Fukushima: The ELE No One Is Talking About !

Fukushima: The Extinction-Level Event That No One Is Talking About !

In 2011, A massive earthquake of 9.0 magnitude struck just off the coast of Japan, triggering a devastating tsunami, which left parts of the country in shambles. Official reports claim that 15,891 people lost their lives, 6,152 were injured and 2,584 were reported missing.

Japan is a nation full of nuclear reactors which produce almost 30% of the nation’s electricity. The majority of operable reactors are located across the coast, in one of the most seismically active areas of the planet!

ELE FUKUSHIMA - The Extinction Level Event - WORMWOOD Prophecy in Revelation - http://www.alamongordo.com

The devastating tsunami caused complete devastation of three of the six nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi facility, the cores of which melted withing the first three days.

The destroyed reactor sites have been dumping hundreds of tons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean, every single day for the past four years, the results of which are obvious. Radioactive cesium rapidly contaminates and ecosystem and poisons the entire food chain, and this waste offshoot has been detected in Japanese food supplies over a 200-mile radius of the Daiichi facility.

Cesium along with other radioactive waste products are bio-accumulative, meaning they accumulate in an organism at a rate faster than the organism can eliminate it. The Japanese government and TEPCO have of course, lied about the amount of radioactive waste that has been leaking into the Pacific.

TEPCO has admitted that between “20 trillion to 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium may have leaked into the sea since the disaster.” Since it’s been shown over and again, that TEPCO repeatedly lied and covered up the true extent of the disaster, that number is most likely far greater.

Naohiro Masuda, the decommissioning chief of the Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning Company, also stated that the technology does not exist to remove the highly radioactive debris from the damaged reactors:

It has been claimed that decommissioning the plant by 2051 may be impossible without huge leaps in technological advancement. It has also been estimated that the plutonium fallout has been 70,000 times greater than Hiroshima.

Have you ever heard any of this discussed by the mainstream media? I know I haven’t, it is all one huge cover-up! TEPCO has repeatedly lied and covered up the true extent of the disaster.

Childhood cancer rates, particularly, thyroid cancer.

Official sources have said repeatedly that there is no danger from the leaking radiation, but the environment would beg to differ. Sea life all along the west coast of the United States has been dying in alarming numbers, and many fish and sea creatures tested off the west coast have shown extremely high amounts of radioactivity, amounts that exceed the safety limits.

In 2013, the Huffington Post reported that massive amount of krill washed up along the west coast in a 250-mile stretch from Oregon to California. Krill is an essential part of the ocean’s food chain. When marine life on the low end of the food chain begins to die off, the larger animals that feed off the marine life starve to death.

Massive amounts of starfish (See also in Europe in 2017) have appeared along the west coast that have literally turned to mush. USA Today reported it, but of course they claim that no one knows why. It might have something to do with the fact that the Pacific has become a toxic, nuclear waste dump?

Starfish dying worldwide Belgium Europe USA Russia Japan Australia - www.alamongordo.com

98% of the sea floor of the Pacific is covered with dead sea life. But of course, global warming takes the blame by default.

“In the 24 years of this study, the past two years have been the biggest amounts of this detritus by far,” said marine biologist Christine Huffard, who works at the research station off of California. “Multiple other stations throughout the Pacific have seen similarly alarming increases.”

In Nov, 2014, Ken Buesseler, of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution claimed:

“My biggest concern is what’s going on in Japan today, and how that might make its way across to our coast. We know it’s still leaking because we’re measuring higher levels off Japan to this day.Even just the basic question, ‘How much radioactivity was released at Fukushima?’ I can’t answerthat today. We may never be able to because of the lack of sampling, particularly in the ocean.”

An experienced, veteran sailor by the name of Ivan Macfadyen, who has sailed the Pacific taking part in races, stated in an interview that: “It’s dead…for thousands of miles there was nothing [between US and Japan] like sailing in a dead sea…everything’s all gone. Just talking about it makes me feel like I want to cry. No birds, no fish, no sharks, no dolphins, no turtles, nothing.”

Truthfully, nobody knows how to contain the radioactive leaks, so the Japanese govt. and TEPCO do the next best thing, they lie and downplay the real dangers. The time for humanity to collectively wake up and come together is here and now. We cannot put off this mess, and leave it for future generations to clean up.

Source : Awarenessact & Wormwood Revelation

Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Bible Code Expert

Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah

According to Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, expert in Bible & Torah codes and author of more than 25 books concerning other things in the Torah, the Bible code about the Tsunami in Japan is the beginning of more earth-shaking events in the near future which will lead to the long awaited arrival of the Messiah during the Jewish “Pesach” in 2012. Bible Code believers such as Rabbi Glazerson emphasise that these codes are not future forecasts, but a possible future which depends on the choices made by humanity and more important by Israel.

Mr Glazerson thinks that the bible shows codes that both the Libyan Leader Muammar Gadaffi and the Syrian president Bashar Assad will clear the road to the possible “Apocalypse” or so-called “End of Times”! Most important is that he says he discovered the link between the Tsunami in Japan and long the expected ‘Salvation’, the arrival of the Messiah over almost exactly one year during the Jewish Pesach of 2012.

Over 65 years ago one rabbi Mariz, in a comment on the Torah wrote that waters would come of the ground, storms and tsunami’s would hit before the arrival of the Hashem (god). Last week, early April 2011 there was a newsreport concerning the fact that the wind speed above sea and the wave-altitude have increased considerably in the past 20 years. In one of Glazersons YouTube Movies he explains that the tsunami in Japan is in direct link with “Salvation” by the Messiah, the second coming. The same code contains a warning for Israel !

Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah

The same biblical that talks about the Tsunami in Japan contains a warning for Israel: Israel should make a peace-treaty before or after that time with “the nations of the world”. After the Tsnuami in Japan there will be a time of more earthquakes, confusion and violent happenings with all kinds of devastations on the ground and in the air, it will become so extreme that people will wonder and will start to ask themselves what is happening and they will start to believe that these things are done by God himself. But people will not change the way they act and do not convert themselves to god.

Also in the code: After the Japan Tsunami strikes there will be fighting in almost the complete world. The Torah codes strongly indicate that the tsunami litterally causes the start of the second coming. If this is true a loth of things are going to happen in the following months, also we will soon know who the AntiChrist is … The year 2012 corresponds with the Jew year 5772 (if 240 “missing” years are added up then this is the year 6012) and coincides in the codes with the constellation serow (no astrology) and it Jewish eastern.

There is a clear indication that in the Jewish year 5772, therefore the year 2012, Jewish peoples will receive “savation” or “rapture”, according rabbi Glazerson. The evening that Christ will return (the second coming) will be coincide with the score of the constellation serow according the rabbi. This will be on Thursday evening of Pesach. Also we see that the Prophet Elia (according to Christian Declarations one of the 2 witnesses of Revelations) will appaer at that time. For Jews this is a very important time because this time will be the return of the Messiah.

North-Korea in the Torah Code. One of earlier declarations of Rabbi Glazerson is the report of the North Korean threat, this country might according to the Torah code possibly unchain a nuclear holocaust in the near future. When you study the Torah Code you can see this (if it happens) will happen during the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, whose name occurs in the same code the North Korean nuclear armaggedon occurs. I myself did some study on the Torah Code and it’s really strange, you can read “BARACK OBAMA” in this code, what are the odds… The nuclear war will be a judgement of god because humanity will keep on doing what it does, they will not turn to God, the perfect example is the Tsunami in Japan and the radiation problems at the moment, the probllem is still there but one month after the disaster most people don’t care anymore, even if there is radiation in the US and Europe … they forget and carry on …


Sources :

Edited by Alamongordo.Com – Glazerson website – Tsunami & Redemption – Youtube

Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah – Tsunami Before Arrival of Messiah

Fukushima disaster contaminated ocean with 50 million times normal radiation !

Fukushima disaster contaminated ocean with 50 million times normal radiation !

Before reading this article, think about the prediction Edgar Cayce made : Japan will disappear into the ocean … Is he telling us that Japan, after the 03/11/2011 tsunami would be lost for humankind ?

Things are suddenly heating up again with Fukushima. As we reported yesterday, the southern wall of Fukushima reactor #4 apparently collapsed over the past few days, calling into question the structural integrity of the remainder of the containment building .

The mainstream media has said absolutely nothing about this development, continuing its pattern of downplaying news involving Fukushima, radiation or the flawed structure of nuclear power plants. This is hardly surprising, given that many of the largest media outlets (such as NBC and MSNBC) are owned by corporations such as General Electric, the designer of many of the world’s nuclear power plants.

Photos of the failed structure have emerged on Enenews.com, where a report explains that a once-intact wall is now essentially “missing” and that further degradation of the structure could lead to mass evacuations in Japan.

50 million times higher radiation levels

What has hit the mainstream media, however, is a report entitled Impacts of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants on Marine Radioactivity, authored by Ken Buesseler, Michio Aoyama, and Masao Fukasawa.
This report, published in Environmental Science & Technology, reveals that levels of radioactive cesium reached 50 million times normal levels in the ocean water off the coast of the Fukushima Dai-ichi facility. Even more concerning, the abstract of this paper concludes, “…the concentrations through the end of July remain higher than expected implying continued releases from the reactors or other contaminated sources, such as groundwater or coastal sediments.”
This, of course, contradicts mainstream media reports which for the most part stated that the radiation was “contained” and was not leaking directly into the environment. Only the alternative press has covered the real story on Fukushima, which has now become the worst radiological accident in the history of human civilization.
This same study ultimately concludes that this level of radiation contamination of the ocean is essentially harmless, stating, “…dose calculations suggest minimal impact on marine biota or humans due to direct exposure in surrounding ocean waters, though considerations for biological uptake and consumption of seafood are discussed and further study is warranted.” That’s a conclusion to be viewed with skepticism and caution, of course, as it says on one hand that “it’s no problem” and yet on the other hand, maybe you shouldn’t eat the seafood because we really don’t know what quantity and concentration of radioactive elements may be ingested and concentrated by seafood sources.
Radioactive strontium admittedly leaked into the ocean
Another important development now surfacing is that TEPCO has finally admitted that alarming quantities of radioactive strontium (which has roughly a 30-year half life) have leaked into the ocean — and that the leaks are ongoing !
According to TEPCO, which has repeatedly and deliberately lied to the public in order to downplay any “bad news” about radiological leaks, “26 billion becquerels of radioactive materials” have leaked into the ocean due to the Fukushima accident.
“This suggests that the releases have not ended, so that is of concern,” said Ken Buesseler from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. “If the contaminants end up in the marine sediments / muds, then they will remain there for decades to come, and thus potentially be of concern for benthic biota and consumers of benthic fish/shell fish, i.e. any local filter feeders near the source waters at the coast.”
The worst may be yet to come
What’s clear from all this is that :
  • The Fukushima facility remains highly unstable and could dramatically worsen, especially if another earthquake or tsunami strikes the area and causes further degradation of the structural integrity of containment buildings which still house nuclear fuel rods.
  • The Fukushima catastrophe is, without question, the most massive radiological disaster ever recorded in human history.
  • The mainstream media has consistently (intentionally?) downplayed the severity of the Fukushima disaster, perhaps to try to calm fears by denying the true extent of the problem.
  • TEPCO routinely and habitually lied about the status of Fukushima during the meltdown and in the days and weeks following that meltdown.
  • We therefore cannot rely upon official sources to accurately inform us of the actual status of the Fukushima facility. The risk of being misled by those official sources is very high.

Fukushima disaster

If you want the truth, don’t trust official sources   :   Read the Full Article !

Source : NaturalNews

The 2013 Prophecies

The 2013 Prophecies

First of all a note on numbers: This discussion deals with numbers at a very deep level of both symbolism and mathematics. Many of the numbers referenced are astronomic cycles. In most cases the numbers are not whole numbers, but rather contain specific ‘fractional parts’. These ‘fractional parts’ are very very very important as they are one of the primary keys to decoding warnings to us now from past civilizations. HOWEVER, these fractional parts of numbers tend to get in the way of the general concepts discussed here. So Please Note that these fractional parts are very important, but not for this discussion, and mostly are left off our use of numbers. ALL such fractional parts are referred to as FP where necessary. All such fractional parts are detailed within the source material books cited.

An example of an important fractional part number for illustration is: Polar field of the sun rotates each day: 9.729729 degrees. Note the repetitious pattern of ‘972’. Equatorial field of the sun rotates each day: 13.84615 degrees. Both fractional parts are important, see source material cited.

Warning : This will keep you reading today and thinking for a couple of months.

December 21th 2012 – The Beginning of The End

Ok, I am looking at it this way…things, meaning the times we live in, are damn strange, and getting stranger by the minute. Not only are the Powers That Be running around building ‘end of the world seed vaults’, they are also privately and in groups, buying up large amounts of farm lands in very high altitude places. And trying to shove ‘swine flu’ vaccine up everyone’s snout.

Then there is the issue of the rapid, and oscillating climate changes here on earth, as well as the alterations of the climates on all the other planets in the solar system. And then there  are the tremendous changes in the sun over this last decade. Which continue. Then there are the various huge levels of changes to the earth itself, such as the giant earthquakes, the resulting tsunami’s, and other indications of major changes such as global glacial melt.

To shorten the huge list of things wrong in these strange times, suffice it to say that everything from the health of the oceans and atmosphere, to the behavior of the self appointed ruling elite is all screwed up. And that then brings us to December 21th, 2012. Not simply the ‘End of the Mayan Long Count Calendar’, but also a central focus of number codes in dozens of ancient myths that actually span the planet. the 2012 ‘end date’ seemingly puts the capstone on our pyramid of changes noticeable in these remaining days prior to the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012.

Noting that the word ‘solstice’ meaning to ‘stand still’ actually describes a specific astronomic event which is a 3 – three day time (Biblical 3-Days of Darkness?) in which the sun appears to rise in exactly the same spot on the horizon, it is curious indeed that the Long Count of the Mayan, actually meso-american cultures,  would end on that day. It is also curious that the pope Gregory of Gregorian calendar fame, would have the long count actually end at 11:11 on that day. Also curious is that the numeral reference sums to 11 (12-21-2012 = 11). These curiosities arise due to the encoding of knowledge into number patterns. As an instance, the number 11 at its base level of symbolism refers to the ‘sun spot cycle’ which is 11 (and some fractional part) years in length.

Conclusion (and where we were wrong earlier)

It is the sun spot cycle that concerns us humans, and other critters here on earth. The reason is that universe is composed of cycles within cycles within cycles at levels and complexity we may barely be able to perceive. These cycles include large cycles based on smaller cycles. One of these smaller cycles is our local sun spot cycle.

While our work at has shown indications of a ‘sun disease’ since 1997, and this reference was to a ‘disease of the sun’ rather than a ‘disease caused in earth life by the sun’, within our data sets this language fell under the set of what we called “the big squeeze”. This label was applied due to the many and repeated references to “magnetics gone wrong” in our data.

It was our theory that the ’cause’ for the ‘big squeeze’ was the alignment of the earth and the sun with the center of the Milky Way galaxy which is coincident with 2012. This necessitated the idea of new forms of energy from extra solar system sources in order to explain all the changes to the local planets and our sun. Such an understanding is wrong.

There is an understanding that provides for the current changes in the planets and the sun that does not require any external sources of energy. This understanding has to do with the totality of the sun spot cycles, and what causes them, and the larger cycles built upon them.

End-Times start at December 21th 2012 going into 2013

The material below is based on books by Patrick Geryl, including “The Orion Prophecy ” – “How to survive 2012” and “The world  cataclysm in 2012”.

Geryl bases some of his work in the decoding on Maurice Cotterell’s work in the “Mayan Prophecies”. I am of the opinion that Cotterells’ work does support Geryl’s sun spot cycle contention, and that Cotterell did not take the symbolism far enough to reach the same conclusion as Geryl.

Further, in my research into Vedic, and pre-Vedic Hindi and Pali literature, as well as Taoist and Pre-Chan Buddhism Chinese myths, i find that the same numeric coding exists in these widely dispersed cultures, and that these numeric codings are of the same nature as Geryl has decoded in the Mayan and Egyptian symbols.

Unfortunately there is also a very substantial science based analysis supporting the idea that the planet earth has repeated, and periodic episodes of crustal displacement of some significant, and civilization shattering levels. Hapgood (The Path of the Poles) and other researchers have found historical and geologic evidence for hundreds if not thousands of such pole, and crustal shifts.

Also the ancient Chinese texts refer to 4/four previous world changing cataclysms, the Mayans also have the fourth age or world ending in their Long Count calendar, and the Egyptian (pharaoh texts) refer to 8/eight such occurrences, while  the Narmer Plate details 11/eleven previous crustal shifts. The Vedic and pre-Vedic texts refer to 4 worlds or kingdoms destroyed each time by world altering cataclysm.

So there is ample evidence that pulls all the parts together under the idea of periodic crustal, and pole shifts here on earth. The graphics below will provide a ‘proof of concept’ illustrations to a brief discussion showing a mechanism that, if not causal, at least participates in the shifts.

Please note all fractional parts of numbers referenced have been dropped for clarity. These numbers can be obtained in Geryls’ books. To start it is necessary to understand that our sun as 99 percent of all the mass in the solar system, but only 1 percent of the angular momentum. Whereas the reverse is true, that is, all the planets have only 1 percent of the mass, but have 99 percent of the angular momentum.

This idea is important as it explains why the sun spins at two different speeds. Both the Mayan and the Egyptian civilizations knew that the pole of the sun takes 37 days to rotate and the equator of the sun takes only 26 days. Note we are leaving off the fractional parts. It is also worth noting that this information can only (as far as we can tell) be determined if you are a space-faring civilization. So how did these ancient cultures know this? Hmmm.

Anyway, due to the pull of the planets on the equator of the sun, the equator spins faster than the solar pole, and as a result, every 87 days the equator ‘laps’ the pole of the sun. It is this basic motion that is responsible for the sun spot cycle as well as other, much more dramatic cycles in sun behavior.

Note that no attempt at scale or complexity is used in the following illustrations. Our sun is a giant magnetically based electric generator.

As the angular momentum of the planets pulls on the sun’s equator, it also pulls upon, and distorts the magnetic forces within the sun. This tug from the planets takes one complete lap every 87 days. The effect of this is a inding of the magnetic forces within the sun. From the sun’s north or south pole, this effect (if we could see magnetic lines of force) would resemble the ‘swastika’ symbol. This is an important note as all the ancient cultures of this planet used the swastika as a symbol at the core of all of their ‘end times’ myths. This symbol did not originate with the NAZI movement in Germany, and was deliberately chosen by them due to its fundamental importance to humanity, and civilization.

A each ‘arm’ of the magnetic winding crawls up the surface of the sun, it will pass the magic’ number of 19.45 degrees of latitude. This number is magic as that is where the sun spots happen, and coincidently where all the storms happen on the gas giants, and such interesting places as Hawaii happen here on earth. This number is magic as it is also the point at which the internal hyper dimensional merkaba (interlinked tetrahedrons) will ontact the edge of the sphere we perceive as the sun.

To continue, as the ‘winding pressure’ increases on the sun over time by each 87 day lap, a larger structure of magnetic pressure is created both internally, and externally to the sun. This larger pressure builds within the huge forces tugging on the magnetic structure of the sun over a period in excess of 11,500 years.

The result of the pressures is a level of chaotic ‘tension’ in the magnetic structure if the sun. As the pressures bend the magnetic arms of the sun, and they crawl up the sun like windings of string around a ball, they will cross the 19.45 latitude. If they appen to do so when the internal rotation of the merkaba is coincident, a sun spot will form and it will continue as long as the winding arm is synchronized with the rotation, usually about 25 days or so.

As the forces pressuring the magnetic structure of the sun increase with time, the pressures can naturally be expected to build until a ‘breaking point’ is reached. ALL of the ancient warnings via myth and symbols point to the ‘breaking point’ of the sun spot cycle as THE KEY indicator of a pending pole and crustal shift here on earth (as well as other planets).

The reason that the pressures on the magnetic structure of the sun results in a pole, and crustal shift here on earth is due to our own planet’s magnetic nature.

Our planet is basically a ‘dirt and water covered’ magnetic generator similar to the core of the sun. The magnetic health of our planet is directly tied to the sun. As a note worthy fact, the magnetosphere protecting our earth has weakened constantly these last 10,000 years. No longer healthy, as in the above graphic, our magnetosphere is both weak, and full of holes that are growing over these last few years.

As the sun’s magnetic structure nears its ‘breaking point’ relative to the pressures exerted by the angular momentum, it will expand in a spherical fashion outward as the 11 (there is that number again, hmmmm?) centuries of stress are ‘blown off’. The following graphics illustrate this process.

Any resemblance between these illustrations and recent crop circles is entirely a meaningful coincident manifestation of reality. As may be expected, having the magnetic sphere of the sun expand and bulge out past the orbits of the inner planets likely will have an impact on earth since we are one of the inner planets.

The thinking is that a magnetic ‘bow wave’ will be followed by a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), which is what the PowersThatBe seem most afraid to encounter. However the real danger to the planet comes from the magnetic bow wave itself. Especially when we have a diminished, and weakened magnetosphere.

The impact of the magnetic discharge from the sun will overwhelm what is left of earth’s protective magnetosphere and initiate both a pole and a crustal shift. Details of this process may be found in Geryls’ books. The effects will be profound.

As the inner core of the earth rotates due to the impacting magnetic solar discharge, the actual physical alignment of the earth will change from our current positions.

Coincidentally (curious, eh?) the pyramids at the Giza plateau are in the exact center of the planetary landmasses. This begs the question of why? As a marker perhaps as to the center of rotation of the planet under such circumstances as a free floating crust? Bearing in mind that there is no ‘down’ in space, when the crust of the earth rotates, its position and point of rotation will be determined by gravity as determined by what object in space is closest to the ‘center of mass’ of the earth, conveniently marked by the Giza pyramids. The two candidates that we have to specifically affect our rotation are the moon, and the sun. Though smaller, the moon is closest, and if it may be a primary determinate for how these periodic crustal spins resolve themselves.

It can be seen from the illustrations above that such a mechanism would account for the multitudinous effects that are currently manifesting in our solar system, as well as the previous fossil, and geologic records of such cataclysms, and it does so without quiring  any extra-solar system spatial or positioning inputs or energies. Further it can be noted (from reading Geryls books) that the math involved is both precise and predictable, for us as well as our ancestors.

Geryls book, and web site both contain strategies as well as ancient historical reference from humans who have survived. This of course, is the personal key to all of this. NOTE: Humans have survived this in the past. Your very existence is living proof of that. No reason that humans can’t survive it again. Of course, time is very short : When you read this than it is less then 11 Days if the Mayan long count is accurate, and energies and resources must be used very intelligently in the time remaining.

What if Geryl (and us nutters here at Alamongordo) are wrong? Well, then the solar system is still seriously disturbed by *something*. As are all the planets. And earth is clearly in crisis, and getting worse. So the question then is, if we are wrong, how are we injured by preparing for a crustal shift (in the immediate future)? Hmmmm. Let’s see, store food…ok, that works either way. Have an unsinkable boat…ok, that can be a pocket cruiser if not needed as our planetary life boat, and can be used if civil chaos descends to stand off shore. Or can be used as an emergency RV if earthquake….et cetera. And remember : December 21, 2012 is the START, the BEGINNING of the END …

And all the while noting that the level of stress on the planet is rising toward some form of crescendo…. and The-Powers-That-Be both know about it, and are constantly telling you about it. If you are American, pull out the One dollar bill. This note from the private elitist organization known as the federal reserve bank which is not part of your federal government, has no reserves, and is not a bank, but *is* hugely tied to all kinds of secret societies, tells you every time you handle its 1/one dollar note, that they know what is coming.

Look to the back of the bill, look under the pyramid with the strange symbol of the floating eye above it. There you will see the words ‘novus ordo seclorum’, which actually translates as ‘new order of the ages’. Note that it is wrong to think this means ‘new world order’, rather the word ‘ages’ means ‘astrologic or zodiac ages’. And the pole and crustal shift is intimitely involved with a new ordering of the zodiac ages. Such symbols about what ThePowersThatBe actually do know are everywhere, and are a fascinating study in and of themselves, but we simply don’t have the luxury of time for that any more.

The facts of the matter are that such pole and crustal shifts have happened repeatedly in the near and far past, so denial of the potential under these circumstances is more willful than scientific. And it only takes observation of the global chemtrail agenda, or the visual changes in the sun over these last 10 years to understand that big transitions are occurring. Plus, even the mostly gutless NASA folks are actually saying that solar cycle 24 will be exceptionally active. And solar cycle 24 coincidentally peaks in….2012. Hmmmmm?!

If the sun spot cycle mechanism is accurate, will there be pre-cursors? You betcha’. No doubt about it. And it can be postulated that the cracking of the Indo-Australian tectonic plate in the tsunami causing earthquake of 2004 is within the expected precursors. Other indicators are (will continue to be) increasing earthquakes, and other tectonic plate cracks. Further signs will come from solar behavior as well as the impacts of solar radiations here on earth.

The radiation impacts will include damages to plants, and animals. Further as the pressures within the sun continue to build in the last days (perhaps weeks, maybe even months) before the energetic release, there are likely to be predictable effects throughout the solar system. Most of these will be of electric or magnetic nature and may include truly bizarre problems such as rapid changes in magnetic and electric properties of metal things here on earth. Further, the sun’s magnetic output would predictably become increasingly subject to ‘fits’ of chaotic expulsions (CME’s), as well as, very erratic sun spot activity as the magnetic fields become distorted to extremes. The electrical problems here on terra would include our communications satellites going wonky, perhaps even to the point of failure.

This should happen some months prior to the energetic release by the sun. Other predictable electric effects will include strange ‘ground’ properties and static discharges of note at specific spots on the planet (internal hyper dimensional locations). It would seem likely that the planet would also continue to heat up internally in spite of atmospheric cooling. Thus the oceans will continue to warm, and the ice melt at the poles, even as large snow masses begin to build in formerly temperate zones. It seems likely that a large ice release from Antarctica is probable in the last year or so prior to the shift. This will be related to an increase in ‘energies from space’ that made 2010 ‘warmer’ in the northern hemisphere winter, with both 2011 and 2012 exhibiting exceptionally odd warming patterns, especially at the poles (Ice melted in Greenland for the first time during summer 2012. This will lead to some spectacular ice ‘releases’ in both north and south poles in 2013 and 2014 if we survive that long.

Some predictable effects from this process would include a gradual (for centuries) drop in the polar magnetic fields of the sun (and also the earth, and other planets), culminating in a virtual absence of polar output from the sun for a very brief period of time just prior to the actual expansion phase of the process. Further, it is predictable that the last few years prior to the expansion phase, there will be a long period of virtually no ‘regular’ sun spots.

During this part of the sun spot cycle, the only sun spots that will be created will be of a very capricious, and chaotic nature. These sun spots should be mostly singular, and of a short life span (sometimes merely hours, or even minutes as we get closer to the expansion phase). This will be due to the ‘writhing’ and ‘internal twisting’ of the magnetic field lines as they whip around and intermittently align with the merkaba points at 19.47 degrees of latitude. During the last period period prior to the expansion, that is the last ‘days’ which may extend for a couple of months, the sun will be ‘chaotic’, and will be viewed as ‘writhing’, and ‘convulsing’ from our perspective here on earth.

Coincident with the changes within the sun and on the sun’s visible surface, there will be predictable effects here on earth. Our terran environment will be exposed to exceptionally high levels of ‘energies from space’. These energies will NOT be kind to humans and other living things. These energies will include higher levels of actinic (burning) rays of both visible and invisible light, as well as increases in x-rays, and cosmic rays, both of known types and unknown types. There will be predictable effects of the end of this nearly 12 thousand year cycle of sun spots on conditions here on earth. These will include a continuing building of large, and damaging earthquakes in an irregular, but frequent pattern globally, including these damaging earthquakes occurring in places not usually associated with quakes. This will ‘peak’ with a steady, daily shift to large (6+) earthquakes in many geologically sensitive areas on the planet. (Look at the increased heavy EarthQuake graph on the Alamongordo Homepage) !

Other predictable impacts include increasing down time for our satellites as the energies from space some pouring in through the decreasing terran magnetosphere. These same energies from space will cause odd electrical effects across the planet. These will include ‘arcing ground’ wherein the earth itself will produce electric arcs. Strange lightning, odd atmospheric phenomena including ‘stationary vortex (funnel) clouds)’ that will try to  drill into the earth. Further effects will produce disruption to communications in the radio and cell phone frequencies, and ultimately even in shielded ground (land) lines.

Many of these once-in-a-half-precession (12,000 years more or less) effects will also impact the human body directly. As well as with electro-magnetically sensitive animals, humans will find it difficult to even stand upright (maintain normal balance) at times due to the perception of ‘gravity gone awry’. These will be felt at first by a small part of the populace, but over time this cohort will increase as the waves of magnetic flux become strong enough to cross the perception threshold of larger segments of the general human populace.

These, and other predictable effects will make the whole of the transition through this phase of solar activity a very strange time for humans and other life on earth. The smart individual will examine every thing that happens to them, including all internal perceptions, with the goal of integrating the experience into their personal survival strategy. The unaware will be simply reacting to the strange qualities of the times (karios) and will be a danger to themselves and others.

2013 Prophecies

As may be understood, the final years leading up to a solar expansion and subsequent pole and crustal shift here on earth are themselves likely to be filled with challenges to life and sanity. To navigate these years it will be necessary to have an accepting (through critical analysis) attitude about the rapidity and nature of the changes to the local solar system environment. It will also be advisable to not lose sight of the bigger picture, and therefore to be able to place each of the changes into your collection of temporal markers indicating the progress of the process as a whole. It may assist both immediately and in the future, to write daily log entries now, noting such strangeness as develops.

This should preferably be on archival level of paper if you wish it to last, as it is likely that the EMP during the magnetic pulse from the sun, as well as the flip internally of the earth’s magnetic core, will destroy any and all digital records. A daily habit of logging during these years will also provide historical records for future generations as to the minutia of this seemingly very regularly timed process.

Daily log entries also will be of use if universe joins you to a sea faring civilization. If interested in the unsinkable boat approach, you can start with ‘fully enclosed lifeboats’ searches to get an idea of what is required at the small group level. Such boats can be built from simple materials such as plywood and marine resin and polyester or fiberglass cloth. Bear in mind that it is not necessary to construct the ultimate boat, it need only serve a single task, and needs to only meet the demands of a single voyage. Though it looks to be a rough bit of sailing, if ancient history is any guide.

Also note that almost any small boat can be made unsinkable, but other considerations such as knock-down response apply under these circumstances. There are also physical properties of the planet, its oceans, and atmosphere, that *may*, just *may* mean that certain forecasted conditions cannot occur during a crustal shift. As an example, there are physical properties of the atmosphere which tend to slow winds down as they reach the surface. Further this effect is enhanced when the winds are over water, thus the earth does not have winds exceed 180 knots at sea level, in spite of the same conditions creating winds over 250 knots at 5000 feet of altitude.

There are also several levels of ancient writings from a number of cultures which point out that the shift happens as a series of big jerks. This is a very encouraging sign as, from our perspective, a series of even very violent jerks would prevent continuous motion mass moment to build (in the engineering sense of the word ‘moment’), and thus such things as 300 mile per hour winds would *not* be likely to develop. Such jerks could even be capable of dampening down very large oceanic movements. Not that it would not still be horribly violent beyond our ability to imagine, but such jerky movements would make the whole process that much more survivable.

Final Point

We are here. Each of us is demonstrable proof that humans have come through this in the past. No reason at all that we can’t do it again. Oh, and this time, let’s leave all the crap such as feudal monarchies and religious hierarchies behind with the rest of the old tired debris from a failed civilization, eh? But bring your sourdough bread starters, and pie supplies please.

Musings: This process is likely required to recharge the electrically based magnetosphere of earth, this process may be part of every solar system in our electric universe. This process is likely linked to the formation of ice ages as well as the ‘cold cycle’ of oceanic refresh. Cold is good for oceans, warm is bad. Thus, this is likely a good thing in total.

These sun spot cycles are linked to human reproduction as well as specific forms of human mental illness, both permanent, and transitory. It may be that these cycles are also linked (causal?) to the periodic extinction events found in fossil records (independent of the extinction by crustal shift/planetary flooding that accompanies them).

If any one says that ‘this time is different’, as in ‘the good ET’s will save our asses’, then one should inquire why, this time, as opposed to the previous 3 times in the last 40 thousand years, is ‘different’. And then disregard whatever answer is proffered as it will be a bullshit distraction from the preparations necessary to survive a natural disaster of this magnitude.

Also, if informed that this time ‘is different’ because a particular human who claims to have ‘sent ET home’ has been given ‘majic knowledge’ that he claims to have used to ‘save the world’ by diverting the whole solar system to an  ‘alternative timeline, variant such-and-so’, ignore this bullshit as well as it is  delusion and madness expressed at all levels.

There is also the claim that ‘this time is different’ because ‘consciousness is raised’ to such a level as to cause a significant section of the planetary populace to transit to another ‘reality’ that is of a different ‘density’ than the regular old 3d reality currently biting our butts. This is just another form of the external savior meme, only in this variant, we are each our own external savior in that some action of ours will be ‘deemed’ sufficient by some form of consciousness presumed to be ‘in charge’ and we will therefore ‘ascend’ to a ‘higher density’ during the chaotic times ahead.

Further the meme has the ascension based on personal work, is self judged (at least at this level), and also follows with corollaries that  include a percentage of the populace being ‘left behind’ because they did not ‘get it’ at a sufficiently high enough level to qualify. Nice meme, but worth betting your life on?

And as i am frequently willing to point out, ascention to another level of vibratory density would require that the 3d body be left here, and we call that process death. No thanks. I would rather be betting on my skills as a boat builder and small craft sailor, and then new world explorer. Once the shift has hit, and things have settled down, it is a good bet that ice will be off Antarctica, and all kinds of interesting things may be discovered there. Siberia ought to be the new ‘wine country’ and grain basket of the planet 😉



How To Survive 2012

Graphics by Rebecca Price

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecy 2011 – 1

Very Large Earthquake in the beginning of 2011 will be the start of “tribulation”, in 2012 everything will get worse.

Prophecy 2011 – 2

At the end of the year solar activity will get worse, with in 2012-2013 peaks like never seen before.

Prophecy 2011 – 3

The end of the catholic church will happen in the period 2011-2012, will start in 2010 (St-Malachy prediction) Update prophecy # 19 !

Prophecy 2011 – 4

When solar activity increases, heavy storms will hit US coastal areas (2012-2013)

Prophecy 2011 – 5

The West will one day be at war with Iran, Russia or China. The start of the third big war is near : as early as the end of 2010 (Baba Vanga) and likely no later than 2012 (Nostradamus) this war will “start”. This will be the war of a more horrid version of the first and second AntiChrist, the Third Antichrist !

Prophecy 2011 – 6

War could break out between India and Pakistan / China, India will win the war if it will happen in 2013-2014-2015.

Prophecy 2011 – 7

Global economic collapse, Europe will be in big trouble, Euro and watch Spain, Portugal, Germany …

Prophecy 2011 – 8

Before the start of the third world war you will see clear signs in the sky.

Prophecy 2011 – 9

As predicted in the year 2010, the economic bubble will explode.

Prophecy 2011 – 10

If Israel attacks Iran, the so-called world war III will start – If Israel does not attack Iran, it will be destroyed. Whatever they do, it won’t be a good thing. It’s to late to “save” the world.

Prophecy 2011 – 11

Massive floods and rains will hit the earth worse than in 2010 !!!

Prophecy 2011 – 12

Massive earthquake in western hemisphere !

Prophecy 2011 – 13

Vladimir Putin is the AntiChrist after Lenin and Stalin, Putin will destroy most of the world if not stopped by the already returned Christ. The beast with the 10 crowns in revelation is the return of Russian Communism with the Antichrist as leader. Putin is using muslims to weaken the west, the attack will be sudden.

Prophecy 2011 – 14

Peaks in solar activity could trigger earthquakes and tsunamis in 2011 and 2012.

Prophecy 2011 – 15

The president of the Arab Republic of Egypt Muhammad Hosni Mubarak will die / resign / be gone at the end of the year 2010 or in 2011.

Prophecy 2011 – 16

Mabus will die at the end of 2011 till 2014, Mabus could be the US President Barack Hussein Obama OR the Egyptian President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak. Mabus is NOT “The Antichrist”, most people think he is but that is NOT true ! Nostradamus wanted to give a sign, when Mabus dies horrible things will happen to the world. He also didn’t say Mabus would be assassinated, he just “dies” – Who is Mabus ?

Prophecy 2011 – 17

More secrets will be revealed like predicted in 2010 … greater secrets !

Prophecy 2011 – 18

Suprise attack in Korea? Signs are not clear yet, more soon !

Prophecy 2011 – 19

Benedict will die / resign in 2011 / 2012, read St.Malachy Prophecy !

Prophecy 2011 – 20

Vladimir Putin will become the new russian president in 2012, he was – is not and will be again, the prophecy of the AntiChrist !

Prophecy 2011 – 21

US – Pakistan tensions

Prophecy 2011 – 22 (Update 04/27/2011 “Prophecy Signs”)

Possible large earthquake will strike in March or May 2011.


  • Important : Watch out for Moammar Gadhafi !

Update 04/23/2011 : I warned for Gadhaffi since 2 years, Colonel Gadhafi is dangerous, he didn’t use one “scud missile” yet, where are all of his missiles ? I am convinced that the moment his army will have “lost” the war he will use them ! Also be warned for Pakistan, this country is an even greater treath than Iran.

  • On May 11, 2011 a close approach seen in the sky between Venus and Jupiter. I would connect this with the rise of the new Messiah figure.
  • On Nov. 8, 2011 asteroid 2005 YU55 passes very close to earth, .4 – 1.4 Lunar Distance. Its 130 meters wide, about 400 feet, so 120 Megaton estimated energy if it hit earth, so a very large H-Bomb size explosion. Interesting that it is 3 days before 11-11-11. Follow its orbit: asteroid 2005 YU55.
  • Danger of nuclear radiation around islands of Korea, maybe nuclear attack from N-Korea or disaster in N-Korean nuke testing range ???
  • Nov. 11, 2011 or 11-11-11 is an interesting date because 11:11 was a New Age related number. A New Age or New World date? And in Revelation 11:11 the Two Witnesses are raised from the dead. Also note that 11-11-11 is exactly 93 years or 51 666 day intervals after World War I ended on 11-11-1918. So perhaps 11-11-11 will be a time of peace on Earth. Could it relate to Revelation 11:11 – the Two Witnesses?
  • When the conflict between Iran and Israel escalates in 2011, N-Korea could attack South Korea because the US needs its troops on other places, in the chaos a war could break out between India and Pakistan, India and China, if this happens Russia could take Europe, it’s possible, the current economy does’t help peace.
  • Prophecies of 2009 – 2010 – 2011 and 2012 could be delayed when the last 3 and 1/2 years start on Dec 21th 2012, if not delayed the third world war (WWIII) will start in 2010 or 2011.
  • Update : Apocalypse will not be delayed as signs of Hopi Indians and the Nostradamus Comet are fulfilled (Blue Star on Dec 11, 2009).
  • The sign predicted by the Hopi Indians, the arrival of Blue Star has happened on Dec 11th 2009, when “Blue star” arrives, soon the third big war will start acc. Hopi Ind11ian prophecy, read more about all the prophecies of these native americans.

Prophecies for 2011

Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011 – Prophecies for 2011