Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah
According to Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, expert in Bible & Torah codes and author of more than 25 books concerning other things in the Torah, the Bible code about the Tsunami in Japan is the beginning of more earth-shaking events in the near future which will lead to the long awaited arrival of the Messiah during the Jewish “Pesach” in 2012. Bible Code believers such as Rabbi Glazerson emphasise that these codes are not future forecasts, but a possible future which depends on the choices made by humanity and more important by Israel.
Mr Glazerson thinks that the bible shows codes that both the Libyan Leader Muammar Gadaffi and the Syrian president Bashar Assad will clear the road to the possible “Apocalypse” or so-called “End of Times”! Most important is that he says he discovered the link between the Tsunami in Japan and long the expected ‘Salvation’, the arrival of the Messiah over almost exactly one year during the Jewish Pesach of 2012.
Over 65 years ago one rabbi Mariz, in a comment on the Torah wrote that waters would come of the ground, storms and tsunami’s would hit before the arrival of the Hashem (god). Last week, early April 2011 there was a newsreport concerning the fact that the wind speed above sea and the wave-altitude have increased considerably in the past 20 years. In one of Glazersons YouTube Movies he explains that the tsunami in Japan is in direct link with “Salvation” by the Messiah, the second coming. The same code contains a warning for Israel !
Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah
The same biblical that talks about the Tsunami in Japan contains a warning for Israel: Israel should make a peace-treaty before or after that time with “the nations of the world”. After the Tsnuami in Japan there will be a time of more earthquakes, confusion and violent happenings with all kinds of devastations on the ground and in the air, it will become so extreme that people will wonder and will start to ask themselves what is happening and they will start to believe that these things are done by God himself. But people will not change the way they act and do not convert themselves to god.
Also in the code: After the Japan Tsunami strikes there will be fighting in almost the complete world. The Torah codes strongly indicate that the tsunami litterally causes the start of the second coming. If this is true a loth of things are going to happen in the following months, also we will soon know who the AntiChrist is … The year 2012 corresponds with the Jew year 5772 (if 240 “missing” years are added up then this is the year 6012) and coincides in the codes with the constellation serow (no astrology) and it Jewish eastern.
There is a clear indication that in the Jewish year 5772, therefore the year 2012, Jewish peoples will receive “savation” or “rapture”, according rabbi Glazerson. The evening that Christ will return (the second coming) will be coincide with the score of the constellation serow according the rabbi. This will be on Thursday evening of Pesach. Also we see that the Prophet Elia (according to Christian Declarations one of the 2 witnesses of Revelations) will appaer at that time. For Jews this is a very important time because this time will be the return of the Messiah.
North-Korea in the Torah Code. One of earlier declarations of Rabbi Glazerson is the report of the North Korean threat, this country might according to the Torah code possibly unchain a nuclear holocaust in the near future. When you study the Torah Code you can see this (if it happens) will happen during the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, whose name occurs in the same code the North Korean nuclear armaggedon occurs. I myself did some study on the Torah Code and it’s really strange, you can read “BARACK OBAMA” in this code, what are the odds… The nuclear war will be a judgement of god because humanity will keep on doing what it does, they will not turn to God, the perfect example is the Tsunami in Japan and the radiation problems at the moment, the probllem is still there but one month after the disaster most people don’t care anymore, even if there is radiation in the US and Europe … they forget and carry on …
Sources :
Edited by Alamongordo.Com – Glazerson website – Tsunami & Redemption – Youtube
Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah