The Beatification of Barack Obama.

“With Barack Obama’s exit the US is losing a saint.” writes Simon Jenkins in the Guardian, whilst Ann Perkins praises his “grace, decency and defence of democracy”. Lola Okolosie rhapsodises on his legacy of “warmth, love, resilience”.

Obama the good guy -

Already the storyline is set – Obama was a good man, who tried to do great things, but was undone by a Republican senate, and his own “sharp intelligence”.

These people, as much as anybody, reflect the cognitive dissonance of the modern press. “Liberals”, to use their own tortured self-descriptor, now assign the roles of good guy and bad guy based purely on aesthetics, convenience and fuel for their vanity. Actions and consequences are immaterial.

Obama, the “Good Guy” ?!?

For the sake of balance, here is a list of Saint Obama’s unique achievements:

  • Obama is the first President in American history to be at war for every single day of an 8 year presidency.
  • Obama has carried out 10 times more drone strikes than Bush ever did. Every Tuesday a military aide presents Obama with a “kill list”, and the “decent, gracious” Obama picks a few names off a list…and kills them. And their families. And their neighbours. These illegal acts of state-sanctioned murder have killed hundreds of civilians in 5 different countries in 2016 alone. The only reason that number isn’t higher, is that the Obama administration re-classified all males over 18 as combatants, regardless of occupation.
  • After declaring he wanted to build a “nuclear free world”, Obama committed to spending $1 TRILLION dollars on rebuilding America’s nuclear weapons.
  • Under Obama, the NSA et al. were able to spy on, essentially, the whole world. When this was revealed, not a single intelligence officer or government official was prosecuted. Instead…
  • Obama’s administration declared a “war on whistleblowers”, enacting new laws and initiating what they call the “Insider Threat Program”. Manning was prosecuted, Snowden sent into exile and Assange was set-up, discredited and (they hoped) extradited. It has never been more dangerous to be a government whistle-blower, than under Barack Obama
  • In terms of foreign policy, despite his press-created and non-sensical reputation as a non-interventionist, American Special Forces are currently operating in over 70% of the world’s 195 countries. The great lie is that, where Bush was a warmonger, Obama has sought to avoid conflict. The truth is that Obama, in the grand tradition of the CIA and American Imperial power, has simply turned all America’s wars into covert wars.
  • Before Obama came into office, Libya was the richest and most developed nation in Africa. It is now a hell-hole. Destroyed by war, hollowed-out by corruption. The “liberal” press allow him to agonise over this as his “greatest mistake”, and then gently pardon him for his good intentions. The truth is that Libya was not a mistake, or a misjudgment, or an unforeseen consequence. Libya is exactly what America wanted it to become. A failed state where everything is for sale, a base to pour illegal CIA weapons south into Africa and east into the ME. When war is your economy, chaos is good for business. When secrecy is your weapon, anarchy is ammunition. Libya went according to plan. A brutal plan that killed 100,000s and destroyed the lives of millions more. Libya, like Iraq, is a neocon success story. Syria on the other hand…
  • Syria, probably the word that will follow Obama out of office as “Iraq” did his predecessor, is a total failure. Both of stated intent and covert goals. Where the press will mourn Obama’s “indecisive nature” and wish he’d “used his big stick”, the real story is one of evil incompetence, so great that it would be almost comical…if it hadn’t destroyed an ancient seat of civilisation and killed 100,000s of people. Syria (along with Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Iran and Sudan) was on the list of the 7 countries America intended to destroy, famously “leaked” by General Wesley Clark. After the fall of Libya, Syria was (essentially) surrounded by American military on all sides. Iraq, Israel, Turkey and America operating out of Libya could pour “freedom fighters” into Syria to bring down “the regime”. When that didn’t work they deployed the trusty “WMD” method, to demand “humanitarian intervention”…the Russians saw that off. Then “ISIS” was created by the CIA, as al-Qaida were before them, and their manufactured barbarism was used as a pretext for invasion. The Russians, again, saw to it that this would not happen.
  • Perhaps in the hope of distracting Russia from the ME, or perhaps merely as a short-sighted punitive measure, the Obama’s administration next foreign policy target was Ukraine. Victoria Nuland’s own voice proves how much that “color revolution” was an American creation. Ukraine is broke, even more broke than it was, its people starve and freeze through the winter. The new “democratic government” has shelled 10,000 people to death in the East of the country….using American weapons.
  • In Yemen, the poorest country in the ME is being bombed to shreds by the richest….again, using American (and British) weapons. Obama’s “defense of democracy” doesn’t extend to criticising, or even discussing, the abhorrent Human Rights record of America’s Saudi Arabian allies, and in an act of brazen hypocrisy, even supported their chairing of the Human Rights Council of the UN.

This is the world Saint Obama has created. Guantanamo is still open, and terrorist “suspects” are still held there without trial or charge (they are probably still tortured). Other “suspects” can be simply declared guilty, and unilaterally executed…anywhere in the world. The NSA and CIA are illegally monitoring the communications of half the world. If any other leader in the world claimed even 1% of this power, they would be decried as “autocratic”, and their country denounced as a “pariah state”.

The Middle-East is ablaze from Libya to Afghanistan, and from Yemen to Turkey. Relations with Russia are as precarious as at any time since WWII, thanks to America’s efforts to break Russia economically and shatter their global influence. There is no sign that America intends to back-down (see the recent red-scare style hysteria in the American press). Likewise America has positioned itself to have a massive conflict with China in the South China Sea. Obama is, in terms of influence, nothing more than a used-car salesman. His job is not to create policy, but to sell neocon ideas to the general public, but his lack of agency cannot excuse his lack of vision or morals. Under Obama’s notional leadership the world has moved to the very brink of self-immolation in the name of protecting American hegemony. Domestically America still crumbles.

He had a nice smile, and a good turn of phrase. He was witty, and cool, and looked good in a suit…but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t just more of the same. He could say the right things, and sound like he meant them, but he was still a monster. As he moves out to pasture, the press will try to spit-shine Obama’s tarnished halo, to try to convince us that he was a good man at heart and that, as politicians go, we can’t do any better.

But yes, we can.

Source : Kit, Off Guardian, 2017

Nostradamus predictions for 2017

Nostradamus predictions for 2017

Terrifying forewarnings of 16th century prophet revealed !

Nostradamus prophecies have baffled experts down the ages with their astonishing accuracy – and as 2017 dawns we look at what the fabled sooth sayer has in store for us this year.

Michel de Nostredame was a 16th century French philosopher who, according to followers, has predicted many historical events including 9/11, the rise of Hitler and Donald Trump’s presidential victory.


After a year full of surprises and political upsets, believers have looked once again to Nostradamus’ writings to try to predict what the new year will bring.

Prophecies and Visions of Nostradamus for 2017

On the world stage, China could make bold moves to cure the “economic imbalance” in the world with far-reaching effects, according to believers. Italy could face financial hardship with rising unemployment and loans making it the “epicentre” of a fresh eurozone crisis. The country looks set to experience economic turmoil and a deepening banking crisis in the wake the Italian referendum result and Matteo Renzi’s decision to resign.

The “current superpower”, believed to be a reference to the US, is expected to become increasingly ungovernable and incompetent in the year that Mr Trump enters office. Another prophecy is said to predict a new sort of truce between Russia and Ukraine, which will be opposed by the US but embraced by the EU.

In Latin America, Governments are forecast to move away from left-wing policies, which will help set the stage for potential civil unrest. The most terrifying of the alleged prophecies is a “Hot War” over global warming and diminishing resources, with the greatest threats said to be biological warfare and terrorism.

In terms of technology, Nostradamus predicted that cloud computing would simply become known as computing, solar power would become more widespread, and commercial space travel would take off with orbital flights around the Earth.

While his words can take on several interpretations, it appears Nostradamus isn’t predicting great things for America either way. And in particular it looks as if President Donald Trump is in for a tough time.

In Century I: 40, Nostradamus writes: “The false trumpet concealing madness will cause Byzantium to change its laws. From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards.”

Some speculate this means Mr Trump (the false trumpet) will go mad and will intervene in Europe’s refugee crisis. If that sounds far-fetched consider that Nostradamus did appear to predict Mr Trump’s victory in this year’s US election.

“The great shameless, audacious bawler. He will be elected governor of the army: The boldness of his contention. The bridge broken, the city faint from fear.” Many believe the “shameless, audacious bawler” refers to Mr Trump while the “governor of the army” refers to America’s military force.

Byzantium, an Ancient Greek colony, is linked to Greece, a country which has been hit by an influx of refugees, asylum seekers and immigration problems.

Here are a few of his other predictions for the year ahead.


The US is predicted to become increasingly ungovernable as the year progresses. It is not known how this will yet play out, but Mr Trump has already made it repeatedly clear he will be putting America’s interest first. In its Decade Forecast report private intelligence firm Stratford warned America will become less engaged in the past and will be more cautious concerning economic and military matters.


Nostradamus predicts the two rivals will sign a peace agreement. However it remains unclear as to when and how this will take place with other European nations predicted to support the deal.


The Asian powerhouse is predicted to make bold moves to cure the “economic imbalance“ in the world and its actions will have far reaching consequences. Exactly what this means remains unclear. However just last month, Stratfor predicted China’s economy is living on borrowed time with Beijing facing a series of internal and external threats. In, China’s Economy: Living on Borrowed Time, Stratfor lead analyst John Minnich predicts China’s housing and construction sectors will begin to slow by next year.


While not specifically mentioning climate change, Nostradamus predicts the possibilities of “Hot Wars” escalating in 2017. Diminishing resources are also predicted to become an issue.


Italy will also suffer some tough times ahead, with economic turmoil increasing and a deepening banking crisis. Both will plunge the country further into difficulty times, The Express reported.


Nostradamus wasn’t the only one to forecast an interesting year for the United States. Baba Vanga, the blind psychic who predicted 9/11 and the rise of Islamic State, predicted Barack Obama would be the last US president.

The Bulgaria-born Prophet, who died in 1996 aged 85, was known as “Nostradamus from the Balkans” for her apparent 85 per cent success rate. The revered clairvoyant predicted with accuracy that the 44th President would be African-American.

But she also stated that he would be the “last US president”. Mr Obama technically remains president until Donald Trump is sworn in on January 20 2017. This could mean the world will end or the role of president ceases to exist and the US adopts a different political system.

Source: Alamongordo Research

Who is The Antichrist ?

Who is The Antichrist ?

People who could be the AntiChrist (In Order):

  • VLADIMIR PUTIN (Russia) –> Still number 1 !

  • BARACK OBAMA (United States) –> This Ex-President is still on number 2 !
  • DONALD TRUMP (United States)
  • OSAMA BIN LADEN (S-Arabia)
  • KIM JONG-UN (N-Korea)
  • POPE FRANCIS (Vatican)


The Antichrist has to be very powerful world leader … or an Alien that is not here yet 😉 So it has to be Vladimir Putin or Barack Obama.


He still is my number 1, check it out: The Antichrist will lose power and will come to power again! Putin did this: He became president and became president again!

Putin and Religion – Russian Orthodox Church – East West Schism The cross comes to honors anew. The Russian people believe in God anew. They sing the Easter song and burn candles in front of sacred pictures. By the prayers of Christianity the monster from hell dies; also the young people believe anew in the intercession of the God’s mother. If everything is over, a part of the inhabitants have died, and the people are frightened of God anew.


See Mabus also Barack Hussein Obama Loved around the world, “honest”, in his 40’s, peacemaker, etc… Followed by millions worldwide, soon he will have the power to do whatever he wants, and “we” will support him ! He can start a war at the moment, and you will follow him. Maybe by the end of 2016 we will see the real Barack Hussein Obama. Is he the “False Christ” the bible is talking about or is he the good one, the Christ… Or Obama = Mabus … He was muslim before (father was muslim) and claims to be christen at the moment… The anti-Christ saves the world from its desperate economic, military & political problems with a brilliant 7-year plan for world peace, economic stability & religious freedom.

Read all the prophecies that will be fulfilled by The Antichrist !


The laws, which bring death to the children, become invalid. Then peace will be. A good time. The Pope, who had not to flee across the water for a long time, returns. When the flowers bloom in the meadows, he will return and mourn for his murdered brothers. After these events a long, lucky time comes. But the people have to begin there, where their grandfathers began.


Osama Bin Laden is still alive, he was still alive when they captured him in Pakistan. Remember i told you this!


The White House spokesman at the time was Joe Lockhart, who described Netanyahu in an interview as “one of the most obnoxious individuals you’re going to come into – just a liar and a cheat. He could open his mouth and you could have no confidence that anything that came out of it was the truth. Netanyahu was in his 40’s when he first took power. At the moment the official relations between the US and Israel are not super.


Ariel Sharon Forgotten and dead ? No way, he’s still alive ! We think maybe “they” put him in his coma because some people knew he “was” and still is the anti-christ ! As the prophecy says : The anti-christ will lose power and then come to power again, maybe Sharon will make a comeback soon ! (Don’t think so) … Remember he visited the temple as the prediction says … On February 26 he will turn 82, still comatose but in a stable condition. Was in his 40’s during the war in 1967. Binyamin Netanyahu Leader of Israel (18 June 1996 – 6 July 1999) and back in power as of 29 th March 2009, again the anti christ would come in Power, then lose power and come to power again. He had a rocky relationship with American President Bill Clinton, who made some very unflattering remarks about him in the presence of Aaron David Miller.

Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

A major tipping point will occur November 7-10 2010, followed by a 2-3 month release period. This tipping point appears to be US-centric, and could be a dramatic world-changing event like 9-11 that will have rippling after effects. The collapse of the dollar might occur in November-December. Also, there could be an attack in France with NBC weapons instead an attack in the USA, overall WWIII would “start” in November 2010, this doesn’t mean that there will be war in November but there will be a happening that will trigger the war in a few months. Thing like the conflict between China and Japan, the nuclear conflict with Iran, the bomb packages from al-quaida, a possible attack on Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu could occur during the meeting in the US, this meeting could be the “start” of World War III if they agree to attack Iran, the collapse of the dollar (the FED agreed to stimulus another 600 billion for Wall Street) the markets are pumped up like a bodybuiler with steroids, it will collapse after a time…

The WebBot Project

George Ure & Clif High presented predictions about the economy, the U.S., world events for the summer of 2010 and beyond. Their predictions are based on High’s Web Bot technology which gives archetype descriptors of future events by tracking language pattern changes within Internet discussions forums. Here are some of the highlights of what they see coming:

  • No warfare between Israel and Iran, at least not until November 2010
  • Six very large earthquakes are yet to come during the rest of 2010
  • A major tipping point will occur between November 8th – 11th, 2010, followed by a 2-3 month release period.
  • This tipping point appears to be US-centric, and could be a dramatic world-changing event like 9-11 that will have rippling after-effects.
  • The collapse of the dollar might occur in November 2010
  • From July 8th, 2010 onward, civil unrest will take place, possibly driven by food prices skyrocketing, and the devaluation of the dollar
  • A second depression, triggered by mass layoffs, bankruptcies, and the popping of the “derivatives bubble,” will see people moving out of cities.
  • After March 2011, the revolution wave will settle down into a period of reformation.
  • A “data gap” has been found between early 2012 running through May 2013
  • One explanation is that “our civilization gets knocked back to a pre-electronic state,” such as brought about by devastating solar activity.
  • A new benign form of capitalism will emerge during 2017-2020

Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

Baba Vanga

According to Baba Vanga the world will end in 5079. However, she, Nostradamus and other prophets have a lot to say about what will happen in the meantime. Among their numerous prophecies is that in November 2010 World War III will begin. (Read more about Baba Vanga predictions). Vanga (Vangelia) Pandeva Dimitrova was born in Petrich, Bulgaria, the Rupite area in the Kozhuh Mountains of Bulgaria on January 31, 1911 and died there on August 11, 1996.

She was also known as Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, Vangelia Gushterova and most commonly as Baba Vanga. She lost her eye-sight when she was 12-years-old after being swept away by a tornado. She was found alive, but blinded. She said it was then that she received her ‘gift’. When she was 16-years-old she began making prophecies and quickly became famous because of the accuracy of her predictions. People from around the world sought her out seeing insight into the future, including Adolf Hitler is said to not have liked what she told him. Among her predictions is that World War III will start in early November 2010 and last until October 2014.

According to her prophesy, the war will start out like any other war, but quickly escalate into chemical and nuclear warfare that will have devastating consequences on the Earth and people for years to follow. Vanga claimed her visions were given to her from unknown creatures from another dimension. At times people who had lived hundreds of years earlier and at times aliens from a planet they call ‘Vamfim’ brought the visions to her.

According to people who knew her, she predicted her own death and that a 10-year-old French girl would inherit her gift and become known to the world. Take a look at her list of predictions , but since we are approaching November 2010, it is interesting to examine this upcoming prophecy a little closer. Her prediction about November 2010 is pretty simple. World War III will start then and end in October 2014. Undoubtedly this sounds nonsensical, except for two things.

One is that so many of her other predictions happened and two that other prophets predicted the same thing. Just like with the world ending in December 2012, we have several unrelated prophets who predict the beginning of World War III in November 2010. Most notably is Nostradamus.

Other predictors

Biblical Manifesto Clif High’s technical analysis data, ‘Web Bot’ and Albert Rosales, Ufoinfo And the Bible. Revelations to be exact. At least according to mathematical calculations made by David Icke using Biblical references interpreted through referencing ancient Pagan Gnostics. So what does all that mean? No idea. Maybe its nonsense. I just think it’s interesting. Then again, perhaps it means it is time to start preparations to survive World War III.


Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point – Nov 10 2010 Tipping Point

Quatrains Predictions Century V

CENTURI   I   –   II   –   III   –   IV   –   V   –   VI   –   VII   –   VIII   –   IX   –   X

Nostradamus Century V

Before the coming of Celtic ruin,
In the temple two will parley
Pike and dagger to the heart of one mounted on the steed,
They will bury the great one without making any noise.

Seven conspirators at the banquet will cause to flash
The iron out of the ship against the three:
One will have the two fleets brought to the great one,
When through the evil the latter shoots him in the forehead.

The successor to the Duchy will come,
Very far beyond the Tuscan Sea:
A Gallic branch will hold Florence,
The nautical Frog in its bosom be agreement.

The large mastiff expelled from the city
Will be vexed by the strange alliance,
After having chased the stag to the fields
The wolf and the Bear will defy each other.

Under the shadowy pretense of removing servitude,
He will himself usurp the people and city:
He will do worse because of the deceit of the young prostitute,
Delivered in the field reading the false poem.

The Augur putting his hand upon the head of the King
Will come to pray for the peace of Italy:
He will come to move the scepter to his left hand,
From King he will become pacific Emperor.

The bones of the Triumvir will be found,
Looking for a deep enigmatic treasure:
Those from thereabouts will not be at rest,
Digging for this thing of marble and metallic lead.

There will be unleashed live fire, hidden death,
Horrible and frightful within the globes,
By night the city reduced to dust by the fleet,
The city afire, the enemy amenable.

The great arch demolished down to its base,
By the chief captive his friend forestalled,
He will be born of the lady with hairy forehead and face,
Then through cunning the Duke overtaken by death.

A Celtic chief wounded in the conflict
Seeing death overtaking his men near a cellar:
Pressed by blood and wounds and enemies,
And relief by four unknown ones.

The sea will not be passed over safely by those of the Sun,
Those of Venus will hold all Africa:
Saturn will no longer occupy their realm,
And the Asiatic part will change.

To near the Lake of Geneva will it be conducted,
By the foreign maiden wishing to betray the city:
Before its murder at Augsburg the great suite,
And those of the Rhine will come to invade it. (Germany)

With great fury the Roman Belgian King
Will want to vex the barbarian with his phalanx:
Fury gnashing, he will chase the African people
From the Pannonias to the pillars of Hercules.

Saturn and Mars in Leo Spain captive,
By the African chief trapped in the conflict,
Near Malta, Herod taken alive,
And the Roman scepter will be struck down by the Cock.

The great Pontiff taken captive while navigating,
The great one thereafter to fail the clergy in tumult:
Second one elected absent his estate declines,
His favorite bastard to death broken on the wheel.

The Sabaean tear no longer at its high price,
Turning human flesh into ashes through death,
At the isle of Pharos disturbed by the Crusaders,
When at Rhodes will appear a hard phantom.

By night the King passing near an Alley,
He of Cyprus and the principal guard:
The King mistaken, the hand flees the length of the Rh™ne,
The conspirators will set out to put him to death.

The unhappy abandoned one will die of grief,
His conqueress will celebrate the hecatomb:
Pristine law, free edict drawn up,
The wall and the Prince falls on the seventh day.

The great Royal one of gold, augmented by brass,
The agreement broken, war opened by a young man:
People afflicted because of a lamented chief,
The land will be covered with barbarian blood.

The great army will pass beyond the Alps,
Shortly before will be born a monster scoundrel:
Prodigious and sudden he will turn
The great Tuscan to his nearest place.

By the death of the Latin Monarch,
Those whom he will have assisted through his reign:
The fire will light up again the booty divided,
Public death for the bold ones who incurred it.

Before the great one has given up the ghost at Rome,
Great terror for the foreign army:
The ambush by squadrons near Parma,
Then the two red ones will celebrate together.

The two contented ones will be united together,
When for the most part they will be conjoined with Mars:
The great one of Africa trembles in terror,
Duumvirate disjoined by the fleet.

The realm and law raised under Venus,
Saturn will have dominion over Jupiter:
The law and realm raised by the Sun,
Through those of Saturn it will suffer the worst.

The Arab Prince Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,
The rule of the Church will succumb by sea:
Towards Persia very nearly a million men,
The true serpent will invade Byzantium and Egypt.

The slavish people through luck in war
Will become elevated to a very high degree:
They will change their Prince, one born a provincial,
An army raised in the mountains to pass over the sea.

Through fire and arms not far from the Black Sea,
He will come from Persia to occupy Trebizond:
Pharos, Mytilene to tremble, the Sun joyful,
The Adriatic Sea covered with Arab blood. (2010-2017) – (Refugees)

His arm hung and leg bound,
Face pale, dagger hidden in his bosom,
Three who will be sworn in the fray
Against the great one of Genoa will the steel be unleashed.

Liberty will not be recovered,
A proud, villainous, wicked black one will occupy it, (Barack Obama) – (2008-2016)
When the matter of the bridge will be opened,
The republic of Venice vexed by the Danube.

All around the great city
Soldiers will be lodged throughout the fields and towns:
To give the assault Paris, Rome incited,
Then upon the bridge great pillage will be carried out.

Through the Attic land fountain of wisdom,
At present the rose of the world:
The bridge ruined, and its great pre-eminence
Will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves.

Where all is good, the Sun all beneficial and the Moon
Is abundant, its ruin approaches:
From the sky it advances to change your fortune.
In the same state as the seventh rock.

Of the principal ones of the city in rebellion
Who will strive mightily to recover their liberty:
The males cut up, unhappy fray,
Cries, groans at Nantes pitiful to see.

From the deepest part of the English West
Where the head of the British isle is
A fleet will enter the Gironde through Blois,
Through wine and salt, fires hidden in the casks.

For the free city of the great Crescent sea,
Which still carries the stone in its stomach,
The English fleet will come under the drizzle
To seize a branch, war opened by the great one.

The sister’s brother through the quarrel and deceit
Will come to mix dew in the mineral:
On the cake given to the slow old woman,
She dies tasting it she will be simple and rustic.

Three hundred will be in accord with one will
To come to the execution of their blow,
Twenty months after all memory
Their king betrayed simulating feigned hate.

He who will succeed the great monarch on his death
Will lead an illicit and wanton life:
Through nonchalance he will give way to all,
So that in the end the Salic law will fail.

Issued from the true branch of the fleur-de-lis,
Placed and lodged as heir of Etruria:
His ancient blood woven by long hand,
He will cause the escutcheon of Florence to bloom.

The blood royal will be so very mixed,
Gauls will be constrained by Hesperia:
One will wait until his term has expired,
And until the memory of his voice has perished.

Born in the shadows and during a dark day,
He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:
He will cause his blood to rise again in the ancient urn,
Renewing the age of gold for that of brass.

Mars raised to his highest belfry
Will cause the Savoyards to withdraw from France:
The Lombard people will cause very great terror
To those of the Eagle included under the Balance.

The great ruin of the holy things is not far off,
Provence, Naples, Sicily, SŽes and Pons:
In Germany, at the Rhine and Cologne,
Vexed to death by all those of Mainz.

On sea the red one will be taken by pirates,
Because of him peace will be troubled:
Anger and greed will he expose through a false act,
The army doubled by the great Pontiff.

The great Empire will soon be desolated
And transferred to near the Ardennes:
The two bastards beheaded by the oldest one,
And Bronzebeard the hawk-nose will reign.

Quarrels and new schism by the red hats
When the Sabine will have been elected:
They will produce great sophism against him,
And Rome will be injured by those of Alba.

The great Arab will march far forward,
He will be betrayed by the Byzantians:
Ancient Rhodes will come to meet him,
And greater harm through the Austrian Hungarians.

After the great affliction of the scepter,
Two enemies will be defeated by them:
A fleet from Africa will appear before the Hungarians,
By land and sea horrible deeds will take place.

Not from Spain but from ancient France
Will one be elected for the trembling bark,
To the enemy will a promise be made,
He who will cause a cruel plague in his realm.

The year that the brothers of the lily come of age,
One of them will hold the great Romania:
The mountains to tremble, Latin passage opened,
Agreement to march against the fort of Armenia.

The people of Dacia, England, Poland
And of Bohemia will make a new league:
To pass beyond the pillars of Hercules,
The Barcelonians and Tuscans will prepare a cruel plot.

There will be a King who will give opposition,
The exiles raised over the realm:
The pure poor people to swim in blood,
And for a long time will he flourish under such a device.

The law of the Sun and of Venus in strife,
Appropriating the spirit of prophecy:
Neither the one nor the other will be understood,
The law of the great Messiah will hold through the Sun.

From beyond the Black Sea and great Tartary,
There will be a King who will come to see Gaul,
He will pierce through Alania and Armenia,
And within Byzantium will he leave his bloody rod.

In the country of Arabia Felix
There will be born one powerful in the law of Mahomet:
To vex Spain, to conquer Grenada,
And more by sea against the Ligurian people.

Through the death of the very old Pontiff
A Roman of good age will be elected,
Of him it will be said that he weakens his see,
But long will he sit and in biting activity.

There will go from Mont  and Aventin,
One who through the hole will warn the army:
Between two rocks will the booty be taken,
Of Sectus’ mausoleum the renown to fail.

By the aqueduct of Uzs over the Gard,
Through the forest and inaccessible mountain,
In the middle of the bridge there will be cut in the fist
The chief of N”mes who will be very terrible.

Too long a stay for the English chief at N”mes,
Towards Spain Redbeard to the rescue:
Many will die by war opened that day,
When a bearded star will fall in Artois.

By the shaven head a very bad choice will come to be made,
Overburdened he will not pass the gate:
He will speak with such great fury and rage,
That to fire and blood he will consign the entire sex.

The child of the great one not by his birth,
He will subjugate the high Apennine mountains:
He will cause all those of the balance to tremble,
And from the Pyrenees to Mont Cenis.

One will see blood to rain on the rocks,
Sun in the East, Saturn in the West:
Near Orgon war, at Rome great evil to be seen,
Ships sunk to the bottom, taken by Trident.

From the vain enterprise honor and undue complaint,
Boats tossed about among the Latins, cold, hunger, waves
Not far from the Tiber the land stained with blood,
And diverse plagues will be upon mankind.

Those assembled by the tranquillity of the great number,
By land and sea counsel countermanded:
Near Antonne Genoa, Nice in the shadow
Through fields and towns in revolt against the chief.

Come suddenly the terror will be great,
Hidden by the principal ones of the affair:
And the lady on the charcoal will no longer be in sight,
Thus little by little will the great ones be angered.

Under the ancient vestal edifices,
Not far from the ruined aqueduct:
The glittering metals are of the Sun and Moon,
The lamp of Trajan engraved with gold burning.

When the chief of Perugia will not venture his tunic
Sense under cover to strip himself quite naked:
Seven will be taken Aristocratic deed,
Father and son dead through a point in the collar.

In the Danube and of the Rhine will come to drink
The great Camel, not repenting it:
Those of the Rh™ne to tremble, and much more so those of the Loire,
and near the Alps the Cock will ruin him.

No longer will the great one be in his false sleep,
Uneasiness will come to replace tranquillity:
A phalanx of gold, azure and vermilion arrayed
To subjugate Africa and gnaw it to the bone,

Of the regions subject to the Balance,
They will trouble the mountains with great war,
Captives the entire sex enthralled and all Byzantium,
So that at dawn they will spread the news from land to land.

By the fury of one who will wait for the water,
By his great rage the entire army moved:
Seventeen boats loaded with the noble,
The messenger come late along the Rhyne.

For the pleasure of the voluptuous edict,
One will mix poison in the faith:
Venus will be in a course so virtuous
As to becloud the whole quality of the Sun.

The Church of God will be persecuted,
And the holy Temples will be plundered,

he child will put his mother out in her shift,
Arabs will be allied with the Poles.

Of Trojan blood will be born a Germanic heart
Who will rise to very high power:
He will drive out the foreign Arabic people,
Returning the Church to its pristine pre-eminence.

He will rise high over the estate more to the right,
He will remain seated on the square stone,
Towards the south facing to his left,
The crooked staff in his hand his mouth sealed.

In a free place will he pitch his tent,
And he will not want to lodge in the cities:
Aix, Carpentras, L’Isle, Vaucluse Mont, Cavaillon,
Throughout all these places will he abolish his trace.

All degrees of Ecclesiastical honor
Will be changed to that of Jupiter and Quirinus:
The priest of Quirinus to one of Mars,
Then a King of France will make him one of Vulcan.

The two will not be united for very long,
And in thirteen years to the Barbarian Satrap:
On both sides they will cause such loss
That one will bless the Bark and its cope.

The sacred pomp will come to lower its wings,
Through the coming of the great legislator:
He will raise the humble, he will vex the rebels,
His like will not appear on this earth.

Ogmios will approach great Byzantium,
The Barbaric League will be driven out:
Of the two laws the heathen one will give way,
Barbarian and Frank in perpetual strife.

The royal bird over the city of the Sun,
Seven months in advance it will deliver a nocturnal omen:
The Eastern wall will fall lightning thunder,
Seven days the enemies directly to the gates.

At the conclusion of the treaty outside the fortress
Will not go he who is placed in despair:
When those of Arbois, of Langres against Bresse
Will have the mountains of D™le an enemy ambush.

Those who will have undertaken to subvert,
An unparalleled realm, powerful and invincible:
They will act through deceit, nights three to warn,
When the greatest one will read his Bible at the table.

He will be born of the gulf and unmeasured city,
Born of obscure and dark family:
He who the revered power of the great King
Will want to destroy through Rouen and Evreux.

Through the Suevi and neighboring places,
They will be at war over the clouds:
Swarm of marine locusts and gnats,
The faults of Geneva will be laid quite bare.

Divided by the two heads and three arms,
The great city will be vexed by waters:
Some great ones among them led astray in exile,
Byzantium hard pressed by the head of Persia.

The year that Saturn is out of bondage,
In the Frank land he will be inundated by water:
Of Trojan blood will his marriage be,
And he will be confined safely be the Spaniards.

Through a frightful flood upon the sand,
A marine monster from other seas found:
Near the place will be made a refuge,
Holding Savona the slave of Turin.

Into Hungary through Bohemia, Navarre,
and under that banner holy insurrections:
By the fleur-de-lis legion carrying the bar,
Against OrlŽans they will cause disturbances.

In the Cyclades, in Perinthus and Larissa,
In Sparta and the entire Pelopennesus:
Very great famine, plague through false dust,
Nine months will it last and throughout the entire peninsula.

At the market that they call that of liars,
Of the entire Torrent and field of Athens:
They will be surprised by the light horses,
By those of Alba when Mars is in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius.

After the see has been held seventeen years,
Five will change within the same period of time:
Then one will be elected at the same time,
One who will not be too comfortable to the Romans.

Under the land of the round lunar globe,
When Mercury will be dominating:
The isle of Scotland will produce a luminary,
One who will put the English into confusion.

He will transfer into great Germany
Brabant and Flanders, Ghent, Bruges and Boulogne:
The truce feigned, the great Duke of Armenia
Will assail Vienna and Cologne.

The nautical oar will tempt the shadows,
Then it will come to stir up the great Empire:
In the Aegean Sea the impediments of wood
Obstructing the diverted Tyrrhenian Sea.

The rose upon the middle of the great world,
For new deeds public shedding of blood:
To speak the truth, one will have a closed mouth,
Then at the time of need the awaited one will come late.

The one born deformed suffocated in horror,
In the habitable city of the great King:
The severe edict of the captives revoked,
Hail and thunder, Condom inestimable.

At the forty-eighth climacteric degree,
At the end of Cancer very great dryness:
Fish in sea, river, lake boiled hectic,
BŽarn, Bigorre in distress through fire from the sky.

Milan, Ferrara, Turin and Aquileia,
Capua, Brindisi vexed by the Celtic nation:
By the Lion and his EagleÕs phalanx,
When the old British chief Rome will have.

The incendiary trapped in his own fire,
Of fire from the sky at Carcassonne and the Comminges:
Foix, Auch, Mazres, the high old man escaped,
Through those of Hesse and Thuringia, and some Saxons.

CENTURI   I   –   II   –   III   –   IV   –   V   –   VI   –   VII   –   VIII   –   IX   –   X

10 Signs the US is on Brink of Collapse !

10 Signs the US is on Brink of Collapse !

The stakes are still rising in a game of political chicken that now threatens the immediate future of the global economy, as President Barack Obama continues attempts to negotiate a deal to raise the US government’s debt limit. With just 5 days until a 2 August deadline that will see public coffers slip more than $14.3 trillion into the red – the maximum allowed under current rules – the White House spent yesterday trying to hammer out an agreement that will prevent the US from running out of money.

Congress has agreed to raise the debt limit more than 60 times since the Second World War, usually without serious difficulty. But the current political landscape is more polarised than ever, and any sort of consensus is proving elusive. An attempt to forge an outline agreement before the Asian markets opened last night failed. Timothy Geithner, the Treasury Secretary, has described it as “unthinkable” that either party would let their Government run out of cash, since that would plunge the global economy, which relies on US Treasury bonds, into a state of immediate meltdown.

However, Mr Geithner was unable to report any specific progress towards an agreement. His colleague, White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley, warned that there would be “a few stressful days” ahead for markets. Both the Democrats and Republicans would like an extension of the debt ceiling tied to a plan to shore up public finances. But they are divided along partisan lines as to how to achieve that goal. Read full article at The Independent

Over the past several decades, the U.S. dollar and other major currencies around the globe have been continually devalued, but they have still remained stable enough for trade to flourish and for the world to enjoy an unprecedented era of prosperity.  However, that all may now be changing.  Many analysts now fear that the new $600 billion program of quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve may set off a round of “competitive devaluations” across the globe that could precipitate a global currency crisis.  If that happens, it might not just be the death of the dollar that we are talking about.  Instead, we could potentially see the death of fiat currencies worldwide in the coming years.  Under the current system, nations have a built-in incentive to devalue their national currencies because it gives them a competitive advantage in world trade.  In fact, quite a few countries have been doing this for years, but in 2010 currency devaluations have become a “hot button” issue and the extreme actions taken recently by the U.S. Federal Reserve and other global central banks have pushed us to the brink of a global currency war.

The U.S. dollar was the first fiat currency to ever be used as a true reserve currency literally all over the globe.  For decades, nearly the entire world has had a tremendous amount of faith in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. government debt.  If the world was to lose faith in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. government debt, the entire global financial system would crumble.  Unfortunately, thanks to the foolish actions of the Federal Reserve, it looks like that is exactly what is starting to happen.

The following are 10 signs that we could be on the verge of the death of the U.S. dollar and of a global currency crisis.

#1 China’s leading credit rating agency has downgraded U.S. debt a time ago to “A” in the aftermath of last week’s announcement of a second round of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve.

#2 Top finance officials from China, Russia, Germany, Brazil and many other countries all over the globe are expressing anger over the decision by the Federal Reserve to initiate another round of quantitative easing.  A number of key exporting nations are now evaluating whether or not they should devalue their own currencies in retaliation.

#3 Alarmingly high sovereign debt levels in Ireland, Portugal and Spain are raising fears that the euro is set for another significant tumble.

#4 Investors are flocking to precious metals as they become disillusioned with paper currencies.  Yesterday gold closed at $1,603.98 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange, and silver soared to a 30-year high of $39.37 an ounce.

#5 It isn’t just precious metals that are exploding in price. Virtually every major commodity has been skyrocketing in price in 2011, and things only accelerated once the Federal Reserve announced this new round of quantitative easing.  Some analysts fear that this commodity bubble could put significant inflationary pressure on economies across the globe.

#6 The head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas is admitting that for at least the next eight months, the Federal Reserve is going to be monetizing U.S. government debt.

#7 One top Citibank official in 2010 publicly declared that he believes that central banks around the globe where going to start dumping U.S. dollars. Keep an eye on Aug 1th 2011, when there is no agreement on monday, the dollar will start to crash. Central banks allover the world and several nations will start to dump the dollar.

#8 In 2010, Japan publicly intervened in the foreign exchange market for the first time since 2004.  Japan’s stunning 12 billion dollar move to push down the value of the yen made headlines all over the world.

#9 Even economies that are on a relatively solid footing are openly attempting to manipulate currency rates in 2010.  For example, the Swiss National Bank experienced losses equivalent to about 15 billion dollars trying to stop the rapid rise of the Swiss franc earlier this year.

#10 Things have gotten so desperate that World Bank President Robert Zoellick is actually proposing that the world’s biggest economies should consider using gold as an indicator to help set foreign exchange rates.

#11 Unfortunately, the financial problems of the U.S. government look like they are only going to get worse.  According to the Wall Street Journal, in order to repay maturing bonds and finance the budget deficit, the U.S. government will have to borrow 4.2 trillion dollars over the next year.  If other nations decide that they are tired of the games and that they are going to stop lending so much money to the U.S. government, where will all that money come from?  Would the Federal Reserve step in and monetize most of it?

The truth is that the United States financial system is starting to come apart at the seams.  America simply cannot run a half trillion dollar trade deficit and a trillion dollar federal government budget deficit each year indefinitely.  There is no way in the world that those twin deficits are sustainable. If the Federal Reserve thinks that it can solve these problems by printing up a bunch of money and throwing it on to the table they are sadly mistaken.  The main thing that is going to do is cause a dramatic drop in the faith that other nations have in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. government debt.

But without faith in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. government debt, the world financial system is headed for a world of hurt.  If the rest of the world starts rejecting U.S. dollars and U.S. Treasuries, the fallout will be horrifying. Not only that, but if we do start to see a full-out currency war with nation after nation “competitively devaluing” their currencies, we might see faith being lost in all paper currencies.  If that happens it will create a financial horror of unprecedented proportions.

So let us hope that cooler heads prevail and that we don’t see a full-fledged currency war break out.  Let us hope that faith in the U.S. dollar and other major currencies remains high for as long as possible. Because once the “tipping point” comes, there will simply be no putting the toothpaste back into the tube. Read full article at Endoftheamericandream

10 Signs the US is on Brink of Collapse

Also Read



The Independent

Is Obama the AntiChrist ? The Obama Timeline !

Acts of hostility toward people of Biblical faith :

  • April 2008 – Obama speaks disrespectfully of Christians, saying they “cling to guns or religion” and have an “antipathy to people who aren’t like them.”
  • February 2009 – Obama announces plans to revoke conscience protection for health workers who refuse to participate in medical activities that go against their beliefs, and fully implements the plan in February 2011.
  • April 2009 – When speaking at Georgetown University, Obama orders that a monogram symbolizing Jesus’ name be covered when he is making his speech.
  • May 2009 – Obama declines to host services for the National Prayer Day (a day established by federal law) at the White House.
  • April 2009 – In a deliberate act of disrespect, Obama nominated three pro-abortion ambassadors to the Vatican; of course, the pro-life Vatican rejected all three.
  • October 19, 2010 – Obama begins deliberately omitting the phrase about “the Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence – an omission he has made on no less than seven occasions.
  • November 2010 – Obama misquotes the National Motto, saying it is “E pluribus unum” rather than “In God We Trust” as established by federal law.
  • January 2011 – After a federal law was passed to transfer a WWI Memorial in the Mojave Desert to private ownership, the U.  S.  Supreme Court ruled that the cross in the memorial could continue to stand, but the Obama administration refused to allow the land to be transferred as required by law, and refused to allow the cross to be re-erected as ordered by the Court.
  • February 2011 – Although he filled posts in the State Department, for more than two years Obama did not fill the post of religious freedom ambassador, an official that works against religious persecution across the world; he filled it only after heavy pressure from the public and from Congress.
  • April 2011 – For the first time in American history, Obama urges passage of a non-discrimination law that does not contain hiring protections for religious groups, forcing religious organizations to hire according to federal mandates without regard to the dictates of their own faith, thus eliminating conscience protection in hiring.
  • August 2011 – The Obama administration releases its new health care rules that override religious conscience protections for medical workers in the areas of abortion and contraception.
  • November 2011 – Obama opposes inclusion of President Franklin Roosevelt’s famous D-Day Prayer in the WWII Memorial.
  • November 2011 – Unlike previous presidents, Obama studiously avoids any religious references in his Thanksgiving speech.
  • December 2011 – The Obama administration denigrates other countries’ religious beliefs as an obstacle to radical homosexual rights.
  • January 2012 – The Obama administration argues that the First Amendment provides no protection for churches and synagogues in hiring their pastors and rabbis.
  • February 2012 – The Obama administration forgives student loans in exchange for public service, but announces it will no longer forgive student loans if the public service is related to religion.

Acts of hostility from the Obama-led military toward people of Biblical faith :

  • June 2011 – The Department of Veterans Affairs forbids references to God and Jesus during burial ceremonies at Houston National Cemetery.
  • August 2011 – The Air Force stops teaching the Just War theory to officers in California because the course is taught by chaplains and is based on a philosophy introduced by St.  Augustine in the third century AD – a theory long taught by civilized nations across the world (except America).
  • September 2011 – Air Force Chief of Staff prohibits commanders from notifying airmen of programs and services available to them from chaplains.
  • September 2011 – The Army issues guidelines for Walter Reed Medical Center stipulating that “No religious items (i.e.  Bibles, reading materials and/or facts) are allowed to be given away or used during a visit.”
  • November 2011 – The Air Force Academy rescinds support for Operation Christmas Child, a program to send holiday gifts to impoverished children across the world, because the program is run by a Christian charity.
  • November 2011 – The Air Force Academy pays $80,000 to add a Stonehenge-like worship center for pagans, druids, witches and Wiccans.
  • February 2012 – The U.  S.  Military Academy at West Point disinvites three star Army general and decorated war hero Lieutenant General William G.  (“Jerry”) Boykin (retired) from speaking at an event because he is an outspoken Christian.
  • February 2012 – The Air Force removes “God” from the patch of Rapid Capabilities Office (the word on the patch was in Latin: Dei).
  • February 2012 – The Army orders Catholic chaplains not to read a letter to parishioners that their archbishop asked them to read.
  • April 2012 – A checklist for Air Force Inns will no longer include ensuring that a Bible is available in rooms for those who want to use them.

Acts of hostility toward Biblical values :

  • January 2009 – Obama lifts restrictions on U.S.  government funding for groups that provide abortion services or counseling abroad, forcing taxpayers to fund pro-abortion groups that either promote or perform abortions in other nations.
  • January 2009 – President Obama’s nominee for deputy secretary of state asserts that American taxpayers are required to pay for abortions and that limits on abortion funding are unconstitutional.
  • March 2009 – The Obama administration shut out pro-life groups from attending a White House-sponsored health care summit.
  • March 2009 – Obama orders taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research.
  • March 2009 – Obama gave $50 million for the UNFPA, the UN population agency that promotes abortion and works closely with Chinese population control officials who use forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations.
  • May 2009 – The White House budget eliminates all funding for abstinence-only education and replaces it with “comprehensive” sexual education, repeatedly proven to increase teen pregnancies and abortions. He continues the deletion in subsequent budgets.
  • May 2009 – Obama officials assemble a terrorism dictionary calling pro-life advocates violent and charging that they use racism in their “criminal” activities.
  • July 2009 – The Obama administration illegally extends federal benefits to same-sex partners of Foreign Service and Executive Branch employees, in direction violation of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.35
  • September 16, 2009 – The Obama administration appoints as EEOC Commissioner Chai Feldblum, who asserts that society should “not tolerate” any “private beliefs,” including religious beliefs, if they may negatively affect homosexual “equality.”
  • July 2010 – The Obama administration uses federal funds in violation of federal law to get Kenya to change its constitution to include abortion.
  • August 2010 – The Obama administration Cuts funding for 176 abstinence education programs.
  • September 2010 – The Obama administration tells researchers to ignore a judge’s decision striking down federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
  • February 2011 – Obama directs the Justice Department to stop defending the federal Defense of Marriage Act. 40
  • March 2011 – The Obama administration refuses to investigate videos showing Planned Parenthood helping alleged sex traffickers get abortions for victimized underage girls.
  • July 2011 – Obama allows homosexuals to serve openly in the military, reversing a policy originally instituted by George Washington in March 1778.
  • September 2011 – The Pentagon directs that military chaplains may perform same-sex marriages at military facilities in violation of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.  43
  • October 2011 – The Obama administration eliminates federal grants to the U.S.  Conference of Catholic Bishops for their extensive programs that aid victims of human trafficking because the Catholic Church is anti-abortion.

Acts of preferentialism for Islam :

  • May 2009 – While Obama does not host any National Day of Prayer event at the White House, he does host White House Iftar dinners in honor of Ramadan.
  • April 2010 – Christian leader Franklin Graham is disinvited from the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer Event because of complaints from the Muslim community.
  • April 2010 – The Obama administration requires rewriting of government documents and a change in administration vocabulary to remove terms that are deemed offensive to Muslims, including jihad, jihadists, terrorists, radical Islamic, etc.
  • August 2010 – Obama speaks with great praise of Islam and condescendingly of Christianity.
  • August 2010 – Obama went to great lengths to speak out on multiple occasions on behalf of building an Islamic mosque at Ground Zero, while at the same time he was silent about a Christian church being denied permission to rebuild at that location.
  • September 2010 – While every White House traditionally issues hundreds of official proclamations and statements on numerous occasions, this White House avoids traditional Biblical holidays and events but regularly recognizes major Muslim holidays, as evidenced by its 2010 statements on Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hajj, and Eid-ul-Adha.
  • October 2011 – Obama’s Muslim advisers block Middle Eastern Christians’ access to the White House.
  • February 2012 – The Obama administration makes effulgent apologies for Korans being burned by the U.  S.  military, 52 but when Bibles were burned by the military, numerous reasons were offered why it was the right thing to do.

 The Obama Timeline

Many of these actions are literally unprecedented – this is the first time they have happened in four centuries of American history.  The hostility of President Obama toward Biblical faith and values is without equal from any previous American president.   Read EndNotes

Also Read :

Source : Beforeitsnews

Nostradamus War with Islam getting closer !

Nostradamus : War between Islam and West !

Just days ago one stupid movie enraged millions of Muslims, protesters aired their anti-American anger in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Israel and the Palestinian territories. There are thousands of jokes about the pope, did believers go crazy and killed people that had nothing to do with it ??? In my opinion these happenings show that there is real hate against americans, not just because of that movie … there is just hate, and these are not only the “extremists”, these are millions of Muslims worldwide – There is only “one god” several religions, also Muslims believe – if they really believe this than why not just wait and let God do justice after we die ?!?

The fury over an anti-Islam film that targeted American diplomatic missions has spread to include a number of other Western facilities in the Muslim world. The Anti-American protests also hit Australia … at the moment Barack Obama does nothing … Seems like Muslims realy are 600 years behind modern humankind, maybe because the prophet Muhammed came 600 years after Jesus? Muslims are now in the ages 1400-1500 when the pope burned non-believers and witches in Europe … the spanish inquisition of the muslim world

Nostradamus : War between Islam (with the help of Russia/China) and the Western World

The attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the consulate in Benghazi, Libya, were planned by the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist parties to punish the West for opposing Islam, according to former PLO operative and Muslim Brotherhood member-turned-terrorism analyst  Walid Shoebat.

Shoebat says translations of Arabic documents show that radical Muslims are beginning an offensive against the West.

“The attacks on U.S. embassies had very little to do with the latest [anti-Muhammad] film and much more to do with the old story of the Muhammad cartoon and the failure of Muslims to prosecute internationally the culprits who drew the Muhammad cartoons. This will be another attempt to change the laws globally,” Shoebat said. He said the attacks were a joint mission, and he cited an Arabic-language video to suggest that responsibility for the attacks could go all the way to the Egyptian leadership.

“This video brings us closer to answering that question. In fact, it not only points to the same attackers but possibly to Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi himself,” Shoebat said. Shoebat highlighted an exchange in the video that starts at the 1:15 mark, in which gunmen in Libya say, “Don’t shoot, we were sent by Morsi.” The U.S. State Department declined to make any further comment when contacted by WND. Shoebat said other documents, translated from Arabic, also show that high-ranking members of the Salafist Nour Party and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt planned the attacks to force constitutional changes in Egypt and concessions from the West.

The Nour Party issued a call to demonstrate in support of Wisam Abdul Waris of Dar Al-Hekma, or House of Wisdom, who has called for changes in the Egyptian constitution and international law that would make it illegal to criticize Islam, Shoebat said. He said the Nour Party is the main culprit and Nour Party spokesman Nader Bakkar openly says members are after legal changes in Egypt and the world. Bakkar has said his party aims for legal prosecution of anyone who harms Islam at home or abroad.

On his personal Facebook page, Bakkar referred to the role of the anti-Islam movie trailer, “Innocence of Muslims,” in changing laws, according to Shoebat: After the movie that abused the prophet (peace be upon him), none will dare object to our determination to put an article in the constitution that criminalizes insults of the divine through portrayal or animation of the prophet, his companions, and all his house and mothers of the believers … this is the least we can do.

Rutherford Institute President John Whitehead said Egyptian activists are trying to make the U.S. legal system like the one in Egypt. “Egypt has a Civil Strife Statute. In Egypt, if they don’t agree with what you have to say to the government, they can fine you or lock you up. We don’t have that in this country,” Whitehead said. Whitehead called the protests against the odd film trailer, which is under 14 minutes, “personal grandstanding.”

“The key is the First Amendment is still alive,” he said. “The key to American freedom is protecting those you don’t agree with.” Whitehead said the attackers want the U.S. to make concessions to the Muslims. “There’s no doubt. Egypt would like the kind of laws here that they have and they want to impose them on the United States. We have the First Amendment that the Founding Fathers gave us to protect us from authoritarian regimes,” he said.

“Obama and his administration should not buckle,” Whitehead said. Shoebat said the Nour Party clearly is responsible for the embassy attack in Cairo. Bakkar, who is scheduled to be in the United States in the coming days, should be questioned, he said. “Make no mistake; the notion that these riots were spawned by an anti-Islam movie is completely and totally fallacious,” Shoebat said.

“It is not about the movie; it is about never letting a crisis go to waste,” he continued. “It is all about intimidating countries into implementing laws designed to extinguish free speech rights. The film is nothing more than a tool to be used to exploit politically correct inclinations.” He said the attacks were intended to extract concessions from the U.S. and exalt militant Muslims. The attacks were also part of a “support al-Qaida day,” he said, noting the Nour Party’s official Facebook page displays a photo of Osama bin Laden.

“To prove the point beyond a shadow of doubt that September the 11th was chosen without any connect to the film being released on that date, we can examine the sources as to when Egypt learned about the film,” Shoebat said. On Wednesday, he noted, the Wall Street Journal reported that the video trailer that allegedly prompted the attacks had been scheduled to be shown in the church of controversial Florida pastor Terry Jones.

Shoebat said “the spark that elevated the video from the Internet’s backwater” appears to have been provided by Morris Sadek, an Egyptian Coptic activist living in the Washington, D.C., area. Sadek has been an outspoken anti-Islamic activist in the U.S., where he runs a small group called the National American Coptic Assembly. On Sept. 6, Sadek sent an email to journalists around the world promoting a Sept. 11 event held by Jones, who previously sparked deadly protests by burning a copy of the Quran.

In the email, Sadek included a link to the anti-Islam trailer. Whitehead noted the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff even called Jones to ask him not to show the film clip at his church. Shoebat added that a Dutch film was the original target of Nour Party ire. Party spokesman Bakkar announced Sept. 9 that he was objecting to a Dutch film and that the Dutch were allowing Copts to move to Holland, Shoebat said.

Bakkar asserted the moves were an unacceptable interference in Egyptian affairs and an attempt to crack the unity of its citizens. Bakkar stated through his personal Twitter account that the Dutch anti-Muslim film against Muhammad “could not pass unnoticed, without there being an adequate response.” Shoebat said this adds to the argument that the Nour Party had failed to twist the arms of the Dutch, as well as the Germans and the English, to change their laws to respect Shariah.

So they then turned on the Americans and chose 9/11 for the date to protest, Shoebat said. An Egyptian citizen in Cairo, whose identity has been withheld for security reasons, also said the American film would have gone largely unnoticed if the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood hadn’t brought it to the public’s attention. “The past 48 hours have made the entire world aware of the existence of a movie that allegedly offends Muslims. Prior to the barbaric reaction of Muslims in Libya and Egypt, no one was aware of the existence of the movie,” the Cairo source said.

The source said bringing the American movie into the picture is an effort to insult America and to incite violence against Egypt’s Coptic community. “It is now very clear that only the actions of the radical Islamists gave the film world wide publicity. The timing of the protests were planned to coincide with the anniversary of the 9/11 attack that killed thousands of Americans by radical Islamists,” the source said.

The Cairo resident said that to justify the attack on the U.S. Embassy, Egyptian media continued falsely reporting the film was made by Maurice Sadek, a Coptic Christian living in the U.S., along with Pastor Jones. “The unfounded reporting was a willful act to promote incitement and resentment towards Egypt’s Coptic-Christian community,” the source said. Shoebat said Egyptian military officers are part of the attempt to implicate the Copts.

On the Nour Party Facebook page, he noted, Egyptian officers posted messages of support, including photos of themselves in uniform, promising to join the demonstrations. “Calls to terminate all the citizenships of Coptic Christians who live abroad litter the websites that support Nour Salfist party,” Shoebat said.

He noted a trend in Egypt for police officers to join “I am a cop with a beard,” an activist group that cooperated with the Voice of Wisdom and Nour Party to “express our anger” in front of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo. The Facebook page has a photo calling Copts abroad “The Dogs of The Diaspora” and another photo featuring the chant, “Khaybar Khaybar O Jews, the army of Muhammad is coming for you,” Shoebat said.

Advertisements include posters encouraging demonstrations in front of the U.S. Embassy, he pointed out. One ad states “Tuesday, on 9/11. More is planned on the 14th and this time in front of the Presidential Palace.” Meanwhile, British Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary has responded to the anti-Islam trailer with a call for a demonstration in London to “defend the honor” of Muhammad.

“In light of the film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ insulting the final prophet, which is undoubtedly part of the global U.S. campaign to tarnish and spite Islam and Muslims, there will be a demonstration taking place tomorrow outside the American embassy in London to defend the honor of the messenger Muhammad,” Choudary said in his press release.

There also was speculation that Morsi will pursue legal action against the United States over the film.  Whitehead discounted that possibility. “The First Amendment allows for individuals to have the freedom to express themselves, so there’s really no cause of action that can be taken,” he said. (Full Article)

Nostradamus War with Islam getting closer

Why can’t we all live in peace together ??? What a sad sad world this is sometimes …

Source : WND

Movie : The Innocence of Muslims

Prophecies for 2009

Prophecies for 2009

Prophecy 2009-1

Conflicts and terror in/by Israely troops, possible war with Hezbollah / Lebanon.

Prophecy 2009-2

Large fires will erupt, burning houses.

Prophecy 2009-3

Again a “Head of State” is attacked, possibly not killed.

Prophecy 2009-4

Notable people will die, like the 2008 prediction but it will get far worse in 2009 and 2010.

Prophecy 2009-5

Still an ending of the comfortable high tech or/and high consumption lifestyle because of the economy in the West in 2008 -2009 and worse in 2010.

Prophecy 2009-6

India and/or Pakistan start to make/buy more weapons/arms, also China should be watched. N-Korea tries to make stronger Nukes.

Prophecy 2009-7

Troubles in Iran foreseen with fighting/war and Chaos.

Prophecy 2009-8

Iran will become nuclear in the year 2009/2010, maybe nuclear in 2009 and will be public in 2010.

Prophecy 2009-9

Economy will get worse, a second and third sort of “bailout” will not help.

Prophecy 2009-10

Possible Pandemic Outbreak in 2009 or 2010, large outbreak of virus like spanish flu in 1920 will possibly start in 2009/2010.

Prophecy 2009-11

“Whistle-blowers” are expected to revail “Government Secrets” about George W Bush in 2008/2009. See 2008 Prediction.

Prophecy 2009-12

President Obama will be in danger (possible attack) plot.

Prophecy 2009-13

Russia is “surviving” the economic colapse and will become stronger, Vladimir Putin wants to become president again in the year 2012.

Prophecy 2009-14

Very heavy floodings will occur worldwide, becoming stronger every year untill 2012.

Prophecy 2009-15

Israel will be ready for a surprise attack on Iran but Obama will continiue his “diplomantic” rounds.

Prophecy 2009-16

Hurricanes will get worse untill the year 2012.

Prophecy 2009-17

The pope will die or resign “before” the end of the year 2012.

Prophecies for 2009

Prophecies for 2009 – Prophecies for 2009 – Prophecies for 2009