10 Nostradamus Prophecies for 2017 and Beyond !

10 Nostradamus Prophecies for 2017 and Beyond !

Interpreters have translated Nostradamus Quatrains about the end of world. Though time Is not exactly mentioned yet some relate it to the “end of world” in our time. Many experts also relate it to World War III that is believed to be predicted by Nostradamus over 500 years ago. Here are some famous quatrains about the end of time that when you look at present day happenings could be fulfilled any day now …

10 Nostradamus Prophecies For 2017 and Beyond - http://www.alamongordo.com/

Nostradamus Prediction 1

You will see, sooner and later, great changes made, Extreme horrors and vengeances: For as the moon is thus led by its angel, The heavens draw near to the reckoning.

Century 1, Quatrain 56

Great changes are being made ! We have the “Yes We Can” changes of Barack Obama but also the Arab Spring, the great changes in the Muslim world and the great changes that President Donald Trump will make. Also at this time China is building a real super army, Russia is preparing for a world war, NATO is planning to grow their army after President Trump warned them to spend more on military. North Korea is building an ICBM to reach the US Mainland and Iran is back into the picture !!! Do i need to say more ? The heavens draw near to the reckoning, we are close to the end of times than we think.

Nostradamus Prediction 2

Too much the heavens weep for the Androgyne procreation, Near the heavens human blood shed: Because of death too late a great people re-created, Late and soon comes the awaited help.

Century 2, Quatrain 45

Very important prophecy : “Androgyne Procreation” For humans, an androgyne in terms of gender identity is a person who does not fit neatly into the typical masculine and feminine gender roles of their society. They may also use the term ambigender or polygender to describe themselves. Many androgynes identify as being mentally “between” woman and man, or as entirely genderless. They may identify as non-gendered, genderneutral, agendered, between genders, genderqueer, multigendered, intergendered, pangender or gender fluid. This prophecy could point to “Angels” or “Aliens”. The rest of the prophecy could point to Humans OR the Aliens : Blood Shed, Great people Re-Created and the “Awaited Help”. The awaited help could also point to another race of Aliens that want to help humankind. (See Mythology about Aliens that want to destroy humankind and another race of Aliens that protects us – Also see the painting about battles in the air, painting of thousands year old) !

Nostradamus Prediction 3

When the eclipse of the Sun will then be, The monster (divine omen) will be seen in plain daylight: Quite otherwise will one interpret it, High price unguarded: none will have provided for it.

Century 3, Quatrain 34

Connected to the coming AUGUST 21, 2017 SOLAR ECLIPSE in the United States. Again about “Aliens” or ? – There is a solar eclipse and the “Divine Omen” will be seen during daylight. This could point to the moment that people start to see that Vladimir Putin is the Antichrist, we should watch important world events AND world leaders BEFORE and AFTER this important SOLAR ECLIPSE !!! But as the Nostradamus prophecy says we all will interpret it otherwise so nobody knows what danger there is and we will be “unguarded” …

Nostradamus Prediction 4

When the lamp burning with an inextinguishable fire, Will be found in the temple of the Vestals, Infant found fire, water passing through the sieve, Nimes, Toulouse perish [in] water, the market to collapse.

Century 9, Quatrain 9

Just take a look at the last line : The Market To Collapse ! The lamp burning with an inextinguishable fire could point to Tokyo (2020 Summer Olympics). The market could start to collapse in Tokyo. We have to watch China because China has the power to collapse the US Economy. China’s foreign exchange reserves totaled US$3.10 trillion in the first month of 2017, this reserve is much higher than the foreign exchange reserves of any other nation in the world. A potentially serious short-term problem would emerge if China decided to suddenly reduce their liquid U.S. financial assets significantly. Could also point to a new crisis in Italy and the EU !

Nostradamus Prediction 5

Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller, For a long time the lands will be inhabited in peace: People will travel safely through the sky (over) land and wave: Then wars will start anew.

Century 1, Quatrain 63

This Nostradamus prophecy clearly points to the coming of a third world war ! Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller. We have medication and the world became smaller because of airplanes, the Internet, … We had “peace” for a long time, when you look what happened in WWI and WWII this is peace (1945-2017), 72 years of “peace” at the moment. People still travel safe in the air, just look up … but Nostradamus prophesied Wars will start anew, World Wars ! Note : The “World becomes smaller” can also be found in the “Nine Prophecy Sings of the Hopy Indians“, there will be a “Web” around the world just before the end of times – This clearly points to the World Wide Web and other technology !

Nostradamus Prediction 6

The year the great seventh number is accomplished, Appearing at the time of the great games of slaughter: Not far from the age of the great millennium, When the dead will come out of their graves.

Century 10, Quatrain 74

This prophecy indicates that it will happen not far from the great millennium (Pointing to 2001 and beyond), the great seventh number is accomplished could point to the the year we live in at this time: 2017 ! When you think about it the world has changed since the 9/11 atttacks in 2001 and is still changing as a result of that attack. And as Mikhail Gorbachev said : We are closer to a third world war then ever before in history.

Nostradamus Prediction 7

Northern wind will cause the siege to be raised, Over the walls to throw ashes, lime chalk and dust, Through rain afterwards, which will do them much harm, Meanest assistance against their frontier.

Century 9, Quatrain 99

Seems that Nostradamus prophesied that Russia join the Syrian war : Northern wind (Russia) will cause the siege to be raised. Over “The Walls” (pointing to the former Berlin Wall) to trow ashes, lime chalk and dust … Also the Black Sea will be very important during this conflict, Nostradamus mentioned the Black Sea several times in his Quatrains ! Check out : The Latest News about The Black Sea !

Nostradamus Prediction 8

The gods will make it appear to the humans, That they will be the authors of a great conflict: Sword and lance before heaven is observed as serene, So that on the left hand there will be great affliction.

Century 1, Quatrain 91

This quatrain is also translated as “The Gods will show themselves to the Humans”, this is also what several other prophets predict : The Gods will return. Our “Gods” are Aliens that build and created us, we look just like them (Bible Code). They are the authors of a great conflict, here comes the Battle of Armageddon : Humans against Aliens … you think this is weird ? It’s not that weird, according the bible it would happen around Israel … They talk about an army of 200 million (Aliens ?) … If Aliens return to earth they will land in the area of Israel … Why ? Well just read the Bible and the Quaran and imagine “Jesus” and “Muhammed” as Aliens. They will return where they left ! When “Aliens” want to return and they are smart, they know we humans are hostile … The best thing is to first let us fight a World War III and then come back, earth’s army’s will be weak…

Nostradamus Prediction 9

The trembling of the earth at Mortara, The tin islands of St. George half sunk; Drowsy with peace, war will arise, At Easter in the temple abysses opened.

Century 9, Quatrain 31

The city of Mortara can be found in Italy so this prophecy could point to EarthQuakes around Italy or Mortar(a) are weapons that make the Earth tremble. Saint George (c. 275/281 – 23 April 303) was, according to tradition, a Roman soldier from Syria Palaestina and a soldier in the Guard of Diocletian, who is venerated as a Christian martyr. In hagiography Saint George is one of the most venerated saints in the Catholic (Western and Eastern Rites), Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and the Oriental Orthodox churches. He is immortalized in the tale of Saint George and the Dragon (Check out the Nostradamus Dragon from The Lost Book of Nostradamus) and is one of the 14 Holy Helpers. His memorial is celebrated on 23 April, and he is regarded as one of the most prominent military saints ! So this line of prophecy could be about the Syrian Conflict that becomes bigger, also the Dragon in the Sky Nostradamus prophecy can be found here. Drowsy peace, war will arise : The Third World War could start in Syria, just as Edgar Cayce predicted : He stated that “IF” there will be a World War III it will start in the Area of (and now think about the Arab Spring) : Tunis, Egypt, Lybia and Damascus (He named Damascus last, the area they are fighting at this very moment !). Now that we know this prophecy has something to do with the Syrian conflict, At Easter in the Temple Abysses opened this prophecy could point to the Göbekli Tepe : The Göbekli Tepe is a Neolithic hilltop sanctuary erected at the top of a mountain ridge in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey at the border with Syria, some 15 kilometers or 9 miles northeast of the town of Şanlıurfa (formerly Urfa / Edessa). It is the oldest known human-made religious structure. The site was most likely erected by hunter-gatherers in the 10th millennium BCE and has been under excavation since 1994 by German and Turkish archaeologists. Together with Nevalı Çori, it has revolutionized understanding of the Eurasian Neolithic.

Nostradamus Prediction 10

For forty years the rainbow will not appear; For forty years it will be seen every day: The arid earth will grow more dry, And great floods when it will be seen.

Century 1, Quatrain 17

This quatrain could point to The sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, codenamed Opération Satanique, was a bombing operation by the “action” branch of the French foreign intelligence services, the Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure, carried out on 10 July 1985. During the 40 years of the Rainbow (1985-2025) the earth will grow more dry and great floods will happen. The change of our climate is also found in the prophecies of Edgar Cayce : about the shifting of the earths poles/axis and in Native American Prophecy !!!

All of these quatrains directly or indirectly suggest that if world ever came to end it would be due to human-being. The continuous and constant harm to nature from mankind may lead to unusual natural disasters. The world today is full of hate and every other country is developing nuclear weapons just adding more destructive weapons. If ever these weapons came in wrong hands and used then surely world would come to en end. We are developing weapons for our own destructions, how long do you think we will survive?

10 Nostradamus Prophecies for 2017 and Beyond !

Source : Alamongordo Nostradamus Prophecies for 2017 and Beyond

The Beasts of Revelation

The Book of Revelation


The Beast refers to one of two mythological beasts described in the Book of Revelation. The first beast comes “out of the sea” and is given authority and power by the dragon; the second beast comes “out of the earth”. This first beast is initially mentioned in Revelation 11:7 as coming out of the abyss. His appearance is described in detail in Revelation 13:1-10, and some of the mystery behind his appearance is revealed in Revelation 17:7-18. The second beast comes from “out of the earth” and directs all peoples of the earth to worship the first beast. The second beast is described in Revelation 13:11-18 and is also referred to as the false prophet. The two beasts are aligned with the dragon in opposition to God. They persecute the “saints” and those who do “not worship the image of the beast [of the sea]” and influence the kings of the earth to gather for the battle of Armageddon. The two beasts are defeated by Christ and are thrown into the lake of fire mentioned in Revelation 19:18-20.

The Beasts of Revelation - www.alamongordo.com


  • The Antichrist —> United Nations (Used by the Antichrist to control Humankind)

The 1th Beast (The Beast from the Sea)

A (Spiritual) SYSTEM to control humankind with 3 large “Powers” :

With these 3 systems the “ELITE” or “SATAN” or the “FALLEN ANGELS” can control the world and have POWER over ALL NATIONS on EARTH. The United Nations are using this SYSTEM to control the world. The Banking System makes us ALL slaves, large corporations run the earth, the MONEY comes from and goes to the BANKING SYSTEM by the COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (TV, Radio, Computers, Etc) and when the SYSTEM is on the brink of collapse the MILITARY SYSTEM is coming to help. If a nation doesn’t do what the UNITED NATIONS want … the MILITARY SYSTEM will make them.

The Second Beast (The Beast from the Earth)

The second beast is also a “system” – The (TECHNOLOGY) System

13:11I saw another beast (second beast) coming up out of the earth. He had two horns (The first TV had two antennas on top, i know this sounds stupid but it also is a sign pointing to the “image” of the Beast) like a lamb, and he spoke like a dragon. (The second Beast is Hi-Tech Technology)

13:12He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. He makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. (Hi-Tech Technology can exercise all of the power of the first Beast in his precense … Hi-Tech is born out of World War II, world war II can be the fatal wound of the first Beast. Also MONEY becomes digital because of Hi-Tech Technology)

13:13He performs great signs, even making fire come down out of the sky to the earth in the sight of people. (Hi-Tech Technology can make fire come out of the sky, in sight of people, you can see it live on TV and the news)

13:14He deceives my own people who dwell on the earth because of the signs he was granted to do in front of the beast; saying to those who dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast who had the sword wound and lived. (Technology makes great “signs” or miracles)

13:15It was given to him to give breath to it, to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause as many as wouldn’t worship the image of the beast to be killed. (The Image of The Beast is “born” out of the Radio “It was given to him to give breath or “live” to the image of the Beast and it became the TV. The Beast is also called “THE FALSE PROPHET”, the latest example is President Trump calling THE MEDIA – FALSE NEWS … The False Prophet is The Media !!!)

13:16He causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, to be given marks on their right hands, or on their foreheads; (You have no choice, he causes ALL to use the mark of the Beast, the only thing we ALL use to buy and sell are barcodes, the first – middle and last bar represent the number 6, so on every barcode there is the number 666. Another maybe stupid idea but we all use our creditcard in our hand, mostly right hand and we use our forhead to think, think about your 4-digit code you have to enter to make the creditcard work)

13:17and that no one would be able to buy or to sell, unless he has that mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name.

(The only thing we ALL use to buy and sell are barcodes, the first – middle and last bar represent the number 6, so on every barcode there is the number 666. Another maybe stupid idea but we all use our creditcard in our hand, mostly right hand and we use our forhead to think, think about your 4-digit code you have to enter to make the creditcard work)

13:18Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of man. His number is six hundred sixty-six.

(It could be, and they are working on it that soon we all have a CHIP in our right hand to make payments but this doesn’t change a thing about what it is all about. It’s clear that the Bible is talking about the Worlds Financial System in the Book of Revelation)

*** Because of the Beast (The first AND the Second we are ALL SLAVES from the System, because we ALL have to use the MARK of the Beast with the NUMBER of the Beast. We ALL have the IMAGE of the Beast in our house and watch THE FALSE PROPHET every day. Maybe you will NOT like this but DONALD TRUMP is wright about at least one thing : We ALL watch FAKE NEWS, the news controlled by THE ELITE).

The Beasts of Revelation Video !!!

A Must See video, watch the complete docu … the best starts at 4:15 !


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The Book of Revelation


China Prophecies and Predictions

Prophecies and Predictions about China !

China and Allies Will Destroy 1/3 of Mankind

A “200,000,000 man army” will one day rise and unleash their deadly weapons of mass destruction killing one-third of the world’s population  . . .

China Prophecies - www.alamongordo.com

It appears from Bible prophecy that China’s power and “sphere of influence” over surrounding nations and armies will continue to grow. “The kings from the East” … the Bible warns a massive “200,000,000 man army” will be formed and will rise. We are told China will unleash its deadly weapons of mass destruction.

We are told China and its allies will quickly kill one-third of the world’s population. China along with its allies and their vast armies will one day cross the Euphrates as they march across the Middle-East towards Israel … and into the Battle of Armageddon.

The following prophecy warns the “army OF the horsemen was two hundred million.”  These “horsemen” may be a small division or group within that army, such as a strategic nuclear weapons division, or they may be brightly painted missiles sitting upon missile launchers.  The “two hundred million” may be to help identify the nation or area they will rise out of.  Also called “the kings of the East,” it appears the Chinese military is someday going to use the deadly missile and weapons technologies (which Clinton secretly and illegally gave and sold to them)  –  against us !!!

One-third of all mankind left on Earth will be killed . . . 

“Now the number of the army of the horsemen

was two hundred million;

(For the first time ever such an army could be raised in China … it may also include a ‘coalition’)

I heard the number of them.

And thus I saw the horses in the vision:

those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red,

hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses

were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire,

smoke, and brimstone (sulfur, or a kind of poisoned air).

By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed

by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone

which came out of their mouths.

For their power is in their mouth and in their tails;

for their tails are like serpents, having heads;

and with them they do harm.”

(Rev 9:16-19)

The Bible tells us only a small remnant of the population on Earth will survive the coming ‘Apocalypse.’  Although, here, we find angels being released, much of the global terror will come from mankind destroying mankind, nation destroying nation, deadly wave after deadly wave.  The Holy Spirit goes out of his way to let us know that the day and the hour is real and has already been set.  Remember, our future is already history . . .

Armageddon . . . 

“Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice

from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,

saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet,

“Release the four angels who are bound

at the great river Euphrates.”   (see below)

So the four angels, who had been prepared

for the hour and day and month and year,

 were released to kill a third of mankind.”

(Rev 9:13-15)

The False Prophet and Armageddon !

“Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl

on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up,

so that the way of the kings from the East

might be prepared. (A Chinese led invasion of the Middle East)

(The vast armies of the antichrist will then move to either counter or assist this Chinese led invasion)

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs

coming out of the mouth of the dragon (Satan),

out of the mouth of the beast (the antichrist),

and out of the mouth of the false prophet. (the second Beast – see ‘the coming Antichrist’)

For they are spirits of demons, performing signs,

which go out to the kings of the Earth and of the whole world,

to gather them to the battle of that great Day of God Almighty …

And they gathered them together

to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.”

        (Rev 16:12-16)

The weapons will be used.  Much of the world will be destroyed.  Cities will disappear.  Armageddon means the “Hill of Megiddo.”  Megiddo is part of the Plain of Esdraelon which is located in central Israel. Napoleon came through there and declared it to be the finest battlefield in the world.  The whole world will be drawn into this war over Israel and Jerusalem.  No nation will be spared.  The Bible warns there will be several deadly waves associated with this conflict, including a massive Chinese led invasion of the Middle East from the “East” which will then be “joined” as the armies of the antichrist march out of Europe and around the world to the place called “Armageddon.”  Jesus will return to engage this final battle Himself.  He alone will destroy the enemies of Israel.  We don’t know the time between these wars/battles/events.   We do know that God has set aside a final seven years to complete His plan with Israel, and the nations of this Age . . . Have a hard time believing in God?  Just watch the news.

Please remember . . . 

The Kingdom of Heaven is available to every man, woman, boy, and girl in this world, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they have done.  It is freely offered to any and all who will receive it.  Simply learn of Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah, invite Him into your life as Lord, believe He died on the Cross for all of your sins and rose from the grave (proving there is a Kingdom of Heaven … and a Hell).  Learn of Him and believe in Him . . . for He was the only one who has ever loved you enough to substitute Himself for you on the Cross.  He shed His blood, suffered, and died on the Cross to save you from your sins and from the utter darkness and torment of Hell, if you will accept it, believe it, and trust in it.  That is why Jesus is called Savior.  He now lovingly and graciously offers you life in Heaven (and we are warned it is a “take it or leave it” proposition.)  We have to consciously receive it and accept it in faith.  If you sincerely admit you have sinned (which means you will need a Savior to get into Heaven) and ask Jesus to come into your life and honestly try to stop doing (and saying) those things God says are wrong, you will go to Heaven … and with open arms and tears of joy He will receive all who will come to Him in faith and in love … It’s God’s Promise !!!

The only unpardonable sin is to reject God’s love and His free offer of life in the Kingdom of Heaven by rejecting Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha’Mashiach in Hebrew) who stepped forth from Eternity (“from of old, from everlasting”… see Micah 5:2) … not to condemn the sinner, but to save the sinner (from the torment of Hell) and who willingly and lovingly shed His blood on the Cross so we can be washed clean of all our sins.  The Bible warns there will be no peace in our lives until we make peace with God through His Son, Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah.  The Bible also says there will be no peace in Israel or on Earth until Jesus (Yeshua), the Messiah returns.

Source : AlphaNewsDaily

Six Signs of the End Time

The Six Signs of the End Time


Matthew 24:5 “For many will come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and will mislead many.” Matthew 24:11 “And many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many.” In the last several years many have claimed to be the Messiah. Jim Jones and David Koresh are examples of these false christs as well as countless others who are not as newsworthy. These false prophets are a prelude to the ultimate false christ, the antichrist.

Many New Age groups, some even NGO’s working for the United Nations, are anxiously awaiting the antichrist, preparing the way for his acceptance as the head of the hierarchy of gods and the one who will usher in world peace. Read : The List of False Prophets !


Matthew 24:6 “And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.” Rumors of wars in all areas of the world now occur frequently thanks to instant media coverage and the availability of a multitude of 24-hour news sources. Matthew 24:7 “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.

More people have been killed in warfare in this century than at any other time in history. As the death toll rises in the Middle East, more and more countries work feverishly to develop devastating weapons of mass destruction. Add to that the expanding threat of terrorism and unpredictable dictators such as Saddam Hussein, and the potential for the outbreak of war exists in nations, kingdoms and places across the globe.


Matthew 24:7 “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.” As white, Christian farmers are driven out of Zimbabwe in increasing numbers, and foreigners move in to replace life-sustaining crops with poppies that now supply 25% of the worlds drugs, famine spreads across the African continent. The undernourished are not limited to Africa, however. A large portion of the worlds 5 billion people suffers from a shortage of food. Read : Hunger kills 17,000 kids daily !!!


Matthew 24:7 “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.” The number and intensity of earthquakes this century is at a level higher than any other time in history. A staggering number of seismic events occur around the world daily. The earthquake seismic monitor IRIS shows all major earthquakes for the last year. Indicated by yellow and red circles, the seismic events of the last 15 days provides strong evidence of the fulfillment of Matthew 24:7 in our day. By contrast, in the years from 1890 to 1900 there was only one major earthquake in the world.


Matthew 24:8-9 “But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of my name.” Christians are under attack throughout the world today. In the United States Christians still enjoy freedom to worship God without suffering much more than ridicule, hatred, or discrimination at work and school.

However in many other countries such as China, Sudan, Africa, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Russia, and many Muslim nations, Christian suffer much greater persecution and often times death for their faith. During the tribulation this suffering will be worldwide and will continue even to the point of martyrdom. These first 5 signs will increase in intensity and severity as the tribulation approaches, much like the birth pangs or contractions of a pregnant woman worsen as the delivery time approaches.


Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.” This prophecy has already been fulfilled through television, radio, missionaries, the translation of the Bible into many languages, and the internet.

People all over the world now hear the message of Christ from missionaries who have the means to travel the globe, and via technology that allows us to communicate with people on the other side of the world right from our own homes, churches and offices.

Six Signs of the End Time

Also Read

America in Bible Prophecy !

America in Bible Prophecy !

For many years, it has been taught that in the Last-Days literally every nation of the earth – including the United States – will be utterly dominated by the Antichrist; there will be no place to escape from the dreaded Mark of the Beast; every last nation of the world will come against Jerusalem. Zechariah 12 is usually used to validate the theory, as is the Apostle John. After all, the Antichrist will be given “authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation,” (Revelation 13:7).

This would seem like an ironclad case for the Antichrist ruling the globe, including the United States, which he uses in his march against Jerusalem. It is this dilemma that caused many to believe that the United States will be taken over by Antichrist.

Before we attempt to solve this issue, it is necessary to clarify the dilemma. For this, we can ask a Jesus-style question: does the usage of the phrase, “the whole earth” and “every tribe, tongue and nation” in the Bible mean “the entire globe”? If so, then did Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:1 send his letter to every nation, tribe and tongue in the “entire globe”?

“Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth; Peace be multiplied unto you.” (Daniel 4:1) “O king, the Most High God gave your father Nebuchadnezzar sovereignty and greatness and glory and splendor. Because of the high position he gave him, all the peoples and nations and men of every language dreaded and feared him,” (Daniel 5:18, 19).

How about

“Men of all nations came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world, who had heard of his wisdom,” (I Kings 4:34) Did anyone visit Solomon from China?

How about… “Howbeit every nation made gods of their own, and put them in the houses of the high places which the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities wherein they dwelt,” (2 Kings 17:29). Did the inhabitants of every last nation of the earth have Samaritan gods in their homes?

How about… “the kings of Assyria have laid waste all the nations, and their countries.” Isaiah 37:18 Did King Sennacherib of Assyria actually destroy all nations on the face of the earth?

How about… “As I was considering, suddenly a male goat came from the west, across the surface of the whole earth,” (Daniel 8:5). Did Alexander the Great occupy the whole earth? So then, let us offer a new perspective regarding the end-times verses :

  • Zechariah 14:2 “For I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem for battle”
  • Matthew 25:32 “I will also gather all nations”
  • Joel 3:2 “I will gather all nations”

Such verses should not be isolated. In context, Zechariah 12 only encompasses the surrounding nations: “I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves,” (Zechariah 12:2-3).

In Joel 3:12 we find the same : “Let the nations be wakened, and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; For there I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations.”

“The surrounding peoples” and “all the nations of the earth” are two references pertaining to the same people; “all the nations” and “the earth” is not the entire globe, though the translation may seem to allude to it as such. The problem is that the translation at times makes it difficult since – in English – “the earth” tends to mean “the entire globe” and in Hebrew the word “Eretz” commonly means “the land” and not “the entire globe.”

Then we have the culture. In ancient Hebrew, we find a grammatical construct that makes emphatic statements in order to convey a point, whereas using hyperbole is extremely common in eastern cultures. Elaborating on the exceptions would entirely blunt the impact of the statement. For instance, imagine a speed limit sign that listed the exceptions painted on it, “speed limit 55—except ambulances, fire trucks, police giving chase, etc.” Thus, exceptions cannot be ruled out on the basis of exclusive language. This type of language is actually found quite frequently in the Bible. Throughout the prophecies of end-times the Bible is speaking of a regional war and not global (Ezekiel 36:4, 5, Psalm 79:12, Jeremiah 12:14, Ezekiel 28-32).

One common argument I always get is an objection that “the earth” is meant to be “the known world,” that today’s “known world” must then encompass the entire globe. This assumption is false since all “Four Beasts” in Daniel chapter 7 arise out of “the Great Sea” (Daniel 7:2). “The Great Sea” is the Mediterranean region, not the entire globe. That with all the literal nations of end-times encompasses only the Middle East and Asia Minor. If the first beast (Babylon), second beast (Medo-Persia) and third beast (Greece) all were out within the “Great Sea” (Mediterranean) then the fourth beast of Daniel 7 could only pertain to the Mediterranean Sea as well.

To make the Antichrist rule a global one, many western interpreters today allegorize “The Great Sea” as “the sea of humanity.” In so doing, we lose the meaning and the intent of the prophecy. This reference to “The Great Sea” cannot be an allegory pertaining to the “sea of humanity” since every verse in the Bible refers to “The Great Sea” as the Mediterranean Sea (see Num 34:6-7, Jos 1:4, Jos 9:1, Jos 15:12, Jos 15:47, Jos 23:4, Ezek 47:10, 15, 19, 20, Ezek 48: 28).

The Bible makes every effort to clarify that the nations surrounding Israel are the ones to which it is referring : “And render unto our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom their reproach, wherewith they have reproached thee, O Lord,” (Psalm 79:12). Do Israel’s “neighbors” include The United States? No. This is confirmed in many places in the Bible:

“Thus Says Jehovah against all mine evil neighbors that touch the inheritance which I have caused my people Israel to inherit,” (Jeremiah 12:14). The neighbors are all Muslim.

In the Bible, Antichrist “will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it” (Daniel 7: 23), yet several prophecies state that Antichrist will be confronted and will not take over the globe (Daniel 11:40-45, Daniel 11:30, Ezekiel 28:7-8). So where is the United States in the Bible? How many ever think about this, that perhaps in the end, the United States is mentioned fighting against the Antichrist. Daniel 11 tells us that Antichrist “acts against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory” (Daniel 11:39).

Who are these “strongest fortresses” [the strongest military might]”? How could the Antichrist rule the entire globe if we have strongest fortresses that fight against him? Does he truly defeat these strongest fortresses? Does he defeat the United States? Does he rule the entire globe? The answer to this is “No.”

Why then do so many modern Western prophecy analysts insist that Antichrist hold the most powerful military might in the world? Which nations hold the strongest military might? Is it not the United States?

The text regarding end-times is clearly portraying what we see in Islam today. Even when we read that he declares war “against the strongest fortresses.” What could that mean except what it plainly says—to declare war against the most powerful nations on earth? Jihadists already declared war on Europe and the U.S. And now with the Arab Spring clearly becoming an Islamic storm, we see that what we have said to you years ago in advance; everything is happening in accordance to a plan.

However, the West today seems oblivious to this fact. Who else could be as maniacal as Muslim fundamentalists to declare war on the powerful West? Who else is deceiving the West with false peace saying that ‘Islam is a peaceful religion’? And it is all for the purpose of advancing their god, Allah.

This is exactly what we see today

The position that every nation will fall to Antichrist is impossible since the Bible clearly states that some will even resist the Antichrist and even defeat him. The verses are rarely discussed. In Ezekiel 28, it even confirms that the most powerful nations (strongest fortresses) on earth will annihilate the Antichrist:

“Behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee, the terrible of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness. They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of [them that are] slain in the midst of the seas.” (Ezekiel 28:7-8)

“They” pertains to these powerful nations and the term “terrible” implies to being “terrible in battle,” “most powerful,” “strongest fortresses.” God will rise up several nations who will carry out His judgment and attack the Antichrist in the end. Therefore, it cannot be true that every nation of the globe will fall to the Antichrist and attack Israel. There have always been attempts to establish a One-World Government, yet they have never succeeded; far too many in the West fail to remember that God divided the nations after the Tower of Babel to never allow them to be one; even in the Millennium we will still have nations separated. This promise is as the rainbow for Noah.

Too many today read the Bible narcissistically. Many books have been written that place the West at the center of prophecy and interpret history through a Western-centric lens. Far too many Westerners have missed the obvious fact that the Bible is thoroughly Middle Eastern. In the Biblical worldview, Jerusalem is the center of the earth, not Europe or America. The biblical prophecies about the End-Times are no different.

America in Bible Prophecy

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Source : Shoebat

Prophecy : Egypt and the AntiChrist !

Egypt and the AntiChrist !

With all eyes on the upcoming U.S. elections, few are paying attention to an astounding fulfillment of biblical prophecy that is beginning to unfold right in front of us all. With all of the changes taking place in the Middle East and particularly Egypt, many Egyptian Christians are paying very close attention to the prophecies of Daniel 11 and Isaiah 19.

News reports out of Egypt show that despite the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood’s victory in the presidential elections, there is a dark storm brewing that portends a conflict between the old guard military (Supreme Council of the Armed Forces: SCAF) and the Brotherhood and her supporters.

Just before the elections, SCAF dissolved the Islamist-dominated parliament, claiming that roughly one-third of Egypt’s MPs had been illegally elected, effectively hamstringing the Brotherhood even before they came to power. But newly elected Islamist President Muhammad Mursi has struck back by issuing a decree overruling the military’s decision. On Monday, MP supporters of Mursi violated a court-ordered decision to uphold the SCAF’s decision and entered parliament.

SCAF immediately convened an emergency meeting to consider its response, and the Supreme Constitutional Court announced that its rulings are final and binding. The conflict has also lit up the Egyptian social media sites, with politicians and commoners alike lashing out at one another. In the midst of what looks as though it may become a long-term national conflict, many Egyptian Christians are considering the relevance of a prophecy found in Isaiah 19 concerning the state of Egypt in the last days just before the return of the Messiah. This passage, unlike any other in the Bible, describes in great detail the future sufferings and glories of Egypt in the unfolding of the Lord’s future prophetic calendar.

In the years, and perhaps even months ahead, according to Isaiah’s prophecy, Egypt will experience civil war-like conditions:

“I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian – brother will fight against brother, neighbor against neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom. The Egyptians will lose heart, and I will bring their plans to nothing.” (Isaiah 19:2-3)

This prophecy is also seen to flow together with Daniel 11, where the prophet follows the transition from the historical Medo-Persian Empire (11:2) to the Alexandrian Greek Empire (11:3), to the death of Alexander in 323 B.C. and the division of his empire among his generals (11:4). The prophecy then goes on to detail the intrigue, conflicts and battles that took place throughout Alexander’s former dominion for roughly the next 150 years (11:5-34). In a broad overview of this period of Greek history in the Middle East, a large portion of Daniel’s prophecy is focused upon the historical conflict between the infamous Antiochus IV Epiphanes (the eighth king of the Seleucid Kingdom in the north) and King Ptolemy VI who ruled over Egypt in the south.

The Seleucid Kingdom in the north included the region of modern-day Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and even Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Ptolemaic Kingdom ruled Egypt and portions of modern-day Libya and Sudan. All scholars also agree that Antiochus IV Epiphanes is perhaps the most significant type of the Antichrist in the whole Bible.

And so, in the later portion of Daniel’s prophecy, the historical events and wars that took place between Antiochus IV in the north and Ptolemy VI in the south, bleed into a powerful end-time prophecy concerning the Antichrist from the region of Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iraq (the King of the North) and Iran, Egypt (the King of the South).

Some teachers have argued that the King of the North is not a reference to the Antichrist, but his enemy. This view, however, make little sense and is fraught with contradictions, as it turns the flow of the entire chapter on its head, casting Antiochus IV as both a type of the Antichrist and also a type of the Antichrist’s greatest enemy. As such, most responsible interpreters throughout church history have understood the last days’ king of the north to be a reference to the Antichrist. This view was held by the early church theologians such as Hippolytus, Lactantius, Jerome and Theodoret of Cyr as well as many renowned modern commentators such as C.F. Keil, S.P. Tregelles, Clarence Larkin, Gleason L. Archer Jr., G.H. Lang, F.F. Bruce, Arthur Pink, Edward J. Young and Stephen M. Miller.

Next, Daniel’s prophecy informs us that Egypt will first engage the Antichrist’s northern coalition, resulting in a fierce reprisal and the complete subjugation of Egypt:

At the time of the end the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the North will storm out against him with chariots and cavalry and a great fleet of ships. … He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape. (Daniel 11:40, 42)

We are also told that both Libya and North Sudan will willingly submit to the Russian or Turkish-led Antichrist’s forces:

He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Nubians in submission. (Daniel 11:43)

Finally, in the midst of many ongoing regional skirmishes and wars, the Antichrist will establish the headquarters of his regional authority, or “caliphate,” in Jerusalem:

But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many. He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him. (Daniel 11:44-45)

Like Daniel, Isaiah also described the coming subjugation of Egypt by the Antichrist:

“I will hand the Egyptians over to the power of a cruel master, and a fierce king will rule over them,” declares the Lord, the LORD Almighty. (Isaiah 19:4)

But despite the sobering and grave warnings of what is coming to Egypt, Isaiah also prophesied concerning a powerful spiritual awakening and prayer movement with many Egyptians turning to the Lord:

The LORD will strike Egypt with a plague; he will strike them and heal them. They will turn to the LORD, and he will respond to their pleas and heal them. (Isaiah 19:22)

As Isaiah’s stunning prophecy concludes, both Egypt and Assyria are seen to be greatly blessed alongside His people Israel in the Messianic Kingdom:

The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.” (Isaiah 19:25)

In the days to come, Egypt will be profoundly sifted. But out of the sifting will emerge a strong people fully committed to Jesus. Understanding these things now, the Church must remember our Egyptian brothers and sisters in prayer. Come, Lord Jesus, to Egypt!

Egypt and the AntiChrist

Source : WND