Nostradamus Comet


After the sign of the Hopi Indians (Blue star), the sign that in my opinion happened on Dec 11th 2009, the blue lights above Norway where at the time the climate meeting happened with more than 100 heads of state, read the ninth and last prophecy of the Hopi’s or watch CNN, there is a new sign : The comet predicted by Nostradamus ?

NASA scientists have spotted a comet in space being ‘eaten’ as it flies too close to the sun, Dailymail UK reported.

Nostradamus Prophecy QII-62 ! Mabus will then soon die and there will come a dreadful destruction of people and animals. Suddenly vengeance revealed, a hundred hands, thirst and hunger, when the comet will pass. Mabus puis tost alors mourra, viendra, De gens & bestes une horrible defaite: Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra, Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comete

Footage captured by NASA’s solar-focused agency – Solar and Helioscopic Observatory (SOHO) – showed the Kreutz Sungrazer as it made its fateful approach. Experts say Kreutz Sungrazers are characterized by orbits that take them extremely close to the Sun. German astronomer Heinrich Kreutz theorized that they are fragments of one large comet that broke up several centuries ago. They are named after Kreutz, who first worked out that they were related.

Nostradamus Comet

The agency gathered the footage using a Coronagraph, which blocks the brightest object in an image, according to a SOHO spokeswoman. The Coronagraph allows activity around the sun – such as the comet’s approach – to be viewed. It is known as a ‘false eclipse’ and displays the actual footage of the comet’s final seconds, presented in a way that it can be seen by the naked eye. Since the launch of the SOHO satellite in 1995, hundreds of Kreutz comets, some only a few feet in diameter, have been discovered.

However, none have survived the section of their orbit closest to the sun, much like the comet captured in these images. But new clusters of Kreutz comets will approach the sun over the next few decades, treating stargazers to more spectacular shows, experts say. Comet Image Caption : The SOHO spacecraft captured the arcing orbit of a sungrazing comet as it approached the Sun (Jan. 3, 2010) and evaporated. The comet is believed to belong to the Kreutz family of comets that broke up from a much larger comet many hundreds of years ago. They are known to orbit close to the Sun.

This comet was one of the brightest sungrazing comets that SOHO has observed in its 14 years of operation. SOHO’s coronagraph instruments block out the Sun with an occulting disk; the white circle represents the size of the Sun. The comet was discovered on Jan. 2nd by Australian amateur astronomer Alan Watson, who was inspecting images obtained by STEREO-A’s Heliospheric Imager on Dec. 30, 2009. The bright object slowly moving right to left below the Sun in the wider field of view movie clip (blue) is Venus. In that clip a smaller Mercury can also be seen moving from the left edge to just about above the Sun.

Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet – Nostradamus Comet

Blue Star Prophecy

Blue Star Prophecy

HOPI PROPHECIES   :   Part IPart IIPart IIIBlue Star ProphecyHopi & World War III

The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.

The Ninth and Last Sign of the Hopi Indians

You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

The Ninth Sign is not a space station that crashes, the ninth sign maybe happened on December 11th 2009, it wasn’t a rogue galaxy closing in on Earth or a meteor hurtling toward the ground or a visit from Santa Claus, but all of those theories and more were suggested by puzzled people to Norway’s space center after a strange swirl of blue light, now linked to a failed Russian missile test was spotted in the sky Wednesday, Dec 11th 2009 in the morning.

There were many interesting suggestions, said Pal Brekke, senior adviser at the Norwegian Space Centre in Oslo. The spiral images were very confusing. I didn’t have any clue at that point either. The phenomenon could be seen all over Norway, with witnesses describing a swirling light filling the sky around 8 a.m. and then seeming to explode. The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed the Russian Navy launched a Bulava ballistic missile on the same day, but has declined to make any connection with the lights seen over Norway. It confirmed the missile was fired from the “Dmitry Donskoi” nuclear submarine, but would not comment on the submarine’s location at the time of launch.

Blue Star Prophecy

Swirling light seen over Norway on Wednesday morning baffled residents

Brekke said his center was bombarded with calls shortly after he arrived at work at 8 a.m. He said he was stumped when the first still images arrived. But when video began rolling in, Brekke — who said he was the center’s first employee to theorize correctly – said the moving images made more sense. There, you could actually see something was spiraling very quickly, he said. Immediately, I thought this must be a rocket that had been launched.

Typically, with rockets that fail, you will see it go out of control and start spiraling. Brekke said a fisherman off the coast of Norway has reported seeing a yellow cylinder fall out of the sky and almost hit his boat. Truls Lynne Hansen, the head of Troms Geophysical Observatory in northern Norway, told CNN that missile launches were a common sight in the area. We have seen rockets being launched from north-west Russia, and the rocket range in Kiruna in northern Sweden, and from the neighboring Andenes in northern Norway, but nothing like this, Hansen said.

Strange Light Above Norway Day Before Barack Obama Collects Nobel Peace Price !

In a written statement, the Russian Defense Ministry said the missile failed in the third stage of its trajectory. Unstable work of the engine of the [missile’s] third stage was detected by the monitoring systems, the statement said. The causes of the technical error are being established by a state commission. In addition to the calls at the space center, the Internet lit up Wednesday with theories about the mysterious glow. Early theories included an alien visit or something related to President Obama’s visit to Oslo on Thursday to collect his Nobel Peace Prize.

I think it was clear to most people that it was not a UFO, as most people define a UFO, said Erik Tandberg, a consultant to the space center. Of course everything is a UFO until you know what it is. But most people think about UFOs as aliens and things like that. Hansen said a combination of circumstances made the strange light clearly visible. He attributes the blue haze to gases from the missile being lit by the sun. We have no sunshine here at the moment. The sun is not rising and is just below the horizon to the east. The sky was very, very clear, cold and clear and this means that gas that was released by the rocket was lit up by the sun from beneath. That was one of the reasons it was so clear, he said.

Despite the relatively mundane explanation – at least as compared to aliens or St. Nick – Brekke said his office has never had so much excitement in one day. The only thing I know is that the secretary has never been running around the space center so much, he said. It was really fun and interesting. Of course, it was nice that we actually guessed the right thing from the beginning.

HOPI PROPHECIES   :   Part IPart IIPart IIIBlue Star ProphecyHopi & World War III