Is Donald Trump the AntiChrist ?

Is Donald Trump the Anti-Christ ?

U.S. Republican Party nominee Donald Trump dominates media coverage in the United States and attracts media attention throughout the world. He is an unusual president because he comes from outside of the world of politics and conducts himself in a manner that many American politicians and political commentators are not accustomed to. He is also a polarizing figure with many staunch supporters and many staunch opponents, including within the Republican Party.


I have received comments and questions in recent weeks from people who wonder whether President Donald Trump is the Antichrist. I refrained from devoting an article to this topic when Trump was still competing with other candidates for the Republican Party nomination because it would have been unnecessary to address the topic if he was not the nominee. However, now that Trump became president of the United States I can address the topic of whether he is the Antichrist.

Observations About Trump & the Antichrist

First, I want to make it clear that I will try my best to analyze Trump as neutrally as I can. I may have some positive or negative things to say about Trump, but please understand that I do this as an analyst rather than someone who is a Trump supporter or opponent. I will proceed by stating some observations about Trump and compare these observations with many people’s expectation of the Antichrist.

Pride & Ego

Trump is a very prideful man to say the least. He likes to boast about himself and rarely admits when he has made a mistake publicly. Meanwhile, Daniel 11:36 and Daniel 8:25 are two Bible verses that suggest the Antichrist will have an immense ego:

“And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.” (Dan 11:36)

“And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” (Dan 8:25)

Middle East Peace Negotiator

Trump is a negotiator who emphasizes the importance of being a good negotiator when talking about foreign policy. He has mentioned on occasion that he would like to try to negotiate the most difficult deal of them all: the Middle East peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. Meanwhile, many expect Antichrist to help confirm a Middle East peace deal-the “covenant with many” in Daniel 9:27:

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” (Dan 9:27)

Charasmatic Leader

Trump is quite articulate. He is very good at speaking publicly without the reliance of a teleprompter and speaks well when he does have a teleprompter to help guide his words. Some skeptics question the substance of what Trump says, but he is able to endear himself to a significant number of Americans with what he says and the style that he says it. Meanwhile, many people expect Antichrist to be a demagogue who uses his charisma to attract people to his side as he accumulates power.

Based on these statements, you might conclude that I think Donald Trump is the Antichrist and maybe he is. However, I strongly believe that President Obama paved the way for the AntiChrist !!! He made sure that Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential elections. Millions of people believe Obama was a “good guy”. Remember that under President Obama the 2010 “Arab Spring” started. Obama attacked Libya, under Obama the CIA was present in Tunis and Egypt. Obama wanted to strike Syria with cruise missile after the Syrian Army used chemical weapons ( this was a false flag operation, President Putin stopped Obama at the last moment). The last weeks of Obama as president he was like a child … sending troops to Europe, provoking Putin, etc … i don’t understand people don’t see that, or don’t want to see it … It’s like Obama is the Antichrist, fucked it al up and is now sitting back … chilling … and waiting for Trump to fuck up ( World War III) the mess he made.

The Desire of Women

Daniel 11 indicates that the Antichrist will not be someone who will desire women in his life:

“Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” (Dan 11:37)

Trump has been married multiple times and is currently married to his wife Melania (with whom they have a son named Barron) and … sometimes he likes to grab some pussy …

The Peak of Arrogance

The Antichrist will sit in a temple in Jerusalem someday and demand that the world worship him like God.

(3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (4) Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)

Trump is a very prideful man, could it be that he is so arrogant that he would demand the world to worship him and order the deaths of anyone who refuses to worship him? Trump sometimes will ridicule a vocal critic of his but I doubt he is a man who would order the execution of a vocal opponent. If you watched Trump’s rallies you will have noticed that he occasionally calls for the ejection of vocal opponents but at the same time tell the officials ejecting them to not harm them.

A Different Level of Charisma

Trump is quite articulate, but maybe not close to being as charismatic as the Antichrist will be. I imagine the Antichrist to be even more charismatic than Adolf Hitler, who was able to hypnotize an entire nation with his demonic charisma. I’ve watched footage of Hitler speak and I’ve watched Trump speak several times and the comparison is not even close. Trump does not possess the charisma that Hitler possessed and the charisma that the Antichrist will possess, but maybe it could change in the coming months …

The Ultimate Globalist

Antichrist will seek to dominate the world at an economic, political, and religious level. In this sense, the Antichrist will be the ultimate globalist. In contrast, Trump is not a big supporter of globalism. In fact, Trump said in a recent foreign policy speech:

“No country has ever prospered that failed to put its own interests first. Both our friends and our enemies put their countries above ours and we, while being fair to them, must start doing the same.

We will no longer surrender this country, or its people, to the false song of globalism.

The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down, and will never enter-and under my administration-we will never enter America into any agreement that reduces our ability to control our own affairs.”

Trump believes in a self-described “American First” foreign policy. Consequently, Trump seems reluctant to support the efforts of certain world leaders to create a one-world government at the expense of national sovereignty. In contrast, Antichrist seems like someone who would embrace the efforts of certain leaders to unite the world in fields like politics and economics.


In sum, I disagree with people who argue that Donald Trump is the Antichrist … President Obama did most of the work ( to destroy our future ). With Trump as the new US President I think the world could become a very interesting place to live in …  I’ll save my thoughts on what direction I think the world would head with Trump as the new world leader … for the moment.

Source: ProphecyProof

Edited by Alamongordo

Is Osama Bin Laden the Mabus from Nostradamus ?

Is Osama Bin Laden the Mabus from Nostradamus ?

He’s dead and the US got his body, is this a good thing, will the “war on terror” end ? I don’t think so … it’s just started !

Usama Bin Laden has acquired the label as the one who orchastrated the operation of 9/11.  The Terror event that has changed the world as we knew it.  Could he be the Mabus character that Nostradamus foresaw? Think about this Usama Bin Laden (Mabus).  In his full name he also has the name MOHAMMAD within.  And additionaly, his family came from the HELIX of ARABIA (YEMEN) the place that Nostradamus predicted would be the location from where the Next antichrist would come from.

King of Terror   –   (Usama Bin Laden) From the Skies   –   (Airplanes on 9111   /   1999) King of the Mongolians   –   (United States military power like Ghengis Khans Mongolian empire) Mars will reign before and after   –   (Mars = War before in Bosnia/Serbia after in Afghanistan / Iraq / Libya)

Note : I still believe that the “great king of terror” is not Usama Bin Laden, the quatrain can point to Bin Laden but is also a “hint” to Vladimir Putin who is behind the war of terror to “weaken the west” like the Quatrain of Nostradamus says. Putin started to “Rise” in July 1999 (popularity 5%) – November 1999 (popularity 80%), he was (1999-2008), is not (2008-2012) and will be again (2012) thats what the Bible sais about the Antichrist, you should read the Vladimir Putin timeline !

  • Mabus then will soon die   –   (MABUS = USaMA Bin Laden)
  • There will come of people and beast a horrible rout
  • Then suddenly one will see vengeance   –   (Revenge? – Read this article)
  • Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run   –   (The ELENIN comet responsible for the great Earthquakes)

If this is true then we are not far from the Next World War. Nostradamus makes clear that Mabus is an individual not a continent or country.

False Flag Operation – More to come ?

I cannot help it but the things happening at the moment … strange … weird …

Days ago the was a Wikileak : Al Quaida has a “nuclear dirty bomb inside Europe“, and if Osama Bin Laden would be captured or assassinated there would come a “nuclear hellstorm” over Europe (Note : Edgar Cayce predicted that Europe would “Change in the blink of an eye“). I posted this leak just days ago and now he’s dead ?

Also, the war against Libya : I never seen a war start this quick ! Just one month after protests started in Tripoly NATO was bombing libya to “protect the people”? Also strange is that all of North Africa and the Middle East is changing very rapidly at the moment, and not in the good way. The media tells us the change is good but letst look at Egypt. Mubarak was a “friend” of the US, in September the Muslim Brotherhood will come to power in Egypt ! Believe me, thats NOT a good thing !

Edgar Cayce predicted that the Third World War would start in the Area of Tunis (Unrest started here first), Libya (War against Libya), Egypt (Muslim Brotherhood) and the Davis strait.  It’s all happening at this very moment !

Also Read

False Flag-O-Meter reaches the red zone !

False Flag-O-Meter reaches the red zone

False Flag – Why a government-orchestrated  distraction event is highly likely to occur in the near future.

This is a short but urgent warning: A false flag event, an act of war, a  bombing or some other headlines-grabbing orchestrated event is very likely to  occur in the next seven days precisely because the Obama administration is under  intense fire right now and needs a quick distraction. In stage magic, it’s  called the “art of misdirection.” In politics, it’s called the “Clinton  method.”

countdown to apocalypse -

This is exactly what Bill Clinton did over and over again during  his administration: Any time he was about to be raked over the coals for some  political scandal, he would simply order the bombing of another “terrorist  factory” somewhere around the globe. Magically, the Clinton News Network (CNN)  would shift coverage to this heroic act of “national defense” and stop asking  questions about his scandal back at home. That would give the Clinton  administration enough time to intimidate, threaten or murder whoever might have  been involved. (Vince Foster, remember?)

Right now, Hilary Clinton and  President Obama are facing the possible downfall of their political careers over  the Benghazi cover-up. Thanks to recent testimony, we now know that the Obama  administration actually ordered the stand-down of U.S. military forces,  directly causing the death of a U.S. ambassador as well as those in the embassy  who attempted to save his life.

This is a scandal many times more  explosive than Watergate. As the Benghazi investigation unfolds, it may very  well end up in the forced resignation of Obama himself.

“Greenlighting” a pre-planned operation.

To avoid that from happening,  Clinton, Obama and all the other globalist minions in Washington D.C. are trying  to figure out what false flag scheme they have ready to go right now. They  desperately need to pull the trigger on something: a bombing, a mass shooting, a  hundred dead kids bleeding out on public sidewalks or something that can  distract the media (and the public) from asking too many questions on  Benghazi.
Hence the red zone of the False Flag-O-Meter. It’s now sitting  in very dangerous territory, and the worse the scrutiny gets over Benghazi or  the recent revelations that the IRS targeted conservative groups and Jews for  punitive scrutiny during the 2012 elections, the more likely a false flag event  becomes.

Just so you understand real history here, false flags are the  primary way governments affect sweeping policy changes. They are acts of  political theater played out for the purpose of causing enough real mayhem and  carnage — and blaming the right culprits — so that the public will demand  government action. This plays right into the hands of government which  incessantly wants to concentrate power and destroy civil liberties. Every crisis  that unfolds allows it to move one step closer to its goal of dictatorial police  state control.

Watch for a major event in the next weeks.

Understanding this, there is  a high probability of a false flag event occurring within the next seven days: A  staged terror attack on a U.S. embassy, a shooting on U.S. soil, a bombing of a  government building, someone blowing up a bridge… anything to get the  attention off Benghazi-gate.

FBI agents are no doubt scurrying across the  country right this very minute, taking inventory of all their pre-planned terror  plots and trying to determine which one they can make “real” at short notice.  The FBI, in case you didn’t know, openly  plots and carries out terror attacks all across the USA in order to show  that it’s “stopping terrorism.” This has been confirmed  by the New York Times, which rarely admits anything true about terror  plots.
Whatever it is, this false flag event needs to be visually and  emotionally shocking. So expect children to be sacrificed as part of it. Nothing  grabs headlines on CNN faster than the blood of children, and that’s what Hilary  Clinton needs right now more than anything else: a powerful, revolting  distraction from her own abject criminality.

And believe me, these people  would order a thousand children killed if it was necessary to save their  political careers. Have no illusions about the kind of power-addicted monsters  who are running the U.S. government today. There is nothing they won’t do to  weasel out of being caught in a devastating lie.

I hope I’m totally wrong  about this prediction, but just in case you may want to be extra vigilant for  the next week or so, and if something does happen, don’t believe the White  House narrative which is almost 100% guaranteed to be complete fiction.

Source : NaturalNews