China has buried the truth about the coronavirus !

COVID-19 lies to keep Chinese economy going

Over the past 70 years, the Chinese Communist party has subjected its country to a succession of manmade catastrophes, from the Great Famine, the Cultural Revolution and the Tiananmen Square massacre, to the forceful suppression of rights in Hong Kong and Tibet, and the mass internment of Uighurs in Xinjiang. Official coverups and corruption have multiplied the death toll of natural calamities, from the Sars virus to the Sichuan earthquake.

Data on March 10th 2020 – Johns Hopkins University

Xi Jinping’s mishandling of the CoronaVirus Pandemic must now be added to the party’s shameful list of crimes. With serious outbreaks occurring in Japan, South Korea, Iran and Italy, it is clear that the virus of Xi’s totalitarian rule threatens the health and freedoms not only of the Chinese people, but of all of us everywhere.


Xi’s vacuous, self-aggrandising ideological vision lies at the heart of this global crisis. When he was appointed party leader in 2012, he announced his “China dream” of national rejuvenation, promising that the country would be moderately prosperous by the party’s 2021 centenary, and fully advanced into global economic hegemony by the republic’s centenary in 2049. Xi vowed that, by then, the world would concede that his one-party dictatorship is superior to the mess of liberal democracy.

Appointing himself “president for life”, Xi now has more power than any party leader since Mao Zedong, and has crushed all dissent by attempting to build a hi-tech totalitarian state. The Communist party is an insidious pathogen that has infected the Chinese people since 1949. But under Xi’s rule, it has mutated into its most sinister form, allowing capitalism to grow rapaciously while reaffirming Leninist control. The promise of wealth and national glory has blinded many Chinese people to the chains around their feet, and to the barbed wire around the faraway internment camps.


In a speech on 31 December 2019, Xi heralded triumphantly a new year of “milestone significance in realising the first centenary goal!” Naturally, he didn’t mention the mysterious pneumonia reported that day by health authorities in Wuhan, Hubei province. Although the World Health Organization had been notified, the Chinese people were largely kept in the dark. How could an invisible bug be allowed to dampen the glory of Xi’s China dream?

In times of crisis, the party always places its own survival above the welfare of the people. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at Wuhan central hospital, has become the tragic symbol of this disaster. On 30 December, he notified his former medical classmates on WeChat that seven people with an unspecified coronavirus, which reminded him of Sars (the virus that killed almost 800 people in 2003), were in quarantine at his hospital, and advised them to protect themselves. In any normal society, this wouldn’t be considered subversive – but in China, even a small act of kindness, a cautious and private alert to colleagues, can land a person in political danger. On 3 January, Li was reprimanded by police – he then went back to work, and within days contracted the virus.

Over the next two weeks – the critical window of containment – authorities claimed the problem was under control. But coronavirus is indifferent to the vain desires of despots. Left unchecked, it spread. By the time Xi deigned to publicly acknowledge the outbreak, on 20 January, ordering it to be “resolutely contained”, it was too late.

On 23 January, Wuhan was placed in lockdown. Yet on that same day, at a reception in Beijing, Xi merely stressed the need to “race against time and keep abreast with history to realise the first centenary goal of the China dream of national rejuvenation”. Videos on WeChat and Weibo revealed the hollowness of Xi’s ambitions. There was footage of deserted boulevards in affected cities. Corpses lying unattended on pavements. A woman on the balcony of a luxury tower block striking a gong and wailing into the sky: “My mother is dying, rescue me!”

As Li lay on his deathbed on 30 January, he revealed the truth about his experience of the epidemic. Despite being a party member, he spoke to the New York Times about official failures to disclose essential information about the virus to the public, and told the Beijing-based journal Caixin: “A healthy society cannot have just one voice.” In that one sentence, he identified the root cause of China’s sickness. Xi suppresses truth and information to create his utopian “harmonious” society. But harmony can only emerge from a plurality of differing voices, not from the one-note monologue of a tyrant.

After the eruption of public grief and anger that followed Li’s death on 6 February, the government backtracked, and hailed the doctor they had muzzled “a hero”. But behind the scenes, the silencing continued: several people who documented and spoke out about state handling of the outbreak were detained.

In the thick of calamity, people finally understand that if your leaders have no regard for human life or liberty, no amount of money can save you. Entire families have been wiped out by the virus as more than 70 million people have been confined to their homes. Chinese officials have today reported 78,064 infections and 2,715 deaths, mostly in Hubei. But no one trusts the party’s figures. The only certainty about the numbers it releases is that they are the numbers it wants you to believe. In an effort to change the narrative after Li’s death, the party has called for a people’s war against the virus, and has urged journalists to replace “negative content” on social media with “touching stories from the frontline of combating the disease”. Having buried the truth about the calamity of the Cultural Revolution and other earlier crimes, the party is now dragging the nation back to its Maoist past.

Official language is being contaminated once more with military jargon; society is being divided once more into antagonist groups – not the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, but the infected against the yet-to-be-infected. Rural police post videos of their attacks on citizens who dare venture outside without a face mask.

The state media have posted photographs of pregnant nurses in hazmat suits serving on the frontline; there are masked patients in another field hospital being awarded party membership on their deathbeds, joyfully raising their fists in the air as they pledge undying loyalty to Xi. To anyone with a conscience, these sad individuals look like victims of an inhumane cult. That it is believed these snapshots could promote “positive energy” reveals the moral abyss into which totalitarianism has sunk the nation.

Meanwhile, with the epidemic still raging, Xi has ordered the country back to work, all to ensure that the economic targets of his 21st-century goals are met. Of course, he is keeping the political elite safe, though, by postponing the National People’s Congress in March. Further proof, if it was at all needed, that Xi’s China dream is a sham.

Ma Jian is an author from Qingdao, China. He left Beijing for Hong Kong in 1987 as a dissident, and after the handover moved to London. All his books are banned in China. Check Updates Yourself @ CSSE

Source : TheGuardian

Who is Chiren ?

Who is Chiren ?

Nostradamus Centuries and Quatrains about Chiren

Nostradamus Quatrain IX-41

The great Chiren will seize Avignon, From Rome letters in honey full of bitterness: Letter and embassy to leave from Chanignon, Carpentras taken by a black duke with a red feather.

Nostradamus Quatrain II-79

The man with the curly black beard, Will subdue the cruel and proud nationtrough skill, The great Chiren will take from afar, All those captured by the Turkish banner.

Nostradamus Quatrain VI-70

The great Chiren will be Chief of the World, after “Plus oultre” loved, feared and dreaded. His fame and praise go beyond the heavens, and he will be greatly satisfied with the sole title of victor.

Nostradamus Quatrain V-74

Of Trojan blood with he will be born, with a German heart and will rise to a very great power. He will drive out the foreign Arabic nations, and return the Church to her early glory.

Nostradamus Quatrain VI-24

Mars & Jupiter under conjunction, a calamitous war under Cancer. A short time afterwards a new king will be anointed, who will bring peace to the earth for a long time.

Nostradamus Quatrain X-80

Not from Spain but from ancient France, will he be elected for the trembling Ship. He will make a promise to the enemy, who will cause great plague during his reign.

Persons that could be the Chiren Nostradamus talks about

Nicolas Sarkozy

Born Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa on January 28, 1955, is the 23rd and current President of the French Republic and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra. He assumed office on 16 May 2007. Before his presidency, he was leader of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP). Under Jacques Chirac’s presidency, he served as Minister of the Interior in Jean-Pierre Raffarin’s (UMP) first two governments (from May 2002 to March 2004), then was appointed Minister of Finances in Raffarin’s last government (March 2004 to May 2005), and again Minister of the Interior in Dominique de Villepin’s government (2005-2007).

President of the French Republic and Co-Prince of Andorra *** Not from Spain but from ancient France, will he be elected for the trembling Ship

The Principality of Andorra, also called the Principality of the Valleys of Andorra, is a small landlocked country in southwestern Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France.

Sarkozy was also president of the General council of the Hauts-de-Seine department from 2004 to 2007 and mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine, one of the wealthiest communes of France from 1983 to 2002. He was also Minister of the Budget in the government of Édouard Balladur (RPR, predecessor of the UMP) during François Mitterrand’s last term. Sarkozy is known for wanting to revitalize the French economy. He has pledged to revive the work ethic, promote new initiatives and fight intolerance.

In foreign affairs, he has promised a strengthening of the entente cordiale with the United Kingdom and closer cooperation with the United States. In 2004, he published a book called La République, les religions, l’espérance (“The Republic, Religions, and Hope”), in which he argued that the young should not be brought up solely on secular or republican values. He also advocated reducing the separation of church and state, arguing for the government subsidy of mosques in order to encourage Islamic integration into French society. He flatly opposes financing of religious institutions with funds from outside France.

After meeting with Tom Cruise, Sarkozy was criticised by some for meeting with a member of the Church of Scientology, which is classified as a cult (secte translates “cult”) in France (see Parliamentary Commission on Cults in France). Sarkozy stated that “the roots of France are essentially Christian” at a speech in Rome in December 2007. He also called Islam as “one of the greatest and most beautiful civilizations the world has known” at a speech in Riyadh in January 2008.

Both comments drew criticism. On 27 July 2007, Sarkozy delivered a speech in Senegal, written by Henri Guaino, in which he made reference to “African peasants”. The very controversial remarks were widely condemned by Africans, which was widely seen as racist. South African president Thabo Mbeki praised Sarkozy’s speech, which raised criticism by some in the South African media.

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill kept warning of the Nazi danger in pre-war years. He was elected prime minister of Great Britain after the total collapse of the appeasement policy of his predecessor Neville Chamberlain. Chamberlain failed to understand that aggressors like Hitler can not be appeased. Churchill became prime minister on May 10, 1940, at the same day when the German Blitzkrieg invasion of France began. After the quick collapse of the French military, Britain itself was under a threat of a German amphibious invasion, and was attacked by the full force of the German Luftwaffe. It was also under a maritime siege by the German U-boat submarines. At these very difficult and dangerous times, Churchill, “the British Lion“, excelled as a wartime leader. His fighting spirit raised the morale of the British people. He also forged a strong alliance with the US. Churchill is one of the main World War 2 leaders, and one of the most prominent national leaders in history. Why could it be Churchill : Nostradamus talks about Chiren in Century IX (Century 9 = 19) Quatrain 41 (makes 1941). But : This would mean that Nostradamus used the word “Chyren or Chiren” for different leaders.

The king of Europe will come like a griffon, accompanied by those of the North; he will lead a great troop of red and white, they will go against the king of Babylon –  – V.49 —– The great man led captive from a foreign land, chained in gold, offered to King CHIREN. He who in Ausonia, Milan will lose the war and all his army put to fire and sword – IV.34 —– The great Celt will enter Rome leading a crowd of exiled and banished. The great Pastor will put to death every man who was united over the Alps against the Cock – VI.28

Wikileak reveals nuclear threat lurking in Europe !

Wikileak reveals nuclear threat lurking in Europe

Secret files have revealed that terrorists claim to be hiding a nuclear bomb in Europe, according to WikiLeaks.

An al-Qaeda commander claims that a such a dirty bomb will apparently be detonated if Osama bin Laden is captured or assassinated. The files also reveal only one in three detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp was classed as a dangerous terrorist. About half were foot soldiers and one in five was innocent. The documents, shown to a number of newspapers, detail the interrogations of the 780 people who have passed through the US detention camp in Cuba.

Information that they provided during interrogations is also listed. About 220 of those detained were assessed as dangerous international terrorists, while about 380 are judged to be lower-level troops. At least 150 people were held and assessed but released because of a lack of evidence, according to the files. More than 100 al-Qaeda terrorists are said to have been held at the centre, the most senior being Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

He is accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks and faces a military tribunal this year. Sheikh Mohammed’s file is said to state: ‘Detainee had numerous plots and plans for operations targeting the US, its allies, and interests worldwide. ‘Targeting priorities were determined by initially assessing those that would have the greatest economic impact, and secondly which would awaken people politically.’

Sheikh Mohammed is said to have told interrogators al-Qaeda would unleash a ‘nuclear hellstorm’ and planned to recruit staff at Heathrow airport. The Guantanamo Bay centre was opened by the US government four months after the 9/11 attacks and holds about 180 people at present. Torture-style techniques were used there during the Bush administration.

Also Read

Wikileak reveals nuclear threat lurking in Europe !



Prophecies for 2011

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecy 2011 – 1

Very Large Earthquake in the beginning of 2011 will be the start of “tribulation”, in 2012 everything will get worse.

Prophecy 2011 – 2

At the end of the year solar activity will get worse, with in 2012-2013 peaks like never seen before.

Prophecy 2011 – 3

The end of the catholic church will happen in the period 2011-2012, will start in 2010 (St-Malachy prediction) Update prophecy # 19 !

Prophecy 2011 – 4

When solar activity increases, heavy storms will hit US coastal areas (2012-2013)

Prophecy 2011 – 5

The West will one day be at war with Iran, Russia or China. The start of the third big war is near : as early as the end of 2010 (Baba Vanga) and likely no later than 2012 (Nostradamus) this war will “start”. This will be the war of a more horrid version of the first and second AntiChrist, the Third Antichrist !

Prophecy 2011 – 6

War could break out between India and Pakistan / China, India will win the war if it will happen in 2013-2014-2015.

Prophecy 2011 – 7

Global economic collapse, Europe will be in big trouble, Euro and watch Spain, Portugal, Germany …

Prophecy 2011 – 8

Before the start of the third world war you will see clear signs in the sky.

Prophecy 2011 – 9

As predicted in the year 2010, the economic bubble will explode.

Prophecy 2011 – 10

If Israel attacks Iran, the so-called world war III will start – If Israel does not attack Iran, it will be destroyed. Whatever they do, it won’t be a good thing. It’s to late to “save” the world.

Prophecy 2011 – 11

Massive floods and rains will hit the earth worse than in 2010 !!!

Prophecy 2011 – 12

Massive earthquake in western hemisphere !

Prophecy 2011 – 13

Vladimir Putin is the AntiChrist after Lenin and Stalin, Putin will destroy most of the world if not stopped by the already returned Christ. The beast with the 10 crowns in revelation is the return of Russian Communism with the Antichrist as leader. Putin is using muslims to weaken the west, the attack will be sudden.

Prophecy 2011 – 14

Peaks in solar activity could trigger earthquakes and tsunamis in 2011 and 2012.

Prophecy 2011 – 15

The president of the Arab Republic of Egypt Muhammad Hosni Mubarak will die / resign / be gone at the end of the year 2010 or in 2011.

Prophecy 2011 – 16

Mabus will die at the end of 2011 till 2014, Mabus could be the US President Barack Hussein Obama OR the Egyptian President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak. Mabus is NOT “The Antichrist”, most people think he is but that is NOT true ! Nostradamus wanted to give a sign, when Mabus dies horrible things will happen to the world. He also didn’t say Mabus would be assassinated, he just “dies” – Who is Mabus ?

Prophecy 2011 – 17

More secrets will be revealed like predicted in 2010 … greater secrets !

Prophecy 2011 – 18

Suprise attack in Korea? Signs are not clear yet, more soon !

Prophecy 2011 – 19

Benedict will die / resign in 2011 / 2012, read St.Malachy Prophecy !

Prophecy 2011 – 20

Vladimir Putin will become the new russian president in 2012, he was – is not and will be again, the prophecy of the AntiChrist !

Prophecy 2011 – 21

US – Pakistan tensions

Prophecy 2011 – 22 (Update 04/27/2011 “Prophecy Signs”)

Possible large earthquake will strike in March or May 2011.


  • Important : Watch out for Moammar Gadhafi !

Update 04/23/2011 : I warned for Gadhaffi since 2 years, Colonel Gadhafi is dangerous, he didn’t use one “scud missile” yet, where are all of his missiles ? I am convinced that the moment his army will have “lost” the war he will use them ! Also be warned for Pakistan, this country is an even greater treath than Iran.

  • On May 11, 2011 a close approach seen in the sky between Venus and Jupiter. I would connect this with the rise of the new Messiah figure.
  • On Nov. 8, 2011 asteroid 2005 YU55 passes very close to earth, .4 – 1.4 Lunar Distance. Its 130 meters wide, about 400 feet, so 120 Megaton estimated energy if it hit earth, so a very large H-Bomb size explosion. Interesting that it is 3 days before 11-11-11. Follow its orbit: asteroid 2005 YU55.
  • Danger of nuclear radiation around islands of Korea, maybe nuclear attack from N-Korea or disaster in N-Korean nuke testing range ???
  • Nov. 11, 2011 or 11-11-11 is an interesting date because 11:11 was a New Age related number. A New Age or New World date? And in Revelation 11:11 the Two Witnesses are raised from the dead. Also note that 11-11-11 is exactly 93 years or 51 666 day intervals after World War I ended on 11-11-1918. So perhaps 11-11-11 will be a time of peace on Earth. Could it relate to Revelation 11:11 – the Two Witnesses?
  • When the conflict between Iran and Israel escalates in 2011, N-Korea could attack South Korea because the US needs its troops on other places, in the chaos a war could break out between India and Pakistan, India and China, if this happens Russia could take Europe, it’s possible, the current economy does’t help peace.
  • Prophecies of 2009 – 2010 – 2011 and 2012 could be delayed when the last 3 and 1/2 years start on Dec 21th 2012, if not delayed the third world war (WWIII) will start in 2010 or 2011.
  • Update : Apocalypse will not be delayed as signs of Hopi Indians and the Nostradamus Comet are fulfilled (Blue Star on Dec 11, 2009).
  • The sign predicted by the Hopi Indians, the arrival of Blue Star has happened on Dec 11th 2009, when “Blue star” arrives, soon the third big war will start acc. Hopi Ind11ian prophecy, read more about all the prophecies of these native americans.

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011