Cherokee Prediction and Rattlesnake Prophecies

>>>   Read Part   I   –   II   –   III

The First Shaking of the Earth would be so violent that this bug would be shaken off the earth into the air and it would begin to move and fly in the air. And by the end of this shaking this bug will be in the air around the world. Behind it would be a trail of dirt and eventually the whole sky of the entire earth would become dirty from these trails of dirt, and this would cause many diseases that would get more and more complicated. So the bug moving on the land, of course it¹s easy to see now.

In 1908 the Model-T Ford was mass-produced for the first time. So the elders knew the First Shaking of the Earth was about to come about — that was the First World War. In the First World War the airplane came into wide usage for the first time. That was that bug moving into the sky. And so they knew something very important would happen. There would be an attempt to make peace on earth on the west coast of this land, and so the elders began to watch for this. They began to hear that there was going to be a League of Nations in San Francisco, so the elders gathered in Arizona around 1920 or so, and they wrote a letter to Woodrow Wilson. They asked if the Indian people could be included in the League of Nations. The United States Supreme Court had held that a reservation is a separate and semi-sovereign nation, not a part of the United States but protected by it. This became a concern because people didn¹t want the reservations to become more and more separate.

They didn¹t want them to be considered nations. So they did not write back, and the Native people were left out of the League of Nations so that circle was incomplete. In the League of Nations circle there was a southern door, the yellow people; there was a western door, the black people; there was a northern door, the white people; but the eastern door was not attended. The elders knew that peace would not come on the Earth until the circle of humanity is complete, until all the four colors sat in the circle and shared their teachings, then peace would come on earth. So they knew things would happen. Things would speed up a little it. There would be a cobweb built around the earth, and people would talk across this cobweb.

When this talking cobweb, the telephone, was built around the earth, a sign of life would appear in the east, but it would tilt and bring death (the swastika of the Nazis). It would come with the sun. But the sun itself would rise one day, not in the east but in the west (the rising sun of the Japanese Empire). So the elders said, When you see the sun rising in the east, and you see the sign of life reversed and tilted in the east, you will know that the Great Death is to come upon the earth. Now is when the Great Spirit will grab the earth again in His hand and shake it, and this shaking will be worse than the first. So the sign of life reversed and tilted, we call that the Swastika, and the rising sun in the east was the Rising Sun of Japan. These two symbols are carved in stone in Arizona. When the elders saw these two flags, they knew that these were the signs that the earth was to be shaken again. The worse misuse of the Guardianship of the fire is called the gourd of ashes.

They said the gourd of ashes will fall from the air. It will make the people like blades of grass in the prairie fire, and things will not grow for many seasons. The atomic bomb, the gourd of ashes, it was the best-kept secret in the history of the US. The elders wanted to speak about it in 1920. They would have spoken of it and foretold its coming if they could have entered into the League of Nations. The elders tried to contact President Roosevelt to ask him not to use the gourd of ashes because it would have a great effect on the earth and eventually cause even greater destruction and a the Third Shaking of the Earth, the Third World War. So they knew after the Second Shaking of the Earth when they saw the gourd of ashes fall from the sky, there would be an attempt to make peace on the other side of this land. And because the peace attempt on the west coast had failed, they would build a special house on the east coast of this Turtle Island, and all the nations and peoples of the Earth would come to this house, and it would be called the House of Mica, and it would shine like the mica on the desert shines. So the elders began to see they were building the United Nations made out of glass that reflects like the mica on the desert so they knew this was the House of Mica, and all the peoples of the earth should go to it.

So they met and talked about this. They said that in the 1920’s they had written and they had not been responded to, so they said this time we¹d better go to the front door of the House of Mica because things might get a lot worse. So elders representing a number of tribes drove to New York City. When the United Nations opened, they went to the front door of the house of Mica and they said these words, We represent the indigenous people of North America, and we wish to address the nations of the Earth. We’re going to give you four days to consider whether or not we will be allowed to speak. They retreated to one of the Six Nations Reserves in New York State. Four days later they came back, and I believe the nations of the earth heard that the Indians had come to the door.

And they voted to let the Indians in. They wanted to hear what they had to say. But the United States is one of five nations of the United Nations with a veto power, and still they were concerned because this time the Native sovereignty was even stronger. And I believe they vetoed the entrance of the Native people. So then they knew other things would happen on the Earth. So they retreated to the Six Nations Reserve, and they talked about this, and they said the time is really getting close now — 1949. They said, “We’re going to divide the United States into four sections, and each year were going to have a gathering. Were going to call these the White Roots of Peace Gatherings. They began to have these around 1950. And they authorized certain people to speak in English for the first time about these prophecies.

>>>   Read Part   I   –   II   –   III

The Hopi Indians

HOPI PROPHECIES   :   Part IPart IIPart IIIBlue Star ProphecyHopi & World War III

Prophecies and predictions of the Hopi Indians.

An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, “When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge”. This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a “Kachina” removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children [the general public]. For a while there will be no more ceremonies, no more faith. Then Oraibi will be rejuvenated with its faith and ceremonies, marking the start of a new cycle of Hopi life.


World War III will be started by those peoples who first revealed the light (the divine wisdom or intelligence) in the other old countries (India, China, Islamic Nations, Africa.) The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Only the Hopis and their homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee. Bomb shelters are a fallacy. “It is only materialistic people who seek to make shelters. Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the great shelter of life. There is no shelter for evil. Those who take no part in the making of world division by ideology are ready to resume life in another world, be they Black, White, Red, or Yellow race. They are all one, brothers.

The war will be a “spiritual conflict” with material matters. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator.” That time is not far off. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon. The time is foretold by a song sung during the Wuwuchim ceremony.

It was sung in 1914 just before World War I, and again in 1940 before World War II, describing the disunity, corruption, and hatred contaminating Hopi rituals, which were followed by the same evils spreading over the world. This same song was sung in 1961 during the Wuwuchim ceremony. The Emergence to the future Fifth World has begun. It is being made by the humble people of little nations, tribes, and racial minorities. “You can read this in the earth itself.

Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds [as described in SW-II, Effects and Coming Events # 1]. This could start a new study of botany if people were wise enough to read them. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in the sky as stars. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in our hearts. All these are the same, depending how you look at them. That is what makes the Emergence to the next, Fifth World.

“These comprise the nine most important prophecies of the Hopis, connected with the creation of the nine worlds: the three previous worlds on which we lived, the present Fourth World, the three future worlds we have yet to experience, and the world of Taiowa, the Creator, and his nephew, Sotuknang.” Hopi prophecy states that World War III will be started by the people who first received the Light — China, Palestine, India and Africa. When the war comes, the United States will be destroyed by “gourds of ashes” which will fall to the ground, boiling the rivers and burning the earth, where no grass will grow for many years, and causing a disease that no medicine can cure. This can only mean nuclear or atomic bombs; no other weapon causes such effects.

Bomb shelters will be useless, for “Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the Great Shelter of Life. There is no shelter for evil. When the Saquahuh (blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask, the time of the great trial will be here.” The Hopi believe that only they will be saved. The Hopi also have prophesied that “Turtle Island could turn over two or three times and the oceans could join hands and meet the sky.” This seems to be a prophecy of a “pole shift” — a flipping, of the planet on its axis. The Hopi call this imminent condition — and that of society today — “Koyaanisqatsi”, which means “world out of balance…a state of life that calls for another way. ” “The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.

HOPI PROPHECIES   :   Part IPart IIPart IIIBlue Star ProphecyHopi & World War III

Hopi Native American Predictions

HOPI PROPHECIES   :   Part IPart IIPart IIIBlue Star ProphecyHopi & World War III

The Hopi Indians are the Record Keepers of the Native Americans. The Hopis call this the “The Fourth Age of Man”. According to them the earth has been wipped clean 3 times already. First by Fire, next by Ice, most recently by the flood… Approximately 11,000-12,000 years ago. Some believe that the actual date of the flood occured on June 5, 8498 BC. According to the Hopis we are about to enter “The Fifth Age”, which they call “The World of Illumination”, which seems to coincide with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. The Hopis say that there will two more worlds after this. “The Sixth Age” which is “The World Of Prophecy and Revelation” and “The Seventh Age” is “The World of Completion”. The 3 days of darkness of Hopi Prophecy was first thought to be in 1998/1999 (Also Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce predicted 1998 and 1999 would be an important year, following world events the three days of darkness will be between 2011 and 2015 in my opinion.

This did not occur, but the concept of three days of darkness may yet occur in aother timeline as it appears in other religions. Hopi Clan Rocks were given out to all four races a long time ago. They are stored by race in the following locations: -White – Switzerland-Black – Kilimajaro Mountains in Africa-Yellow – Tibet-Red – Hopi land -A white man will come and restore the Fire Clay tablet. -The Hopi Rock has a + sign and a – (minus) sign on it with a circle. -They represent positive, negative and neutral forces in a magnetic field. -Where they cross is a vortex into the next dimension. -Greatest thing we have for healing is the human spirit. -We are children of the Sun.

Prophecies which should have happened 10 years ago have been put off. -We have been given a window of opportunity. -Spiritual Love is the answer. True knowledge is beyond words. -Comets are a sign of prophecy. -Hale-Bopp was the twin Kachina, white and blue. -The next one will be red. It is the Purifier. It will stop and observe us. -If we are not purified enough it will finish the job for us. -If there is an Armegeddon it is within each of us. -We have 12 strands of DNA in our blood. -Scientists don’t know what they are for since they are not being used. -But we can activate them ourselves. -One way is through drumming and ceremony.

End time should be seen as the Beginning time. -We are creating at this moment what our Tomorrow will be. Interview with Hopi Elders on the Prophecies : How old are the prophecies that we are talking going to talk about? He doesn’t know exactly what the age of these teachings are. He says they were given to them before Christ. It is mainly by word of mouth that it has been handed down. How does HE feel about the accuracy of the prophecy? From the time when was the chief, he had been carrying this message. But mainly the message had been carried forth by word of mouth.

The accuracy had to deal with how well each individual that was given the opportunity to maintain the exactness of the prophecies. They were all given this prophecy, so they all had to meet at least once or twice a year, in the Kivas, where they would actually sit down and go back through that. One person would talk about the prophecies, and if he ever so much as added something to it or left something out, then the rest of the group would know that part of the prophecies was missing. So, they would tell him, “Well, you didn’t say this one here, ” or “You added this to it.” So, that is how this was kept alive through word of mouth and everyone had to remember just what those prophecies were about. Now, these are three things: weather change, mass starvation and the third world war.

Would you please ask Grandfather if the weather changes are the beginning of these changes…..if what we have seen now, with the weather, is the beginning and, of course, we’re going to want to ask how soon these other changes, he thinks, will happen ? Yes, these are the signs of, you know, the changes and that also part of it is, you know, right now we’re having problems with crickets which is a part of these prophecies where they would come in hoards and they will destroy the crops, also, and that is happening, also. It’s been said that there is no exact time and date for these things…….to take place but the year 2000 is a ……I would say…..that is a close approximation of the time that all of this will start to take place. The teaching from the Elders was that they talked about that everything will happen at once but, when they say these things, they put it in a form that, you know, they say it’s going to all happen at once but it’s not exactness of happening at once.

It will happen but they will, you know, fall pretty much short from the other, following , it’s like a domino effect. This is, you know, when one thing happens then the other will fall into place. But, you know, it will be in a short time from one another so this is what Grandfather was talking about. Grandfather spoke about World War III. I would like to be clear about this. Does he see men killing men…..humans killing humans…..or does he just see explosions and fire? Is that what he calls World War III?

What you had mentioned about which one is, you know, the one that’s going to be…he said that the taking of lives, you know, this is what will take place because it will be like an elimination of good from the bad. He mentioned about Hitler, you know, that Hitler had done a lot….done away with a lot of people, too, and when that took place, he said that many of the people were….many of the Hopi had realized this and they were glad that this took place because it was a teaching that took place. It was trying to teach the people that this is what is going to happen, see, so look at this as more or less as a warning that this will take place, again.

HOPI PROPHECIES   :   Part IPart IIPart IIIBlue Star ProphecyHopi & World War III