Prophecies about Pakistan

Prophecies about Pakistan

In 2011 Pakistan will continue to be the biggest terrorist nations of the world. Pakistan is the most evil nation on earth and will turn against the United States one day ! It’s existence will be dangerous for mankind’s existence, it will face more unrest, suicide bombings, sectarian and religious violence and devastation from natural disasters. It’s army will deceive its own countrymen, make them humiliated, killed & also deceive the World.

It will provoke wars (Future Indian-Pakistan nuclear war as prophesied by Nostradamus) indulge in drug trafficking & print fake currencies to destabilize other nations; will be a threat to the entire South-Asia region and world. Citizens of Pakistan will be a great danger to every nation and the Pakistani army will continue to be a rogue army with nefarious designs spreading. Terrorism against the US, UK, Europe, Australia, India, Afghanistan, Germany, France, Spain and Israel.

Pakistany army policies will lead the nation of Pakistan to misery, suffering, ruin, bloodshed and economic collapse . Pakistan jihadi army will continue to lie blatantly to world and continue to hide and support Osama Bin Laden and other Al Qaida, Taliban members and terrorist movements worldwide. It will incite violence and spread terrorism in Kashmir and India.

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