War between US and North Korea could start at Any Moment !

A war between the US and N.Korea is on the brink of breaking out, China has said in a desperate warning to the world.

It comes as speculation mounted US President Donald Trump would launch a preemptive strike on the regime before this weekend. China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, today said something drastic would have to be done to stop the world going down an “irreversible route”.

North Korea US World War III WW3 Carl Vinson Strike Force US Navy - http://www.alamongordo.com/

Speaking at a joint briefing with visiting French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, he warned that whichever side started the war “must assume the historic responsibility and pay the corresponding price.”

Kim Jong-un is expected to oversee North Korea’s biggest nuclear missile test ever this weekend – something the US is reportedly planning on stopping. Intelligence officials have revealed the US placed two devices capable of firing Tomahawk missiles into the peninsula.

American bombers have also been positioned in Guam ready to strike if necessary. And the US Carl Vinson has led a fleet of warships to the peninsula, along with Japanese allies.

China itself has reportedly sent just under 200,000 troops to the North Korea border to prepare for the expected onslaught. Officials are said to be worried that a strike by the US on NK could spark waves of refugees flooding over the border.

Yesterday, the US dropped the “mother of all bombs” on Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province in a bid to wipe out ISIS militants. There are suspicions the bomb – reportedly twice the size of the nuke dropped on Hiroshima – was used to send a message to Kim Jong-un that the US is serious about taking out its enemies with firepower.

Source : DailyStar

On the brink of World War III ?

Are we on the brink of World War III ?!?

The rumors of wars has certainly begun as we have more and more political figures either stating WW3 is just around the corner or is already here. Has World War III already begun? WWI began with an assassination, WWII began with Hitler’s invasion of Poland. But WWIII could certainly start differently.

As conservative talk show host Glenn Beck stated, WW3 is on the horizon and “nobody will recognize it yet.” Let’s look at a few of the prominent figures that warn us of WW3….

On the brink of world war III Nuclear Armageddon and the last world war for humankind - http://www.alamongordo.com/

Conflict is rampant on our planet unlike anything we’ve seen in recent memory: Israel, Palestine, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, North Korea, we even have radical Islamic infiltration of our own government that will soon lead to war within our own borders.

But not everyone is fearful of such an event, in fact, some are even hoping for or even designing it. It’s been said that all wars are ‘banker wars’.  As Major General Smedley Butler puts it, War is a racket”.

If my sons did not want wars, there would be noneGutle Schnaper Rothschild

So here we are with virtually all major countries in the world bankrupt and on the verge of collapse. If we continue to follow history, a world war would certainly be pursuant to or preempt an economic collapse. It’s the mainstay for the ruling class utilize war to wipe the slate clean after fiat currencies, with their short 30-40 year life span, collapse.

Vladimir Putin States World War 3 is ‘Inevitable’

In a speech Putin stated that World War 3 is ‘inevitable’ and he has certainly done his part in setting the stage for a global confict, naming NATO and the U.S. as Russia’s greatest threats. He accuses NATO of ‘surrounding’ Russia and even signed a document stating that NATO has committed “violations of international law,” which is a very serious and inflammatory charge.

The following are excerpts of Putin’s speech delivered at the Valdai conference in Sochi, just a few days ago. The speech was directed at Western elites.

Russia will no longer play games with the United States and engage in back-room negotiations… Russia is prepared for serious agreements, but only if these agreements are conducive to collective security… All systems of global collective security now lie in ruins. There are no longer any international security guarantees at all and the party responsible for the destruction of global collective security is The United States of America…

…The builders of the New World Order have failed by having built a sand castleRussia favors a conservative approach to introducing innovations into the social order, but is not opposed to investigating and discussing such innovations, to see if introducing any of them might be justified…

…Russia has no intention of building an empire of their own, but will not go fishing in the murky waters created by America’s ever-expanding “empire of chaos…

…Russia’s challenges lie in developing her already vast territory)…Russia will not attempt to reformat the world in her own image, but neither will she allow anyone to reformat her in their image. Russia will not close herself off from the world, but anyone who tries to close her off from the world will be sure to reap a whirlwind. Neither is Russia willing to act as a savior of the world, as she has in the past…

…Russia does not wish for the chaos to spread, does not want war, and has no intention of starting oneHowever, today Russia sees the outbreak of global war as almost inevitable, is prepared for it, and is continuing to prepare for it. Russia does not war, nor does she fear it…

Russia does not intend to take an active role in thwarting those who are still attempting to construct their New World Order, However, Russia will oppose their efforts if they begin  to impinge on Russia’s key interests. Russia would prefer to stand by and watch them give themselves as many lumps as their poor heads can take. But those who manage to drag Russia into this process, through disregard for her interests, will be taught the true meaning of pain…

…Russia’s will rely not on the elites to set the tone for the future, and these decisions will result from the will of the people…”


The RAF has intercepted Russian military aircraft as they neared UK airspace for the second time  in the past week. This incident follows Norwegian interception of two Russian bombers last Wednesday. The Baltic countries are also witnessing a dramatic increase in Russian military violations of NATO air space in which the Russians appear to be testing their ability to penetrate the NATO’s air defenses.

Even the number of times that Japanese fighter jets have been forced to scramble to intercept Russian military aircraft has more than doubled in the last six months, amid  the escalating diplomatic tensions between Japan and Russia. Russia has even violated American airspace in Alaska with multiple air incursionS designed to test and discover the sophistications of  America’s ability to detect and intercept Russian fighters and nuclear bombers. Coupled with the air incursions, Putin has the Russian economy in war mode. He even has the Russian military prepared to militarily seize the “resource rich” Arctic. Latest news is that Russia deployed S-300 and S-400 air defenses in Syria and Russian MoD warned US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army…

Source : TruthandAction


10 Nostradamus Prophecies for 2017 and Beyond !

10 Nostradamus Prophecies for 2017 and Beyond !

Interpreters have translated Nostradamus Quatrains about the end of world. Though time Is not exactly mentioned yet some relate it to the “end of world” in our time. Many experts also relate it to World War III that is believed to be predicted by Nostradamus over 500 years ago. Here are some famous quatrains about the end of time that when you look at present day happenings could be fulfilled any day now …

10 Nostradamus Prophecies For 2017 and Beyond - http://www.alamongordo.com/

Nostradamus Prediction 1

You will see, sooner and later, great changes made, Extreme horrors and vengeances: For as the moon is thus led by its angel, The heavens draw near to the reckoning.

Century 1, Quatrain 56

Great changes are being made ! We have the “Yes We Can” changes of Barack Obama but also the Arab Spring, the great changes in the Muslim world and the great changes that President Donald Trump will make. Also at this time China is building a real super army, Russia is preparing for a world war, NATO is planning to grow their army after President Trump warned them to spend more on military. North Korea is building an ICBM to reach the US Mainland and Iran is back into the picture !!! Do i need to say more ? The heavens draw near to the reckoning, we are close to the end of times than we think.

Nostradamus Prediction 2

Too much the heavens weep for the Androgyne procreation, Near the heavens human blood shed: Because of death too late a great people re-created, Late and soon comes the awaited help.

Century 2, Quatrain 45

Very important prophecy : “Androgyne Procreation” For humans, an androgyne in terms of gender identity is a person who does not fit neatly into the typical masculine and feminine gender roles of their society. They may also use the term ambigender or polygender to describe themselves. Many androgynes identify as being mentally “between” woman and man, or as entirely genderless. They may identify as non-gendered, genderneutral, agendered, between genders, genderqueer, multigendered, intergendered, pangender or gender fluid. This prophecy could point to “Angels” or “Aliens”. The rest of the prophecy could point to Humans OR the Aliens : Blood Shed, Great people Re-Created and the “Awaited Help”. The awaited help could also point to another race of Aliens that want to help humankind. (See Mythology about Aliens that want to destroy humankind and another race of Aliens that protects us – Also see the painting about battles in the air, painting of thousands year old) !

Nostradamus Prediction 3

When the eclipse of the Sun will then be, The monster (divine omen) will be seen in plain daylight: Quite otherwise will one interpret it, High price unguarded: none will have provided for it.

Century 3, Quatrain 34

Connected to the coming AUGUST 21, 2017 SOLAR ECLIPSE in the United States. Again about “Aliens” or ? – There is a solar eclipse and the “Divine Omen” will be seen during daylight. This could point to the moment that people start to see that Vladimir Putin is the Antichrist, we should watch important world events AND world leaders BEFORE and AFTER this important SOLAR ECLIPSE !!! But as the Nostradamus prophecy says we all will interpret it otherwise so nobody knows what danger there is and we will be “unguarded” …

Nostradamus Prediction 4

When the lamp burning with an inextinguishable fire, Will be found in the temple of the Vestals, Infant found fire, water passing through the sieve, Nimes, Toulouse perish [in] water, the market to collapse.

Century 9, Quatrain 9

Just take a look at the last line : The Market To Collapse ! The lamp burning with an inextinguishable fire could point to Tokyo (2020 Summer Olympics). The market could start to collapse in Tokyo. We have to watch China because China has the power to collapse the US Economy. China’s foreign exchange reserves totaled US$3.10 trillion in the first month of 2017, this reserve is much higher than the foreign exchange reserves of any other nation in the world. A potentially serious short-term problem would emerge if China decided to suddenly reduce their liquid U.S. financial assets significantly. Could also point to a new crisis in Italy and the EU !

Nostradamus Prediction 5

Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller, For a long time the lands will be inhabited in peace: People will travel safely through the sky (over) land and wave: Then wars will start anew.

Century 1, Quatrain 63

This Nostradamus prophecy clearly points to the coming of a third world war ! Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller. We have medication and the world became smaller because of airplanes, the Internet, … We had “peace” for a long time, when you look what happened in WWI and WWII this is peace (1945-2017), 72 years of “peace” at the moment. People still travel safe in the air, just look up … but Nostradamus prophesied Wars will start anew, World Wars ! Note : The “World becomes smaller” can also be found in the “Nine Prophecy Sings of the Hopy Indians“, there will be a “Web” around the world just before the end of times – This clearly points to the World Wide Web and other technology !

Nostradamus Prediction 6

The year the great seventh number is accomplished, Appearing at the time of the great games of slaughter: Not far from the age of the great millennium, When the dead will come out of their graves.

Century 10, Quatrain 74

This prophecy indicates that it will happen not far from the great millennium (Pointing to 2001 and beyond), the great seventh number is accomplished could point to the the year we live in at this time: 2017 ! When you think about it the world has changed since the 9/11 atttacks in 2001 and is still changing as a result of that attack. And as Mikhail Gorbachev said : We are closer to a third world war then ever before in history.

Nostradamus Prediction 7

Northern wind will cause the siege to be raised, Over the walls to throw ashes, lime chalk and dust, Through rain afterwards, which will do them much harm, Meanest assistance against their frontier.

Century 9, Quatrain 99

Seems that Nostradamus prophesied that Russia join the Syrian war : Northern wind (Russia) will cause the siege to be raised. Over “The Walls” (pointing to the former Berlin Wall) to trow ashes, lime chalk and dust … Also the Black Sea will be very important during this conflict, Nostradamus mentioned the Black Sea several times in his Quatrains ! Check out : The Latest News about The Black Sea !

Nostradamus Prediction 8

The gods will make it appear to the humans, That they will be the authors of a great conflict: Sword and lance before heaven is observed as serene, So that on the left hand there will be great affliction.

Century 1, Quatrain 91

This quatrain is also translated as “The Gods will show themselves to the Humans”, this is also what several other prophets predict : The Gods will return. Our “Gods” are Aliens that build and created us, we look just like them (Bible Code). They are the authors of a great conflict, here comes the Battle of Armageddon : Humans against Aliens … you think this is weird ? It’s not that weird, according the bible it would happen around Israel … They talk about an army of 200 million (Aliens ?) … If Aliens return to earth they will land in the area of Israel … Why ? Well just read the Bible and the Quaran and imagine “Jesus” and “Muhammed” as Aliens. They will return where they left ! When “Aliens” want to return and they are smart, they know we humans are hostile … The best thing is to first let us fight a World War III and then come back, earth’s army’s will be weak…

Nostradamus Prediction 9

The trembling of the earth at Mortara, The tin islands of St. George half sunk; Drowsy with peace, war will arise, At Easter in the temple abysses opened.

Century 9, Quatrain 31

The city of Mortara can be found in Italy so this prophecy could point to EarthQuakes around Italy or Mortar(a) are weapons that make the Earth tremble. Saint George (c. 275/281 – 23 April 303) was, according to tradition, a Roman soldier from Syria Palaestina and a soldier in the Guard of Diocletian, who is venerated as a Christian martyr. In hagiography Saint George is one of the most venerated saints in the Catholic (Western and Eastern Rites), Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and the Oriental Orthodox churches. He is immortalized in the tale of Saint George and the Dragon (Check out the Nostradamus Dragon from The Lost Book of Nostradamus) and is one of the 14 Holy Helpers. His memorial is celebrated on 23 April, and he is regarded as one of the most prominent military saints ! So this line of prophecy could be about the Syrian Conflict that becomes bigger, also the Dragon in the Sky Nostradamus prophecy can be found here. Drowsy peace, war will arise : The Third World War could start in Syria, just as Edgar Cayce predicted : He stated that “IF” there will be a World War III it will start in the Area of (and now think about the Arab Spring) : Tunis, Egypt, Lybia and Damascus (He named Damascus last, the area they are fighting at this very moment !). Now that we know this prophecy has something to do with the Syrian conflict, At Easter in the Temple Abysses opened this prophecy could point to the Göbekli Tepe : The Göbekli Tepe is a Neolithic hilltop sanctuary erected at the top of a mountain ridge in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey at the border with Syria, some 15 kilometers or 9 miles northeast of the town of Şanlıurfa (formerly Urfa / Edessa). It is the oldest known human-made religious structure. The site was most likely erected by hunter-gatherers in the 10th millennium BCE and has been under excavation since 1994 by German and Turkish archaeologists. Together with Nevalı Çori, it has revolutionized understanding of the Eurasian Neolithic.

Nostradamus Prediction 10

For forty years the rainbow will not appear; For forty years it will be seen every day: The arid earth will grow more dry, And great floods when it will be seen.

Century 1, Quatrain 17

This quatrain could point to The sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, codenamed Opération Satanique, was a bombing operation by the “action” branch of the French foreign intelligence services, the Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure, carried out on 10 July 1985. During the 40 years of the Rainbow (1985-2025) the earth will grow more dry and great floods will happen. The change of our climate is also found in the prophecies of Edgar Cayce : about the shifting of the earths poles/axis and in Native American Prophecy !!!

All of these quatrains directly or indirectly suggest that if world ever came to end it would be due to human-being. The continuous and constant harm to nature from mankind may lead to unusual natural disasters. The world today is full of hate and every other country is developing nuclear weapons just adding more destructive weapons. If ever these weapons came in wrong hands and used then surely world would come to en end. We are developing weapons for our own destructions, how long do you think we will survive?

10 Nostradamus Prophecies for 2017 and Beyond !

Source : Alamongordo Nostradamus Prophecies for 2017 and Beyond

China Prophecies and Predictions

Prophecies and Predictions about China !

China and Allies Will Destroy 1/3 of Mankind

A “200,000,000 man army” will one day rise and unleash their deadly weapons of mass destruction killing one-third of the world’s population  . . .

China Prophecies - www.alamongordo.com

It appears from Bible prophecy that China’s power and “sphere of influence” over surrounding nations and armies will continue to grow. “The kings from the East” … the Bible warns a massive “200,000,000 man army” will be formed and will rise. We are told China will unleash its deadly weapons of mass destruction.

We are told China and its allies will quickly kill one-third of the world’s population. China along with its allies and their vast armies will one day cross the Euphrates as they march across the Middle-East towards Israel … and into the Battle of Armageddon.

The following prophecy warns the “army OF the horsemen was two hundred million.”  These “horsemen” may be a small division or group within that army, such as a strategic nuclear weapons division, or they may be brightly painted missiles sitting upon missile launchers.  The “two hundred million” may be to help identify the nation or area they will rise out of.  Also called “the kings of the East,” it appears the Chinese military is someday going to use the deadly missile and weapons technologies (which Clinton secretly and illegally gave and sold to them)  –  against us !!!

One-third of all mankind left on Earth will be killed . . . 

“Now the number of the army of the horsemen

was two hundred million;

(For the first time ever such an army could be raised in China … it may also include a ‘coalition’)

I heard the number of them.

And thus I saw the horses in the vision:

those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red,

hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses

were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire,

smoke, and brimstone (sulfur, or a kind of poisoned air).

By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed

by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone

which came out of their mouths.

For their power is in their mouth and in their tails;

for their tails are like serpents, having heads;

and with them they do harm.”

(Rev 9:16-19)

The Bible tells us only a small remnant of the population on Earth will survive the coming ‘Apocalypse.’  Although, here, we find angels being released, much of the global terror will come from mankind destroying mankind, nation destroying nation, deadly wave after deadly wave.  The Holy Spirit goes out of his way to let us know that the day and the hour is real and has already been set.  Remember, our future is already history . . .

Armageddon . . . 

“Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice

from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,

saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet,

“Release the four angels who are bound

at the great river Euphrates.”   (see below)

So the four angels, who had been prepared

for the hour and day and month and year,

 were released to kill a third of mankind.”

(Rev 9:13-15)

The False Prophet and Armageddon !

“Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl

on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up,

so that the way of the kings from the East

might be prepared. (A Chinese led invasion of the Middle East)

(The vast armies of the antichrist will then move to either counter or assist this Chinese led invasion)

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs

coming out of the mouth of the dragon (Satan),

out of the mouth of the beast (the antichrist),

and out of the mouth of the false prophet. (the second Beast – see ‘the coming Antichrist’)

For they are spirits of demons, performing signs,

which go out to the kings of the Earth and of the whole world,

to gather them to the battle of that great Day of God Almighty …

And they gathered them together

to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.”

        (Rev 16:12-16)

The weapons will be used.  Much of the world will be destroyed.  Cities will disappear.  Armageddon means the “Hill of Megiddo.”  Megiddo is part of the Plain of Esdraelon which is located in central Israel. Napoleon came through there and declared it to be the finest battlefield in the world.  The whole world will be drawn into this war over Israel and Jerusalem.  No nation will be spared.  The Bible warns there will be several deadly waves associated with this conflict, including a massive Chinese led invasion of the Middle East from the “East” which will then be “joined” as the armies of the antichrist march out of Europe and around the world to the place called “Armageddon.”  Jesus will return to engage this final battle Himself.  He alone will destroy the enemies of Israel.  We don’t know the time between these wars/battles/events.   We do know that God has set aside a final seven years to complete His plan with Israel, and the nations of this Age . . . Have a hard time believing in God?  Just watch the news.

Please remember . . . 

The Kingdom of Heaven is available to every man, woman, boy, and girl in this world, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they have done.  It is freely offered to any and all who will receive it.  Simply learn of Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah, invite Him into your life as Lord, believe He died on the Cross for all of your sins and rose from the grave (proving there is a Kingdom of Heaven … and a Hell).  Learn of Him and believe in Him . . . for He was the only one who has ever loved you enough to substitute Himself for you on the Cross.  He shed His blood, suffered, and died on the Cross to save you from your sins and from the utter darkness and torment of Hell, if you will accept it, believe it, and trust in it.  That is why Jesus is called Savior.  He now lovingly and graciously offers you life in Heaven (and we are warned it is a “take it or leave it” proposition.)  We have to consciously receive it and accept it in faith.  If you sincerely admit you have sinned (which means you will need a Savior to get into Heaven) and ask Jesus to come into your life and honestly try to stop doing (and saying) those things God says are wrong, you will go to Heaven … and with open arms and tears of joy He will receive all who will come to Him in faith and in love … It’s God’s Promise !!!

The only unpardonable sin is to reject God’s love and His free offer of life in the Kingdom of Heaven by rejecting Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha’Mashiach in Hebrew) who stepped forth from Eternity (“from of old, from everlasting”… see Micah 5:2) … not to condemn the sinner, but to save the sinner (from the torment of Hell) and who willingly and lovingly shed His blood on the Cross so we can be washed clean of all our sins.  The Bible warns there will be no peace in our lives until we make peace with God through His Son, Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah.  The Bible also says there will be no peace in Israel or on Earth until Jesus (Yeshua), the Messiah returns.

Source : AlphaNewsDaily

China’s military arrive in Syria to help Russia !

China will be helping out the Syrian government in the fight against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS) by sending “military advisers,” media reports have claimed.

“More Chinese troops will be arriving in the coming weeks,” a Syrian army official told the Lebanon-based news website Al-Masdar Al-‘Arabi. The report claims that a Chinese naval vessel is on its way to Syria with dozens of “military advisers” on board. They will reportedly be followed by troops. The ship is said to have passed the Suez Canal in Egypt and be making its way through the Mediterranean Sea.

China Aircraft Carrier

According to the website, the advisers will be joining Russian troops in the Latakia area. Meanwhile, an Israeli military news website, DEBKAfile, has cited military sources as saying that a Chinese aircraft carrier, the Liaoning-CV-16, has already been spotted at the Syrian port of Tartus on the Mediterranean coast. It was said to be accompanied by a guided missile cruiser.

The news comes after Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria agreed to establish a joint information center in Baghdad to coordinate their operations against Islamic State militants, according to sources. “The main goal of the center will be gathering, processing and analyzing current information about the situation in the Middle East – primarily for fighting IS,” a military-diplomatic source told Russian news agencies on Saturday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin was recently asked about Russia’s presence in Syria, to which he replied that Russia’s activities are limited to supplying weapons to the Syrian government, training personnel and providing humanitarian aid for the Syrian people. “We act based on the United Nations Charter, i.e. the fundamental principles of modern international law, according to which this or that type of aid, including military assistance, can and must be provided exclusively to the legitimate government of one country or another, upon its consent or request, or upon the decision of the United Nations Security Council,” Putin told CBS’s ‘60 Minutes’ show.

Putin reiterated his support for Syria’s regular army – the army of President Bashar Assad. “He [Assad] is confronted with what some of our international partners interpret as an opposition. In reality, Assad’s army is fighting against terrorist organizations,” Putin said.

Source: RT News

Iran to send 4000 Special Forces to Syria

4000 troopsIran to send special forces to aid President Assad forces in Syria !

4000 troops – World Exclusive: US urges UK and France to join in supplying arms to Syrian rebels as MPs fear that UK will be drawn into growing conflict

Washington’s decision to arm Syria’s Sunni Muslim rebels has plunged America into the great Sunni-Shia conflict of the Islamic Middle East, entering a struggle that now dwarfs the Arab revolutions which overthrew dictatorships across the region.

JERUSALEM COUNTDOWN - Iran to send 4000 troops to Syria on the Border of Israel - www.alamongordo.com

For the first time, all of America’s ‘friends’ in the region are Sunni Muslims and all of its enemies are Shiites. Breaking all President Barack Obama’s rules of disengagement, the US is now fully engaged on the side of armed groups which include the most extreme Sunni Islamist movements in the Middle East.

The Independent on Sunday has learned that a military decision has been taken in Iran – even before last week’s presidential election – to send a first contingent of 4,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guards to Syria to support President Bashar al-Assad’s forces against the largely Sunni rebellion that has cost almost 100,000 lives in just over two years.  Iran is now fully committed to preserving Assad’s regime, according to pro-Iranian sources which have been deeply involved in the Islamic Republic’s security, even to the extent of proposing to open up a new ‘Syrian’ front on the Golan Heights against Israel.

In years to come, historians will ask how America – after its defeat in Iraq and its humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan scheduled for  2014 – could have so blithely aligned itself with one side in a titanic Islamic struggle stretching back to the seventh century death of the Prophet Mohamed. The profound effects of this great schism, between Sunnis who believe that the father of Mohamed’s wife was the new caliph of the Muslim world and Shias who regard his son in law Ali as his rightful successor – a seventh century battle swamped in blood around the present-day Iraqi cities of Najaf and Kerbala – continue across the region to this day. A 17th century Archbishop of Canterbury, George Abbott, compared this Muslim conflict to that between “Papists and Protestants”.

America’s alliance now includes the wealthiest states of the Arab Gulf, the vast Sunni territories between Egypt and Morocco, as well as Turkey and the fragile British-created monarchy in Jordan. King Abdullah of Jordan – flooded, like so many neighbouring nations, by hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees – may also now find himself at the fulcrum of the Syrian battle.  Up to 3,000 American ‘advisers’ are now believed to be in Jordan, and the creation of a southern Syria ‘no-fly zone’ – opposed by Syrian-controlled anti-aircraft batteries – will turn a crisis into a ‘hot’ war.  So much for America’s ‘friends’. (4000 troops)

Its enemies include the Lebanese Hizballah, the Alawite Shiite regime in Damascus and, of course, Iran. And Iraq, a largely Shiite nation which America ‘liberated’ from Saddam Hussein’s Sunni minority in the hope of balancing the Shiite power of Iran, has – against all US predictions – itself now largely fallen under Tehran’s influence and power.  Iraqi Shiites as well as Hizballah members, have both fought alongside Assad’s forces.

Washington’s excuse for its new Middle East adventure – that it must arm Assad’s enemies because the Damascus regime has used sarin gas against them – convinces no-one in the Middle East.  Final proof of the use of gas by either side in Syria remains almost as nebulous as President George W. Bush’s claim that Saddam’s Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. (4000 troops)

For the real reason why America has thrown its military power behind Syria’s Sunni rebels is because those same rebels are now losing their war against Assad.  The Damascus regime’s victory this month in the central Syrian town of  Qusayr, at the cost of Hizballah lives as well as those of government forces, has thrown the Syrian revolution into turmoil, threatening to humiliate American and EU demands for Assad to abandon power.  Arab dictators are supposed to be deposed – unless they are the friendly kings or emirs of the Gulf – not to be sustained.  Yet Russia has given its total support to Assad, three times vetoing UN Security Council resolutions that might have allowed the West to intervene directly in the civil war.

In the Middle East, there is cynical disbelief at the American contention that it can distribute arms – almost certainly including anti-aircraft missiles – only to secular Sunni rebel forces in Syria represented by the so-called Free Syria Army.  The more powerful al-Nusrah Front, allied to al-Qaeda, dominates the battlefield on the rebel side and has been blamed for atrocities including the execution of Syrian government prisoners of war and the murder of a 14-year old boy for blasphemy.  They will be able to take new American weapons from their Free Syria Army comrades with little effort. (4000 troops)

From now on, therefore, every suicide bombing in Damascus – every war crime committed by the rebels – will be regarded in the region as Washington’s responsibility. The very Sunni-Wahabi Islamists who killed thousands of Americans on 11th September, 2011 – who are America’s greatest enemies as well as Russia’s – are going to be proxy allies of the Obama administration. This terrible irony can only be exacerbated by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s adament refusal to tolerate any form of Sunni extremism.  His experience in Chechenya, his anti-Muslim rhetoric – he has made obscene remarks about Muslim extremists in a press conference in Russian – and his belief that Russia’s old ally in Syria is facing the same threat as Moscow fought in Chechenya, plays a far greater part in his policy towards Bashar al-Assad than the continued existence of Russia’s naval port at the Syrian Mediterranean city of Tartous.

For the Russians, of course, the ‘Middle East’ is not in the ‘east’ at all, but to the south of Moscow;  and statistics are all-important. The Chechen capital of Grozny is scarcely 500 miles from the Syrian frontier.  Fifteen per cent of Russians are Muslim.  Six of the Soviet Union’s communist republics had a Muslim majority, 90 per cent of whom were Sunni.  And Sunnis around the world make up perhaps 85 per cent of all Muslims.  For a Russia intent on repositioning itself across a land mass that includes most of the former Soviet Union, Sunni Islamists of the kind now fighting the Assad regime are its principal antagonists. (4000 troops)

Iranian sources say they liaise constantly with Moscow, and that while Hizballah’s overall withdrawal from Syria is likely to be completed soon – with the maintenance of the militia’s ‘intelligence’ teams inside Syria – Iran’s support for Damascus will grow rather than wither.  They point out that the Taliban recently sent a formal delegation for talks in Tehran and that America will need Iran’s help in withdrawing from Afghanistan.  The US, the Iranians say, will not be able to take its armour and equipment out of the country during its continuing war against the Taliban without Iran’s active assistance.  One of the sources claimed – not without some mirth — that the French were forced to leave 50 tanks behind when they left because they did not have Tehran’s help. Read The Full Article !

Source : The Independant

4000 troops – 4000 troops – 4000 troops – 4000 troops – 4000 troops – 4000 troops – 4000 troops – 4000 troops

Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

A major tipping point will occur November 7-10 2010, followed by a 2-3 month release period. This tipping point appears to be US-centric, and could be a dramatic world-changing event like 9-11 that will have rippling after effects. The collapse of the dollar might occur in November-December. Also, there could be an attack in France with NBC weapons instead an attack in the USA, overall WWIII would “start” in November 2010, this doesn’t mean that there will be war in November but there will be a happening that will trigger the war in a few months. Thing like the conflict between China and Japan, the nuclear conflict with Iran, the bomb packages from al-quaida, a possible attack on Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu could occur during the meeting in the US, this meeting could be the “start” of World War III if they agree to attack Iran, the collapse of the dollar (the FED agreed to stimulus another 600 billion for Wall Street) the markets are pumped up like a bodybuiler with steroids, it will collapse after a time…

The WebBot Project

George Ure & Clif High presented predictions about the economy, the U.S., world events for the summer of 2010 and beyond. Their predictions are based on High’s Web Bot technology which gives archetype descriptors of future events by tracking language pattern changes within Internet discussions forums. Here are some of the highlights of what they see coming:

  • No warfare between Israel and Iran, at least not until November 2010
  • Six very large earthquakes are yet to come during the rest of 2010
  • A major tipping point will occur between November 8th – 11th, 2010, followed by a 2-3 month release period.
  • This tipping point appears to be US-centric, and could be a dramatic world-changing event like 9-11 that will have rippling after-effects.
  • The collapse of the dollar might occur in November 2010
  • From July 8th, 2010 onward, civil unrest will take place, possibly driven by food prices skyrocketing, and the devaluation of the dollar
  • A second depression, triggered by mass layoffs, bankruptcies, and the popping of the “derivatives bubble,” will see people moving out of cities.
  • After March 2011, the revolution wave will settle down into a period of reformation.
  • A “data gap” has been found between early 2012 running through May 2013
  • One explanation is that “our civilization gets knocked back to a pre-electronic state,” such as brought about by devastating solar activity.
  • A new benign form of capitalism will emerge during 2017-2020

Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

Baba Vanga

According to Baba Vanga the world will end in 5079. However, she, Nostradamus and other prophets have a lot to say about what will happen in the meantime. Among their numerous prophecies is that in November 2010 World War III will begin. (Read more about Baba Vanga predictions). Vanga (Vangelia) Pandeva Dimitrova was born in Petrich, Bulgaria, the Rupite area in the Kozhuh Mountains of Bulgaria on January 31, 1911 and died there on August 11, 1996.

She was also known as Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, Vangelia Gushterova and most commonly as Baba Vanga. She lost her eye-sight when she was 12-years-old after being swept away by a tornado. She was found alive, but blinded. She said it was then that she received her ‘gift’. When she was 16-years-old she began making prophecies and quickly became famous because of the accuracy of her predictions. People from around the world sought her out seeing insight into the future, including Adolf Hitler is said to not have liked what she told him. Among her predictions is that World War III will start in early November 2010 and last until October 2014.

According to her prophesy, the war will start out like any other war, but quickly escalate into chemical and nuclear warfare that will have devastating consequences on the Earth and people for years to follow. Vanga claimed her visions were given to her from unknown creatures from another dimension. At times people who had lived hundreds of years earlier and at times aliens from a planet they call ‘Vamfim’ brought the visions to her.

According to people who knew her, she predicted her own death and that a 10-year-old French girl would inherit her gift and become known to the world. Take a look at her list of predictions , but since we are approaching November 2010, it is interesting to examine this upcoming prophecy a little closer. Her prediction about November 2010 is pretty simple. World War III will start then and end in October 2014. Undoubtedly this sounds nonsensical, except for two things.

One is that so many of her other predictions happened and two that other prophets predicted the same thing. Just like with the world ending in December 2012, we have several unrelated prophets who predict the beginning of World War III in November 2010. Most notably is Nostradamus.

Other predictors

Biblical Manifesto Clif High’s technical analysis data, ‘Web Bot’ and Albert Rosales, Ufoinfo And the Bible. Revelations to be exact. At least according to mathematical calculations made by David Icke using Biblical references interpreted through referencing ancient Pagan Gnostics. So what does all that mean? No idea. Maybe its nonsense. I just think it’s interesting. Then again, perhaps it means it is time to start preparations to survive World War III.


Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

India in Prophecy

India in Prophecy

Different Prophets had Visions and made Predictions for India !

Jonathan Hansen

India turn from your wicked ways ! India, India a land and people so diversified; you are divided by problems – sins as large as the ocean; you are divided by the sea. Turn back to me. All people come from me. I make them blameless, innocent from transgressions, from the coming Judgment. Then, they go their own way: they make their own gods of mortar, brick and clay; They choose their own prophets; from the dust of earth they came, and unto the dust they go.

None with eternal life, just prophets of doom and death; a spirit from a false god, only a ‘form’ of myself. I will surely visit your transgressions, and your iniquities, I already see. None will escape from the eyes or ears of the Lord; for I see and hear all things, all lies, all secrets and all filthy abominations that daily go out throughout the land. Turn, turn from your wicked ways, saith the Lord of Hosts, for I am the King of Glory.

You will not stand against me with all your wizards and sorcerers. I am a jealous God and my rage is about full. I will visit your sons and daughters with the wrath of my indignation, and will know I live. Your eyes will melt before thee and your ears burst; your skin will burn and you will remember this day of warning. Turn to me, turn to me, while there is still time, while my mercy and grace still flow. For I am coming with a sword, with pestilence and fire; and you will know that I live thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the living God of Israel and all nations, Jesus Christ the Lord. I am the Hope of Glory, King of all rulers; The Ruler that is yet to come and reign over land, ocean, sea, the world foundation and all that dwell therein.


India and The USA will be Allies “If” the great war comes (See: Nostradamus, Hopi Indians) the USA and India will become Allies to stop forces from the “East” and “West”. Pakistan will become the enemy of the USA, just like the US helped IRAQ in the 1980-1988 war and after – The US had to fight against its own weapons.


India will win the war against Pakistan The Religion of the name of the seas will win out Against the sect of the son of “Adaluncatif”: The stubborn, lamented sect will be afraid Of the two wounded by A and A. (Nostradamus X.96). The religion of the name of the seas may be “Hindu”. The word Indian came from the word Hindu and Indians call the Indian Ocean “Hind Mahasagar (Ocean)” and India as “Hindustan”, literally meaning the land of the Hindus.

No other major religion has any remote connection in its name with any ocean. Adaluncatif, whatever or whoever this is, this surely is a Muslim sounding name. The sect of the son of Adaluncatif is then Islam. “The stubborn, lamented sect” – Nostradamus’s way of describing Islam). A & A, the name of the person “Adaluncatif” contains these initial alphabets. May be some thing like Acdun-al-Atif (Abdul-al-Atif) or something close.

What is apparent is that “Adaluncatif” – a Muslim will carry out an attack against the people whose religion is of the name of the seas (probably Hindus) who, in turn, will then retaliate causing the Muslims to fear them. This might indicate a future attack on two senior Indian leaders by Islamic Terrorists, which will injure the two leaders, but will fail to kill them. These leaders will then order retaliatory attacks on Pakistan, which will cause fear among them. Ultimately, India will win the war against Pakistan.

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Alois Irlmaier Prophecies

Alois Irlmaier Prophecies

According to Alois Irlmaier there will be a large battle in the future, a big war .. Let’s call It World War III will start the moment that we think there is “peace” in the Middle-East, So it can be at any moment, then it will occur, a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean. The actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. Two men kill a third highranked. They were paid by other people. The third murder occurred. Then the war starts. One of the murderer is a small black man, the other a little bit taller, with brightcoloured hair.

I think, it will be at the Balkans, but cannot say it exactly. The year before the war will be a fruitful year with much fruit and grain. After the murder of the third it starts overnight. I see quite clearly three numbers, two eights and a nine. But I cannot say what it means and cannot state a time. The war begins at sunrise. He comes along rapidly. The farmers sit in the pub playing cards, when the foreign soldiers look through the windows and doors.

Quite black an army comes from the east, but however everything occurs very rapidly. I see a three, but I do not know if it means three days or three weeks. It comes from the golden city. The first worm begins at the blue Water in the northwest and goes to the Swiss borders. As far as Regensburg no more bridges crossing the Donau exist, they do not come from the south of the blue water. Then impact is on impact. Massed units march from the East into Belgrade and moved forward to Italy. Thereafter three armored wedges immediately advance with lightning speed in the north of the Danube over Germany towards the Rhine – without preliminary warning.

This will occur so unexpectedly that the population flees full of panic to the west. Many cars will clog the roads, if they would have stayed at home or would not have used the main streets. Everything, which will be an obstacle for the rapidly advancing tanks on highspeed-motorways and other fast-motorways, will be down-rolled. I cannot see any Danube-bridges above Regensburg anymore. Hardly anything remains of the big city Frankfurt. The Rhine Valley will be devastated, mainly by air.

I see three spearheads coming: the below spearhead comes along over the forest, but then pulls up itself northwestly alongside the Danube. The line is for instance Prague, Bavarian forest and northwest. The blue water is the southern boundary. The second spearhead goes from east to west over Saxonia, the third from northeast to southwest. Now I see the earth like a ball before me, on which the lines of the airplanes step out (project), which do now fly up like swarms of white pigeons from the sand.

The Russian does not stop anywhere, while running in his three wedges. Day and night they run in order to reach the Ruhrdistrict, where the many furnaces and fire-places are. The second spear comes westwards over Saxonia towards the Ruhrdistrict, exactly like the third, which goes from northeast westwards over Berlin. Day and night the Russians run, inexorably their target is the Ruhrdistrict. Immediately the revenge comes from across the large water.

However the yellow dragon invade in Alaska and Canada at the same time. But he comes not far. I see the earth like a ball before me, on whom now the white pigeons fly near, a very large number coming up from the sand. And then it rains a yellow dust in a line. When the golden city is destroyed, it begins. Like a yellow line it goes up to the city in the bay. It will be a clear night, when they begin to throw it. The tanks are still driving, but those who sit in these tanks became quite black. Where it falls down, everything will be dead, no tree, no bush, no cattle, no grass, this becomes withered and black. The houses still exist. I don’t know, what it is and so I cannot tell it. It is a long line. Who goes over this line, dies. The ones, who are on the one side cannot go over to the other side.

Then everything at the spearheads breaks down. They all must go to the north. What they have with them, they throw away. Nobody will come back anymore. The airplanes drop a yellow powder between the Black Sea and the North Sea. Thus a death strip is created, straight from the Black Sea to the North Sea, as wide as half Bavaria. In this zone no more grass can grow, let alone humans live. The Russian supply is interrupted. Swarms of pigeons ascend from the sand. Two herds achieve the combat area from the west to southwest. The squadrons turn towards the north and cut off the course of the third army. From the east there are many caterpillars. But in the caterpillars everybody is allready dead, although the vehicles keep rolling on, in order to gradually stop automatic.

Here, the pilots also throw off their small black boxes. They do explode, before they touch the soil, and spread a yellow or green smoke or dust. What comes in contact with this becomes dead, whether it is a human, an animal or a plant. For one year no organism is allowed to enter this area, otherwise it will expose itself to the largest mortal danger. At the Rhine the attack is finally repelled. From the three spearheads no soldier will come home anymore.

These boxes are satanic. When they explode, a yellow and green dust or smoke arises, everything that comes in contact to it, is dead, it is a human, an animal or a plant. The humans become quite black and the meat fall off their bones, so sharply is the poison. By a natural catastrophe or something similar the Russians suddenly evade to the north. Around Cologne the last battle has started. At the Rhine I see a half-moon, which wants to devour everything. The horns of the sickle want to close.

What this means, I do not know. Then they are flying to the north. In the center there is a mark, there lives nothing anymore, no human, no animal, no grass. They fly to the quite north, where the third spearhead had come in, and do cut off everything. So they will all be murdered, nobody from these three armies will come back home anymore. But then I see someone flying, coming from the east, who drops something into the large water, so that something strange will happen.

The water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down, then everything is inundated (flooded). There is an earthquake and the half of the big island will sink. The whole action will not last long, I see three lines – three days, three weeks, three months, I don’t know exactly, but it won’t last long! A single airplane, which comes from the east, throws something into the large water. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. Everything is inundated.

There is an earthquake. The southern part of England slips into the water. Three large cities will be ruined: one will be destroyed by the water, the second is located so high in the Sea, that you can only see the church tower and the third falls in. One part of England disappears, when the thing falls into the sea, which the pilot drops. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. What this thing is, I do not know. The countries at the sea are endangered of the water heavily, the sea is very unrest, the waves go high as a house; it foams, as if it would cook/boil in the underground. Islands disappear, and the climate changes. A part of the proud island sinks, if the thing falls into the sea, which the pilot drops. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. What this thing is, I do not know. When it comes, I do not know.

The January will be so warm at some time that the mosquitos will dance. It can be that we already come into a time, when there won’t be a normal winter at all, like we do know him now. During the war the big darkness comes, which lasts 72 hours. It will become dark at a day during the war. Then a hail impact, consting of lightning and thunder, breaks out and an earthquake vibrates the earth. Please do not go out of the house at that time. The lights do not burn, except candle light, the current stops. Who inhales the dust, gets a cramp and dies. Do not open the windows, cover it completely with black paper. All open-standing water become poisonous and also all open-standing meals, which are not in locked doses. Also no meals in glasses, because they would not cover it up completely. Outside the death by dust goes around, many humans die. After 72 hours everything is over. But again: Do not go out of the house, do not look out of the windows, and keep the candle light burning. And pray.

Alois Irlmaier Prophecies

Overnight there will die more humans than in the two world wars before. Do not open a window during during the 72 hours. The rivers will have so few water that you can easily pass them. The cattle falls, the grass becomes yellow and dry, the dead humans will become quite yellow and black. The wind drives the clouds of death off to the east. The city with the iron tower becomes the victim of the own people. They ignite everything. Revolution is, and everything is going wildly. The islands before the coast sink, because the water is quite wild. I see large holes in the sea, which will be filled, when the enormous waves return. The beautiful city at the blue sea sinks almost completely in the sea and in the dirt and sand, which the sea ejects. I see three cities sinking in the south, in the northwest and in the west. The large city with the high iron tower is on fire. But this has been done by the own people, not by those, which came from the east. And I can exactly see that the city is made equal to the ground. And in Italy it is going wildly too. They kill many people there and the Pope flees, but many clergymen will be killed, many churches collapse.

In Russia a revolution breaks out and a civil war. The corpses are so much that you cannot remove them off the roads anymore. The cross comes to honours anew. The Russian people believe in God anew. The large ones among the party leaders commit suicide and in the blood the great gulity is washed off. I see a red mass, mixed with yellow faces, it is a general riot and horrable killing.

Then they sing the Easter song and burn candles in front of sacral pictures. By the prayer of the Christianity the monster of hell dies; also the young people believe anew in the intercession of the God’s mother. After the victory an emperor is crowned by the fleeing Pope.

How long all this lasts, I do not know. I see three nines. The third nine brings the peace. If everything is over, a part of the inhabitants have died, and the people are frightened of God anew. The laws, which bring death to the children, become invalid after the clearing. Then peace will be. A good time. I see three crowns flashing, and a gaunt old man will be our King. Also the very old crown in the south comes to honours again. The Pope, who had not to flee across the water for a long period of time, returns. When the flowers bloom on the meadows, he will return and mourn for his murdered brothers. After these events a long, lucky time comes. Those, who will experience it, will be very happy and can praise themselves lucky. But the people have to begin there, where their grandfathers began.

Who is Mabus ?

Who is Mabus ?

When MABUS “dies”/”stops”/”is gone” —> War, famine and destruction will start…

Century II / Q 62 (Nostradamus)

Mabus will soon die, then (after he / she or it dies) will come, A horrible undoing of people and animals. At once one will see vengeance, One hundred hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.

People or System who could be Mabus   (In Order)

  • Musab al-Zarqawi  (Head of al Qaeda in Iraq)
  • Donald Trump (United States)
  • Vladimir Putin (Russia) – Read Vladimir Putin Timeline / Putin The Antichrist
  • Ray Mabus (United States) – Read Ray Mabus & Nostradamus
  • Bashar Al-Assad (Syria)
  • Mahmoud Abbas (Palestina)
  • Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel)
  • Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz (Saudi Arabia)
  • Kim Jong-Un (N-Korea)
  • Hu Jintao (China)
  • Money and Banking Universal System (Worldwide) Capitalism System ?
  • Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (Bahrain)
  • Barack Hussein Obama (United States) GONE
  • Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak (Egypt) GONE
  • Osama Bin Laden (Terrorist Leader) GONE
  • Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi (Libya) GONE
  • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran) GONE
  • Asif Ali Zardari (Pakistan)
  • Pratibha Devisingh Patil (India)
  • Boris Tadic (Serbia)

Musab al-Zarqawi

Is (Was) MABUS – MUSAB AL-ZARQAWI ?  He was the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, died June 7, 2006 in a pin-point attack from the heavens. A “joint-direct attack munition” linked to a Lockheed-Martin GPS satellite by a Drone. “Once again, GPS-aided munitions played a significant role” says Brigadier General Donald Olston. There was a “cartoon” about the strike, this cartoon speaks of future hunter-killer satellites, L.A.S.A.R. and radiowave weaponry, even a proposed battery of steel poles used as a shower of Space-to-Earth lances that they boasted as being “Rods From God” and so “affirming US dominance in Space militarily”.

The famous quatrain which generated endless speculations about who this Mabus is. After “Mabus” – probably an Islamic and Muslim leader dies, the Comet will pass the earth (not strike the earth as many write). But when a comet passed close to earth it can start a worldwide cataclysm by turning the earths magnetic poles.

In our World War III Prophecies Eastern forces will seize the opportunity provided by the chaos to take the revenge for the death of “Mabus” and attack Europe as is also indicated elsewhere. In Europe there will come ravaged by a possibly nuclear terror attack, thirst, hunger and death will prevail.

“Mabus” will die before the third world war, the death of Mabus could (will) trigger the start of world war III.


Read 666-Money and the End of Humanity !

Read 666-The Number / Sign / Mark of The Beast !

Barack Hussein Obama (United States)

Check this out   –   BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA

  • B from MABUS in BARACK   –   The Letter is on place number 1
  • US from MABUS in HUSSEIN   –   The Letters are on place number 2 and 3
  • MA from MABUS in OBAMA – The Letters are on place number 4 and 5


  • MA from MABUS in OBAMA – The Letters are on place number 1 and 2 in MABUS and on number 4 and 5 in OBAMA.
  • B from MABUS in BARACK   –   The Letter is on place number 3 in MABUS and on number 1 in BARACK.
  • US from MABUS in HUSSEIN   –   The Letters are on place number 4 and 5 in MABUS and on number 2 and 3 in HUSSEIN.

Mahmoud Abbas (Palestina)

Mahmoud Abbas, frontman at the moment in Palestina. There are some prophetic signs that in 2011 or 2012 the Palestians will get there state and it will be approved by the European Union and the United States without the “OK” from Israel ! When the Mossad would assassinate Abbas to slow down or stop the Palestinian state they could take revenge. Mahmoud Abbas (Maḥmūd ʿAbbās born 26 March 1935, also known by the kunya Abu Mazen.

  • ABU MAZEN   –   You can use the letter “Z” as an “S” making it MABUZ

Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak (Egypt)

Alamongordo’s VisionBot prophesied the “death” of this Egyptian President in 2011, that is why i placed him on number one.

  • Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak   –   You can use the “d” for a “b” but you don’t need to.

Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz (Saudi Arabia)

If death, Putin will come to power. If the comet of Nostradamus, One of the above will die in the following weeks/months !

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA WAS SADDAM HUSSEIN MABUS ? If SADDAM HUSSEIN was “MABUS” we will have World War III at the second part of 2009, the first part of 2010. Saddam came to power in 1979 and was killed (hanged) in 2006 this makes 27 years : NOSTRADAMUS – Century 8 / Q 77 : The Third Antichrist very soon annihilated, Twenty-seven years his bloody war will last…

The comet could be “Comet McNaught”, he passed in mid-January 2007. THE POPE – BENEDICT / RADZINGER Maybe the current Pope is Mabus, if he is … He will have to die soon. Check out the popes prophecy !!! ABU MUSAB AL-ZARQAWI Is Nostradamus’s ‘Mabus’ (II.62) an anagram for ‘Musab’ (Abu Musab al-Zarqawi), and will the latter’s death be followed by a great slaughter, as the quatrain predicts? JOHN HOGUE SAYS : The man we know as Mabus may be some obscure future terrorist who, if he is not identified and restrained in time, will trigger World War III and the extinction of civilization as we have known it. (It will be to late to identify him, the predicted comet prophecy happened on Jan 3th 2010 and Mabus will die soon, triggering world war III). The time we have left to positively decode who or what Mabus is, and how to prevent the foretold terrible destiny, may already have passed. The final line could date the beginning of his legacy of terror around the time of the appearance of Halley’s Comet (1985-86), the collision of the comet Shoemaker-Levi (1994), or the comet Hale-Bopp (1997), which appeared right at the millennium of the Jewish lunar calendar. Mabus could be a cryptogram for Thurbo Majus, the classical Roman name given to the infernal god of Hannibal, or a cryptogram for Megabyzus, one of several conspirators who overthrew a Zoroastrian priest who had usurped the throne of Persia. An argument could be made that upon this classical foundation, Nostradamus is building a prophecy for the near-future debacle of Saddam Hussein from within, by a Persian (Iranian) ally.