The ten horns of The Beast in Revelation

The ten horns of The Beast in Revelation

The seven heads represent both seven mountains and seven kings, and the ten horns are ten kings who have not yet received kingdoms. Of the seven kings, five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come. The beast itself is an eighth king who is of the seven and was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition.

Who are the 10 Kings in Revelation ?

The 10 Horns of the Beast are The 10 Kings that (In those days) had not recieved there Kingdom yet. As explaned in “The 7 Heads of The Beast“, the 8th Kingdom that is from the 7 Kingdoms is The United Nations. So the 10 kings have to be THE LEADERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS ! And this could be correct …

Here are the Secretary-Generals of the United Nations since it started in 1945 :

  1. 1945- 1946 —> Gladwyn Jebb – This leader has (officially) no number … strange.
  2. 1946-1952 —> Trygve Lie – Officially the 1th leader of the UN.
  3.  1953-1961 —> Dag Hammarskjöld – Officially the 2nd leader of the UN.
  4. 1961-1971 —> U Thant – Officially the 3rd leader of the UN.
  5. 1972-1981 —> Kurt Waldheim – Officially the 4th leader of the UN.
  6. 1982-1991 —> Javier Pérez de Cuéllar – Officially the 5th leader of the UN.
  7. 1992-1996 —> Boutros Boutros-Ghali – Officially the 6th leader of the UN.
  8. 1997-2006 —> Kofi Annan – Officially the 7th leader of the UN.
  9. 2007-2016 —> Ban Ki-moon – Officially the 8th leader of the UN.
  10. 2017-201? —> António Guterres – Officially the 9th leader of the UN, or is he Number 10 ?

The 10 Kings of Revelation - The 10 Horns of The Beast - Alamongordo Prophecies - The Leaders of the United Nations -

So it could be that António Guterres is Number 10 … The 10th King of Revelation that recieved it’s Kingdom (The United Nations) before the United Nations will go into perdition…

There are some “strange” thing when we look at the “Horns / Kings” (Secretary Generals) of this 1th Beast (United Nations) in Revelation. There are a total of 5 “Regional Groups” in the United Nations. We got the Western European group (Of the 10 UN leaders or “Kings”, this group had 5 leaders or Secretary Generals), The Latin American Group had 1 Secretary General, The African Group had Secretary Generals, The Asia-Pacific Group had 2 leaders and The Eastern European Group had NONE … So not one of the “Kings” came from the “Eastern European group”.

The Birth of The Beast and the 10 Kings

Do i need to say more? The UN is the leader of the world, the Beast in Revelation.

Check out some SIGNS the Antichrist will fulfill :

  • He will bring ‘peace’, yet conquer through treaties and war (UN Peacekeepers & UN Treaties)
  • He will be very, very popular around the world (193 of 195 Nations are UN Members)
  • He will receive what appears to be a fatal wound to the head (The League of Nations was destroyed by World War II, the league of Nations came back as the “United Nations” and recovered from WWII)
  • He will appear to be resurrected from the dead. (The League of Nations was destroyed by World War II, the league of Nations came back as the “United Nations” and recovered from WWII)
  • He will enforce a “peace” plan or resolution (covenant) upon nation Israel (Sounds like the UN doesn’t it)

Read all of the Prophecies the Antichrist will fulfill !


Prophecies for 2008

Prophecies 2008Prophecies for 2008

Prophecies 2008-1

Large Terror attack is possible and if not carefull can trigger a large war in Asia.

Prophecies 2008-2

Mayor economic event, global/worldwide economic disaster.

Prophecies 2008-3

A surprising military event, possible standoff between Chinese/N-korean or Russian troops and Western troops/army.

Prophecies 2008-4

Barack Hussein Obama will be the democrat going to the US elections and will defeat Hillary Clinton.

Prophecies 2008-5

An Ending of the comfortable high tech or/and high consumption lifestyle because of the economy in the West in 2008 or 2009.

Prophecies 2008-6

Barack Obama will be the 1th American/African to become President of the United States of America.

Prophecies 2008-7

Possible earthquake in the United States Of America/Mexico.

Prophecy 2008-8

Increasing tensions between Israel and Iran because of Nuclear Energy.

Prophecy 2008-9

“Whistle-blowers” are expected to revail “Government Secrets” about George W Bush in 2008/2009/2010.

Prophecy 2008-10

The US dollar will get weak, unemployment is coming worldwide.

Prophecy 2008-11

Death of Notable people in the year 2008 or 2009.

Prophecy 2008-12

Possible “Attack” on George.W.Bush before he leaves office.

Prophecy 2008-13

Oil will become very expensive, going to 150 dollars/B.

Prophecy 2008-14

Possible assassination of a head of state in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Prophecy 2008-15

There could be another conflict/war with/in Israel.

Prophecy 2008-16

Hurricanes, floods and hunger to become worse.



Prophecy is a process in which one or more messages that have been communicated to a prophet are then communicated to others. Such messages typically involve divine inspiration, interpretation, or revelation of conditioned events to come as well as testimonies or repeated revelations that the world is divine. The process of prophecy especially involves reciprocal communication of the prophet with the (divine) source of the messages. Throughout history, clairvoyance has commonly been used and associated with prophecy.

Various concepts of prophecy are found throughout all of the world’s religions and cults. To a certain degree prophecy can be an integral concept within any religion or cult. The term has found deep usage in the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i and Mormonism along with many others.