a plurality of differing voices, not from the one-note monologue of a tyrant.

After the eruption of public grief and anger that followed Li’s death on 6 February, the government backtracked, and hailed the doctor they had muzzled “a hero”. But behind the scenes, the silencing continued: several people who documented and spoke out about state handling of the outbreak were detained.

In the thick of calamity, people finally understand that if your leaders have no regard for human life or liberty, no amount of money can save you. Entire families have been wiped out by the virus as more than 70 million people have been confined to their homes. Chinese officials have today reported 78,064 infections and 2,715 deaths, mostly in Hubei. But no one trusts the party’s figures. The only certainty about the numbers it releases is that they are the numbers it wants you to believe. In an effort to change the narrative after Li’s death, the party has called for a people’s war against the virus, and has urged journalists to replace “negative content” on social media with “touching stories from the frontline of combating the disease”. Having buried the truth about the calamity of the Cultural Revolution and other earlier crimes, the party is now dragging the nation back to its Maoist past.

Official language is being contaminated once more with military jargon; society is being divided once more into antagonist groups – not the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, but the infected against the yet-to-be-infected. Rural police post videos of their attacks on citizens who dare venture outside without a face mask.

The state media have posted photographs of pregnant nurses in hazmat suits serving on the frontline; there are masked patients in another field hospital being awarded party membership on their deathbeds, joyfully raising their fists in the air as they pledge undying loyalty to Xi. To anyone with a conscience, these sad individuals look like victims of an inhumane cult. That it is believed these snapshots could promote “positive energy” reveals the moral abyss into which totalitarianism has sunk the nation.

Meanwhile, with the epidemic still raging, Xi has ordered the country back to work, all to ensure that the economic targets of his 21st-century goals are met. Of course, he is keeping the political elite safe, though, by postponing the National People’s Congress in March. Further proof, if it was at all needed, that Xi’s China dream is a sham.

Ma Jian is an author from Qingdao, China. He left Beijing for Hong Kong in 1987 as a dissident, and after the handover moved to London. All his books are banned in China. Check Updates Yourself @ CSSE

Source : TheGuardian

Five Future Predictions That Will Leave You Reeling …

Whether or not humans have psychic powers or not has long been a hotly debated topic. Whatever your own beliefs are on this matter, it’s hard to deny that there haven’t been some pretty impressive predictions over the years. While skeptics may put it down to chance or informed guesswork, believers insist that these predictions are proof of the higher brain power that many humans apparently possess.

Most of us know about Nostradamus, but what other predictions have become eerily accurate as the years unfold? Whether they were intentional or accidental predictions, have a look at some of the most compelling prophecies of all time and see if it’s enough to make you a believer…

prophecies predictions and future visions -

The Predictions of the Sleeping Prophet

After Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce is arguably the next most celebrated psychic and for good reason. Nicknamed the ‘Sleeping Prophet’ due to the meditative state he would put himself into in order to make his predictions, Cayce is credited with foreseeing the start and end of both World Wars, the Great Depression, the deaths of Presidents Kennedy and Roosevelt, the shifting of the Earth’s poles and the rise of Hitler — to name just a few.

His most famous prediction is perhaps the Great Wall Street Crash:

“… adverse forces that will come in 1929… unless another of the more STABLE banking conditions come to the relief, a great disturbance in financial circles…we may expect a considerable break and bear market…” It wasn’t just world events that Cayce was able to predict. In a reading from 1927 Cayce forecast future medical advancements that would make an accurate diagnosis from a single drop of blood a reality — and this was a time when even the notion of blood as a diagnostic tool would have seemed like science fiction. Cayce’s predictions didn’t just involve other people — he also correctly predicted his own death, foreseeing on January 1, 1945 that he would be buried within four days. He died two days later of a stroke.

The Predictions of Mark Twain

The name Mark Twain is familiar to most but in the context of celebrated American author; lesser known are Twain’s apparent psychic abilities. Like Edward Cayce, Twain also predicted his own death. Born in 1835 when Halley’s Comet was visible, Twain foresaw that he would also die during a time when Halley’s Comet was visible. Accurately, Twain died on cue — in 1910, when the comet was once again visible in the night sky.

Unfortunately for Twain, his psychic abilities seemed to centre on death; he foresaw his brother’s death in a vivid dream where he envisioned him lying in a coffin between two chairs in his sister’s living room. The dream was so realistic Twain was unsettled for a long time after her awoke. A few weeks later Twain’s brother was suddenly killed, and when Twain entered his sister’s house he saw the exact same vision from his dream: his brother laid out to rest in his coffin between the two chairs, even with the exact same flower arrangement placed on his chest.

The Predictions of Nikola Tesla

The famed Serbian American inventor Nikola Tesla predicted personal wireless devices — in 1909. “It will soon be possible to transmit wireless messages all over the world so simply that any individual can own and operate his own apparatus.” Though far beyond imagination at that time, Tesla predicted that this wireless device would be hand-held, straightforward to use and that one day it would be possible to send wireless messages all over the world. In addition, “the household’s daily newspaper will be printed wirelessly in the home during the night.“ Sound familiar?

Tesla was also able to accurately predict the nature of humanity as well as technology. Believing that “the solution of our problems does not lie in destroying but in mastering the machine,” Tesla foresaw a world where science, not power and conflict, became the top priority for humankind:

“Today the most civilized countries of the world spend a maximum of their income on war and a minimum on education. The twenty-first century will reverse this order. It will be more glorious to fight against ignorance than to die on the field of battle. The discovery of a new scientific truth will be more important than the squabbles of diplomats.”

The Predictions of George Orwell’s 1984

Initially George Orwell’s dystopian science-fiction novel 1984 seemed exactly that – science fiction. But fast forward to the 21st Century and things begin to look a bit spookier. Orwell’s vision of a humanity kept under constant surveillance by Big Brother is something that is, unfortunately, familiar to most of us. In 1948, when Orwell wrote 1984, television technology was in its infancy and cameras were big and cumbersome; just the idea of closed circuit surveillance cameras was entirely removed from reality.

But it wasn’t just CCTV that Orwell predicted with eerie accuracy — like Tesla before him, Orwell was apparently a bit of a wizard at predicting the technology of the future. Orwell writes about “telescreens [that] received and transmitted simultaneously” — in 2014, how uncannily similar this is to the handheld “telescreens” we carry with us everywhere we go and almost never turn off.

Orwell’s genius is not reserved for technological predictions though, as he also correctly predicted future advancements in aesthetics. In 1984, surgeons were able to “alter people beyond recognition” and literally modify a person’s appearance entirely. This was just a dream in the 1940s – the first face transplant didn’t occur until 2005 – but in today’s world, drastic changes in one’s appearance are often seen as the norm.

The Prediction of the Periodic Table

In 1863, only 60 of the 118 elements were known — and yet Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, somehow designed a periodic table that foretold the weights and properties of the undiscovered elements perfectly. Is this an example of psychic powers being used to advance the knowledge of the world? Well, maybe… but in this case it’s more likely that Mendeleev was an exceptional scientist and used his knowledge and some guesswork to make these scarily accurate predictions.

By establishing the atomic weight and properties of elements, Mendeleev began to see patterns in the table. He then observed the spaces and predicted which elements could, and would fill, them. Among many of these projected elements is germanium, which wasn’t discovered until 23 years later; Mendeleev even named the element “ekasilicon.”

Source : Huftington Post

Inuit elders issue warning : The Earth has shifted


Inuit Elders have issued a warning saying that the earth has shifted or “wobbled” (Chandler Wobble) and that “their sky has changed,” and the sun, moon, and stars are out of place.

If we look back to everything that has happened int he last couple of years, there are some who would say that catastrophic natural events have increased lately. Some blame global warming, mankind, our way of life, while others are convinced it’s just a matter of natural cycles.

Inuit elders prophecies earth has shifted -

Recently—in July of 2017—a MASSIVE trillion ton iceberg, four times the size of London broke free of Antarctica. Dubbed A68, the monstrous iceberg measures 5,800 square kilometers and broke away from the Larsen C Ice Shelf. According to reports, it is one of the largest ever icebergs to break off of Antarctica with a volume twice the size of Lake Erie according to Project MIDAS. This, according to many is beyond worrying.

Reports indicate how global warming has never been as dangerous as it is today, and according to reports from USA today, the temperature in the regions are up to 5 degrees higher since the 1950’s and could even increase to up to 7 degrees by the end of the century. However, the massive iceberg that recently broke off is just the beginning warn experts who are afraid that satellite images from Antarctica show the continent is ‘breaking apart.’

After observing A68 getting separated from the Larsen C ice shelf, scientists say how they have observed remaining cracks to grow towards another feature called The Bawden Ice Rise—a region which provides critical structural support for the remaining ice shelf. But there are more problems which many of us aren’t aware of it seems.

According to scientists, our planet is experiencing the SIXTH mass extinction, as humans are causing a “biological annihilation” of wildlife. Experts argue how thousands of species on planet Earth are at risk from disappearing forever, if we don’t change collectively in the next two decades, and counter the ‘powerful assaults on biodiversity’. This dire warning was issued in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal where expert wrote how “In the last few decades alone, habitat loss, overexploitation, invasive organisms, pollution, toxification, and more recently climate disruption, as well as numerous interactions among these factors, have driven to the catastrophic declines in both the numbers and sizes of populations of both common and rare vertebrate species.”

The Earth has shifted – Not the best news right?

Well, according to Inuit Elders—natives to Arctic regions in Canada, the United States and Greenland, the Earth has shifted. Inuit Elders have issued a warning not only to NASA but to mankind, in General, saying that climate change cannot be blamed solely on global warming and that our planet is shifting. Inuit Elders say that our planet has ‘wobbled,’ saying how ‘their sky has changed.’ The Inuit are considered as excellent weather forecasters just as their ancestors before them. They say that the numerous weather changes and Earthquakes that our planet has experienced cannot be blamed on Global Warming as the majority thinks. Their entire message can be viewed in THIS VIDEO !

Source : Ancient Code


World war 3 is coming !


Although there has been no major combat between the great powers since the Second World War, there are three key fronts emerging that make the prospect of a third global conflict alarmingly conceivable.

The prospect of a global conflict – World War III if you like – appears somewhat unthinkable. Since the Second World War, there has been no major war between the great powers. The original post-war European project was based around peace, social justice and harmony. The unravelling of this project, accompanied by rising nationalism, is likely to exacerbate the dangers of war on a continent with a fraught history of bloody conflict.


In the 20th century, both world wars were unanticipated. Christopher Clark’s much acclaimed The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 – published in timely fashion for the centenary of First World War – charted Europe’s unexpected descent into war. First World War had been preceded by a prelude of serenity – the long 19th century of relative peace and stability. The great powers of Edwardian Europe had been engaged in diplomacy and trade prior to the onslaught of carnage.

During the 1930s, the major powers were keen to avert another war hence the policy of appeasement, the initial reluctance of the US to become involved and the Nazi-Soviet pact. Neville Chamberlain’s ill-fated announcement of “peace for our time” should be viewed in this context. Throughout the Cold War, the concept of a third world war was inextricably associated with nuclear war and the MAD doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction.

Yet it is possible that future conflict between the great powers may take the form of another cold war or even a conventional (as opposed to thermonuclear) hot war. In the 21st century, there are three key fronts emerging as the loci for future wars. The first is the Europe-Russia front with a new cold war triggered by the Ukrainian conflict. The second is the Middle East cauldron centred around Isis and the Syrian war. The third is the Asia-Pacific front with a face-off between the United States and China.

Cold War II

Time magazine – the original Cold War mouthpiece of the American establishment – trumpeted the start of Cold War II in 2014. Western powers have characterised Vladimir Putin’s incursions into Georgia in 2008 and lately Ukraine as aggressive expansionism. Evidently the irony of the US casting aspersions around violation of national sovereignty, in light of the folly of the Iraq war, seems to have been lost. The realist perspective – as articulated by John Mearsheimer in the pages of US foreign policy bible Foreign Affairs – is that the Ukrainian crisis was preceded by two decades of NATO expansionism up to the borders of Russia. This was in contravention of promises made to respect these boundaries at the end of the Cold War.

In this view, events in Ukraine have merely been the endgame of this process. It is worth recalling that the United States did not respond amicably to Soviet interference in Cuba in the 1960s. Such arguments have been rendered somewhat academic as they are overtaken by events. Increasing deployments of troops by both Nato and Russia, dangerous confrontations and massive war games are being played out.
The European Leadership Network (ELN) think-tank produced a 2015 report entitled Preparing for the Worst: Are Russian and Nato Military Exercises Making War in Europe more Likely? The report analysed recent war games including a Russian exercise involving 80,000 military personnel and a set of Nato war games comprising 15,000 personnel.

It went on to say that, “Both exercises show that each side is training with the other side’s capabilities and most likely war plans in mind… Whilst spokespeople may maintain that these operations are targeted against hypothetical opponents, the nature and scale of them indicate otherwise. Russia is preparing for a conflict with Nato, and Nato is preparing for a possible confrontation with Russia.”

Recently, the US has stationed troops in Poland in the largest deployment of American troops in Europe since the end of the Cold War. As reported, these US troops will also, “fan out across other eastern European states, including Estonia, Bulgaria and Romania”. Russia alarmed the Baltic states by, “moving nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles to its naval base at Kaliningrad in the autumn”.

According to the New York Times, an American missile shield is, “to be built in Poland mirroring one already in place in Romania”. Whether Trump’s attempted rapprochement with Russia defuses the situation remains to be seen. If the cold warriors in the Atlanticist defence establishment and hard-liners on the Russian side have their way, then tensions are only likely to be ratcheted up.

Middle East Geopolitics

The intrepid German author Jürgen Todenhöfer took the concept of embedded journalism to a whole new level by holing up with Isis. He points out that in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, there were only a few hundred Islamist fighters in the Hindu Kush mountains. Fast forward through 16 years of the war on terror costing some $4,000bn (£3,300bn) and leaving 1.3 million dead, according to Physicians for Social Responsibility, and the number of terrorists is currently about 100,000. Even on its own terms, the war on terror has been an abysmal failure. How on earth did this happen? Retired US General Wesley Clark revealed that, in the wake of 9/11, the Pentagon drew up plans to attack 7 countries.

These plans have been adhered to with remarkable fidelity with Western involvement in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. The pretext may have been terrorism but the intention was to guarantee economic and military supremacy in the region. Many critics argued that the Iraq war was fundamentally about the opening up of state assets to global capital. Naomi Klein reported that the reconstruction of Iraq was estimated to have been worth about $100bn to the US economy. In the process, Iraq was transformed from a secular dictatorship into a Jihadist safe haven. Donald Rumsfeld’s decision to disband Saddam Hussein’s Baathist army led to chaos and now makes up a significant component of Isis.

The deliberate stoking of tensions through a US sponsored sectarian Shia-led Iraqi government was notable. This ultimately led to the Sunni backlash and the spawning of al-Qaeda in Iraq. This is a hallmark of colonial-era tactics of divide and rule. In fact, British and American intelligence predicted that the Iraq war would lead to the amplification of Islamist terrorism.

Back in 2007, the veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh posited in an extended New Yorker essay, The Redirection, that US Middle East geopolitical strategy was directed against the regional superpower of Iran and its Shia sphere of influence extending through Syria and to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hersh has since elaborated, in a series of controversial London Review of Books essays, that the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad would have severed this Shia sphere. Following the destruction of Iraq, this sphere remained the only obstacle to US full-spectrum dominance of the world’s largest oil fields.

The Syrian war has seen allies – Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey – arming and funding radical Jihadist groups, such as the al-Nusra front. Former Vice President Joe Biden – renowned for bloopers – frankly admitted as much to a Harvard audience. The Wikileaks disclosures of Hillary Clinton’s emails revealed that she too was aware of Saudi and Qatari governments arming Isis. In realpolitik, the ends apparently justify the means.


Hersh elaborates on how British and American intelligence have been enmeshed with the use of CIA front companies in an arms pipeline from Libya to Syria dubbed the “rat line”. It was under these conditions that the mutation into the Frankenstein monster that is Isis took place. In fact, a 2012 Defence Intelligence Agency memo had anticipated the rise of Isis and its establishment in Syria in order to “isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion”.

The terrorist attacks in Europe have demonstrated the difficulty in containing the spill-over from these policies. The Syrian war has seen the return of great-power politics with the involvement of Russia. This contamination has the potential for a wider conflict in which western countries could be drawn in. One possible trajectory is that a Sunni-Shia war along the Saudi-Iran axis looks increasingly likely. Yet this destabilisation of Iraq and Syria may well have been engineered deliberately.

According to Nafeez Ahmed, documents from the Rand Corporation and US private intelligence firm Stratfor confirm this picture. An incendiary report, authored by no less than former Bush Vice President Dick Cheney and former deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, envisioned ethno-sectarian partitioning of Iraq. All in all, this could represent a new Sykes-Picot (the post Ottoman empire settlement) or redrawing of the Middle East carving it up into smaller, weaker territories, which are more pliable.

Back in the 1990s, the political scientist Samuel Huntington made some dire predictions of a clash of civilisations. Even in the wake of 9/11, such apocalyptic theories appeared quaint; now they no longer seem absurd. Isis directives aim to create more violence and chaos with the obliteration of the “grey zone” of multicultural societies, in which non-Muslims and Muslims live side by side, forcing Muslims to join the “caliphate”. Ironically, US policy is doing Isis’s work for them and, in another bizarre twist, it seems that Isis is aiding US geopolitical strategy.

Asia Pacific

Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War is an intelligent thriller written by PW Singer and August Cole, both of whom have national security expertise. Ghost Fleet imagines what a 21st century world war might look like pitting the US, China and Russia against each other complete with cyber-warfare, robotics and drones. But could this nightmarish fiction turn into dystopian reality?

During the Obama administration, the Pentagon pursued the pivot to Asia aiming to transfer 60 per cent of naval bases to Asia. The US also strengthened alliances with Japan and other Far East partners to “contain” China. Economically, the US pursued the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – a massive trade agreement, which would have deliberately excluded China. Admittedly, a Trump executive order indicates imminent withdrawal from TPP. In recent years, tensions have been mounting between China and Japan.

Both sides are now equipped with vertical take-off aircraft. There have also been a series of stand-offs between the US and China in the South China Sea. The US is currently installing a missile defence system in South Korea prompting China to warn of a new atomic arms race in the region. A recent US taskforce report unsurprisingly concluded that America and China are on a dangerous collision course.

The Trump transition is likely to exacerbate US-China tensions. Trump has threatened a trade war with China. While his chief strategist Steve Bannon stated in March of last year that, “We’re going to war in the South China Sea in five to 10 years…. There’s no doubt about that.” If there is a coherent philosophy of Trumpism then it is represented by the ideology of Bannon. Bannon subscribes to the Huntingtonian idea of a coming clash of civilisations between west and east with the Orient bracketing both China and Islam.

Bannon views China and Islam as expansionist threats. He has also stated that the Judaeo-Christian west is, “at the beginning stages of a global war against Islamic fascism” and that, “We’re clearly going into, I think, a major shooting war in the Middle East again.” China will eventually overtake the US in economic terms but US supreme military dominance is unchallenged. This is a dangerous discrepancy as it means that the US will use this military power to guarantee its economic prerogative – particularly as a massive national security apparatus now seems to dictate US foreign policy. As Obama has put it, the US is exceptional because it acts.

This would be in keeping with the default operational mode of capitalism. One might even argue that capitalism often resolves systemic economic crises through war. After all, a war economy with militarisation, mobilisation, full employment and jingoism can be viewed as the ultimate solution to economic woes and social unrest.

The transition of Western democracy to oligarchy and the descent into soft fascism is under way. Citizens will need to participate actively, rather than as passive consumers, to demand an end to this cycle of violence from governments and to defend the assault on democratic processes. We can only hope that British foreign secretary Sir Edward Grey’s refrain on the commencement of First World War – “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time” – will not be repeated in ours. But the omens are not good. As the late Eric Hobsbawm put it, the old century has not ended well.

Source : Independent

Why World War 3 could happen in 2022

Threats from North Korea, Syria, Putin and Isis are worse than during the Cold War. The world could be in even more peril than the Soviet vs West face-off during the Cold War.


2020 has already seen a number of major terrorist attacks, which, coupled with rising tensions around the world and nuclear sabre-rattling from North Korea, have increased fears of a major military conflict. Alamongordo has spoken to a range of military and terror experts about the threat of World War Three in 2020 – here is what they said.

Why will 2022 be such a dangerous year ?

Throughout the past year(s) events have been taking unexpected twists and turns. Let’s recap. Britain has voted itself out of the European Union and continues to negotiate on Brexit. There is continuing conflict in Syria with a chemical attack on civilians outraging the world . President Donald J Trump then launched a US Tomahawk missile strike on a regime airbase. Then there’s North Korea pushing ahead with its ballistic missile tests and nuclear tests in its bid to become a nuclear power.

In response Japan has carried out air attack drills and dished out leaflets on what to do should Kim Jong-un’s nukes rain down. Kim Jong-Un responded by reportedly telling its giant neighbour it would be a “piece of cake” to nuke Japan and leave it “blanketed in radioactive clouds”. ISIS is also being expelled from its so called Caliphate and its supporters are being encouraged to lash out with lone wolf terror attacks. The jihadist atrocities in Manchester and London Bridge were two such examples of this carnage hitting the UK alone.

And top British military figures have warned how the UK has cut its forces back so much we would struggle to defend ourselves. Why is Syria regarded as a World War 3 flashpoint ? Last year, Putin raced to the rescue of Bashar Assad’s regime, putting Russia on a collision course with the West. Tensions later reached boiling point when at least 70 people were gassed to death by a nerve agent in the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun, prompting Trump to order missile strikes after blaming the regime for the attack.

Russia and Iran said they will respond to further American military actions following the US air strikes. In a joint statement, the command centre for the two countries and allied groups said “we will respond to any aggression”. The statement read: “What America waged in an aggression on Syria is a crossing of red lines. “From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines from whoever it is and America knows our ability to respond well.”

The US has blasted Iran for “alarming provocations” and said it poses a bigger threat of nuclear war than North Korea. Dr Alan Mendoza, executive director at the Henry Jackson Society security think-tank, told Alamongordo: “We’ve seen Russia increase its sphere of influence and been quite aggressive on its borders and seemingly getting away with it. And that will empower to do more. “The Russians have had it all their own way. Time Magazine said man of the year 2016 was Trump but actually it was Putin. “Everything has gone his way. Everything.”

Will ISIS start a world war ?

As ISIS flee their strongholds in Syria and Iraq they have the potential to embark on a world terror campaign with security chiefs fearing lone wolf attacks. About 850 people from Britain and Northern Ireland have travelled to support or fight for jihadist organisations in Syria and Iraq, British authorities believe. And around half have since returned to the UK, but the rest could follow when the so called Caliphate of ISIS is wiped out this year.

Veryan Khan, director of Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium, said: “It’s nothing new, every time ISIS has losses, they attack abroad. “It’s a way of showing their supporters they are still strong and can seemingly attack at will. “Big or small in scale, it ‘puffs’ them up like a blow-fish and distracts everyone from fans to media alike from what is happening.” As reported, ISIS fanatics are calling for lone wolf attacks in cinemas, malls and hospitals.

Is North Korea really a threat to world peace ?

According to a regime defector North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un’s  New Year’s resolution was to be a fully fledged nuclear power. Defector and former diplomat to the UK, Thae Yong-ho, said: “As long as Kim Jong-un is in power, North Korea will never give up its nuclear weapons. “The North will not give them up even if the country is offered $1trillion or $10trillion in return.”

Kim Jong-un has dubbed America’s leaders a bunch of “rats sneaking around in the dark” amid claims the CIA plotted to wipe him out. The country also threatened the US with a “full-scale” nuclear war and said it has the right to “ruthlessly punish” any American citizens it detains.

In a sign of its dangerously skittish nature, it even threatened to nuke Donald Trump’s home town of New York to silence the President’s ongoing mocking of their missile programme. In July, 2017, the US Air Force deployed a number of supersonic bombers in a ‘North Korea nuke drill’ amid reports Donald Trump was weighing up a military strike against Kim Jong-un. North Korea launched Hwasong-12 test missile on August 29 in a show of strength against Donald Trump and his partnership with South Korea.

Will Joe Biden risk starting a world war ?

Arms-control experts say the rest of the world really should be worried about the potential fallout from some of the President’s tweets. John Andrews, International affairs expert and veteran foreign correspondent, told Sun Online: “He [Trump] will be a real challenge for diplomats. “One of the reasons is that we’ve become used to there just being one genuinely unpredictable world leader and that was Kim Jong-un. “Now we have a second, Donald J Trump – and we are waiting to see how he will preside. “There are big question marks over his character that came up during the campaign – is this alarmist? “It’s difficult to know.”

Rare Solar Eclipse in 2017 and Another One in 2024 Will Mark Giant ‘X’ Across US

Rare Solar Eclipse in 2017 and Another One in 2024 Will Mark Giant ‘X’ Across US !

The Last 7 Years ?

On Aug. 21, 2017, something is going to happen in the United States that has not happened since 1918.
On that date, a total solar eclipse will be visible all the way from the east coast to the west coast. Incredibly, another rare solar eclipse of this nature will move across the country just seven years later in 2024. If you plot the projected courses of these two solar eclipses on a map, you will find that they form a giant “X” across the continental United States. In the Scriptures, Jesus told us that “there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon and in the stars” just prior to His return, and many are speculating about what this giant “X” might mean.

Two Solar Eclipses make Giant Cross over US Soil -

Astronomers have been buzzing about the upcoming solar eclipse on Aug. 21 because it is so very rare. In fact, many are already making plans to travel to specific locations in order to have an optimal viewing experience. The following description of what will happen on that day comes from Fox News: Day will turn into night across the United States on Aug. 21, as the country experiences its first total solar eclipse in decades.

On this day, the moon will pass directly between the earth and the sun, casting a shadow on the United States that will track from Oregon to South Carolina. This will be the first time since 1918 that a total solar eclipse will be visible from the west coast to the east coast of the United States. The most recent total solar eclipse visible in the United States occurred in 1979; however, it was only visible across the Pacific Northwest.

This is something that does not happen very often, and that is why it is so extraordinary that another solar eclipse will be visible in large portions of the nation just seven years later in 2024. When you chart the courses of both eclipses on a map, you see that they form a giant “X” right over the center of the country. Could this giant “X” have some sort of meaning?

According to The Washington Post, some believe that “the two eclipses that are slated to travel across the United States in 2017 and 2024, together marking an X across the nation, could be the starting and ending signs bookmarking a seven-year period of awful tribulations that Revelations [sic] says waits in store for nonbelievers who are left behind on Earth when the rapture occurs.”.

Obviously I do not agree with that. If you have read The Rapture Verdict, you already know that the Bible says that a whole bunch of things must still happen before we get to the rapture. So this giant “X” definitely does not mean that the rapture is going to happen in 2017.

But could it have some other sort of significance ?

The truth is that I don’t know, and I want to make that very clear, but I do find it interesting that the heart of the “X” falls in portions of Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri. An area spanning parts of Missouri, Illinois and Kentucky will be the nexus of the next two total solar eclipses to occur in the U.S., on Aug. 21, 2017, and April 8, 2024. Because the 2017 eclipse travels across the country from northwest to southeast and the 2024 eclipse makes its way through the nation from southwest to northeast, the two paths cross each other and create a zone of overlapping totality of almost 9,000 square miles, or roughly the size of New Jersey.

If you follow my work closely, you know that I have been warning for years about the catastrophic earthquake that will someday strike the New Madrid fault zone. The heart of this “X” falls precisely in the area where we would expect such an earthquake, and when I first saw this map that is what immediately got my attention.

That certainly does not mean that the coming New Madrid earthquake will happen on any particular date, but it is definitely a very interesting “coincidence.” This has also caused me to reflect on something that John Paul Jackson once said. Back in 2008, he made a DVD called “The Perfect Storm” in which he detailed a whole host of disasters that God showed him are coming to America.

At the very beginning of the DVD, John Paul explained that the majority of the things that he was going to talk about on the DVD would not happen for about a decade. Well, when you add 10 years to 2008, that brings us to 2018.

In other words, the time frame that John Paul Jackson warned us about nearly a decade ago also lines up with the time frame of these upcoming solar eclipses. Is that just another “coincidence”? I don’t have any definitive answers for you all. Today, I am just asking some questions. In recent months, I have been writing much about the upcoming judgment on America. I know a lot of people don’t like to hear these kinds of warnings, but we shouldn’t ignore the fact that God is speaking to large numbers of individuals all over the globe about these things.

Another very unusual celestial event will happen on September 23rd. It is being referred to as “the Revelation 12 sign,” and apparently, this will be the very first time that the scene described in Revelation chapter 12 will be depicted in the stars in about 7000 years.

Here is more from The Washington Post :

The Book of Revelation, which is full of extraordinary imagery, describes a woman “clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head” who gives birth to a boy who will “rule all the nations with an iron scepter” while she is threatened by a red, seven-headed dragon. On Sept. 23, we will be able to see this scene in the heavens, and you can find out more about this very unusual celestial event on YouTube right here.

Once again, I don’t know what that sign might mean, but it is interesting that it also happens this year.
So will 2017 turn out to be one of the most meaningful years for Bible prophecy that we have ever seen?
I don’t know, but Jesus did repeatedly tell us to watch for signs of His return, so I am watching.

Source : CharismaNews

12th-century rabbi predicted Israels future !

12th-century rabbi predicted Israels future !

Judah Ben Samuel was a legendary and prolific German rabbi of the 12th century who made some astonishing and specific predictions about the future of Jerusalem and Israel that came true. Judah Ben Samuel, also known as Judah he-Hasid (Judah the Pious), lived and worked from the end of the 12th century until the beginning of the 13th century in Regensburg, authoring a number of books in the German language.

12th century rabbi predicted Israels future endtime 2017 Judah Ben Samuel prophecies -

Ludwig Schneider of  Israel Today magazine has translated some of his work into English over the last few years, including “The Book of the Pious – Sefer Hasidim” and the “Book of Calculations – Sefer Gematriyot.” Following the Christian crusades to the Holy Land, between 1096-1270, a regular correspondence developed between the Jews in the Holy Land and the Christian West. Thus, for example, the rabbis in Worms and Regensburg in Germany knew that Saladin’s Ayyubids had been ruling in the Holy Land since 1187.

At this time, Judah Ben Samuel published the results of his biblical calculations (Gematria) and astrological observations and summarized as follows: “When the Ottomans (Turks) – who were already a power to be reckoned with on the Bosporus in the time of Judah Ben Samuel – conquer Jerusalem they will rule over Jerusalem for eight jubilees. Afterwards Jerusalem will become no-man’s land for one jubilee, and then in the ninth jubilee it will once again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which would signify the beginning of the Messianic end time.”

12th-century rabbi predicted Israels future !

One jubilee is 50 years (Leviticus 25). It is the 50th year after seven times seven years, the year in which each person should regain ownership of his or her land. Ben Samuel’s calculations were purely theoretical; there was absolutely no sign at that time of their being fulfilled. He himself was not able to experience their fulfillment, for it was only 300 years after his death that the first of his predictions were to come true.

The Mamluks, who had been reigning in Jerusalem since 1250, were conquered in 1517 by the Ottoman Turks. They remained for eight jubilees (8 x 50 = 400 years), that is to say they were in Jerusalem for 400 years. Exactly 400 years later, in 1917, the Ottoman Turks were conquered by the British. The League of Nations conferred the Mandate for the Holy Land and Jerusalem to the British. Thus, from 1917, under international law, Jerusalem was no-man’s land.

Then, when Israel captured Jerusalem in the Six Day War of 1967, exactly one jubilee (50 years) after 1917, Jerusalem reverted to Jewish-Israeli ownership once again. Thereby, according to the prophecies of Judah Ben Samuel, the Messianic End Times began.

Many scholars have studied and made reference to Judah Ben Samuel’s writings in an effort to understand how he reached his conclusions. Among those referencing Ben Samuel were Rabbi Isaac Ben Solomon Luria, a mystic dealing with the messianic world (Jerusalem, 1531-1572, Safed); Joseph Solomon Delmegido (1591 Candia – 1655 Prague), a mathematician and astronomer (“Mazref le-Chochma”), Azulai I (1724-1806), a famed bibliographer; Samuel David Luzzatto (1800-1865), a Bible scholar; historian Heinrich Graetz (1817-1891); and Torah scholar Jacob Epstein (1925-1993).

The secret of how Judah the Pious arrived at such accurate predictions has less to do with the actual calculations than it does with the fact that he had consecrated his life to God. His pupils Rabbi Isaac ben Moses (Vienna), Rabbi Baruch ben Samuel (Mainz) and Rabbi Simcha (Speyer) testify that Ben Samuel was a model of abstinence and selflessness and was awaiting with a burning desire the coming of the Messiah.

Ben Samuel was often called “Light of Israel.” Even bishops came to him for advice. If anyone asked him where his wisdom came from he would answer, “The prophet Elijah, who will precede the Messiah, appeared to me and revealed many things to me and emphasized that the precondition for answered prayer is that it is fueled by enthusiasm and joy for the greatness and holiness of God.”

But to recap the astonishing predictions: In AD 1217 this scholarly and pious rabbi prophesied that the Ottoman Turks would rule over the holy city of Jerusalem for eight Jubilees. Now, keep in mind, he made this prediction 300 years before the Ottoman Turks seized control of Jerusalem in 1517. If indeed 1217 and 1517 were jubilee years as Judah Ben Samuel believed, then his prophecy was exactly right, because exactly 400 years after the Turks took control of Jerusalem they were driven out of the city and the holy land in 1917 by the Allied forces under the command of General George Allenby – on Hanukkah, by the way.

But it gets more interesting still.

The rabbi also prophesied that during the ninth Jubilee Jerusalem would be a “no-man’s land.” This is exactly what happened from 1917 to 1967, due to the fact that the Holy Land was placed under British Mandate in 1917 by the League of Nations and literally “belonged” to no nation.

Even after Israel’s war of independence in 1948-49, Jerusalem was still divided by a strip of land running right through the heart of the city, with Jordan controlling the eastern part of the city and Israel controlling the western part of the city. That strip of land was considered and even called “no-man’s land” by both the Israelis and the Jordanians.

It was not until the Six Day War in 1967 when the entire West Bank of the Holy Land was conquered by the Israeli army that the whole city of Jerusalem passed back into the possession of Israel. So once again the prophecy made by the rabbi 750 years previously was fulfilled to the letter.

Israel and the near future !

It certainly would be significant if both 1917 and 1967 were Jubilee years, considering the significance of what happened in Jerusalem on those years. But it gets even more interesting, because Judah Ben Samuel also prophesied that during the 10th Jubilee Jerusalem would be under the control of the Jews and the Messianic “end times” would begin. If he’s right, the 10th Jubilee began in 1967 and will be concluded in 2017.

Rabbi predicted Israels future

Source : WND

Nuclear Explosions in Spain

Nuclear Explosions in Spain !

Nuclear Explosions Palomares Spain 1966 -


One of the most celebrated accidents took place over Palomares, Spain in January 1966 when a U.S. B-52 collided with a KC-135 tanker during midair refueling and released all four of its hydrogen bombs in the ensuing explosion. Seven of the 11 crewmen aboard both planes were killed.

The high explosive igniters on two bombs detonated on impact, spreading radioactive material, including plutonium, over a wide area of the Spanish countryside. A third bomb landed relatively intact and was recovered.

The fourth bomb landed in the Mediterranean Sea, and U.S. military searchers took nearly three months to find and recover the device intact.

According to the Brookings Institution, the United States spent $182 million on the recovery effort, nuclear waste disposal and settlement claims.

At the time of the explosions, villagers, who earned their living mostly by fishing and farming, feared the plutonium radiation might have contaminated not only their bodies but also the waters they fished and the soil they farmed.

But in 1966, Spain was under the thumb of Gen. Francisco Franco and very little information about the accident was officially released. In order to minimize the consequences of the accident, Spain’s Information and Tourism Minister Manuel Fraga and U.S. Ambassador Angier Biddle Duke strode into the Mediterranean near Palomares to demonstrate findings indicating that the waters were safe.

In 2017 CIEMAT still detected higher levels of plutonium, uranium and americium than average over Palomares.

Nuclear Explosions in Spain !